VECTREX THE ULTIMATE RETROGAMING MACHINE PUNCHED PAPER TAPE DATA STORAGE FOR REAL MEN UP FROM THE DEPTHS A TALE BY SHAUN M. WHEELER BOOTSTRAPPING OLD MACS A CRASH COURSE ON THE LININTOSH SERVER SOLDERING FOR BEGINNERS TONY FINK’S GUIDE TO NOT BURNING YOURSELF GROWING UP WITH A DRAGON 32 NO SUBSTITUTE FOR CHARM AND POISE #"6% HOW TO MAKE FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE IN THE 1980s by Dale Goodfellow Watty was impressed. ladies (well that would have came later, you ISSUE #1 - January 2010 understand - I was still a boy) and in general we have, I would state, a moral right to duplicate Ever since he realised, when we were about offer me many of the societal rewards that and distribute these historical works. I would also 10 years old, that I was in fact not ‘hard’ an eleven year old desires. FINDERS KEEPERS extend this to cover books and magazines, the but just fat, and had ‘battered’ me, I had an I know its theft, I just don’t care! recognised ephemera of all ages. apprehensive relationship with him. I always All of these things were easily within my felt that it could turn violent at any time. grasp... We may as well tackle this one straight off the bat. The people and the skills needed to start from To state the case; to make the point; to clarify the scratch on a Z80 and a 6502 are disappearing as sentiment; to justify our indifference to Intellectual each year passes. Individuals who, while having a Watty was impressed and this was good, as Only one thing stood in my way – I had a property rights... passion, were also motivated by the ability to make he had some standing with the other ne’er- Dragon 32. a living and pay their bills; largely these people are do-wells that I also hung around with – it was Actually lets rewind a little bit on that last part. gone. There are fewer and fewer people who are indeed good. Back-tracking a little bit I should say that able, let alone willing, to devote such time to what we were, if such a thing existed back then, Intellectual property rights in the digital age is a hot can only really be a hobby or a personal passion. I honestly can’t remember the game in early adopters. My dad worked in the topic, and as both camps have been energised by question, but I can’t help but think, given merchant navy, his wage was modest but their respective successes in the courts of various Simply put, if we are not creating more, we must the time, it really had to be along the lines of he travelled. Crackers and seaweed from countries around the world, its fair to say this battle preserve what we have. has a few years left to run. But we are not really Donkey King or some sort of space shooter. Japan, leather goods from Egypt, big tacky talking about that, or rather we are, but it doesn’t It is with this statement that I will close by saying shit from America. feel that way. that if we are successful with this publication, we You see I had It seemed at the will demonstrate not only the fun things that people a computer – a time that we had Let me be honest here, if I have an old machine and are currently doing with old retro computers, but proper one. the first of many it needs old software I think it perfectly acceptable also duplicating other peoples original work from things in our to find it and use it for free, as long as it is not that age; be that articles, art work or programs. Not one of those neighbourhood: available anymore as a commercial application. n e w - f a n g l e d the first digital That’s not to say the owner does not have rights It’s all fair game. over the work, it is just that I don’t actually care. home gaming rigs clock; the first I, of course, have no desire to impinge upon like the Atari 2600 microwave oven Harsh words – but true; in that I think some things someone’s ability to make a living, but if the work that Piggsy had and were eating trump the idea of ownership, and that is when seems abandoned, if it is many decades old, then (Pitfall was to effin’ Pizza in a small the thing in question, the private property has for me this is open for free use. If you have old die for, though), Scottish town a greater value to the larger community than to media, then copy it and distribute it, but make sure nor a Vectrex when everyone the individual. And that the owner has shown no you do it for free. If you have old magazines, scan that Kearnsy had else was still using interest in the work, of maintaining it, developing it them and upload them. The rest of you, gather (he only had two the breakfast or promoting their creative talents. these files and populate the web with copies and download sites. games), nor Game bacon fat, now When considering the perishable nature of most of & Watches that we congealed in the the media that we need to use in our old machines, It’s not piracy, its archiving. [x] all had (I had Octopus – all the girls had the pan, as the central flavouring for the evening Snoopy games), but a proper computer that meal. 300 Baud Magazine would do nothing without software; software that was a heck of a lot cheaper than stuff He was an electrician and my brother I think 1 Yester Place, Haddington got a bit of the tinkering bug from him and East Lothian, Scotland, UK, EH41 3BE for the Atari or the Vectrex and more flexible when he was able he ‘acquired’ a Sinclair www.300baudmagazine.com than a dozen Game & Watches. ZX81 - Genuinely at this point, pretty much nobody had computers in my small part of I had a computer which, now that the world the world. Having this offered some caché Editor William Dale Goodfellow • Art Director Simon D. Williams was beginning to understand such things, but with no sound and no colour and no real Production by LD8 Media Design • www.ld8.ca • Printed in Canada would make me cool, powerful, desired by the graphics, it was limited. After the ZX81 a VIC 20 appeared and I each month I would read the ravings of the In the end the Dragon was surplus to A few years later he turned up to school personally got the Dragon 32 and, of course, fanbois insisting that as the Dragon was requirements. We had at this point an Atari wearing a hat, a proper brimmed trilby type fame beckoned. During this time period technically superior to the Spectrum there 800XL and if needed Troosov would bring hat. He wore it pretty much every day after. things were changing. The ZX Spectrum would be a turn around soon. Even as the round his C64, along with his tape deck He was a nice guy – even without that hat. arrived, as did the Commodore 64 and the company went bankrupt, they still insisted wrapped in tin foil that used to have to hang BBC computer. that they were about to turn the corner; they from the desk as he said it helped the overall At this point I can say I have no idea what still ran competitions, you could still win a loading success rate. happened to that Dragon, there was still At the start it was fine, you understand; disk drive and a printer. some game play going on, but my hair was when Burky got his Speccy I could show off I eventually found a guy at school called getting longer, I discovered Black Sabbath, my prowess with loading games and doing The adverts reduced in numbers and Blacky who said he would be interested in Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd. It was about simple BASIC programs with input output. eventually the magazine looked more like a buying it. I walked four miles to his house, 15 years before I touched another computer And I had a proper keyboard and could do newspaper - no bright glossy cover with a spilled coffee all over his dining table and again. During that time, I even tried wearing sound better too. graphic, just straight on to the news of the floor, narrowly avoiding the Dragon and he a hat, a proper brimmed trilby type hat. I have day. Which of course was that the dragon then said ‘no’. to admit though, that it wasn’t for me. [x] The problem really started when I got to was the best computer out there. school. It wasn’t just Burky that had a Speccy 20 PMODE 3,1 200 LINE (140,88) - (188,88),PSET - loads of folk started to get them. People I don’t think I ever met another Dragon user, 30 PCLS 210 PAINT (120,110),4,4 started swapping games with each other. I always wanted to go to the 6809 show held 40 SCREEN 1,0 220 LINE (118.64) - (104,86),PSET in London - it also closed, of course, after a 50 LINE (108,64)-(188,64),PSET 230 CIRCLE (82,116),14,3 60 LINE - (188,116),PSET 240 PAINT(82,116),3,3 I suddenly started to feel very alone.
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