HOUSES UNFURNISHED ;j HOUSES—SALE—N.W. (Cent.) HOUSES FOR SALE—Northwait FROM NINE TO FIVE Jo Fischer HOUSES—SALE—N.E. (Cent) HOUSES—SALE—S.E. (Cent.) ONE 2-BEDROOM HOUSE, vacant Mac ARTHUR BLVD. AREA — De- —By COLORED—BEAUTIFUL HOMES In COLORED: $250 DOWN! 1 BRIGHTWOOD all sections ol city; priced reason- April 1: 1307 Arlineton Terrace,' tached home with llv. rm., din. rm.. Oft Nichols ave. s.e., nice detached Huntington, Alexandria. OV. 7178. 2 bedrms., bath and enclosed porch Attractive semidet. brick! near schools able. Dupont 9653, CLARENCE some with 5 lovely rms.. bath, etc. SUBURBAN SALE—MP. (Cont.) SUBURBAN SALE—MARYLAND (can be and transp.: 3 bedrms.. 2 of which BERRY. TR. 2311. —8 —9 on 1st fl.; lge. rm. parti- Near every convenience. Priced right $11,500 IN SILVER SPRING, lovely on 2nd are twin-size, floors newly reflntshed. COLORED—VACANT—5068 Just st SPRING ANN'ANDALE. VA., about H mi. from tioned into 2) and Va bath with easy terms. Call now! DANIEL bunga., close to schools, transp. and SILVER rm.; heat; oil heat. Owner leaving city. Priced n.e.—Move In with deposit; seini- Pentagon—ti-rm. Cape Cod bunga- fl.; paneled recreation gas DIENER It CO. ST. 3381. —9 yrs. old., Immed. 9313 Caroline ave.—Det. bungalow at only $12,500. Call ST. 11H1. det., about 5 yrs. old with 2 bedrms., shopping; l'/i low, *127.60 oer mo. GL. t!2»l. —8 priced. *16,500. WI. 5867, INEZ possession, small down payment, on large lot 60x170. Uv. rm. with > hardwood floors and full bsmt.; very 2 bed- BRICK (6 bedrooms. 3 CUSHARD, DI. 2740. Montgomery Inv. & Ins. Co. $395 DOWN lge. lot Call SH. 8010. MONT- fireplace, din. rm.. kit., bath, 9-ROOM cheap with moderate down pay- can be Northwest MASS. AVE. EXTENDED—Handsome —10 L st. k—Substantial GOMERY INVESTMENT AND IN- rms ; 1st fl.; attic, than baths); excellent location; 2 ment. PREMIER REALTY CO.. 1931 Colored—810 full new-house condition; $225 month. new brick. 4 spacious bedrms., THE 0-rm brick: bath, coal h.-w.h.; full SURANCE CO. —9 converted into liv. quarters, baths, mirrored flrepl. in llv. rm.. 11th st. n.w„ CO. 0474; Sun., HU. bedrm. Colonial, a.-c. heat; price. #11.500. F. A. TWEED CO., 5504 Conn. »ve. BRIGHTWOOD 7546. —10 price, only $9,750. ENTERPRISE $2,000 DOWN—3 bsmt., gas flrepl. In rec.. space powder rm.. approx. 8 blks. from district line, Shown appt. Mr. Sadler. MI. EM. 1290 till S p.m. —10 4-famlly unit. 2 apts. hava 2 bed- ,8055 REALTY CO., 1224 Eye st. n.w., EX. by elec, dishwasher, porch, sun deck; COLORED — BUNGALOW — Choice good transp. facilities, powder rm. 8656. SULLIVAN BR06.. 1520 K rooms each. 2 have 1 bedroom: 3400.—9 9-RM,. aemldet.. 2-yr.-old; 114 baths: lot 70x145; heat. Fast Brookland sectton: living room with on first floor; total $16,950. n.w., ME. (as finest price St. 4323._—8 Meal for children; available April farage;ransp. downtown; Just built by section, (nose to schools, fireplace, dining room. den. kitchen, Colored—Row Brick Call SH 8010. MONTGOMERY 1; *125 mo. RA. 7727. —10 owner for his home, never occupied: shopping and transportation. $2,000 2 bedrooms, bath, 1st floor; large INVESTMENT AND INSURANCE SILVER SPRING *20 BUTTERNUT ST. N.W.