S6490 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2016 Whereas Chicago Cubs manager Joe SENATE RESOLUTION 619—RECOG- Whereas Native Americans have made dis- Maddon was a candidate for the 2016 Na- NIZING NATIONAL NATIVE tinct and important contributions to the tional League Manager of the Year Award, AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH United States and the rest of the world in after having received the 2015 National AND CELEBRATING THE HERIT- many fields, including the fields of agri- League Manager of the Year Award; culture, medicine, music, language, and art; Whereas Chicago Cubs President of Base- AGES AND CULTURES OF NA- Whereas Native Americans have distin- ball Operations Theo Epstein joined the Chi- TIVE AMERICANS AND THE CON- guished themselves as inventors, entre- cago Cubs front office in 2011 and succeeded TRIBUTIONS OF NATIVE AMERI- preneurs, spiritual leaders, and scholars; in building a World Series Champion team; CANS TO THE UNITED STATES Whereas Native Americans have served Whereas the Chicago Cubs fell short in the Mr. BARRASSO (for himself, Ms. with honor and distinction in the Armed 2015 National League Championship Series, Forces and continue to serve in the Armed BALDWIN, Ms. CANTWELL, Mr. CRAPO, fueling a determination— Forces in greater numbers per capita than Mr. DAINES, Mr. FRANKEN, Mr. HATCH, (1) to return to the playoffs; and any other group in the United States; Mr. HEINRICH, Ms. HEITKAMP, Mr. HELL- Whereas the United States has recognized (2) to win a World Series in 2016; ER, Ms. HIRONO, Mr. HOEVEN, Mr. the contribution of the Native American Whereas Chicago Cubs fans followed the INHOFE, Mr. JOHNSON, Mr. KAINE, Ms. code talkers in World War I and World War triumphs of the 2016 season by tuning into KLOBUCHAR, Mr. MCCAIN, Mr. MORAN, II, who used indigenous languages as an un- games called by Chicago Cubs television Ms. MURKOWSKI, Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. breakable military code, saving countless broadcasters Len Kasper and Jim Deshaies REID, Mr. ROUNDS, Mr. SCHATZ, Ms. lives in the United States; and and Chicago Cubs radio broadcasters Pat STABENOW, Mr. SULLIVAN, Mr. TESTER, Whereas the people of the United States Hughes and Ron Coomer; Mr. THUNE, Mr. UDALL, Mr. WYDEN, Mr. have reason to honor the great achievements Whereas the Chicago Cubs played 3 excel- and contributions of Native Americans and ENZI, Mr. GARDNER, Mr. LANKFORD, and lent teams in the 2016 postseason that de- their ancestors: Now, therefore, be it serve congratulations for their achieve- Mr. KING) submitted the following res- Resolved, That the Senate— ments, including— olution; which was considered and (1) recognizes the month of November 2016 (1) the San Francisco Giants in the Na- agreed to: as ‘‘National Native American Heritage tional League Division Series; S. RES. 619 Month’’; Whereas, from November 1, 2016, through (2) recognizes the Friday after Thanks- (2) the Los Angeles Dodgers in the Na- giving as ‘‘Native American Heritage Day’’ tional League Championship Series; and November 30, 2016, the United States cele- brates National Native American Heritage in accordance with section 2(10) of the Native (3) the Cleveland Indians in the World Se- Month; American Heritage Day Act of 2009 (Public ries; Whereas National Native American Herit- Law 111–33; 123 Stat. 1923); and Whereas the Chicago Cubs won their first age Month is an opportunity to consider and (3) urges the people of the United States to World Series since 1908, filling people in Chi- recognize the contributions of Native Ameri- observe National Native American Heritage cago and Chicago Cubs fans everywhere with cans to the history of the United States; Month and Native American Heritage Day pride; Whereas Native Americans are descendants with appropriate programs and activities. Whereas the Chicago Cubs showed extraor- of the original, indigenous inhabitants of f dinary steadiness, teamwork, focus, and love what is now the United States; of the game in proving again to be an organi- Whereas the Bureau of the Census esti- AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED AND zation of great character, determination, and mated that, in 2010, there were more than PROPOSED heart, a reflection of the city of Chicago and 5,000,000 individuals of Native American de- SA 5110. Mr. ALEXANDER submitted an the State of Illinois; scent in the United States; amendment intended to be proposed by him Whereas on November 4, 2016, an estimated Whereas Native Americans maintain vi- to the bill S. 2873, to require studies and re- 5,000,000 fans gathered in Chicago to fly the brant cultures and traditions and hold a ports examining the use of, and opportuni- W flag and celebrate the Chicago Cubs vic- deeply rooted sense of community; ties to use, technology-enabled collaborative tory in the largest parade and rally in Whereas Native Americans have moving learning and capacity building models to im- United States history; and stories of tragedy, triumph, and persever- prove programs of the Department of Health Whereas the Chicago Cubs are the 2016 ance that need to be shared with future gen- and