g/„ AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE VOL. 18. NO. 9 JOURNAL SEPTEMBER, 1941 tor Americans in Foreign Service MIRACLE NUMBER ONE. The young her RCA Victrola QU8 is making a lady above is listening to an impor¬ phono graph-record of the program— tant broadcast from the States, on a record good enough to compare her new 1942 RCA Victrola "Master favorably with commercial records. of the Airwaves” Model QU8. MIRACLE NUMBER THREE. When Though the station is three thou¬ her mood changes, the young lady sand miles away, she hears every can hear the music of her choice, A Great American Achievement syllable clearly — even hears the on Victor Records, with amazingly The ultimate in modern phonograph- speaker breathe between phrases. colorful living tone—tone that only radio excellence, this RCA Victrola Through the magic of RCA Victor RCA Victor, manufacturer of both QU8 embodies every important ad- engineering, and 24 sensitive tubes Victor Records and RCA Victrola, vancemen t developed by the greatest in the QU8, the whole world is her could re-create. She can hear a full name in radio and sound. Volume is neighbor, whenevershewishes! But three-hour program from those adequate for even a large music hall that’s not the whole story— records, withoutliftinga hand, while — and up to 32 individual loud¬ MIRACLE NUMBER TWO.Theyoung the RCAVictrola Automatic Record speakers, remotely located, may be lady’s husband will not be home for Changer does all the work...play¬ connected for "custom-built” appli¬ several hours.Yet, he, too, will hear ing both sides of every record, in cations.The microphone (which may this same broadcast—at his conve¬ mixed 10-inch and 12-inch sizes, be concealed) permits addressing nience. For while the lady listens, without attention! large audiences by using the tremen¬ For greater radio pleasure, listen to RCA Victor-NBC Internationfil Stations dous reserve power of the QU8 as a WRCA and WNBI, New York City, U. S. A... 9670 KC and 17,780 KC. Public Address System. See and hear Trademarks "RCA Victor” and "Victrola” Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. by the QU8 soon — it’s an American For Finer Radio RCA Manufacturing Co., Inc. Performance product that Americans in Foreign Service can be proud to own! International Division • RCA Manufacturing Co., Inc., Camden, N. J., U. S. A. * A Service of the Radio Corporation of America • In Canada: RCA Victor Co., Ltd., Montreal CONTENTS SEPTEMBER, 1941 Cover Picture: The U.S.S. West Point See page 517 Guarding the Ramparts of Freedom By J. Edgar Hoover 485 Mexican Embassy Mural, photo 489 West Point Voyage By Raymond D. Muir 490 History of the Consulate General at London By the late Percy R. Broemel 492 Export Control Diplomatic Immunity? By Brigadier General R. L. Maxwell, U. S. A.... 495 Old Automobiles for New Fire, windstorm, lightning, bur¬ By Henry S. Villard ... 496 glary, theft—the many hazards of daily life—are no respecters of per¬ The New Digest sons. But our special Government 498 By Dr. Hunter Miller . Service Policy with its broad cover¬ Exit from Paris age on personal effects of every de¬ By G. E. Morris Allen .... 500 scription, will indemnify you in the event of loss. Editors’ Column 502 For more than twenty years our or¬ News from the Department ganization has been devoted entirely 503 By Reginald P. Mitchell .. to providing American insurance protection in foreign countries. Letters to the Editors 506 Those in the foreign service of our 507 News from the Field government will find our facilities The Bookshelf unusually effective and complete. 508 Francis C. de Wolf You may advise us direct about your A Trip Through the Khyber insurance needs or apply through By Bernard C. Connelly 511 your regular insurance agent. American Foreign Service Association Yearly Financial Statement 512 Foreign Service Changes 514 Service Glimpses 515 Births 533 AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL In Memoriam 535 UNDERWRITERS CORPORATION 535 Marriages 111 John Street, New York 340 Pine Street, San Francisco Visitors 539 Additional Company Offices in: Havana, Cuba Manila, P. I. Bogota, Colombia, S. A. Issued monthly by the American Foreign Service Associa¬ Shanghai, China tion, Department of State, Washington, D. C. Entered as Hong Kong second-class matter at the Post Office in Washington, D. C., Representatives hi Key Cities throughout the World under the act of March 3, 1879. 481 . ■ am liSS* CYCLONE-POWERED fowiedd€d~ STRENGTHEN HEMISPHERE DEFENSE Their range extending even to the most remote U. S. bases, the famous Wright Cyclone-powered Boeing "Flying Fortresses” spread their protecting wings over an entire hemisphere. Supreme in performance at rare altitudes, the Flying Fortresses are widely used by the Army to carry huge loads for great distances at high speeds. They have become familiar sights to the republics of the three Americas from their many good-will flights the length and breadth of the Western Hemisphere. WRIGHT AERONAUTICAL CORPORATION A Division of Curtiss-Wrigbt Corporation, Paterson, New Jersey ENGINES INDEX FOR ADVERTISERS American Export Lines — 522 American International Underwriters Corporation 481 American Republics Line _ 525 American Security and Trust Company 513 Bacardi, Santiago de Cuba 483 f Brewood (Engravers) - 535 *R Calvert School ?. 