ESSENCE OF DWAADASHA UPANISHADS Yajur Veda: Brihadarankya, Katha, Taittiriya, Isha, Svetashvatara Saama Veda: Chhandogya and Kena Rig Veda: Atreya and Kauksheetaki Atharva Veda: Mundaka, Maandukya, and Prashna Translated and interpreted byV.D.N.Rao, former General Manager, India Trade Promotion Organization, Ministry of Commerce, Govt. of India, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, now at Chennai 1 Other scripts by the same author Essence of Puranas: Maha Bhagavata, Vishnu, Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Vamana, Narada, Padma, Shiva, Skanda, Markandeya, Devi Bhagavata, Brahma, Brahma Vaivarta, Brahmanada, Agni, Bhavishya, Nilmata, and Shri Kamakshi Vilasa. Index of Main Subjects covered in Essence of Puranas too notified. Dwadasha Divya Sahasra Naama: Chaturvidha Devi Sahasra Naama: Lakshmi, Lalitha, Sarasvati, Gayatri Chaturvidha Shiva Sahasra Naama: Shiva-Linga-Brahma Puranas and Maha Bharata Chaturvidha Vishnu Sahasra Naama: Padma-Skanda- Narada Puranas and Maha Bharata Stotra Kavacha- A Shield of Prayers Purana Saaraamsha Select Stories from Puranas Essence of Dharma Sindhu Essence Paraashara Smriti Essence of Pradhana Tirthas Essence of Amarnath Yatra Essence of Dharma Bindu Essence of Upanishads Rig Veda Base: Kaushitaki*, Atreya Yayur Veda Base: Brihadarayanyaka, Katha, Taittiriya, Isha and Shvetsaavatara* Sama Veda Base: Chhandogya, Kena Atharvana Veda Base: Mundaka, Maandukya and Prashna [Note: All the above works already released vide kamakoti. org / news except those with * being processed] 2 FOREWORD Vedas are constant flows from Chaturmukha Brahma, which are incessant, often complex and confounding; only Seekers of standing could fathom the depths! Upanishads are perhaps the peripherals that Maharshis sougt to explain some outline skeches if not their the hidden messages! Of the hundreds of odd Upanishdads each standing out on its own luminosity are of an extraordinary sparkle. The more one dwelves, the deeper one on slips by! It is by the tight grip of the teeth that one is able to make out as an outline of each work of an Upanishad! It is perhaps not possible to assimilate even outside sketchs of various Upanishads at random. Human effort falls woefully far short of comprehension by the ordinary except those Mahatmas who are truly blessed. Each Veda over flows an ocean and each such one ocean presents a singular thought all the same! The message is common but interpretations are astouding. Perpelexity of Paramama is amazingly mystifying but essentially is quite direct and clean! ‘Antraatma’ is common to all; diverse yet identical. It is you and you alone! But for aberrarions; it is too clean indeed but uncouth to the uncouth.This is that enigma of existence. The body parts and senses lend colours. Mind is the colouring agent. Antartama which is Parmaatma, the reflection is ever pure and spotless. Almigty is amorphous, formlesss, and everlastimg. Chaturmkha Hiraygarbha is self generating.The best part of the Universe is yet unkown. Virat Purusha with the aid Prakriti or Maya is the face of the Universe. The Lokas, Deva Daanavas or the forces of virtue and vice coexist with mutual interaction. This is what life all about; the eternal cycle of births and deaths ; it is finally perhaps concluded with the Realisation of The Truth! Some spills over of the reflection of Vedas are Brihadaranyka, Katha, Taittiraya, Isha, Svetahsvatara as repesented by Yajurveda; Chhandogya and Kena represented by SaamaVeda; Kaushitaki and Atreya represented by Rig Veda; and Mundaka, Manduka and Prashna by Atharvana Veda. I salute Maha Swami the legend of Kanchipura in whose memories that we in our familes abide by and cherish around the nucleus of Shri Lakshmi Kamakshi Nilaya in Chennai. He is the ever living Walking God in whom we trust; indeed we trust. My squirrel like humble effort of ‘setu bandhana’ is dedicated unto HIM! VDN Rao and family 3 ESSENCE OF BRIHADARANYAKA UPANISHAD 4 PREFACE The Essence of Brihadaranyaka Upanishad is an attempt in the series of the Essence of Pradhana Upanishads. The intention is provide the Sanskrit base and simple translation of meaning in English, without resorting to esoteric explanations and descriptive annotations. However the slant in the translation is within the frame work of Adi Shankara Bhashya, while various Schools of Thought for each of the Upanishads are in prevalence as per their own disciplines. It is stated that there are as many as 108 Upanishads as follows: 1) Mukhyopanishads viz. Brihadaranya, Katha, Taittiriya, Isha, and Svetaashvara all belongning to Yajur Veda; Chhandogya and Kena to Saama Veda; Atreya and Kaushitaki to the Rig Veda School while Mundaka, Mandukya and Prashna are of the Atharvra Veda clan of Mukhya Upanishads; 2) Samanyopanishads: Atmabodha, Mudgala, Vajra