• . • • • ■: - ••';.'•/ ■*- ■ •' "^ ,r; .i?i- A.'*'- V ' '. • v/v,--- war pBfiss Rvsi veitMMt hr r . i / weirtl*e’iiw;4*;" tir^ v,i AVBRASB 1>Aa<T OIRCUItAIIlON -' j r « w ■'. - OF THE BVENmO HBPAIiP for the month of Deoemt^i^ lUMt Ftl^hly Ui^t n ia hr tteer to» a||^ and Wedneeda^. Sllghtljr wMuer tonight. 4,957 # Claealfied Advertising on page p MANCHESTER, GONNi, TU]B^AT, J^^^ •- ■; • . { PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. XU ., NO. 92. Conn. State POUCE STOP RAJAH FOREICNERS IN ir a JAIL HVE CHINADAILYIN IN BLINDFOLD DRIVE GREAMPERIL OF NAtliDN’S “ BIG ” MEN Thousands Pack Sidewalks WORST BLIZZARD IN RUSS HISTORY and'Streets in Front of French at Foochow Face Ha­ HUGEGMIOF Terrible Storm at 50 Below tred Stirred By Report of Theater— Actor Proves Zero Kills People on Roads, Doortp Subpoena Flouters Sailors on Ships. Murder of 20 Chinese His Claim By Walking Moscow, Jan. 18.— An un­ precedented blizzard, accom­ ROOSTER GROWS I panied by temperature reach­ Bahies. Utilhies Niagnatej Through Traffic Unassist­ ing 50 degrees telow zero, is OVER COASTINCx sweeping Russia and more than 100 deaths are already Peking, Jan. 18.— Life for for­ Crowe> Famous Prosecu* ed and Reading Price reported. Legishtare Gets Measures Ashford Bird Has Become ■^iSht persons were found eigners in Central and Southern Slide-Down-Hill Addict and tor, Sinclair, Oil King, Tags — "Small Town frozen to death on the country China is daily becoming more pre­ Repealing Film Tax and Is Glad of It. roads in Pugachev. carious, owing to the excesses com­ Four ships Lave been towed mitted by the Nationalist forces in Willimanitic, Jan. 18.— Liable to Penitentiary Staff” Crowd’s Complaint into Baku with thirty of their I control there. Creating Motorists’ Re- "Sonny Boy,” a coasting roos­ crew frozen to death. ter, has been discovered at Trains are stalled in Central Attacks against foreign mis­ Mount Hope, Ashford, where Terms By Daugherty De­ Over Interruption. Russia and three locomotives sionaries were reported today from the bird is the personal pet of have been frozen and explod- seven provinces, involving Ameri­ . Harriett Brown, aged eleven. cision; All Ayennes of Es­ "I have driven an auto with . ed. can and British nationals. 'Dally, when Harriett returns Work In the oil fields of the For che apparent purpose o. ln» Hartford, Conn., Jan. 18.— Both ' froni school, the bird will my eyes sealed in 154 of the larg­ Caucasus has been suspended. timidating the British diplomats branches of the state legislature leave its flock in the Brown cape For Sinclair Block­ est cities in the United States, now negotiating at Hankow with yard, hop onto the girl’s sled, Mexico and Canada and It remain­ the Nationalists over the Britl'h Aimftft Semple MePhenqn, flower-laden as she leaves Los Angeles settled into their stride today, and ahd slide with' her. At the ed for Manchester to prevent me GREEK CATHEDRAL concession there, seized by the on an e^lht-weeks’ trip eastwai^, kisses her danghter, Roberta Semple, were deluged with hills. Among the foot of the hill the rooster ed, Says Walsh. for the first time from carrying Chinese recently, the Nationalists goodby. Note the crowd gathered to give her a “send-off.” highlights of new huplness were dismounts, crows, and hops have announced the observance of bills repealing the motion picture on the sled to be drawn up. out the promise I made to you.” two "anti-British weeks,” dating Rajah Riaboid, mentallst, ap­ Daily too, the rooster gets 'Washington, Jan. 18.— Having at IN N. Y . DESTROYED from the fifteenth. film tax, permitting Bridgeport's weighed, responding to the pearing this week nt the State one time or another e’efied the au­ The Nationalists demand recogni­ HOSPITAL TO GET DIAZ KICKING OVER mayor to - fill vacancies under the girl’s call and hopping on to theatet paid this compliment to “ ripper bill” instead of giving the thority of the Senate, five well- ihe Manchester Police Department tion of their government and the the weighing machine where governor this power; and providing during the noon hour today and withdrawal of all British war v'es- today It registered 8 1-2 known men appeared headed to­ the throng of many thousands Threatening Blaze Calls Out sels from Chinese inland waters, TRACES ON UMPIRE that automobile owners must show pounds. ward punishment today as a result their financial responsibility to the roared Its approval. while in return they are offering of the Supreme court’s decision np- Unusual Crowd indemnity for the Hankow and amount of $10,000 before they can Mass of Apparatus, Evicts Kiukiang British concessions. get registrations- holdlng tho power of congressional The crowd was an unusual one ARCHBISHOP LEADS committees to compel attendance of in numbers. It was probably the French Ignore