DOOONENT RESUME ED 128 276 SO 009 395 AUTHOR Stehney, Virginia A. TITLE Environmental Curiosity Sampler 2: For Use vith Environmental Study Areas in Illinois. INSTITUTION Illinois Inst. for Environmental Quality, Chicago. REPORT NO 1IEQ-76-03 PUB DATE Mar 76 VOTE 317p.; For a related document, see ED 103 339 EDRS PRICE MF-$0.63 HC-$16.73 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Adult Education; *Discovery Learning; *Ecology; Elementary Secondary Education; Environment; *Environmental Education; Field Trips; Human Geography; *Information Sources; Inquiry Training; Interdisciplinary Approach; Land Use; Learning Activities; *Natural Resources; Observational Learning; *Physical Environment; Pollution; Resource Units IDENTIFIERS Illinois ABSTRACT The Sampler provides ideas and lists resources for an interdisciplinary study of environment in terms of a person's immediate surroundings, distant sites, and facilities. Although it vas developed for use by parents, teachers, youth group leaders, students, and interested individuals in the state of Illinois,many of the activities would be appropriate in any state. Asa more inclusive second edition of the 1974 Sampler, this handbook encompasses all of Illinois and regards every place as a potential study area. Activities stimulate awareness of growing plants around the home, neighborhood garbage disposal and recycling processes, land use throughout the state, and problems of erosion and water purification. State and federal environmental areas in Illinoisare listed and described, which include fish hatcheries, tree farms, hiking trails, and wildlife refuges. The Sampler identifies reading material, community resources, and special activities for each topic. Appendices contain a glossary, a list of organizations andcourses concerned with ecological issues, a reader reaction sheet, publishers' directory, bibliographies, and an index. 010 *********************************************************************** Documents acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished * materials not available from other sources. ERIC makes every effort * * to obtain the best copy available. Nevertheless, items of marginal * * reproducibility are often encountered and this affects the quality * lf the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available * ia the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS). EDRS is not .zesponsible for the quality of the original document. Reproductions * * supplied by EDES are the best that can be made from the original. *********************************************************************** U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH EDUCATION &WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE oF EDUCATION , tiF PERRO- . E I ROA.. E E 4 4, at SCOPE_ (IV IN I'EREST NOTICE 0,4 oy.c,,N. TF E. " ,...-. 1,' . E A 0" tpNoNS 'T E . t RFTERE 1,, 1,...111111,111111 ,.1,111,. 1,1,1,0 E u_n) ce Choi MO M. AO MI/ I as_ a 1.841!.''''eAlli.114 __811118141°11.*__-.2m. foruse with environmental stu areas in illinois FORM 23RD The Illinois Institute for Environ- mental Quality, created by the Illinois Environmental Protection Act of 1970, has some responsibility for environmental education in II Illinois. To aid in teacher in- struction and curriculum development. ILLINOIS the Institute supported the pro- INSTITUTE FOR duction of the second edition of ENVIRONMENTAL this Environmental Curiosity Samvler, OUALITY r.'de,111rs=7:1),aN0,111stimulate teachers, parents, students, and citizen groups to regard various types of sites and facilities as environmental study areas. The Sampler supplements both edition one (limited to northeastern Illinois) and Environmental Education and Your School Site, published in 1974 and 1973. The Samplers take you out of the classroom and off the school site to observe and use your environment from a different point of view. These books are, we think, a significant addition to the en- vironmental education literature. The Open Lands Project is a non-profit citizens' association organized in 1963 to enhance the quality of the environment of the greater Chicago region in three ways: 1. Byeassisting in the permanent preservation of ( 2. By assisting educational institutions in de- OPEN veloping patterns for use of existing public LANDS open space as environmental study areas; and, PWDJECT 3. By serving as a resource center and referral agency for people seeking information about environmental problems and opportunities, open space preservation, and related matters. 