
Jacqueline Polunic THE TRANSFORMATION OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT IN KWAZULU-NATAL Volume 2 Dissertation submitted in fulfilment of the requ irements fo r the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Human Sciences, University of Natal - Durban March 2000 DECLARATION I declare that this dissertation is my own unaided work. It is being submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Human Sciences, University of Natal - Durban. It has not been submitted for any degree or examination in any other University. ANNEXE I Black Local Government Sources: The legislation: Indicator South Africa, Vo!. 5 (4), Spring 1988, p.53 . The typical township structure Indicator South Africa, Vo!. 5 (4), Spring 1988, p.49. BLACK LOCAL AUTHORITIES A Typical Township Structure REGIONAl SERV1CES DEPARTMENT OF COUNCIL PROVINCIAl. NA1lllNA1 HEAlTl1 AND ADMJN1STtlTOi POI'llIATION DEVELOPMENT "".§>,.. SIACX lOCAl : iJ ~O ••' AUTHORITY COMMUNITY SERVICES • Z ~•• •, TownorVdIogeCounci BRANCH ~ ~ .----, . ~.,' . : . ' . ~ . ........ - •••••. •••••••••••• If',' •••••••••••••••••,. •••••••••• •••• u •••••••••• u ... .... ....... ..... .. E <,n : .': • l z· T~SHlP E ~: ENGINEERlNGNIORKS C • maintenance T Sl:_. • refuse rell'lClYCl! o ~ . R A .. T E Tc:M'N aERKMUAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES SECRETARY t..-_-d............ ... HWlli AND WELfARE " ", • heohh education • we!are services . <* SUPfRlNTENDENT .. .. ADMlNISTRATM CLERKS . dericoI services .. .. ESTATES • &..hold oppImiom • housing aPPtICOlioru; TREASURY PROTECTION SERVICES .,''','''' .mlKIi<ipoI poice . ""~ • Mo"" ......... ·SOUTHt;;:=C= AfRICAN POlICE 01 low 000 Ordef illenns of ProdamaEon No 85, May 1988 ••••••••••••••••••• T()HNSHlP ADMINISTRATION legislation-,--___/PSA_ReSe-,o"h Fifty Years at African Lac." Govemment Since the formal establishment of segregated resldenUal Greos for Africans In 1937, local government structures for the African population have undergone several transformations: 1911 The Native Lows Amendment Ad (No 4& of 1931) tltablidtes sepIIlGle to"fndlips fOf Afrialnl. 1945 ThII Native (Urbeo Arem) (omolidatiQ!l Art (No 2S 01 1945) establishes Btud Ad-risory Boards Ior egm of these towruhips. Finoll(eS DIe mted in the NutiYt ReYenoe AttOIInl held bJ the while klcol authori". 1961 The Urban Bonw Counals Ad (No BD 011961 ) prOYides Ior the Groduul replacement of Adl'isory Boards with Urban Bunru Cooncil\ (U8u). 19&3 The &ntu laws Amendmefll Ad (Ho 76 011963) alloWi !he while local authority to gnm! lUewlive powtrl 10 !he U9CS but maia the Nolive Revenue Mooat. 1911 The odministroli'lll role 01 white Ioal authorities is Il'ontiened 10 11 $J'SIem of Bantu A.fIo!rs AdminillraliOll Boords, with 22 tllablished at the lime. 1917 The Communi" Council! Att (No 235 of 1977) reploreos the UBCs with a Sftlem of Conun~nity Counrill (CCS), wilb !be Adminislnrtion Boards (OI'Illo1ling tM ~nandal oaounts of IowJIships. 1913 Tbti Blad: l OOlI Allrhorffies Ad (No 102 oL 1982) IGmeS into eifed, ~ablishing diy', town and Yi!loge (oonrill. 01 well os making prol'ilion f6I' Re6gI,ng 10«11 Duthan" and town rommillee1. 1914 The Blod: Communities Dev!lopment Ad (lIo. of 1984) trooslers the Admioirtration BoGnIs 10 a sydem of De't\!lopmenl Boards. Im The Abolition of OmIopmeA! Bodies Ad (Na 76 of 1986) tronden!be hindions of !be DeYelopmenl Boards 10 the (ommroily' Services Broom of the Provincial Adminlstrotion. 