- CASSVOLUME 90, NUMBER 21 -’--YDNESDAY. AUGUST 21.1996CHRONICLE FIFTY PENTC 1 A DAP-CC $“ ,., $’* It’s back to school time for students Students may find it hard to Commire; and new middle while elementary students teachers will report forstheir believe, but it’s time to dust school Guidance Counselor will attend from 8:10 a.m. to first day Monday, while stu- off their back packs, stock up Joan Helwig, who replaces 2:40 p.m. dents will attend their first on pencils and paper, and get retiring Dick Partlo. Students will have both Fri- full day of school lbesday. ready for a new school year. Also new to the district is day and Monday, Sept. 2, off Summer vacation will be Jason Smigell, who replaces for the Labor Day holiday. The school day will run over in less than a week, and band instructor Brian Knoll, The lunch and breakfast from 8:30 a.m. to 250 p.m. school officials in the Cass and Kelly Kastraba, who will programs will get underway at the junior/senior high City, Kingston, Owen-Gage fill a part-time Reading Re- on the first half-day of school, and from 8:30 am. and Ubly districts are gear- covery (,Title I) position. school. Lunch prices - $1 to 3 p.m. at the elementary ing up to open their doors for School officials are also in at the high school and 90 school. the start of the 1996-97 the process of filling a va- cents at the elementary -are Students will have both Fri- school year. cancy left by seventh grade the same as last year, as are day and Monday, Sept. 2, off Area students will attend teacher Liz Blom. breakfast prices. for the Labor Day holiday. their first full day of classes New to the school staff this A special juniorhenior high Tuesday, Aug. 27. KINGSTON year is Beth Marshall, who open house will be held The following is a roundup has been hired as a part-time Monday from 6 to 8 p.m,, of school related information Students in the Kingston preschool teacher. Connie when students can tour the provided by each of the School District will start the Terpenning has been hired as school and pick up their school districts: year off with a half-day of the new cheerleading coach. schedules. A seventh grade classes Tuesday. Teachers Also new this year will be orientation will begin at 7:30 CASS CITY are to report Monday. an elementary handbook that p.m. will be distributed to students There will be 2 sections of The first full day of school Cas City students will be- on the first day of school. kindergarten this year, with will beAug. 28. High school gin the year with a full day OWEN-GAGE one group attending full days of classes Tuesday. The students will attend classes school day will run from from 8:20 a.m. to 2:50 p.m., Owen-Gage School District Please turn to back page. 8:20 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the el- ementary and middle schools, and from 8:25 a.m. SEEING DOUBLE - An entry in Saturday’s Octagon Barn Festival parade is to 3:lO p.m. at the high Company growth spurs school.*. dwarfed above by the real thing just north of Bay City-Forestville on Ritchie Road, Students will have Monday, Residents from all over drove to the site to get a close look at the unique barn and Sept. 2, off in observance of change at Walbro the Labor Day holiday. farmhouse, as well as a number of special attractions. (See story page 7) Lunch will be served the are thisme as last ykar at and chief executive officer of 95 cents for elementary stu- Walbro Corporation, an- dents and $1 for middle and nounced that the growth of Cass City, Decker teens high school students. the company has made it nec- The district’s breakfast pro- essary for him to relinquish gram will begin Tuesday, the duties of president of Sept. 3. The cost is 80 cents, Walbro Corporation to Frank and students who wish to E. Bauchiero, 61. arrested for break-ins participate in the program The change will allow will be allowed in each Althaver to concentrate on building’s cafeteria 15 to 20 the financial aspects of the With the help of some con- Both lzydorek and commit larceny, conspiracy tion of break-ins outside the company and its major ac- fidential informants, Cass minutes prior to the begin- Fettcrhoffwere arrested Fri- to commit breaking and en- village has been Det. Sgt, ning of school time. counts. City police and the Tuscola day and will he charged with tering and larceny in a build- Patrick Woidan of the Applications for free and Althaver became president County Sheriff’s Department * multiple counts of breaking ing. sheriff’s department, who reduced meals are being sent of Walbro in 1977 when the have arrested suspects and entering with intent