June 22, 1970 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 20841 Micek, Jerome J., xxx-xx-xxxx . Wiley, Roger W., xxx-xx-xxxx . Jones, Royce E., xxx-xx-xxxx . Moore, James F., xxx-xx-xxxx . Wilson, Claude L., xxx-xx-xxxx . Katilus, Joseph P., xxx-xx-xxxx . Moore, William E., xxx-xx-xxxx . Wood, Robert T., xxx-xx-xxxx . Kuklinski, Joanna L., xxx-xx-xxxx . Mora, Edward A., xxx-xx-xxxx . Wright, Frederick L., xxx-xx-xxxx . Lambert, Sharon L., xxx-xx-xxxx . Mortensen, Eugene P., xxx-xx-xxxx . A R M Y N UR SE CO R PS Lotspeich, Angela P., xxx-xx-xxxx . Nelson, Larry L., xxx-xx-xxxx . Mangold, Kathleen H., xxx-xx-xxxx . To be captain Newborn, James L., xxx-xx-xxxx . Matson, Erland G., xxx-xx-xxxx . Olihovik, Paul L., xxx-xx-xxxx . Anderson, Luke R., xxx-xx-xxxx . McCasland, Nickey, xxx-xx-xxxx . Pleasants, James L., xxx-xx-xxxx . Baca, Richard C., xxx-xx-xxxx . Messerschmidt, Mary, xxx-xx-xxxx . Poe, Gerald D., xxx-xx-xxxx . Banks, William C., II, xxx-xx-xxxx . Moriarty, Francis M., xxx-xx-xxxx . Pollard, David E., xxx-xx-xxxx . Bennett, Mary M., xxx-xx-xxxx . Nenninger, Ann J., xxx-xx-xxxx . Purcell, Jackson D., xxx-xx-xxxx . Bouleau, Paul J., xxx-xx-xxxx . Pearce, Maurice C., xxx-xx-xxxx . Redington, Bryce C., xxx-xx-xxxx . Bowman, Linda A., xxx-xx-xxxx . Ryan, Mary H., xxx-xx-xxxx . Reichard, Lawrence, xxx-xx-xxxx . Brodkey, Caroline G., xxx-xx-xxxx . Schmoker, Arthur W., xxx-xx-xxxx . Reineck, Theodore C., xxx-xx-xxxx . Chaussee, Daniel L., xxx-xx-xxxx . Stemm, Patricia A., xxx-xx-xxxx . Ribotto, Joe W., Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx . Cogswell, Gail D., xxx-xx-xxxx . Temple, Charles L., xxx-xx-xxxx . Richards, Robert E., xxx-xx-xxxx . Couch, Kenneth R., xxx-xx-xxxx . Thompson, Marilee, xxx-xx-xxxx . Sandidge, William M., xxx-xx-xxxx . Devin, Kathleen, xxx-xx-xxxx . Underhill, Lilburn, xxx-xx-xxxx . Sawyer, James R., xxx-xx-xxxx . Dodds, Carol M., xxx-xx-xxxx . Victor, Joseph A., xxx-xx-xxxx . Schlenker, Austin C., xxx-xx-xxxx . Edwards, Carolyn L., xxx-xx-xxxx . Wachowski, Regina E., xxx-xx-xxxx . Ehrhart, Marjorie K., . Schlenker, Patrick, xxx-xx-xxxx . xxx-xx-xxxx Weir, Patricia A., xxx-xx-xxxx . Schott, Thomas A., xxx-xx-xxxx . Ellis, Merlan 0., xxx-xx-xxxx . Wolf, Jo E., xxx-xx-xxxx . Schwicker, Dale H., xxx-xx-xxxx . Freeman, William E., xxx-xx-xxxx . Zahn, Karen E., xxx-xx-xxxx . Selby, Jackie L., xxx-xx-xxxx . Gaynor, Mary E., xxx-xx-xxxx . Zanto, Raymond L., xxx-xx-xxxx . Gordon, Jacqueline, xxx-xx-xxxx . Severson, Richard W., xxx-xx-xxxx . Zuelke, David H., xxx-xx-xxxx . Sowder, Norman G., . Gouldthorpe, Barbara, xxx-xx-xxxx . xxx-xx-xxxx ARM Y M EDICAL SPECIALIST CORPS Spille, Robert M., xxx-xx-xxxx . Gramkow, Nancy V., xxx-xx-xxxx . Stingle, Norbert A., xxx-xx-xxxx . Grantham, Norma J., xxx-xx-xxxx . To be captain Stockmoe, Lyle D., xxx-xx-xxxx . Griebling, Harry W., xxx-xx-xxxx . Davis, Benjamin S., xxx-xx-xxxx . Suit, Larry R., xxx-xx-xxxx . Griess, Lorna L., xxx-xx-xxxx . Donaghue, Daniel A., xxx-xx-xxxx . Sutton, William L., xxx-xx-xxxx . Hammann, Amy D., xxx-xx-xxxx . Mayberry, John D., xxx-xx-xxxx . Vorpahl, Kenneth W., xxx-xx-xxxx . Herrington, Joyce, xxx-xx-xxxx . Meyer, Nancy A., xxx-xx-xxxx . Waters, Henry J., xxx-xx-xxxx . Jaquez, Virginia, xxx-xx-xxxx . Moore, John W., xxx-xx-xxxx . Weeks, Hershel E., xxx-xx-xxxx . Jerney, Charlotte 0., xxx-xx-xxxx . Selman, Sherley A., xxx-xx-xxxx . Weiser, Philip C., xxx-xx-xxxx . Johnston, Zula J., xxx-xx-xxxx . Thomes, Linwood J., xxx-xx-xxxx . EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS THE AMERICAN FLAG-ARTICLE BY 1 6 , 1 7 7 7 , w h e n tro o p s u n d e r Jo h n S ta rk be on guard, lest w e be so occupied that the DR. WOODROW W. HAYZLETT fought in the Battle of Bennington in South- sm allest act of injustice go unnoticed and w estern V erm ont. It w as first carried on a not corrected. U.S. Navy ship on November 1, 1777, w hen T he flag code or set of rules for display- HON. HARRY F. BYRD, JR. J o h n P a u l J o n e s le f t P o rts m o