—10-rm.. drastically reduced. It's the out- yearly net return: excellent owner finished attic with space for 2 ad- In desirable s.e. location: 0 rms. and CO. —9 Tapestry brick Colonial. Immaculate 2-bath, oil heat, detach stucco standing buy In this exclusive sec. financing. Mr. Budlong, with ditional bedrooms; gas hot-water bath, glassed-in rear porch, full $12.500—Bungalow In Silver Spring, condition; 6 spacious well-designed bsmt. with rec. rm.. h.-w.h.; rea- home: $150 per month Call at of- Only a few min. to Spring Valley heat; detached garage; perfect con- expansion attic roughed In for rooms, Iti baths; 3 twin-size bed- FRANK J. VOLKMAN sonable terms. Call Mr. Ewell. ME. fice of A. M. DRAISNER, 1404 L Shopping Center. F. A. TWEED CO dition. Call Mr. Northern. SL. 1689. heat and plumbing, 2 yrs. old, im- rooms; large level lot; fireplace, side » eves.. 6378. at. n.w. —9 5504 Conn. ave. n.w. EM. 1280 1M. 4948; eves., AJC. 8298. with BEIT ZELL, DI. 3100. 6400; OR. mediate possession, call SH 801o. screened porch, gas heat; lavatory ALEXANDRIA—New house; 0 bed- Open 9 till 8. For action list your COLORED—NR. 5th AND E N.E — Leo M. Bernstein & Co. MONTGOMERY INVESTMENT AND in full basement. Finest materials rms.; conv. to Pentagon: *110 per house with us. —8 CHEVY MD. This lovely brick home of 6 rooms INSURANCE CO —9 throughout: heavy slate roof, copper month. SL. 2979. —14 CHASE, and heat, is worth while 1415 K st. n.w. Realtors. ME. 6400. gutters: */a block to bus. PETWORTH—Open dally 2 to 5 p m First bath, gas CALIFORNIA RAMBLER, lge. liv. rm pipes, offering. 4-bedroom. 2-bath inspecting. For call LOUIS Priced low. terms. Call DI. 1015 CLEVELAND PARK—5-bedroom, 2- 5031 7th pi. n.w. at Gallatin at. home In excellent condition: 2 bed- appt. with high ceiling, 20-ft. picture row RUDDEN. EX. 5707. window, attic. till 9 P.m. WM. H. SAUNDERS CO.. bath home; convenient to schools, Fine, >arge 3-bedrm. brick, rooms and bath on first floor. Owner HOUSES FOR SALE—Southwest flrepl., expansion newly decorated: vacant, Bendlx washer, rugs, drapes In- INC.—8 shopping and transportation; $200 possession. occupied. Price. $24,950. Eves., call COLORED—VICINITY OF 1st AND i *500 CASH will handle this 1st com. month. Mr. Clark. GE. 8011, MARSHALL J. — 6 cluded, lge. 1st trust; $2,500, For appointment, call Mrs Herring. MI. 4910 with RID- RHODE ISLAND Brick, rms brick home on 4th st. s.w.; fi large 14th st. monthly payments to be arranged. SILVER SPRING JerACK HAYES. INC DU. 7784 WAPLE CO., 1224 n.w., DELL REALTY CO., DI. 7900. Bar., full bsmt., gas h.-w.h., l'A rooms, bath and heat. LOUIS DI. 3346. 