v. S. DEPARlMENT OF COMMERCE Daniel C. Roper, Secretary BUREAU OF FISHERIES Frank T. Bell. C~ner SUPPLEMENTAL NOTES ON FISHES OF THE GULF OF MAINE By HENRY B. BIGELOW and WILLIAM C. SCHROEDER From BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF FISHERIES Volume XLVlll Bulletin No. 20 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTiNG OFFICE WASHINGTON, '* SUPPLEMENTAL NOTES ON FISHES OF THE GULF OF MAINE" $ By HENRY B. BIGELOW and WILLIAM C. SCHROEDER, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution .:I­ CONTENTS Page Page Introduction _________________________ _ 320 American conger, Conger oceanica (Mitch- Hagfish, Myxine glutinosa Linnaeus _____ _ 321 ill) _______________________________ _ 326 Sea lamprey, PetT01nyzon marinus Lin- Snake eel, Pisod;;oophis ,~uentifer Goode naeus _____________________________ _ 321 and Bean __________________________ _ 326 Smooth dogfish, Musiclus musielus (Lin- Hcrring, Clupea harengus Linnaeus _____ _ 327 naeus) ____________________________ _ 321 Alewife, Pomolobu8 pseudoharengu8 (Wil- 80n} ______________________________ _ Great blue shark, Prionacc glauca (Lin- 327 naeus) ____________________________ _ 321 Blueback, Pomolobus ar~tivahs (Mitchill)_ 327 Dusky shark, Carcharhinu8 obscurus (Le- Thread herring, Opisthollema oglinu1Il (1,e- Sueur) ____________________________ _ 321 Sueur) _____________________________ _ 327 Shovel-head shark, Cestracion tiburo (Lin- Round herring, Etrumeus sadina (MitGh- naeus) __________________________ _ 322 ill) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____________ _ 327 Hammerhead shark, Ccstracion zygaena Anchovy, Anchoviella mdclll:W (Cnvier and (Linnaeus) ________________________ _ 322 Valenciennes) _______________________ _ 327 Thresher, Alopias vulpinus (Bonnaterre)_ 322 Striped anchovy, Anchovidla ep.~etuli (Bon- Mackerel shark, Isurus nasus (Banna- naterre} ___________________________ _ 328 terre) _____________________________ _ 322 Argentine, Argentina SiZUB Ascaniu8 _____ _ 328 Sharp-nosed mackerel shark, I surus t'igris Pearls ides, 1'lfaurolicu8 pennanti (Wal- (At\vood) _________________________ _ 322 baum) _____________________________ _ 328 White shark, Carcharodon carcharias (Lin- Vipcrfish, Chauliodu8 sloanei Bloch and naeus) ____________________________ _ 322 Schneider __________ -- ______________ _ 328 Spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthius Lin- Lancetfish, Alepisaurus !erox Lowe _____ _ 328 naeus _____________________________ _ 322 Needlefish, Scomberesox 8aurus (Walbaum) 328 Greenland shark, Somniosu8 microcephalus Trumpetfish, Fistularia tabacaria Lin- (Bloch and Schneider) ______________ _ 323 naeus _____________________________ _ 32S Key to skates and rays ________ -- ____ -- 323 Pelagic pipefish, Syngnathu8 pelagicus Lin- Little skate, Raja erinacea Mitchill _____ _ 324 r.aeus _______________ -___________ _ 329 Big skate, Raja diaphanes MitchilL ____ _ 324 Common pipefish, 8yngnathus !IMCU8 Prickly skate, Raja scabrata Garman ____ _ 324 Storer ____________________________ _ 329 Brier skate, Raja eglanteria Bosc _______ _ 325 Northern barracuda, Sphyraena borealis Smooth skate, Raja sema Garman ______ _ 325 DeKay ___________ - _ - ___ -- _. - - _-_ - -- 32[) Barn-door skate, Raja stabuliJori8 Garman 325 Mackerel, Scomber 8combru8 Linnaells ___ _ 329 Torpedo, Narcacion nobilianus (Bona- Tuna, Thunnu8 thynnus (Linnaens) _____ _ 329 parte) ____________________________ _ 325 Common bonito, Sarda sarda (Bloch) ___ _ 330 Chimaera, Chimaera affinis Capello _____ _ 325 Spearfish, marlin, Makaira albida (Poey)_ 330 Common sturgeon, Acipenser sturio Lin- Swordfish, X iphias gladiua Linnael18 ____ _ 330 naeus _____________________________ _ 326 Pilotflsh, Naucrates ductor (Linnaeus) ___ _ 331 Short-nosed sturgeon, Acipenser breviro8- Rudderfish, Seriola zonata (Mitchill) ____ _ 331 truLeSueur _______________________ _ 326 Mackerel scad, Decapteru8 macarellu8 Eel, Anguilla TOstraia (LeSueur) ________ _ 326 (euvier fIDd Valeneiennes) __________ _ 331 • Bulletin No, 31. approved fur publleatlon May 18, 1936. Contribution No. 119 ottbe Woods Hole O-ographle Institution. 800M-3G 319 320 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF FISHERIES Pap Page Saurel, Trachurus trachuru8 (Linnaeus) __ _ 331 Shanny, Leptoclinu8 maculatull (Fries} ___ _ 337 Big-eyed BCad, Trachurops crumenopthalma Arctic shanny, Stichaeu8 punctatu8 (Fabri- (Bloch) ___________________________ _ 331 cius) ______________________________ _ 337 Hardtail, Caranx hippos (Linnaeus) _____ _ 331 Radiated shanny, Ulvaria 8ubbifurcata Hardtail, Caranx crysos (Mitehill) ______ _ 331 (Storer) ___________________________ _ 337 Lookdown, Selene tlomer (Linnaeus) _____ _ 332 Weymouth, Cryptacanthodes maculatus Storer____________________________ _ Leatherjacket, Oligoplites ,aurus (Bloch 337 and Schneider) _____________________ _ 332 Spotted