Nationalists The usual early-session^'flow of Balks at Costa Rica Media­ resolutions appointing court Judges i witnesses at their far-famed Ipves- largest ever packed within two The French legation today vigor­ Manchester Institution Re­ ,tigations. Hotel Dwellers. ously protested to the Peking gov­ was on in earnest. To the Ju’diciary blocks In the town’s history. Con­ I The list of men threatened with stantly milling, the men, women ernment over the anti-Christian quested $20,000 ^ All tion Wkich Kellogg Had committee these bills were sent in a REVOLT IN MEXICO i prison sentences under contempt and children overflowed into the campaign being waged In Foochow. stream, along with a bill'regulating New York, Jan. 18.— Fire which I proceedings, inclndes Samuel In- streets, blocked traffic and halted The campaign is based on reports salaries of superior, court attaches sull. Multi-millionaire head of Illi­ business In general. One lone po- called nearly all the fire fighting spread by a .Chinese agency of the State Appropriations Cut. CaBed'TVelcome.” lu all the countries, and a bill pro­ nois Public Utilities; Robert E. , 1 iceman tried to keep traffic mov­ apparatus of Manhattan to prevent finding of the decomposed bodies of viding for small-claims courts di­ Orozco, Militant Prelate, Is Crowe, state’s attqrney of Chlcaga; ing on the sidewalks and several Its spread, early today destroyed 20 Chinese babies in the Spanish rected by superior court Judges. Harry F. Sinclair, mu’tl-milHonaire attempted to untangle the slow up orphanage at Foochow. New Haven Traffic the old Greek Orthodox cathedral Washington, Jan. ^ 18. — The, oil man; Thomas F. Cunningham, along the street. The French note protested Hartford, Jan. 18.— Manches­ New Haven seeks a traffic com­ AcdyeHead of Rebels; clerk of the quarter session court Made Good Promise on Bast 97th street near Fifth' against the anti-French placards ter’s Memorial hospital which ask­ Amerioan government was con- mission to work out Its problems of of Philadelphia; and Mai S. Daugh­ Although the Rajah was prevent­ avenue and ruined the three upper osted about Foochow charging ed for a state appropriation of $20,- f^^onted today with the alternative congested streets. The Greenwich Iks Great Influence. erty, brother of the former attorney ed from driving blindfolded' he floors of an adjoining eight-story fhat the French doctors, who were 000, gets hut half of that amqupt of compelling President Adolfo 'Water Company desires to buy general. / fulfilled his promise to the public apartment hotel. called tu perform autopsies on the water from small concerns in that Sinclair on Idst according to the recommendations’ Diaz to make peace in Nicaragua, by weaving in and out of traffic Sixteen families were driven In­ "dead babies, actually murdered district. Larger B|Iaries are asked Mexjcp^ City, Jan. IS.— The Mex- In the opinion of tli® Senate's of the State Board of PIpapee, or of settling with the United with his eyes sealed. He read to the street from the .hotel. them. The French note was directed foif all court oflclals in Bridgeport.' Icaa government has sent strong constitutional authorities, the deci­ prioss on articles in stores and Chief’s Car in G ^ h to the Peking government, com­ which has just'made its report to! StajteB^maslnes down for a. p?o- When the legUlatoFs askfliobled sion, while made directly on the. loiiged n^lltary^occiupattbn vbf 'toe forres in pursuit of Archbishop demonstrated that he could easily Three- men and five women were pletely ignoring the Nationalist the General Assetnhly. The 'Man­ theV found that the ’ Connecticut 'O70ZC0 y Jiminez and his rebel fol­ the case of Mai. Daugherty, had have driven an auto through our little'repuliUc. even greater effect cn the contempt injured in a collision between the regime which Is now in control at chester, appropriation Is the qame 'League of Women Voters had dis­ lowers In Jalisco, hoping to put streets. car in which they were riding and Foochow. Diaz’ rejection of meditation pro­ tributed pamphlets on the mechan­ case against Sinclair,, now ponding as that made at- the last session. posed by President Jimlnez of Cos­ down this revolt before ‘the arch­ For the pAst four or five days the automobile of Deputy Chief Stop Shoincen Parade ism of la'w making, showti^S Ibe bishop succeeds in fusing the rebel in the District of Columbus Su­ wild rumors have been flying about Thomas F. Dougherty, who was Reports from Canton said British Cuts were made in all the hospital ta Rica, which Secretary of State path of a bill from its entrance Hp preme Court. The decision, accord­ Kellogg , ^ d said this governipent bands now operating through town that the driving stunt, would racing to the fire.
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