2 Call SH. 8010. MONTGOMERY IN- This fine 8-room, detached ARLINGTON — Detached 3-bedroom. Exclusive. baths, 2 refgrs.. ranges; $12,750. SUDDEN. EX 5707. GE. l’/4-bath RIVER ROAD oft Wls. ave. n w\, white Mrs. Levlton. BROWN 2456_ VESTMENT AND INSURANCE CO brick home, adjacent to Sligo Creek l*2-bath home; approximately 10 DU. (1326. j —9 frame house on lge. cor. lot.. 8 rms.. REALTY CORP.. Realtors, DU. 8556. Parkway. Many de luxe features. minutes from Pentagon; large yard; j 1010 VIRGINIA AVE. DOWN, balance oil h.-w.h newly dec. in a taste- CHEVY CHASE CIRCLE Colored — east brockuand — $1,000 bungalow, Well financed. For further infor- $150 per month. For appointment. 7 and bath. liv. rm with ful manner. *2.500 down; price Close to Blessed Sacrament i« this Det.. all mod.. 6 rms. and bath, gas rooms payments like rent, lge. mation. call Mr. Frederick. SL. 6664. call JACK HAYES. INC DU. 7784. j Picture windows. 2 lge. bedrms., *13,500. Mrs. Voidt. COX & CO.. lovely 4-bedrm.. 2Vi-baih det. brick h.-w.h.; owner se ling; sub. cash: KIRKS REALTY CO. with BEITZELL, DI. 3100._ RE. 1633.; eves. AD. 8294. home in immaculate cond. First fl. needed. DU 5260 lully equipped attractive kit., lge. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY RE. 3014. Eves.. RA. 8380. —9 lot 00x115. Total only $10,500 has a targe liv. rm. with firepl.. COLORED—1123 ORD ST N.E.—6 I price For educational or research organi- SHEPHERD PARK, open dally 2 to Call SH. 8010. MONTGOMERY SILVER SPRING screened porch, library with lava- tooms, bath, excellent heating plant, I zation: Ideal for physician's home 6 p.m.: 8100 Eastern ave. n.w.-r-A 906 INVESTMENT AND INSURANCE FHA and VA tory. din. rm. and beautiful mod. new kitchen fixtures; house com- VIRGINIA AVE. $14,250. approved; $800 and office; also suitable for room- home that is complete in every de- CO. —0 down lor vets. attr. terms for non- kit. All bedrms. on 2nd fl. will take renovated and nice 8 rooms and bath. ing house; on Conn. ave.. near tail: 6 rms.. den. recreation rm 2Vj pletely painted: In twin beds. Stairs to CAPE COD BRICK loc. Silver vets; l'a Batns, 6 rms.; Colonials, Wardinan Park Hotel; 12-rm. det baths. See the "Formica” tremendous lot. corner of alley. This Is an ex- amazing storage attic: 2-car built-in 1004 VIRGINIA AVE. Spring, close to transp., 1-yr. old, several floor plans, some with 21-ft. brick house: 3 floors, 3 baths; kit. BROWN REALTY CORP Real- garage: cellent buy on today's market; large gas rooms and bath: brick garage. owner must sell, good financing, liv. rm. with fireplace; Venetian call ST a.-c. heat. Call ST. 8800. $11,500. Call Atlantic 3896. 10* 0 2-car -yardJ_garage. 4525- tors, DU. 8558; eves., SH. 8300. 2 outstanding values for home or small down payment. Call SH. 8010. blinds, compl. equipped kitchen, full —11 J. A. McKeever Co., Inc. colored—Eastland gardens— Investment. MONTGOMERY INVESTMENT AND bsmt.; copper piping throughout; SHEPHERD PARK, new det. brick Preview of new custom-built brick —0 HOUSES WANTED TO RENT _1614 K at, n.w. —10 INSURANCE CO. sodded lots and shrubbery. 32 built. Cape Cod. containing 7 rms.. 2 homes, comp, detached, all modern; KIRKS REALTY CO.
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