Thatcher Arizona Radio Wickenburg Williams Window Rock Winslow

Thatcher Arizona Radio Wickenburg Williams Window Rock Winslow

Box 940 (85901). (602) 537-2921. KBW Assoc Inc. (602) 724 -6293. Format: Educ, diversified. Donald Arizona Radio (acq 9-1-74). Net: ABC /C. Format: Rock, oldies, C &W. McCabe, pres; Ray Barreras, gen mgr. Spec progs: Farm 2 hrs, Apache 1 hr wkly. Hugh Williams, pres, gen mgr, & chief engr; Bert R. Coleman, Tuba City adv mgr; Keith Alexander, prog & mus dir; Rick Turner, MUS. sports dit. Rates: $6.25; 6.25; 6.25; 3.90. KTBA(AM) -1050 khz; 5 kw -D. Drawer F Window Rock (86515). KVWM(AM) -May 17, 1957: 970 khz; 5 kw -D. Box KTUC(AM) -July 10,1926: 1400 khz; I kw -D, 250 w -N. 660 (85900. (802) 537 -2345. Peak Bcstg Co. Sear- Box 40188 (85717). (602) 622-3344. KTUC Inc. (acq cy J. Woodworth, own, mgr & chief engr; Dorothy L. Tucson 7- 15 -64). Group owner: 2588 Newport. Net: CBS, AP Woodworth, prog dir. Radio. Rep: Bernard Howard. Format: News. Ray- KAIR(AM)- January 1957: 1490 khz; 1 kw, (CP 1 mond I. Kandel, pres; Thomas A. Maples, gen mgr. KVWM -FM -Sept 13, 1984: 93.5 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 150 kw -D. 250 w -N, Ant 190). 3438 N. Country Club Rates: $16.50; 14.50; 14.50; 14.50. ft. Dups AM 75%. (85716). (602) 795 -1490. Surrey Broadcasting Co. (group owner; acq 1-10-78). Net: APR. Rep: Blair. For- KNDE(FM) -Co -owned with KTUC(AM). March 1954: Sierra Vista mat: Btfl mus. Howard D. Duncan, pres & gen mgr; J. 99.5 mhz; 30 kw. Ant 73 ft. Prog sep from AM. Format: Kent Nichols, VP; Dick Paye, corn) mgr; Ken Dennis, C &W. Thelma Sees, stn mgr. Rates: 26; KSVA(AM) -June 20, 1980: 1470 khz; 2.5 kw, DA -D. prog dir; Mike Sedore, chief engr. $26; KUAT(AM) -Oct 7, 1968: 1550 khz; 50 kw -D. U of (802) 459 -1470. 26; 26. 5200 E. Hwy 90, Box 2050 (85635). Ariz. (85721). (602) 626 -1434. Ariz. Board of Regents. Broadcasters. Net: ABC /E. Format: Div. Spec Cochise KJYK(FM) -Co -owned with KAIR(AM). April 11, Net: NPR. Format: Educational. Boyd Rooney, gen progs: Class 1 hr, Ger 1/2 hr, Sp 1/2 hr wkly. Eugene 1973: 94.9 mhz; 80 kw. Ant 500 ft. Stereo. Format: Btfl mgr; Patt McQuown, stn mgr; Sharon McCormick, D. mgr & chief engr; Bob Boysen, sis mgr Bradley, gen mus. Howard Duncan, gen mgr; Dick Paye, coml prom mgr; Thomas Machamer, news dir; Tom Boone, & prog dir; Corwin H. Morton Jr., mus dir; R. Scott mgr. Rates: $28; 28; 28: 28. chief engr. Richards, news dir. Rates: $6.75; 6.75; 6.75; 6.57. KCEE(AM) -Oct 1, 1958: 790 khz; 5 kw -D, 500 w -N, KUAT -FM -May 19, 1975: 90.5 mhz; 12.5 kw. Ant KTAN(AM) -March 1957: 1420 khz; 1 kw -D, 500 w- DA -2. 2100 N. Silverbell (85705). (602) 623 -7556. 3,580 ft. Stereo. (602) 884-1434. Net: NPR, UPI. For- N, DA-N. 2300 Busby Dr. (85635). (602) 458 -4313. 