Human Services, and for other purposes; World Series champions: Now, therefore, be erations; which was ordered to lie on the table. it Whereas Native Americans speak and pre- SA 5111. Mr. MCCONNELL (for Mr. MORAN Resolved, That the Senate— serve indigenous languages, which have con- (for himself and Mr. TESTER)) proposed an (1) commends the Chicago Cubs on their— tributed to the English language by being amendment to the bill H.R. 3471, to amend (A) 2016 World Series championship title; used as names of individuals and locations title 38, United States Code, to make certain and throughout the United States; improvements in the provision of auto- (B) outstanding performance during the Whereas Congress has consistently re- mobiles and adaptive equipment by the De- 2016 Major League Baseball season; affirmed the support of the United States of partment of Veterans Affairs. tribal self-governance and self-determination (2) recognizes the achievements of the f players, coaches, management, and support and the commitment of the United States to staff of the Chicago Cubs and the operations improving the lives of all Native Americans TEXT OF AMENDMENTS staff of Wrigley Field, the dedication and by— Mr. ALEXANDER submitted (1) enhancing health care and law enforce- SA 5110. persistence of whom made victory possible; an amendment intended to be proposed (3) congratulates— ment resources; and (A) the city of Chicago; (2) improving the housing and socio- by him to the bill S. 2873, to require (B) the entire Chicagoland area; economic status of Native Americans; studies and reports examining the use (C) Chicago Cubs fans everywhere; Whereas the United States is committed to of, and opportunities to use, tech- (D) the mayor of the City of Chicago, the strengthening the government-to-govern- nology-enabled collaborative learning Honorable Rahm Emanuel; ment relationship that the United States has and capacity building models to im- (E) Chicago Cubs Chairman, Mr. Tom maintained with the various Indian tribes; prove programs of the Department of Ricketts, and the Ricketts family; Whereas Congress has recognized the con- tributions of the Iroquois Confederacy and Health and Human Services, and for (F) Chicago Cubs President of Baseball Op- other purposes; which was ordered to erations, Mr. Theo Epstein; the influence of the Iroquois Confederacy on (G) Chicago Cubs Executive Vice President the Founding Fathers in the drafting of the lie on the table; as follows: and General Manager, Mr. Jed Hoyer; Constitution of the United States with the Strike all after the enacting clause and in- (H) Chicago Cubs President of Business Op- concepts of— sert the following: (1) freedom of speech; erations, Mr. Crane Kenney; and SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. (2) the separation of governmental powers; This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Expanding (I) Executive Vice President of Community and Capacity for Health Outcomes Act’’ or the and Government Affairs and Chief Legal Of- (3) the system of checks and balances be- ficer, Mr. Michael Lufrano; and tween the branches of government; ‘‘ECHO Act’’. (4) respectfully requests that the Secretary Whereas, with the enactment of the Native SEC. 2. DEFINITIONS. of the Senate transmit an enrolled copy of American Heritage Day Act of 2009 (Public In this Act: this resolution to— Law 111–33; 123 Stat. 1922), Congress— (1) HEALTH PROFESSIONAL SHORTAGE AREA.— (A) Chicago Cubs Chairman, Mr. Tom (1) reaffirmed the government-to-govern- The term ‘‘health professional shortage Ricketts; ment relationship between the United States area’’ means a health professional shortage (B) Chicago Cubs President of Baseball Op- and Native American governments; and area designated under section 332 of the Pub- erations, Mr. Theo Epstein; and (2) recognized the important contributions lic Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254e). (C) Chicago Cubs Manager, Mr. Joe of Native Americans to the culture of the (2) INDIAN TRIBE.—The term ‘‘Indian tribe’’ Maddon. United States; has the meaning given the term in section 4 VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:45 Nov 18, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00066 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO6.050 S17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6491 of the Indian Self-Determination and Edu- (i) the use and integration of technology- (2) The development of standards for safety cation Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 5304). enabled collaborative learning and capacity and quality of equipment and installation of (3) MEDICALLY UNDERSERVED AREA.—The building models by health care providers; equipment through the automobile adaptive term ‘‘medically underserved area’’ has the (ii) the impact of such models on health equipment program, including with respect meaning given the term ‘‘medically under- care provider retention, including in health to the defined differentiations in levels of served community’’ in section 799B of the professional shortage areas in the States and modification complexity.
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