“Check” out Mitchell Cypress, Coach Schnellenberger, page 5. Veterans gather at Big Cypress, page 13. Homecoming court, page 5. Bulk Rate U.S. Postage Paid Lake Placid FL Permit No. 128 TheSEMINOLE TRIBUNE “Voice of the Unconquered” $1.00 www.seminoletribe.com Volume XXI Number 16 December 1, 2000 More Canoes Council Holds Emerge From Active Session By Dan McDonald HOLLYWOOD — Natural gas exploration, Pithlachocco stock cars and drainage easements were just some of the highlights of a wide ranging Tribal Council meeting Tribe Demands Protection that ran for over eight hours at the Auditorium, Nov. 8. By Charles Flowers The Council agreed to issue a permit to Adair GAINESVILLE — Another seven Indian International Oil & Gas Co., to explore the Big Cypress canoes were found recently on Pithlachocco Reservation for natural gas deposits. (Newnan’s Lake), where more aboriginal craft have “It won’t cost the Tribe anything and if the gas been discovered than anywhere else on earth. is found, it could possibly be used to supply the power As the lake waters recede further into the plant that the Tribe is developing,” Hollywood Board winter drought, an archaeologist estimates “hun- Representative Carl Baxley explained to the Council. dreds” more may emerge from the drying lakebed. After working out a few issues regarding who And the Seminole Tribe of Florida wants would monitor the company representatives as they per- the cultural site protected. formed their exploration work, the Council approved “This site is of critical significance, not the permit. only to the history of the Seminole people, but to all The Council also approved a drainage ease- Floridians,” said Tribal Anthropology & Geneaology ment on land near the Coconut Creek Casino property. Director Dr. Patricia Wickman. “The Seminole Tribe By approving the right of way easement, the plans for of Florida intends to do everything in its power to developing that land can proceed. protect this magnificent evidence of its heritage.” In other action, the Council heard a motion to At press time, Wickman was in Tallahassee have the Seminole Tribe sponsor NASCAR driver Tina conferring with state officials about Pithlachocco, Gordon, who races in the Slim Jim All Pro Series. The where nearly 100 canoes are strewn about a two- Alabama driver is moving up from American Speed mile stretch along the northeastern shore of the Association (ASA) races and will run five NASCAR state’s fourth largest lake. Busch Series events this coming season. Lake side resident Dale Crider, who was at “We think we can get the most bang for the the center of the storm that erupted this summer buck by sponsoring her,” George Johnson, Director of when several canoes were damaged during a dead- Real Estate Services said after the meeting. Johnson, head logging operation permitted by the state, dis- who once drove racecars, is doing the research based on covered the new canoes while scouting the area in his knowledge of the racing industry. preparation for a visit by Secretary of State “She (Gordon) is the only woman running, and Katherine Harris. we can sponsor her car, and have an on-board camera Harris, whose duties include oversight of with the Tribe’s logo on it for $75,000.” the Division of Historic Resources (DHR), was The Tribe could sponsor Gordon’s car for her scheduled to meet at Pithlachocco with Seminole first Busch Series race at the Daytona International Chairman James Billie. However, the visit was Speedway on Feb. 17. The decision must be made with- delayed when Harris, who certified Florida’s contro- in ten days. Currently the Miccosukee Tribe sponsors versial election results, became involved in the now- two NASCAR drivers and has received a lot of expo- contested Presidential race. E. Tiger sure through its support. “I went out about 300 yards from my house In other action, the Council: and found a depression in the lake where there was a *Approved a music license agreement with canoe upside down,” Crider, a retired state game Broadway Music, Inc., (BMI) for the Coconut Creek biologist said. “I believe it was made of cypress. Casino. Since then, I’ve found five more in the same area, *Tabled a proposal to allow Joe Osceola Jr. to along with some pieces I believe to come from RUNNING GIRLS: (L-R) Sisters Jo Jo, Mercedes and Tasha Osceola rank among the state’s best. set up a title loan business on the Tampa Reservation. another canoe.” *Approved the amended development and If confirmed, the number of ancient canoes financial services agreement with Power Plant found at Pithlachocco would number 96. DHR direc- Entertainment LLC for the financing of development tor Janet Snyder-Matthews had more than 50 of the Osceola Sisters Place In State Track Meet projects on the Hollywood and Tampa Reservations. canoes radiocarbon dated. The ages ranged from 500 By Ernie Tiger me to compete on because of the home