soochi, Mahad, Savitri, Sarvasvata, Skanda, Shariraka, Ekaakshara, Akshi, Praanaagnihotra, Subala, Manitraka, Niraalamba, Pingala, Adhyatmika, Muktika, Surya, Atma Upanishads; 3) Sanyasopanishads: Nirvana, Aruneya, Maitreyani, Maitreya, Sanyasa, Kundika, Brahma, Garbha, Tejobindu, Avadhuta, Katha Rudra, Varaha, Jabala, Parama hamsa, Advaya taraka, Bhikshu, Turiyaatika, Yagnyavalkya, Satyayani, Narada Parivrajaka, Parama hamsa parivrajaka, Parabrahma, Tripura Upanishads; 4) Shaakteyopanishads: Tripuyra, Soubhagya, Bahvarcha, Saraswati Rahasya, Sita, Annapurana, Devi, Tripuraatapaani, Bhavana Upanidhads; 5) Vaishnavopanishads: Vaasudeva, Avyakta, Narayana, Kali santaarana, Taaraasaara, Narasimhataapani, Tripadvibhuti, Rama -rahasya, Ramaataapani, Gopaalataapani, Krishna, Hayagriva, Dattatreya, Garuda Upanishads; 6) Shaivopanishads: Akshamaalika, Rudraksha, Jaabala, Swetashvatara, Kaivalya, Kalagni Rudra, Dakshinamurti, Rudra hridaya, Pancha Brahma, Shira, Atharva shikha, Brihad Jabala, Sharabha, Bhava, Ganapati; and 7) Yogopa -nishads:Nadabindu, Yogakundalini, Hamsa, Trishikhi, Mandala Brahmana, Shandilya, Paashupata, Maha Vakya and so on. The plan is to profile the Mukhyopanishads in the Series of Essence of Pradhanopanishads as being planned. I am ever beholden to the benign blessings of HH Vijayendra Saraswati of Kanchi Mutt for his constant inspiration and spiritual guidance that he has bestowed on me in abundance. My grateful prostrations to his grace for his continued blessings to me and all the members of my family. VDN Rao Chennai 5 CONTENTS PAGE Preface Chapter One of Six Brahmanas: (i) Ashwamwedha Yagna (ii) Hiranyagarbha’s own body as the Sacrifice and the resultant Creation of the Universe (iii) Devasura Srishti and origin of ‘Udgeeta’ as a powerful medium to control Evil Forces; (iv) Prajapati’s ‘Ahamasmi’ or ‘I am Myself’ manifests Purusha and Prakriti - Creation of Beings including Upadevas like Rudraadityas (v) Prajapati’s pair creates fathers, food, rituals, mind, speech and ‘Praana’ (vi) Naama, Rupa, Karma -or Name, Form and Work- of Individual Self. Chapter Two of Six Brahmanas: (i) Ajatashatru- Balaki Gargya ‘samvaada’: step by step analysis of Brahman; Brahma Vidya; three Stages of Awakenness- Dream- Death (ii) Origin of Human Beings with body parts and sensory organs as also the corresponding Sapta Rishis (iii) Mortal and Immortal ‘Swarupas’of Individual Selves and the Supreme (iv) Yagjnyavalkya-Maitreyi ‘samvada’detailing material resources vis-à-vis Salvation and Unity of Individual Self and Brahman (v) Madhu Vidya or the doctrine of honey as applicable to all the Beings, Elements, Concepts and the Self (vi) Madhu Vidya taught by Dadhyan Rishi to Ashwini Devatas assuming horse heads- the unique link between the Individual Self and the Supreme. Chapter Three of nine Brahmanas: (i) Madhu Kaanda Vamsha Teachers on Scriptural Authentication of the link between the Self and the Supreme (ii) Yagjnyavalkya-Ashwala wordy duel at Janaka’s horse sacrifice and the Maharshi declared as the best of the Congregation of the Learned since human bondage by ‘Grahas’ and ‘Atigrahas’ controlling the Organs would end by death and subsequent transmigration of the Souls takes place as decided by the ‘Paapa-Punya’ accounts (iii) Supremacy of Horse Sacrifice performed by Gandharvas and extra territorial Beings too for Salvation - Yagjnyavalkya- Gandharva ‘samvaada’ on Cosmic Vital Force (iv) Gross body perishes and opens a fresh account of Karma Phala while Subtle Body lasts for ever as evidenced by ‘Praana’ or ‘Vayu’the ever present (v) Equation of Antaratma and Paramatma logically leads to quest for Brahman by means of renunciation (vi) Pursuit beyond the warf and woof of the cloth of Creation, Nature and Universe (vii) ‘Sutra’ or the thread between Brahman and the Self is Vayu-the subtle entity connecting the Five Elements, body organs and senses, praana and the past-present-future, but none realises the link except Brahman himself! (viii) The Sutra is the connector to the two halves of the Cosmic Shell while the process of ‘neti neti’ or ‘not this not this’ leads to Ultimate Reality! (ix) Yagjnyavalkya-Shakalya samvada about the worship worthy Devas viz. Rudras, Adityas,Vasus, Indra and Prajapati, besides Matter, Vital Force and so on! 6 Chapter Four of six Brahmanas: (i) Refinement of the concept of Brahman: Speech,Vision, Hearing, Mind and Heart (ii) Gross, Subtle, Causal bodies of Self-Supreme in explicit and implicit forms (iii) Janaka- Yagjnyavalkya’s deep session on proven Identity of Self-Supreme entities as these are mutual reflections ; Identity of Self- Supreme despite the former’s awaken and dream change over stages (iv) Mortal life’s final stage described as caterpillar reaches the edge of grass and holds another
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