GARDEN GALLERY PLANT LIST - 2020 Best Time to Prune Bed ITEM Type QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME Year Planted Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Legend Notes BG 9 A 1 Asclepias curassavica Tropical Milkweed 2016 B B BG 26 A 1 Asclepias physocarpus Hairy Balls Milkweed B B RG 17 A 6 Blue Fescue Annual 2016 A A A BG 31 A 1 Datura - Annual B B CG 7 A 2 Obelisk with Annual vine Obelisk ANNUALY B B B Plant with Annuals BG 21 A 25' +/- Petroselinum crispum Parsley ANNUALY B B D 5 ES 2 Buxus 'Green Mountain' Boxwood 2007 x x x x x 6, 7 Thin in Spring; Minor touch up in September for shape; Maintain Conical Hedge at 3 feet D 6 ES 10 Buxus 'Green Velvet' Boxwood 2007 x x x x x 6, 7 Thin in Spring; Minor touch up in September for shape; Maintain Formal Hedge at 2 feet A 6 ES 1 Buxus sempervirens 'Green Tower' Boxwood ('Monrue') 2015 x x x x x 6, 7 Thin in Spring; Minor touch up in Fall for shape CS 5 ES 1 Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Filicoides' Fernspray False Cypress 2018 x x o o o o 12, 13 B 17 ES 1 Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Mops' False Cypress 2010 x x o o o o 12, 13 F 10 ES 1 Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Mops' False-cypress 2009 o x x o o o o o 12, 13 shake & hose to remove dead needles, thin in layers for fullness RG 3 ES 5 Ilex crenata 'Green Luster' Japanese Holly 2011 o x x x o o o o DDD E 10 ES 2 Ilex meserveae 'Castle Spire' (Hackfee) Holly 2016 x x x 12, 15 Control size to 3 feet D 8 ES 3 Ilex meserveae 'Scallywag' x x x 15 Control size to 2 to 3 feet E 25 ES 1 Ilex x meserveae 'Mesdab' 'China Boy' Meserve Holly 2008 o o x x x o o o 15 Control size to 2 to 3 feet E 24 ES 2 Ilex x meserveae 'Mesog' 'China Girl' Meserve Holly 2008 o o x x x o o o 15 Control size to 2 to 3 feet C 19 ES 1 Juniper 'Blueberry Delight' Spreading Juniper 2014 o x x x o o o o 7, 12, 13 CS 36 ES 1 Juniperus chinensis 'Gold Lace' Spreading Juniper ('Armstrong Aurea') 2013 o x x x o o o o 7, 12, 13 G 26 ES 3 Juniperus chinensis 'Saybrook Gold' Spreading Juniper 2010 o x x x o o o o 7, 12, 13 F 60 ES 1 Juniperus conferta 'Blue Pacific' Groundcover Juniper o x x x o o o o 7, 12, 13 F 59 ES 1 Juniperus horizontalis 'Icee Blue' (Monber) Groundcover Juniper o x x x o o o o 7, 12, 13 F 61 ES 1 Juniperus horizontalis 'Mother Lode' Groundcover Juniper o x x x o o o o 7, 12, 13 E 16 ES 2 Juniperus 'Mother Lode' Creeping Juniper o x x x o o o o 7, 12, 13 G 22 ES 4 Juniperus sabina 'Mini Arcadia' Spreading Juniper 2010 o x x x o o o o 7, 12, 13 By Plant Type + Name 1of 17 GARDEN GALLERY PLANT LIST - 2020 Best Time to Prune Bed ITEM Type QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME Year Planted Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Legend Notes RG 7 ES 1 Juniperus virginiana 'Grey Owl' Spreading Juniper 2011 o x x x o o o o 7, 12, 13 B 13 ES 1 Mahonia 'Compactum' Compact Oregon Grape Holly 2008 o o x x o o o 2, 5 Remove sucker growth F 23 ES 2 Picea abies 'Little