pressure.” *Approved an agreement with Florida Design to 5,000 years. The oldest canoe predated the TITUSVILLE — The Osceola Sisters All three sisters improved their lap time at each Contractors, Inc., to construct a water re-pump station Biblical boatman Noah. No more than 22 aboriginal track trio of Tasha, Jo-Jo and Mercedes has been level of competition. on the Big Cypress Reservation. canoes has ever been found in one place before. making its presence known in District, Regional, The Osceola girls, daughters of Tribal *Rescinded an agreement with Lodge However, Crider and others believe there and State High School Cross-Country meets. At Ambassador Joe Dan and wife Virginia, attend Construction, Inc., to construct a composting site on the could be many more. the State meet recently held at Brevard College in Sheridan Hills Christian School in Hollywood Brighton Reservation, and voted to approve a $360,000 “I think there may be more canoes at the Titusville the trio placed as follows: JoJo 26th, where they all participate in several sports. contract for the same job to Spring Lake Services, Inc. south end of the lake,” said Crider, who has lived on Mercedes 28th, and Tasha 90th. The State event “I also play basketball at my school and *Approved $170,000 for Wharton-Smith Inc., the lake since 1970. had 158 competitors jog before the race for conditioning,” said Tasha to construct a fire protection well and water line exten- East Side High teacher Steve Everett, Commenting on the varying tracks run at Osceola who placed seventh at the regional track sion for Okalee Village on the Hollywood Reservation. whose students were part of the first major discov- the district, regional, and state levels Mercedes final held at Larry Thompson Park. Mercedes *Tabled a $59.9 million agreement with Jordan ery, agreed. Along with local archaeologist Ray stated, “They were tough tracks to compete on but placed first at the regional meet with JoJo follow- Jones & Goulding, Inc., to design and construct water See CANOE, page 11 TY Park in Hollywood was the toughest track for ing in second. and wastewater facilities for the Hollywood, Tampa, Fort Pierce, Brighton, Big Cypress and Immokalee Reservations. *Approved a billboard contract with American Outdoor Advertising. Seminole Elders Recall Blood Decisions *Agreed to spend upwards of $1 million to purchase 12 lots adjoining Tribal property in By Virginia Mitchell with Bill Osceola. When he came back we would go Hollywood. Five Seminole Tribal elders – members of over what was discussed. *Approved numerous home site leases for the original 1950s Tribal Constitution Committee – Frank worked as a mechanic for Jack Tribal citizens. See COUNCIL, page 4 still remember the critical discussions and meetings Lewis, a white man from LaBelle, who was building – many of them under the shade of the old Council roads on all the reservations. Mr. Lewis explained to Oak – as the Tribe organized and staved off the ter- us of the agency’s intent. Many of us did not have mination threatened by the federal government. jobs; some of us would work in fields for a day’s Chief Billie, Tiger Tiger Jimmy O’Toole Osceola, Betty Mae wage. Jumper, Laura Mae Osceola, Frank Billie and Mary Constitution committee members were Grammy Nominees Bowers sat down with the Seminole Tribune recently Frank Billie, Jimmy O’Toole Osceola, Bill Osceola, SANTA MONICA, CA. — Seminole Chief and reminisced about those days and the discussions Billy Osceola, John Henry Gopher and Toby Johns. Jim Billie and Miccosukee rockers Tiger Tiger were regarding blood quantum. The following are their Some of the elders tried to attend the community among first-round nominees for the 43rd Annual stories meetings but not all the time, such as Buffalo Jim Grammy Awards announced recently by the National See ELDERS, page 7 Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences, Inc. Jimmy O’Toole Osceola, Panther Clan (NARAS). t the time of trying to become Chief Billie’s latest Sound of America organized I was a resident of Records (SOAR) album, Seminole Fire, received two Quantum Added Later nominations, for Best Spoken Word Album For Big Cypress. I assisted Frank A Children and for Producer of The Year (John McEuen). Billie, taking count of individuals Four Years After Constitution Ratified and families. I was appointed Tiger Tiger was nominated for Best Rock Album with By Peter B. Gallagher their Warrior label release Southern Exposure. because I could understand some The original Seminole Tribal Constitution Committee spent English and keep records. Frank had Tthe new Best Native American Music much time discussing the Tribal blood quantum issue. In fact, Album category category nominees includeKeith Bear, a job and a car so it wasn’t hard for research recently conducted by Chairman’s Assisitant for him to get around.
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