to Working on the investiga- company grossed about wanted in conncction with Please turn to back page. to the parents of all students several break-ins in the area involving thousands of dol- lars in property and property dollar company. He became damage. those in-1995-96. Adjust- Walbro board. man resources. Plan new Cass Citv ments to balance the bus chairman in 1987. Today The presidents of Walbro’s In all, warrants have been “I am extremely pleased to loads and to provide for the Walbro is $600 million and 2 primary operating groups, issued for 3 teens - one growing. welcomeFrank Bauchiero to from Cass City and 2 others transportation of new stu- Walbro Automotive and dents will be made as soon Bauchiero, 61, comes to Walbro Corporation on a from Decker. Another sus- full-time basis,” Althaver Walbro Engine Manage- as possible. Walbro Corporation from ment, will report to pect, a 15-year-old Marlette Dana Corporation, Toledo, said in announcing the ap- youth, is being petitioned E 1 and Township offici a 1s Wallace explained. Students will be greeted by pointment. “His extensive Bauchiero. Bauchiero will kl gest change in the regula- Ohio, where he has retired as report to Althaver. into juvenile court. last week got a look at the Developer Roland Hanes of tions eliminates required at- several new faces this year, operati on a1 experience wi 11 The warrants stem from an president, Industrial Group, Bauchiero spent 26 years preliminary plans for a new Homes American Made Co., tendance by fire fighters of including new middle school North American operations. be extremely valuable to investigation into recent subdivision proposed for a Caro, said additional infor- Principal Jeanne Lohela; Walbro in this period of dra- with Rexnord, Inc., where he one Tuscola County Fire Bauchiero has served as a held a variety of positions break-ins at the Helen site south of M-8 1 and west mation on the proposed sub- Fighters Association meeting Karin Pearson, who replaces non-emplo director matic growth.” One of his Stevens Memdrial Pool, Ben yee of before being named presi- of Koepfgen Road in Section division will be released each year, and one Huron English teacher and drama Walbro Corporation since primary roles will be devel- Franklin Store, Seeger Street Please turn back page. 32 of the township. soon. He noted some details County association meeting director Veronica L. 1990 and will remain on the oping of the company’s hu- to Market, Rolling Hills Golf The hoard authorized town- need to be worked out before every other year, although Course in Cass City and ship Clerk Norma Wallace to he can discuss the project firemen are still encouraged Sherwood on the Hill golf sign the preliminary plans fur her. to attend. in course Gagetown. for Country Living Estates In other business during the Also last week, the board According to reports, an in- subject to a review of the Aug. 12 monthly meeting, tabled a request to provide formant provided Cass City plans by township attorneys. the board approved amended recycling services in the Police Ofticer Craig Haynes “This is nothing final or rules and regulations for the township. Wallace said the with the names of suspects anything. They have to do Elkland Township Fire De- board needs some time to allegedly involved with the this before (the plans) can be partment. investigate what services break-ins. Troopers at the sent to the state” for review, Wallace reported the big- may be available. Michigan State Police post in Sandusky also passed on similar information provided anonymously. Two of the suspects, Sue Ublv School Damian G. Izydorek, 17, U 3341 Decker Rd., Decker, and Jonathan Fetterhoff, 18, 3101 Dodge Rd., Cass City, confessed to breaking into after bus crash the Cass City Pool building July 1 at about 1 a.m, A third The mothers of a pair of the road and struck a con- bus in a “negligent and suspect, .the Marlette teen, Ubly Community School crete culvert, causing it to grossly negligent manner,” allegedly waited in a van out- students have filed lawsuits roll over on its right side in a resulting in the teens’ injury. side, acting as a look-out. against the school district in ditch. School officials, in court Taken were $400 in cash, a connection with a school bus The driver told deputies he documents, deny the district stereo valued at $50, a watch accident in May 1995. had just made a turn prior to acted in a negligent manner, valued at $60 and a wall The suits, each seeking the accident and was unable and claim the teens “have not clock.
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