FRIDAY KNIGHT LIVE KELLOGG MIDDLE SCHOOL BI-MONTHLY ELECTRONIC NEWSLETTER FEBUARY 10, 2017 FROM OUR PRINCIPAL Dear Kellogg Families- Second semester is off to a strong start with new schedules, Wrestling and Girls Basketball season, and a fun Spirit Week including a favorite assembly involving student lip sync performances. We hope that your student joins in on the excitement of our spirit day class competition, which includes: Monday - Dress For Success (Dress like you are doing your dream job!) Tuesday - Spread the Love (Red, pink, white, hearts) Wednesday - Super Hero vs. Super Villain Thursday - Tacky Tourist Friday - Color War: 7th grade wears yellow, 8th grade wears blue Second semester is a great time to reflect with your student about what has helped them achieve their goals for the first semester, and what are some possible habits or routines that might be limiting their academic success. For example, keeping an organized and current planner that they use to track assignments and upcoming assessments is something that can help them plan out their weekly homework. Setting aside a time and work space free of technology distractions for your student every night will help provide structure to their studies and free time after school. We also have several opportunities for all students during and after the school day to help them get tutoring and assistance on their schoolwork. Please look and see if one or more could help your student achieve their goals: • Homework lunch- During lunch we have an open classroom with teachers and tutors available to help your student finish homework, get help on new concepts, work with a group, access technology, or read. This is a quiet space for all students who want/need to access this help, and they can bring their lunch in to eat while they work. Please encourage your student to utilize this resource if you feel that it would be beneficial for them. • Math Lab- We have a math lab open for all students needing extra help on math, or needing to come in and finish their math homework in a classroom after school with tutors present to help them. This opportunity is available every Tuesday and Thursday during Hang Time, and students can ride the bus transportation home at 4:45pm. • Spanish Tutoring- Spanish tutoring by Shorecrest students is available every Wednesday for some individual help. Students should let their teacher know if they are going so that they can put together some materials for them to work on. • Hang Time Homework Help- Our library is open and available for students to work on assignments and access technology every Tuesday – Thursday from 3-4:45pm. They can ride the Hang Time bus home at 4:45pm. Upcoming events We have Mid-Winter Break week starting on February 20th and we hope that your family enjoys the time together. When we get back, we have a few dates for you to put on your calendar: March 2nd (6-8pm)– Kelarnival Knight: Our Spring Open House showcases our elective programs and offerings, provides opportunities to view student work at both grade levels, and the chance to informally talk with our teachers about the courses we offer. It is a fun evening for the whole family. Our registration process begins in March and this is a great night to preview our offerings and ask questions. A flyer containing more detailed information will be coming to you next week. This evening is open to 6th – 8th grade students and families. March 9th – Shorecrest Registration Information Night for 8th to 9th grade students. The evening starts at 6:30pm with pre-sessions for AVID, ELL and Directed Studies. The program runs from 7:00 – 8:30 pm in the SC Theater. Spring Testing- As you plan appointments and other activities that might pull your student away from school, please make note of our testing dates. It is ideal to have your student testing during these times so that they don’t miss additional class time on a later day. Please let us know if you have any questions. 5/15 Science MSP (8th grade only) 5/22 English CAT Smarter Balanced Assessment 5/23 Math CAT Smarter Balanced Assessment 5/24 Classroom Activity (English) Smarter Balanced Assessment 5/25 Math PT Smarter Balanced Assessment 5/30 and 5/31 English PT days Smarter Balanced Assessment Have a wonderful weekend! Heather Hiatt, Principal KIDS IN MEDICINE- VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Please join us on Thursday, March 9th or Friday March 10th and help dissect a pig heart! Thanks to the Shoreline Foundation and the Kellogg PTSA we are able to give every 7th grader here the opportunity to do a unpreserved dissection led by guest teachers from the Kids in Medicine program. Each Science class needs adult volunteers so sign up to help if you can. Please sign up by clinking the