Gem' Norway Globe Spruce 2019 o o o x x o o o 7, 9, 12 B 14 ES 1 Pinus mugho 'Mops' Dwarf Mugho pine 2008 o x x o o o 7, 9, 12 No pruning in 2015 B 33 ES 1 Rhodendron 'Autumn Amethyst' Encore Azalea 2010 o o x x o o o 3, 12 B 22 ES 1 Rhododendron 'Girard's Rose' Girard Hybrid Azalea 2013 o o o x x o o o 2, 4, 12 E 27 ES 3 Taxus 'Densiformis' Anglojap Yew 2008 o x x x o o x 15 Control size to 2 to 3 feet E 14 ES 4 Taxus 'Emerald Spreader' Japanese Yew 2019 o o x x o o o DDD F 58 ES 1 Taxus 'Emerald Spreader' Japanese Yew 2019 o o x x o o o DDD CG 34 ES 3 Taxus media 'Citation' Citation Yew 2015 x x x x CG 3 ES 1 Taxus media 'Hicksii' Hicks Yew 2015 x x x x 15 E 54 ES 1 Thuga occ. ' Anna's Magic Ball' Arborvitae 2015 o x x x o o o 7, 12, 13 B 32 ES - TBP 1 Picea abies "Pusch' Dwarf Norway Spruce 2020 x x 7, 12 Prune for shape only -- check first G 6 ET 1 Cedrus deodara 'Karl Fuchs' Deodar Cedar 2016 o x x x o o o o DDD E 22 ET 1 Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Gracillis' Hinoki False Cypress 2018 x 12, 13 G 1 ET 1 Ilex meserveae 'Centennial Girl' Holly Tree 2019 x x x 15 CS 38 ET 3 Juniperus virginiana 'Canaertii' Upright Juniper 2013 o x x x o o o o 7, 12, 13 A 2 ET 3 Juniperus virginiana 'Taylor' Eastern Redcedar 2008 o x x x o o o o 7, 12, 13 B 2 ET 1 Magnolia grandiflora 'Bracken's Brown Beauty' Southern Magnolia 2008 o o x x o o o DDD G 8 ET 1 Picea abies 'Acrocona' Norway Spruce 2010 o x x o o o 7, 9, 12 BG 1 ET 1 Picea abies 'Pendula' Weeping Spruce x x o o o 7, 9, 12 E 5 ET 1 Picea glauca 'Deer Run' White Spruce REPLACED o o o x x o o 7, 9, 12 B 5 ET 1 Picea glauca 'Pendula' Weeping White Spruce 2008 o o o -- -- o o o 7,12 No pruning necessary – check before trimming C 1 ET 1 Picea glauca 'Pendula' Weeping White Spruce o o o -- -- o o o 7,12 No pruning necessary – check before trimming D 3 ET 1 Picea omorika 'Riverside' Serbian Spruce 2007 o o x x o o o 7, 9, 12 F 4 ET 1 Picea orientalis 'Gowdy' Oriental Spruce 2009 o o o x x o o o 7, 9, 12 B 3 ET 1 Picea pungens 'Bakeri' Colorado Blue Spruce 2008 o o o x x o o o 7, 9, 12 C 3 ET 1 Picea pungens 'Blue Totem' Colorado Blue Spruce o o o x x o o o 7, 9, 12 D 7 ET 2 Thuja occidentalis 'Degroot's Spire' American Arborvitae 2019 o x x x o o o 7, 12, 13 E 6 ET 1 Thuja occidentalis 'Degroot's Spire' American Arborvitae 2007 o x x x o o o 7, 12, 13 A 1 ET 3 Thuja occidentalis 'Emerald' Eastern Arborvitae 2008 o x x x o o o o 7,12, 13 G 2 ET 1 Thuja plicata x 'Green Giant' Western Arborvitae 2010 o x x x o o o 7, 12 Hose out dead; tie interior w/flexible vinyl or p.hose for winter ice By Plant Type + Name 2of 17 GARDEN GALLERY PLANT LIST - 2020 Best Time to Prune Bed ITEM Type QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME Year Planted Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Legend Notes G 63 G 1 Bouteloua gracillis "Blonde Ambition' Blue Grama Grass 2016 A A A BG 14 G 3 Bouteloua gracillis 'Blonde Ambition' Blue Grama Grass 2016 A A A CG 76 G 1 Bouteloua gracillis 'Blonde Ambition' Blue