u th , N e w ing and h o no ring o ur flag are guid e lines Hampshire in the Ranger. given to us to show our patriotism and re- OF VIRGINIA The piece of red, w hite and blue bunting spect for our flag and the country for w hich IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES should be loved by every citizen of this coun- it stands. Monday, June 22, 1970 try and respected by every country on the D uring these turbulent tim es our flag has face of this earth. been disgraced by being used as a garm ent, Mr. BYRD of Virginia. Mr. President, Red in the flag, is for hardiness and cour- by being burned , by being d ragged in the the June 12 edition of the Hopewell News a g e . T h e h is to ry o f th e U n ite d S ta te s o f filth of the street and by being torn by the included an inspiring article on the America is resplendent with stories of a peo- law less on our streets and college and uni- American flag, written by Dr. Woodrow ple w ho by hard iness and courage, carved versity campuses. W. Hayzlett, pastor of the First United out this land and made it w hat it is. W h e n th is is d o n e , n o t o n ly is o u r fla g The w hite in the flag is for purity and in- d esecrated but our country insulted , every Methodist Church in Hopewell, Va. red blood ed A m erican slapped in the face In a time when some radicals think it no cence. T he go vernm ent and the p eo p le of the United States of A m erica have never b u t m o re th a n a ll th is , o v e r o n e m illio n is fashionable to desecrate the flag, the had d esigns on the territory or the posses- m en and w om en w ho have given their lives words of Dr. Hayzlett are particularly sions of any other people. in a ll o u r c o u n try 's w a rs, h a v e h a d th e ir graves and m em ories scarred by those w ho appropriate. W henever our flag has been carried into w ould tear d ow n and d estroy their sacred battle on foreign soil it has been in the inter- June 14 marked the retirement of Dr. heritage. est of freedom and not for any personal gain H ayzlett from his pastorate after 33 Y o u m ig h t sa y th a t life in o u r c o u n try to our country or its people. W itness the mil- years of dedicated service. His many today is a paradox, from rags to riches thence lions of dollars poured into the Philippines friends in Hopewell honored him for his to rags in four generations. The first genera- after the Spanish A merican W ar and the bil- tio n w o rk e d h a rd to c a rv e o u t th is la n d service on the occasion of his retirement lions for Reconstruction after W orld W ar I and m ake it. The second generation tries to on June 14, Flag Day, which was the in- and the added billions of the M arshall Plan consolid ate and enhance it. T he third gen- spiration for his article. after W orld W ar II and the m onies spent in e ra tio n trie s its b e s t to d is s ip a te , to te a r South Korea and in South Vietnam. I ask unanimous consent that his ar- d o w n and d estro y . T h e fo urth generatio n ticle be printed in the Extensions of Re- Blue is for vigilance, perseverance and jus- must begin all over again. marks. tic e . O u r fo re fa th e rs le a rn e d to liv e w ith Will we never learn? There being no objection, the article danger, "they kept their pow der dry." D are In the light of w hat is taking place in the w e relax and be ind ifferent at a tim e w hen U nited S tates o f A m erica to d ay th ere are was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, the United States of A m erica is engaged in as follows: many serious-minded people who wake each a b a ttle w ith o u t a n d w ith in to d e te rm in e m orning, as did Francis Scott K ey and ask, DOES TH E FLAG STILL WAVE OVER LAND OF whether "a government of the people, for the "D o es th e fla g still w a v e o 'er th e la n d o f TH E FREE, B RAVE people and by the people" shall perish from the free and the home of the brave." the face of this earth? (By Woodrow W.
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