539 ■S Chase National Bank 536 HP Clark, Horace F., & Son 537 A good neighbour... Curtiss-Wright Corporation 482 Fairfax Hotel — 537 and a good mixer! Federal Storage Company — 524 Fessenden School, The 535 Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. 484 General Motors Overseas Operations 527 Si senor! For BACARDI is not only an Goodyear Tire & Rubber Export Co. _ II Cover outstanding example of Pan-American Grace Line 519 Gude Bros. Co. — — — 539 solidarity in the realm of good taste, but the most congenial and versatile Hay-Adams House 534 of all the great liquors of the world. International Telephone & Telegraph Co 521 It mixes readily and superbly with all Mayflower Hotel 518 Moore-McCormack Lines 525 fine ingredients, from the sparkling National City Bank 538 simplicity of a highball to the compli¬ National Geographic Magazine 520 cated art of a Coronation Cocktail... New England Mutual Life Insurance Co. 534 Pacific Fisheries, Assn, of 537 And it gives a new thrill to the old Pan-American Airways, Inc 533 drinks with its unique, delectable RCA Manufacturing Company II Cover flavour. Sapp, Earle W„ C.L.U. 534 Schenley Products III Cover Youare Security Storage Company of Washington— 513 BACARDI u ser Socony-Vacuum Oil Co., Inc. 516 Y° guests are always nd y en °flattered.°j B*BACARDI putation‘ Turner’s Diplomatic School 537 d,h Tyner, Miss E. J. 534 w ',h among t both Con- connoisseurs ers Underwriters 481 art ,or h q Underwood Elliott Fisher Company 529 tinen.s r; ru e to if United Fruit Company 536 °' a:e" u uet" ond its United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company — 533 ,e United States Lines 517 smooth, exquisi quality- United States Steel Export Company 523 begl0 d f l , t We will n 7ocali'.y n° Waleott-Taylor Co., Inc. 539 Waldorf-Astoria Hotel IV Cover 2ST3 - Westinghouse Electric International Company 530 Tproo* deo'ers. Williams & Co., Inc., R. C. 532 Woodward & Lothrop .— 526 COMPANIA "RON BACARDI," S. A. Santiago de Cuba Please mention THE AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL when writing to advertisers. Schenley Import Corp., N. Y. Copr. 1941 SEPTEMBER, 1941 483 BEST IN RUBBER PRICELESS PROTECTION firestoneTHE JUEW Sct/ti - Sure cl ' CHAMPION TIRES HANDS that grip the steering wheel by the patented Safety-Lock Gum- also hold the destiny of precious Dipped cord body—Safti-Sured against human lives. Yet too few car owners skidding by the remarkable Gear-Grip realize the serious responsibilities that tread — and Safti-Sured for longer rest upon them to keep their cars in mileage by the exclusive new Vitamic safe driving condition. rubber compound. Each year thousands of men, women Protect your life and the lives of and innocent children are victims of your family by having your nearby unsafe tires. Why take chances with Firestone dealer equip your car today mankind’s most priceless possession with a set of new Safti-Sured Firestone when it costs so little for the priceless DeLuxe Champion Tires — the only protection of the world’s first and only tires made that are safety-proved on tires that are Safti-Sured? the speedway for your protection They are Safti-Sured against blowouts on the highway. (.'iipr. l!i 11. The F. T. & 11. Co, THE ONLY TIRES MADE THAT ARE SAFETY-PROVED ON THE SPEEDWAY FOR YOUR PROTECTION ON THE HIGHWAY THE FOREIGN E JOURNAL PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE ASSOCIATION VOL. 18, No. 9 WASHINGTON, D. C. SEPTEMBER, 1941 C*iiar<ling the Ramparts of Freedom By J. EDGAR HOOVER, Director Federal Bureau of Investigation, United States Department of Justice THOUGH scarcely twenty-three years have fellow man, and his country to aid in keeping Amer¬ elapsed since the firing ceased in 1918, America ica strong and free from the dread forces of totali¬ is today in the midst of a crisis. Liberty itself is at tarianism and subversion. The sailor, the soldier, stake. We cherish—and rightly so—the privilege of the law enforcement officer, the public official, and self-government, freedom of speech, and of worship. the citizen—each in his own way—can assist in These must be retained, for without them our vaunt¬ guarding the ramparts of freedom. ed citadel of liberty will crumble and democracy it¬ Within recent months it has been demonstrated self will vanish from our shores. time after time that planes, ships, and marching These God-given privileges are worth preserving; columns of infantry are not the sole effective weap- they are worthy of a supreme sacri¬ fice by the living and, if need be, of death itself.
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