Click here for Full Issue of EIR Volume 31, Number 25, June 25, 2004 The CCF and the ‘God of Thunder’ Cult by Stanley Ezrol, with Jeffrey Steinberg and Anton Chaitkin In 1974, the well-known British psychiatrist, Dr. William when America was still a production-oriented society. But Sargant, published a book, The Mind Possessed: A Physiology that was before the great “shock traumas” of the 1962-71 of Possession, Mysticism and Faith Healing. The book was a period. sequel to his 1957 study, The Battle for the Mind: A Physiol- ogy of Conversion and Brainwashing, the earlier book being American Dionysians a how-to-do-it manual for producing a “cultural paradigm In preparation for the writing of The Mind Possessed, Dr. shift” towards an existentialist, irrationalist dark age society, Sargant and his team had conducted exhaustive field research, which was precisely the agenda of the Congress for Cultural profiling modern-day primitive religious cults, including a Freedom. wide range of irrationalist, nominally Christian, denomina- In the 1957 study, Sargant had written: “Various types of tions that particularly proliferated in the most backward rural belief can be implanted in many people, after brain function areas of the American Deep South. This was the America of has been sufficiently disturbed by accidentally or deliberately Elmer Gantry, of “barking dog” convulsions and circus-tent induced fear, anger or excitement. Of the results caused by revival meetings. such disturbances, the most common one is temporarily im- The Sargant book drew the parallel between such primi- paired judgment and heightened suggestibility. Its various tive people under the influence of witch doctors, fundamental- group manifestations are sometimes classed under the head- ist preachers and pagan gods, and the victims of the 1960s ing of ‘herd instinct,’ and appear most spectacularly in war- drug/rock/sex counterculture. Describing the historical ac- time, during severe epidemics, and in all similar periods of counts of the celebrations of the ancient Greek pagan god common danger, which increase anxiety and so individual Dionysus, Dr. Sargant wrote: “Many of the other dancers and mass suggestibility.” approached very near trance, and showed states of increased Dr. Sargant was a prominent British Tavistock Institute suggestibility at the end of a long and intensive period of psychiatrist, who spent two decades, beginning in the mid- repetitive and monotonous dancing. They looked very much 1950s, working in the Congress for Cultural Freedom-linked like fans of the Beatles or other ‘pop groups’ after a long Cybernetics Group/MK-Ultra project on the use of psyche- session of dancing.” Indeed, a concluding chapter of The Mind delic drugs and other forms of brainwashing for mass co- Possessed had profiled the newest form of fundamentalist ercion. religious irrationalism, “Beatlemania.” The traumatic events of the 1960s—from the 1962 Cuban One of the clear lessons to come out of the Sargant studies, Missile Crisis near-eruption of global thermonuclear holo- and other similar profiling work by such Cybernetics Group/ caust, to the Nov. 22, 1963 assassination of President John F. CCF players as Dr. Margaret Mead and her husband, LSD- Kennedy, and the subsequent flagrant coverup; to the later experimenter Dr. Gregory Bateson, was that the most efficient assassinations of Malcolm X, Dr. Martin Luther King, and means of promoting irrationalist cults was to exploit existing Robert F. Kennedy; to the urban race riots, and the mass movements and subcultures. carnage of the American war in Southeast Asia—transformed In the case of the United States, the British “Liberal Imper- the post-World War II Baby Boomer generation from an opti- ialist” mind-benders and their “American Tory” cohorts had mistic, future-oriented generation, into a collection of irratio- a three-century track record of consciously promoting such nalist, babbling counterculturalists and drug abusers, in total irrationalist movements, to draw upon. Thus, one of the major denial of reality, and living from one sensuous experience to forms of cultural warfare, directed against the republican tra- the next. dition of the American Founding Fathers, through the British When the dust finally settled on the 1960s, the Baby Fabian Society and its later Congress for Cultural Freedom Boomers emerged with a new set of wildly irrational axiom- spawn, was the revival and promotion of the “Great Awaken- atic beliefs, typified by the mass appeal of radical environ- ing” and related forms of subversion, including, most promi- mentalism, and the even more widespread belief in consumer- nently, the “Lost Cause” ideology of the pro-British, feudalist ism and the “magic of the global market.” Confederacy, whose credo, taken from John Locke, was: Such ideas would have been shunned but a decade earlier, “Life, Liberty, Property.” A medievalist Catholic version of 32 Feature EIR June 25, 2004 © 2004 EIR News Service Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited. Europe, while