wo1ffish, Anarrhichas minor Olaf- 332 sen _______________________________ _ Bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix (Linnaeus)_ 337 Common dolphin, Coryphaena hippuru8 Eelpout, Zoarces anguillaris (Peck) _____ _ 337 Linnaeus __________________________ _ 332 VVolf eel, Lycenchelys ven-illii (Goode and 332 Bean) ____________________________ _ Opah, Lampris regius (Bonnaterre) _____ _ 338 Johnson's sea bream, Taractes princeps Silver hake, Merlucciu8 bilinearis (Mitch- 332 ill) _______________________________ _ Johnson ___________________________ _ 338 Butterfish, Poronotu8 triacanthus (Peck) __ 332 Pollock, Pollach-ius mren8 (Linnaeus) ____ _ 338 Harvestfish, Peprilus alepidotus (Lin- Cod, Gadu8 callarias Linnaeus _________ _ 33S naeus) ____________________________ _ 333 Haddock, Melanogrammu8 aeglefinu8 (Lin- Striped bass, ROCCU8 lineatu8 (Bloch) ___ _ 333 naeus) ____________________________ _ 339 Sea bass, CentropristelJ striatus (Linnaeus)_ 333 Long-finned hake, Urophycis chesteri Triggerfish, Balistes ClM'Olinen8i8 Gmelin __ 333 (Goode and Bean) __________________ _ 339 Filefish, Monacanthu8 hispidu8 (Linnaeus) 334 Spotted hake, Urophycis regiull (Wal- Filefish, M onacanthu8 ciliatu8 (Mitehill)_ 334 baum) ____________________________ _ 339 Unicornfish, Alutera scripta (Osbeck) ___ _ 334 Four-bearded rockling, Enchelyopus cim- Puffer, Spheroide8 maculatu8 (Bloch and brius (Linnaeus) ___________________ _ 339 Schneider) ________________________ _ 334 Cusk, Brosme brosme (MUller) _________ _ 339 Rosefish, Sebastes marinus (Linnaeus) ___ _ 334 Common grenadier, Macrourus bairdii Black-bellied rosefish, Helicolenu8 dactyl- Goode and Bean ___________________ _ 340 opterus (De 1a Roche) _______________ _ 334 American plaice, Hippoglo88oides plates- Hook-eared sculpin, Artediellus uncinatu8 soides (Fabricius) __________________ _ 34U (Reinhard~-----------------------­ 335 Four-spotted flounder, Paralichthys oblon- Mailed sculpin, Triglops ommatistiu8 Gil- gus (Mitchill) ______________________ _ bert ______________________________ _ 340 335 Rusty dab, Limanda ferruginea (Storer) __ 340 Longhorn sculpin, Myoxocephalus octo- decimspinosus (Mitchill) ____________ _ 335 VVillter flounder, Pseudopleuronectes arneri- canu8 (VValbaum) __________________ _ Deep-sea sculpin, Cottunculu8 microps 340 Collett ____________________________ _ 335 Georges Bank flounder, Pseudopleuronectes Sea raven, Hernitripteru8 arnericanu8 dignabilis KendaIl __________________ _ 341 (Gmelin) __________________________ _ 335 Witch flounder, Glyptocephalus cynoglos8us Sea snail, Neoliparis atlanticu8 Jordan and 341 Evermann_________________________ _ (Linnaeu~------------------------- 336 Gulf Stream flounder, Oitharichthys arcti- Striped sea snail, Liparis liparis (Lin- frons Goode _______________________ _ 341 naeu~----------------------------- 336 American goosefish, Lophius americanus Ued-winged sea robin, Prwnotus Btrigatu8 Cuvier and Valenciennes ____________ _ 341 (Cuvier) __________________________ _ 336 Remora, Remora remora (Linnaeus) _____ _ 336 Sargassum fish, Histrio histrio (Linnaeus)_ 341 336 Deep-sea angler, Mancalias uranoscopu8 Rock eel, Pholis gunnellu8 (Linnaeus) ___ _ (Murray) _________________________ _ Snake blenny, Lumpenus lampetraeformis 342 (VValbaum) ________________________ _ 336 Bibliography ________________________ _ 342 Introduction Since the publication by the Bureau of Fisheries of "Fishes of the Gulf of Maine" (Document No. 965, U. S. Bureau of Fisheries, Bigelow and Welsh, 1925) enough new information of general interest has come to hand regarding abundance, dis­ tribution, migrations, breeding habits, and food habits to warrant the issuance of a supplement to that publication. Many of these data have been obtained during the investigations carried on by the Bureau; part have been collected from corre­ spondence, while part .have been gleaned from published material. Brief notes FISHES OF THE GULF OF MAINE 321 and records of distribution ha.ve been taken from the Bulletin of the Boston Society of Natural History (see Firth (1931), Kendall (1931), MacCoy (1929, 1931a, 1931b, 1933), Schroeder (1931)); from Reports of the Newfoundland Fishery Research Commission (1932-1933); and from the Proceedings and Transactions of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science (Leim 1930). For the distribution of certain New England sharks in South African waters, not referred to in this paper, the reader is referred to Barnard (1925). For allowing us the use of unpublished notes we wish to thank F. E. Firth, Dr. G. W. Jeffers, Dr. A. H. Leim, Walter H. Rich, and O. E. Sette. The nomenclature used in this supplement is as in "Fishes of the Gulf of Maine. II Hagfish, Myxine glutinosa Linnaeus Recent detailed studies of the sex organs make it certain that t.he hag is not functionally
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