19U Tbtil! have been smul pieces of legidation arer the Jostle.. months tho! ~ote !pedi'"I(OII,. to the generol municilXll eIeoiom 01 October 198&. The moll impo"cnl 01 these ore: The Prior Voles for Eledion 01 Members of locol Government Bodies Ad (No 94 of 1988) • Provides for a IJSfem of special YOle! (tbe nome of the Bill whe!! ~rst pUblilhtd) whereby penom: registered on !be 'fOters roll mllf fOIe for (anCidotes in their (Q!\SIituetK)' before the efedion dllf through a poslol 'fOie. • Implies that those not wishing 10 lost 0 'fOte pub1idr in !eor 01 intimldatillll IN reprisal. caa do this in zret. The Black Locol AuthorHies Amendment Act (No 95 of 1988) • Empo~rs the Provincial Admiaislr;tor to rema\'e and mloff a 10011 avtbrily' when= he finds !hili the objed of legislation is being Imlroted, or where he finds OD timed official refuses 10 porticipate IN tob offire iI tilt loall omhGriIy'. (This done was contained in the RegiOllal Semces (ouncil Amendment Ad No 49 011988.) • Where there ore no elected ofl'idob, e.~ .• through en maue tesignllliGII UftdeJ tommuni!y' pms,re, the Adminisllot(l( can 0piIOin1 members 10 manage or conlrol the olrlt!orily' IIfItil on eledion can be held. The Ad also 01101"1 the AdmiAistro101 to postpone eledions os ~e deems lit, in ""id! case ~omincted candidoles sholf ttmlIiI so, ond oding offiaoh wbose lerm 01 oHire would hCl'le elpired Dl the rime oIlhe elemo.., would flIna;o in offKe. • Individuals or lining (ounciUOI""\ wilD ore in thlee month Ofl'ellrl on renlollN service morges mll)' nol $land lor tledion. Prodomation R97 of 1988 (Emergency Regulations), read with Goyernment Notjce 1112 of 1988 • Plohibits the promotion 01 an e1er1ion boytOl1 br 18 orgonl$llliom, induCing the Uniled Dem(Krotic Fronl (UDF). Azapo, IIie NotiO(lol Education Crisis Committee. 10'lll'Mhip cmc and )'OVtb orgo nisotions. • Provides for a len'reor prison \elllenre 01' 0 fine 01 R2I) 000 101 those (onl'i~ 01 intimidation 01 'fOters . ANNEXEII Joint Services Boards and Regional Councils Boundaries Source: Human Sciences Research Council, GIS Unit, Durban, 1996. KWAZ Former Joint Service Boards al w -\>-', IP;;;;: Natal l IEasl Griqualand l Legend D '"mo< JSB bo,oOao., HSRC RGN ID ""''" D Regional S._ C,,"nci~ ULU-NATAL nd current Regional Service Councils IZuiul.na BI [!l\Uke!4I AI IflIuXili III lIlaM ulu-Nalal - o 100 200 ANNEXE III Regional Councils Boundaries Source: McIntosh A., Xaba T., Draft Proposals Towards an Integrated Rural Development Policy for KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, August 1997. - ' KWAZULU NATAL ,- -• .- .--'2 = I I '- ,..... c5'.. '« ~- . .- 4" ~.-: , ', .- .-- .­-. o , Or".. ' ...... "." , t,,. .... ,."" -_ ." ... " ,-" ... ."", .. .~"" .., ANNEXE IV The Durban Transitional Metropolitan Council : Past and New Boundaries Source: Urban Strategy Department, Population and Housing in the Durban Metropolitan Area, Durban Metro, 1995. DURBAN TRANSITIONAL METROPOLITAN COUNCIL • SHEET 1 OF 2 Transitional Metropol itan Boundary - Plan 2 • INDIAN OCEAN KEY I D Metropolitan Boundary UMKOMAAS RIVER o Authority Boundary D 5 ID " 10 " aTE: For Authority nales see Sheet 2. D!reaber 1995 " · :" :.: SHEET 2 OF 2 .". DURBAN TRANSITIONAL METROPOLITAN COUNCIL -- Transitiona l Metropolitan Boundary - Plan 2 AUTHORITY TABLE INDEX ). AUTHORITIES NO. AUTHORITIES