Grama Grass 2016 A A o o o o o o A CS 35 G 1 Calamagrostis acutiflora 'Avalanche' Variegated Feather Reed Grass 2014 A A o o o o o o A F 55 G 2 Calamagrostis acutiflora 'Eldorado' Feather Reed Grass 2009 A A o o o o o o A BG 8 G 2 Calamagrostis acutiflora 'Karl Foerster' Feather Reed Grass 2016 A A o o o o o o A E 31 G 1 Calamagrostis acutiflora 'Karl Foerster' Feather Reed Grass A A o o o o o o A F 18 G 2 Calamagrostis arundinacea 'Overdam' Variegated Feather Reed Grass 2009 A A o o o o o o A RG 5 G 1 Calamagrostis 'Eldorado' Feather Reed Grass 2011 A A A G 52 G 2 Calamagrostis var. brachytricha Korean Feather Reed Grass 2014 A A o o o o o o A E 28 G 1 Festuca glauca 'Elijah Blue' Blue Fescue A A o o o o o o A RG 18 G 1 Juncus inflexus 'Blue Mohawk' Soft Rush 2011 A A A CS 14 G 2 Miscanthus sinensis 'Adagio' Maiden Grass 2013 A A A G 49 G 1 Miscanthus sinensis 'Adagio' Maiden Grass 2010 A A A CS 3 G 3 Ophiopogon pleniscarpus 'Ebony Knight' Black Mondo Grass 2013 A A A CG 4 G 2 Panicum virgatum 'Cheyenne Spirit' Switch Grass 2015 A A A G 56 G 1 Panicum virgatum 'Dallas Blues' Switch Grass 2010 A A A E 37 G 1 Panicum virgatum 'Heavy Metal' Switch Grass A A A G 21 G 3 Panicum virgatum 'Northwind' Switch Grass 2010 A A A CS 2 G 1 Panicum virgatum 'Shenandoah' Switch Grass 2019 A A A F 9 G 1 Panicum virgatum 'Shenandoah' Switch Grass 2009 A A A RG 15 G 1 Panicum virgatum 'Shenandoah' Switch Grass 2011 A A A E 39 G 1 Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Hameln' Dwarf Fountain Grass 2008 A A o o o o o o A G 36 G 3 Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Little Bunny' Dwarf Fountain Grass 2010 A A A F 41 G 1 Schizachyrium scoparium 'Prairie Munchkin' Little Bluestem 2017 A A A CS 4 G 1 Schizachyrium scoparius 'Blue Heaven' Little Bluestem 2013 A A A F 64 G 1 Schizachyrium scoparius 'Blue Heaven' Little Bluestem 2009 A A A RG 16 G 1 Schizachyrium scoparius 'Blue Heaven' Little Bluestem 2011 A A A RG 23 G 2 Schizachyrium scoparius 'Standing Ovation' Little Bluestem 2019 A A A By Plant Type + Name 3of 17 GARDEN GALLERY PLANT LIST - 2020 Best Time to Prune Bed ITEM Type QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME Year Planted Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Legend Notes CG 8 P 1 Acanthus spinosus Bear's Breaches A A A CG 120 P 1 Achillea 'Dessert Eve Yellow' Yarrow 2019 B B D D B B, D CG 112 P 1 Achillea millefolium 'Paprika' Yarrow 2016 B B D D B B, D BG 12 P 1 Achillea 'Moonshine' Yarrow 2019 B B D D B B, D CG 21 P 1 Agastache 'Mango Tango' Hyssop 2019 B D B, D BG 6 P 6 Agastache rupestris 'Blue Boa' Hyssop 2016 B D B, D CS 10 P ? Ajuga reptans 'Bronze Beauty' Bugleweed 2017 B B,D B,D B,D CG 11 P 1 Alcea rosea Old Fashioned Hollyhock 2017 B D A A,D CG 54 P 1 Alchemilla 'Alma' Dwarf Lady's Mantle 2016 B B B B CG 99 P 1 Allium 'Globemaster' Ornamental Onion (summer dormant) 2016 B D B CG 98 P 1 Allium 'Millenium' Ornamental Onion 2016 B D B CG 86 P 1 Allium sen.
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