consigning Jews, whom he had previously fa- vored, Africans, the “savages” of North America, and other whole nations and peoples to the Devil. Edwards married his daughter to Aaron Burr, the presi- dent of the College of New Jersey, which later became Prince- ton University. Upon the death of his son-in-law, Edwards himself was appointed the third president of the College. His grandson, Aaron Burr, Jr., was to become, prior to Dick Che- ney, the most vile traitor in our nation’s history: our second Vice President; the assassin of the architect of our economic system, Alexander Hamilton; a secessionist plotter; and a founder of what became known as Chase Manhattan Bank and the New York Democratic Party. After the Mathers’ successor, Benjamin Franklin, led the nation through a revolutionary war, and the adoption of our The traumatic events of the 1960s—from the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis to the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy and Constitution, fanatical cults of the Edwards variety formented the later assassinations of Malcolm X, Dr. Martin Luther King, the insanity which led to Civil War. As Lincoln referenced and Robert F. Kennedy; to the urban race riots and the war in the story in his second inaugural address, terrorists of the Indo-China—transformed the Baby Boomers from an optimistic, John Brown type claimed God’s authority in hacking farmers’ future-oriented generation, into irrationalist, babbling families to death to oppose slavery, and equally fanatical counterculturalists and drug abusers. groups claimed Biblical authority to maintain slavery. Following President Abraham Lincoln’s defeat of the British-instigated Southern secessionist revolt, the United the same credo, promulgated by British Fabians G.K. Chester- States emerged as the most powerful agro-industrial nation ton and Hilaire Belloc, was later translated into “Tradition, on Earth. No longer was it possible for Britain to defeat the Family, Property.” former North American colonies militarily. The alternative Beginning early in the 20th century, in tandem with a path was long-term cultural subversion. U.S.A. top-down revival of the racist Ku Klux Klan, spon- The primary institution through which the new British sored directly out of the Hollywood, with enthusiastic support strategy was prosecuted was the Fabian Society, which oper- from the Woodrow Wilson White House, the British Fabian ated in conjunction with Cecil Rhodes’“Round Tables” and Society promoted a Confederate revival, aimed not so much other institutions. The Fabian Society, shortly after its found- at secession, as at the subversion of the historical American ing in the late 19th Century, formed the “liberal imperial” commitment to the Leibnizian “pursuit of happiness” and right-wing of the British Labour Party, on the model of Lord the U.S. Constitution’s Preamble’s mandate to promote the Shelburne’s 18th-Century “utilitarian” Whigs. The Tony General Welfare. Major players in this Confederate revival Blair “New Labour” neoconservative apparatus of today is a would later assume leading roles in the Congress for Cultural Fabian Society-dominated continuation of the earlier efforts. Freedom subversion. Hence, Blair’s perfect-fit alliance with the Dick Cheney-led American neoconservative wanna-be imperialists. The Great Awakening: The ‘God Who Despises Man’ Varieties of Irrational Perversion During the colonial period, a student of Sir Isaac Newton In the United States Southern and Border states, survivors and John Locke, the notorious Jonathan Edwards, backed by of the Confederacy, led by former Confederate Generals Al- the land-owning “River Gods” of the Connecticut Valley, bert Pike, Nathan Bedford Forrest, and others, organized the became the chief philosophical opponent of Leibniz’s Massa- Ku Klux Klan, and a broader “Lost Cause” movement, to chusetts Bay Colony leadership, led by Increase and Cotton defend an agrarian, no-brains-required lifestyle. Mather. In his mass revival meetings of the 1737-41 “Great During the long reign of Queen Victoria and her son, Awakening,” Edwards conjured up a kind of monster God, Prince Edward Albert (later King Edward VII), American and ordered those assembled to join and obey. Otherwise, he collaborators of the Fabian circles, typified by William James told the crowd, “[God] will not only hate you, but he will have (1842-1910), developed intimate relations with British Fa- you in the utmost contempt: no place shall be thought fit for bian institutions, including the “Cambridge Apostles,” the you, but under his feet to be trodden down as the mire of the Royal Colonial Institute and its associated Scottish Rite Free- streets.” Edwards ranted that not only would individual men masonic Lodge (now the Chatham House Royal Institute for be wantonly dropped into the fiery pit of Hell or trodden International Affairs), the Society for Psychical Research, the underfoot, but that God had capriciously elevated Christian H.G.
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