NO. AUTHORITIES NO. AUTHORITIES NO . AUTHORITIES I AHANZIHTOTI 20 ISIPINGO 39 WATERFALL 56 LI<lAZI 77 FOLKEN[ ASSAGAY 21 K[NGS!!UAGH 40 KELBEOACH T 59 WATERLOO 78 HANYAVQ I 8LACKiILIlN 22 KLOOF 4! WESTVILLE 60 XIKBA 79 GCUH[SA SHANGASE 1 BOTHAS HILL 23 LOWER [LLOVO ~2 YELLOWWOOO PARK 61 OASSENHOEK 80 BUFFElSORAAI 24 MARIANNHILL 43 CLERHONT 62 FREOVILLE BI IoIAVELA B2 CAMPEROOWN 25 MOUNT EDGECOH8E 44 HAMaANA TH I 63 [LAHGA CAHELOOS 83 I)\ACALA - G\'IAlA , wo RIDGE 26 HOUNT IoIOPfLAND ~5 INANOA 64 IS[NAIU I OURB.N 27 flEW GERIo4ANY 46 [NANO' GLEBE 65 KWA KH A.BAZELA I CUFFOALE 28 OTTAWA 47 KWAOEBEKA 66 HAP\lHl.I.O I CRAIGlEA 29 PINETOWN ~8 KWAMAKUTHA 67 NGCOLOS[ ORlll<l<ONO 30 IlUEENS8URGH 49 KWAMA$HJ 68 NGOUNGOUlU-THEM8U EVERTQN 31 REOCL IFFE 50 KWAHDENGEZI 69 OAD[ I GIlUTTS 32 R[ETR[V[ER 51 LOVU 70 O[N[SELAH[-NANYUSHA I HAMJ.IARSOAlE 33 SHALLCROSS 52 LOWER LA'GEFO'TE[N 71 SOBONAKHONA -MAKHANYA HARR[SQN 3~ STEAK_IT 53 MAGASHENI 72 TOYAN£ HAZEL HERE 35 TONGAI! 5~ l4PlOIALANGA 73 lMNlNJ TRUST HIllCREST 36 lJ.IBOGINTWINI 55 NltJ3 IZ IKU 74 VUMANGAZI IHCHANGA 37 lJIIf.ANGA 56 NTUZUtolA 75 VUMAZONKE }NCHANGA WEST 36 VEFUAM 57 KLAARWATER 76 LANGEFONTEIN COMPILATION PLAN SHEET INDEX FTSH FISN F1SS KEY [J Metropol1tan Boundilry o CortDilation Sheets EINJ <:> ET"K NOTE: Fer locatillll of Authorities see sheet !. DecefJher 1995 Durban Metropolitan Area Transitional Sub-structures and Clusters Total Population by Clu ster _...r::-....::;._--_ .... ..... ""t!i:::""..:'...... -...... "..._ _-_ .. ..... - Km __ E3 E3 E3 ..-~=:g- .. - o 2 4 6 8 10 2 ANNEXE V The Provincial Proclamation concerning the Durban Transitional Metropolitan Council Source: Provincial Gazette of KwaZulu-Natal, Proclamation No. 5111, 1 March 1996, Dp.659-662. 1~M~~~1~99~60-__________________~D~i~e~Pr~o~v~in~s~iru~e~K~o e~r~a~n~lV~a~n~K~w~aZ~U~lu~-~N~a~tru~ ________~~::::=- ____ -": ~~~_ ~ . - ' , 3. The powers and duties of me Trn.nsitionai Metropolitan Council are, from 29 May 19%, delennined to be; .. ~'. :' : I O,r.- (I) Bulk supply of waler, which means the conservation, purification and all components of water distribu~on other than reticulat"oil_ (2) The reticulation of water, which means that the Transitional Metropolitan Council shall be responsible for the receipt and reticu{,' to end users within the Metropolitan area. _ a).9 Qof ~'aSCr' (3) The bulk supply of electricity which means the transmission and distribution of electricity in large quantities to'distrib"utors nee '~\. o f any applicable legislation. • • v i "- n In~ . (4) The r~~culation of electricity, which means that the Transitional Metropolitan Council shall be responsible for the receipt and' rtti 'I~ . e!ectnclt>: 10 en~ .u.se!3 wilhin its area of jurisdiction and sh~ l. be responsible for the provision of SUUt lighting, decOrative ~~~~ M.etropohtan faciliues. Metropolitan parks lighting and the proVISion of elcctticity for traffic signals within th~ Metropolit:m ~ a~ a 't\~:, : (5) Bulk sewerage purification works and main sewerage disposal pipelines for the Metropolitan area which means that: ' 1· :. ;....-' • (a) The TflI!lsitionaJ Metropolitan Council shall. subj~ to the s~ifi: subs~cture responsihilities ~ set out in ~~b.~~gnIPh (b) bclow~~ responSIble for ensuring that an adequate sewage dIsposal servIce IS proVIded to each houschold m the Metropohtan area.
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