01976 Virginia A. Stehney 3 ENVIRONMENTAL CURIOSITY SAMPLER 2 Virginia A. Stehney illustrated by Enid Warner Romanek State of Illinois Institute for for use with environmental Environmental Quality Samuel G. Booras, Director study areas inillinois Symbols Used in This Book indicates an item in a list indicates an activity Note: Please fill out the Reader's Reaction Sheet in Appendix. If you wish, you may :request a Directory of Illinois Environmental Information. Additional copies of this handbookare available to Illinois residents (as long as the supply lasts) by writing"Environ- mental Curiosity Sampler 2", Illinois Institute for Environ- mental Quality, 309 West Washington Street,Chicago, Illinois 60606. Printed by Authority of the State of Illinois Date Printed: March, 1976 Quantity Printed: 5,000 This publication has been cataloged as follows: Stehney, Virginia A. Environmental Curiosity Sampler 2 for use with environmental study areas in Illinois. Chicago, Illinois, Institute for Environmental Quality, 1976. 308 p.(IIEQ Doc. No. 76/03) 1. Education-Environrental, 2. Environmental study areas - Illinois. I. Illinois Institute for Environ- mental Quality. II. Title. IIEQ Environmental Information Center. Illinois Institute for Environmental Quality 309 West Washington Street Chicago, Illinois 60606 312-793-3870 Printed on 100 percent recycled paper 5 About the author: Virginia Stenney's 15years' teaching experiencehas covered kindergarten through6th grade and environmental courses for elementary teachers. Her most recent training has led to a Master's degree from GovernorsState Univer- sity in 1974 witha major in environmental Mrs. Stehney has served education (EE). on the National EducationAssocia- tion's Task Forceon Environmental Education the Task Force (1970-71) and on Environmental Educationof the Illinois Qffice of the Superintendent of Public Ir- ruction(1972). She is currently the EE Coozainator forelementary District 58 (DownersGrove), member of the Quality Control Commission, Environmental Village of DownersGrove, and member of the IllinoisCurriculum Council of Education) (Illinois Office as representative of theEnvironmental Association of Illinois. In addition to theorigInal EnvironmentalCuriosity Sampler, Mrs. Stehneyis the author of published in professional several articles magazines and a bookfor the primary gradeson noise. About the illustrator: I Enid Warner Romanek's drawings havebeen exhibited in galleries in and aroundChicago. Her work is represented at the Sales and RentalGallery of the Art Institute Chicago of She studied both wrltingand illustration at Syracuse University,graduating with in 1959. a BFA in illustration She is the author and illustrator ofmany published children's storiesand books. 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword -- inside by Angela Trabert, Institute for Environmental Quality., front by April Young, Open Lands Project cover Letter to Curious Individual 1 Reactions from Readers to first Environmental Curiosity Sampler 3 Acknowledgmcnts 4 At Home 5 What Is Around YotP 6 Are Green Growing Things Nearby 9 Do You Take Water for GrantecP 12 In Your Neighborhood 22 Getting More Acquainted with Your Neighborhood 23 A Close Look at Buildings 29 Living Things Around You 46 All that Garbage and Tragh 60 What Do You Hear 68 Beauty Around you 73 In a Vacant Lot 76 Under the City 81 Over the City (Air) 83 School Sites--Use and Development 90 Farther from Home 95 Transportation 96 Importance of Land Use 111 More about Land Use 127 History of Illinois 143 A Partial List of Living History Sites 163 That Valuable Asset, Lake Michigan 165 Open Spaces/Green Areas 171 Forest Preserve/Conoervation Districts 176 List of Forest Preserve/Conservation Districts 177 Local Parks 183 Land under Illinois Department of Conservation 183 List of State Parks 184 List of Historical Memorials ltt List of Illinois Conservation Arg,as 187 List of State Forests 188 List of State Fish Hatcheries 188 List of State Tree Farms 188 Nature Preserves 189 List of Nature Preserves 191 Prairies 205 List of Prairies 210 Lands Administered by Federal Government 216 Lands under U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 216 Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore 221 List of Biking and Hiking Trails 225 National Wildlife Refuges 226 List of National Wildlife Refuges 230 Shawnee National Forest 231 List of Special Areas in Shawnee National Forest 233 Cemeteries 234 Around the State 236 Energy 237 List of Environmental Study Areas for Energy 252 Wastes as Resources 253 Weather 267 Who Makes Environmental Decisions 274 Organization Chart of American Government 286 A Partial List of State Agencies with Environmen- tal Concerns 288 Appendices 290 Glossary 291 Resources--People, Agencies, Organizations; Work- shops, Seminars, and Courses on Ecology; Activi- ties tWatch for 292 Reader Reaction Sheet 294 A Partial Directory of Publishers 295 Bibliography 298 Annotated Bibliography 300 Index 305 The Environmental EducatiJn Handbook (for IlliLois) is available from Dr. Lance Bedwell Environmental Eclucation Specialist Illinois Office of Education Springfield, Illinois 62706 (217) 782-5235)
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