790 Inc. (acq 5-27-80). Net: MBC. Rep: Christal. For- mat: Class. Edward Kupperstein, mus coord. Richter Broadcasting Co. Inc. (acq 6 -80). Net: UPI. mat: MOR. Stephen O. Jacobs, pres & gen mgr; Bar- 'KUAT -TV Affil. Format: C &W. Mary Richter, pres; Charles Stretton, bara Abrahams, come mgr; Dave Steele, prog dir; Tom exec VP; Robert Fulbright, prog dir; Bob Jones, mus Lyons, mus dlr: Jack Baty, news dir; Marshal Brown, KVOI(AM) -Sep 23, 1953: 690 khz; 250 w -D. Box dir; Dave Williams, news dir; J. Irwin McClelland. chief chief engr. Rates: $32; 28; 30: 24. 101 (85702). (602) 624 -5588. Abundant Life Minis- engr. Rates: $8.50; 8.50; 8.50; 7.25. tries. (acq 5-4-66). Format: Sp. Joe Crystall, VP & KCUB(AM) -Aug 1929: 1290 khz; 1 kw. (CP: 5 kw- gen mgr; Manuel Ornelas, opns mgr; Roberto San KTAZ -FM -Co -owned with KTAN(AM). September D). Box 50006 (85703). (602) 887 -1000. Rex Bcstg Martin, stn mgr; Josie Velarde, traf mgr; Luis Trujillo, 1973: 100.9 mhz 3 kw. Ant minus 46 ft. Separate from Corp. (acq 6-68). Rep: Eastman. Format: C&W. Jim prop dir; Wendell McGehee, chief engr. Rates: AM. Stereo. Format: Top -40. Slone, Ares & gen mgr; Phil Richardson, coml mgr; 511,50; 11.50; 11.50; -. Dave Nelson, prog dir; Doug Brannan, mus dir; Dave - Sun City Nelson, prom mgr; Phil Richardson, news dir; Ray KWFM(FM) -May 18, 1970: 92.9 mhz; 46 kw. Ant 35 Holsclaw, chief engr. Rates: 638; 28; 30; 24. ft. Box 13 (85702). (602) 624 -5588. Stereo. Prima KWAO(FM) -March 7, 1975: 106.3 mhz, 3 kw. Ant 97 Radio Inc. Group owner: Sandusky Newspaper Inc. Dr. (85351). (602) ft. Stereo. 10820 Oakmont KNYT(AM) -1957: 1330 khz; 500 w -D, 5 kw -N, DA- Net: ABC -FM. Rep: Selcom Inc. Format: AOR. Toney Net: UPI Audio. For- 974 -3681. Sun City Bcstg Corp. N. Box 26040 (85726). (602) 623 -7501. Golden State Brooks, pres; Jim Hardy, gen mgr; Jimmy Ray, prog dir; mat: Big band. Spec prog: Religious, 12 hrs wkly. Bcstg Corp. (acq 4- 1 -66). Rep: RKO Radio Sales. For- Sylvia Jones, prod mgr; Jim Owens, mus dir; Tommy R. R. gen mgr, prog Russell C. Lash, pres; Edwin White, mat: Div. Robert H. Scholz, pres; Laurie Fagin, gen Vascocu, VP. Rates: $40; 38; 40; 38. Nancy dir & chief engr; James Sweide, sis mgr; mgr; Bob Creager, coml mgr; Rich Robbin, prog dir; 13; 13. Brandt, news dir. Rates: $13; 13; Royce Blake, mus dir; Gene Kelly, prom mgr; Victor KXEW(AM) -May 10,1963: 1600 khz; I kw -U, DA -N. Abalos, news dir; Barry Mishkind, chief engr. Rates: 889 W. El Puente (85713). (602) 623-6429. Cactus Tempe S40; 22.50; 30; 22.50. Bcstg (acq 9-81). Rep: Lotus Reps (West Coast): Caballero Spanish Media (East Coast); Riley Reps KNIX(AM) -June 23,1960: 1580 khz; 50 kw -D,10 kw- KFLT(AM) -Feb 27, 1947: 1450 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w- (South). Format: Spanish. Ernesto Portillo, gen mgr; N, CH. Box 15040, Phoenix (85060). (602) 966 -6236. N. 120 W. Broadway, La Placita Village (85702). (602) Bob Fineman, coml mgr; Raul Aguirre, prog dir; Mario Buck Owens Bcstg Inc. (group owner; acq 6- 25 -67). 