link- http://signup.com/go/Jb5D8s Shoreline Fire is teaming up with American Red Cross on the 25th of this month to install free smoke alarms in your home. Sign up by clicking on link https://getasmokealarm.org/ For this project, the neighborhoods of Ridgecrest and Parkwood may be canvassed door to door, but residents there should still sign up to be sure of being included. Let all your neighbors/block watches know about this program. From Nurse Kelley Staci Kelley, RN 206-393-4790 [email protected] ILLNESS = Fever (100 º or higher) AND cough, runny/congested nose, diarrhea, vomiting, earache, rash OR persistent cough, feeling unwell and unable to keep up with normal school activities THE HEALTH OFFICE DOES NOT HAVE THE CAPACITY TO KEEP and MONITOR ILL STUDENTS FOR AN ENTIRE SCHOOL DAY. Please create a plan with your emergency contacts if your student needs to be picked up from school due to illness. While we are in the midst of a very intense cold and flu season I wanted to remind you that the CDC recommends that people with influenza-like illness REMAIN AT HOME UNTIL AT LEAST 24 HOURS AFTER THEY ARE FREE OF FEVER (100° F [37.8°C]), or SIGNS OF FEVER WITHOUT THE USE OF FEVER-REDUCING MEDICATIONS. Please respect this guideline so as to keep our staff and students healthy! MEDICATIONS: Please do not send your student to school with any medication - cold/cough, Tylenol, Ibuprofen(Advil), etc. • Under normal circumstances, prescription and over the counter medication should be dispensed before and/or after school hours under the supervision of the parent or guardian. • If a student must receive prescription or over-the-counter oral medication, topical medication, eye drops, ear drops or non-emergency over the counter nasal spray it is district policy that only an authorized staff member can administer medications during school hours. • You must submit a written authorization accompanied by a written request from a licensed health professional prescribing within the scope of his or her prescriptive authority. • This is the Permission to Administer Medication Form and it can be found here: http://www.shorelineschools.org/site/default.aspx?PageType=14&DomainID=813&PageID=10 48&ModuleInstanceID=824&ViewID=1e008a8a-8e8a-4ca0-9472- a8f4a723a4a7&IsMoreExpandedView=True CHANGES TO TOUCHBASE ACCESS In mid-January 2017, parent/guardian log-in and password access to the Shoreline School Districts online payment system will be updated to further increase security in that payment system. Effective January 2017, passwords will be modified and a self-serve password reset will be implemented. This will enable you to retrieve your password if it is forgotten. By default the passwords will be changed to your Family Access password. As part of this transition, we highly recommended that you log-in and verify your information in Skyward Family Access. Please log in to Family Access and verify your email address is correct, as that will be used to send you a password recovery notification. Once our security update has been performed, the main log-in page will be updated. Instructions to update/remember your password will be available. To retrieve your password or to reset it after the update; 1) Click on the password reset link 2) Enter either your Skyward Family Access username OR email address. 3) A message will appear informing you that a password reset email has been sent with a link to the password reset page. Click that link to take you to the password reset page. 4) Follow the instructions on the password reset page. 5) The online payment system will automatically log you in. Thereafter your password is the new one just created. Please watch for changes to the online payment system during January. If you have any questions regarding this update, please contact Kellogg for more information. COLLEGE AND CAREER PLANNING Good news - and watch out for scams! Are you and your student starting to think about life after high school? The good news: Shorecrest High School offers a comprehensive 9th-12th grade College and Career planning program for all its students - and it’s free. When you move on to Shorecrest, an experienced team of counselors and full-time College and Career coordinator will work with you so you can make choices for your future success. Shorecrest’s program features help with the college application process, and job and apprenticeship research. Now is an important time to watch out for scams. There are credible and professional independent college planning counselors and consultants you can hire - but there are also less reputable companies who prey on students. Some companies may buy your name from a mailing list and try to coerce you into buying expensive college advising services.
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