882.8511. Family Life Broadcasting System Inc. (acq Cells, news dir; Frank Fregoso, chief engr. Rates: Rep: Christal. Format: C &W. Buck Owens. pres; 9 -77). Net: UPI. Format: Religious. Spec progs: Black $28; 20; 28; 26. Michael C. Owens, VP & gen mgr; Larry Daniels, prog 1 hr, Spanish 2 1 /2 hrs wkly. Warren Bolthouse, pres; dir; L.J. Waggoner, prod mgr; Leyla Kirdar, prom mgr; David Young, stn mgr; Harold Sayers, VP- business; Wickenburg Terry Flood, mus dir; Jess Peterson, news dir; Elliott Randy Carlson, VP- bcstg; Dan Uhler, asst mgr; Kay Klein, dir of engrg. Lindley, news dir; Jerry Frost, chief engr. KUKK(AM) -Jan 27,1968:1250 khz; 500 w -D. 1042 N. Tegner, Drawer Y (85358). (602) 684 -7804. KNIX -FM -See Phoenix. KIKX(AM) -1946: 580 khz; 5 kw -D, 500 w -N, DA -N. Shoblom Broadcasting Inc. Net: APR. Format: C &W. Box 5566 (85703). (602) 299 -9711. Walton Bcstg Lee Shoblom, pres, gen mgr, & chief engr; Glenn KUKO(AM) -April 16, 1960: 1060 khz; 5 kw -D, 500 (group owner; acq 1965). Net: ABC /E. Rep: H.R. Stone. Shoblom, stn mgr; Jerry Hale, prog, mus & news dir; E. Rd., Phoenix (85016). w -N, DA -N. 2021 Thomas Format: C &W. John B. Welton, Jr., pres; Jim Scopac, Walt Johnson, prom dir. Rates: $8; 7.50; 8; -. (602) 957-2710. Tri -State Broadcasting Co. (acq gen mgr: Don Wallace, prog dir & prom mgr; Bill Brig- 12- 23 -71). Rep: Jack Masla. Format: Oldies, contemp. gs, mus dir; Maureen Mortell, coml dir; Jim Leonard, WiIiCOX Lloyd Melton, VP & stn mgr; John Sebastian, prog chief engr. Rates: $24; 19; 24; 19. dir; Roger Cenol, news dir; Walt Ellis, chief engr. KHIL(AM) -Dec 2, 1959: 1250 khz; 5 kw -D, West Rates: $21; 19; 22; 18. KJYK(FM)- Listing follows KAIR(AM). Patte Rd. (85643). (602) 384-4244. Rex K. Jenson (acq 3-18-75). Net: ABC /I, Arizona Bcstg System. Rep: KUPD -FM -owned with KUKQ(AM). April 1960: KNST(AM) 10, 1963: khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w- -Co -Aug 940 PRO Radio. Format: C &W. Spec prog: Farm 4 hrs, 97.9 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 1,620 ft. Stereo. Prog sep from N, DA -2. Box 5946 (85703). (602) 624 -2431. Grabet Spanish I hr wkly. Burkett H. Wamsley, pres & gen AM. Format: Top -40, AOR. Rates: S52; 47; 60; 43. Inc. Radio Enterprises (acq 5- 1 -73), Net: ABC /E. Rep: mgr; Cody D. Wamsley, news & prog dir; Darrel Inc. Format: MOR. William R. Phalen, pres & Selcom Wilson, mus dir. Thatcher gen mgr; Dea Coller, coml mgr; Gary Hamilton, prog & mus dir; Mike Nardone, prom mgr; Bob Lee, news dir; KWCX(FM) -Co -owned with KHIL(AM). July 8. KFMM(FM)- November 1981: 99.1 mhz; 50 kw. Ant Scott Hower, chief engr. Rates: $11.50; 10.50; 1976: 98.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 57 ft. Format: Top 40. 2279 ft. Stereo. 1707 Thatcher Blvd., (85546). (602) 11.50; 10.50. 428 -0916. Payne Bcstg Inc. Net: MBS /AP Radio. Rep: Williams Feb 1, Ed Devaney. Format: MOR. Wm. Payne, pres; Bruce KROO(FM) -Co -owned with KMGX(AM).

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