. ...._ p. 1, '/ Only Anglo-Jewish Rh·ode Island's Greatest Newspaper Independent W eekly The Jewish Herald in Rhode' Island VOL. XXXVII, No. 19 FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1952 PROVIDENCE, R. I . TWELVE PAGES 10 CENTS T;IE COPY Call For Co-ordination, In ~und-Raising Warn Political. Parties. Against CLEVELAND-The 52nd annual munity must minister, according ' · , . ~~;:,~~~t~~nA;:;er\~: l~:t~;.it1a~:~ ;~w~~~p~o~:~~~.:;::d~~to:.r:d"J:~= on the Umted J ewish Appe_al and t1on, ethical gmdance, rel!g1ous e·1gotry· ·1n Elect·1on Cam· pa·1gns the Israel bond drive organization, orientation and security." in conjunction with the Council Philip Bernstein, associate direc- of J ewish Federations and Welfare tor of the Council of Jewish Fed­ Funds. "to make every ·effort to erations and Welfare Funds, told coordinate their campaigns." the meeting that "any effective George Jessel Would Like to he Ask Repudiation ' In a resolution adopted unani- program of Jewish unity must be­ mously · by the 350 conser,vative gin with the people themselves in rabbis at the convention, the par- the local communities. Unity must U. S. Ambassador to Israel Of Fringe Groups ley stated that "in most American grow from the group up. It cannot By LEON GUTTERMAN J ewish communities the same lead- be imposed." • NEW YORK- Major Jewish or-· ership and the same workers are The proposal was criticized by HOLLYWOOD - George J essel. relationship between Israel and gariizations have called upon the enrolled in the cause of both cam- Dr. David Petegorsky, executive di­ next United States Ambassador to the United States and· that, if ap­ ·Republican and Democratic par­ !. paigns and any attempts to run rector of the American J ewish Israel! This is not yet a fact but pointed, his efforts will be devoted ties to take effective steps to pre­ simulta neous campaigns have been Congress, who held that "the ma­ it is far from impossibility. exclusively to the achievement of vent the injection of religious and detrimental to both and have, fur- jor problem in American Jewish Jessel admits that his prospects that purpose. racial bigotry into the impending therrri.ore, served as a divisive force lif-e is not unity but democracy." of attaining his goal depend large­ .&.''or man y years he has been political campaign. in many Jewish communities." It was also opposed by Milton ly upon a change in the national known as an ambassador of good The American Jewish Commit- Rabbi Ira Eisenstein, a leader of Himmelfarb, of the American Jew­ administration. will and international amity tee, American J ewish Congress, the Society for the Advancement ish Committee, who felt that pro­ As his first step Jessel will go to throughout the world and, in re­ B'nai B'rith, Jewish Labor Com­ CU Judaism, was unanimously posals for greater centralization Israel in September. There he will cent years, he has given more mittee, Jewish War Veterans, and elected president. · and authority in J ewish communal, hold a series of conferences with and more of his time and atten­ Union of American Hebrew Con­ The organic ·community con- religious and educational affairs Chaim Weizmann, President of Is­ tion to public affairs, in a ma n­ gregations and 27 J ewish com­ cept, advanced by Rabbi Mordecai generally "prove to mean the dis­ rael, looking toward the possibility ner which has won him the widest munity councils, which together M. Kaplan, was endorsed by the couragement of minority opinion of his return as offi'cial U. ·s. Am- acclaim. More and more he has comprise the National Community committee. The plan for pilot and the stifling· of creative op­ bassador. · given himself to the advancement Relations Advisory Council, joint­ plants provides for 'their super- portu,;ity for experiment and in­ George declares unequiv&cally of worthy causes, particularly ly sent identical letters to the vision by national lay and reli- novation." Rabbi Simon G. Kramer that his sole reason for seeking those of a humaµitarian nature chairmen of the Republican and gious organizations in cooperation stressed that the "basic unity in the. ambassadorship is the desire and without regard to race, sect Democratic National Committees. with local communities. The needs American Jewry must stem from to cemen t a friendly and working or creed. Repudiate Fringe Groups , to which such an organic com- its religious character." These letters, signed by Irving Kane, NCRAC chairman, urged the major parties to "scrupulously New Kashruth Legality of Marriage avoid the use of appeals to class, ' racial, or religious prejudice" and Without Rabbi Up to to repudiate the sbpport of fringe Signs On Display groups who "are not above using Israel High Court such methods." ~ CLEVELAND-New signs denot­ The political parties were re-. ing supervision by the Kashrut TEL AVIV-The answer to the quested to· declare publicly their Board of the Jewish Community question whether a marriage cere­ abhorrence of the use of bigotry in Federation went on dis11lay in 50 mony performed by a person other election campaigning and to In­ butcher shops here which are in than a rabbi is valid under the law struct their local affiliates accord­ Jobs for Older Persons has become increasingly important the community inspection system. was answered in the affirmative ingly. With scientific techniques add­ in the spotligh t of American Jewish here recently when District Judge Harmful Effects ing years to life. the rapidly in­ life. The kashruth inspection pro­ Benjamin Cahn ruled that , under Reports that racial and religious creasing number of "senior citi­ To s'. rengthen an_d expand demo­ gram is financed by the Jewish Jewish law, the presence of a .rabbi bigotry have already been injected zens"- men and women over 60 cr~tic rights for everyone, many Welfare Fund on the theory that was not an indispensable require­ into some'of the primary contests years of age-are finding that J ewish communities have be e n the entire community has a stake ment at the nuptial ceremony. had given rise to anxiety, the J ew­ their valuable work skills and ex­ carrying out community relatfons in the orderly and dignified con­ The judge made the ruling in the ish organizations told the political perience are not being utilized to programs in tlteir own cities. duct of kashruth. face of contention by a ' represen­ party chairmen. the fullest extent by the American Primarily associated.- with the The Cleveland system has made tative of the Religious Ministry "Such recourse to bigotry could economy. large and medium-si~d communi­ over 50,000 inspections since its that the person who performed the produce tragically harmful effects To eliminate this tragedy of ties, this cooperation is now being inception and currently has three marrfage rites was not a properly should they be used in the impend­ wasted manpower, many J ewis h extended to the small ones.' Com­ full- time inspectors. The 16-man ordained rabbi. The Religious Min­ ing. campaign , which takes place vocational service agencies have munities with small J ewish popu­ kashruth board is composed of four istry is expected' to carry the issue at a time when the greatest pos­ been conducting special employ­ lations are banding together, com. rabbis nominated by the Orthodox to the 'Israeli Supreme Court. sible unity is required to meet the ment campaigns for older persons bining their resources and organiz­ Rabbinical Council, two by the challenge of Communist tyranny," in their local communities, stress­ ing for state-wide or regional com­ Schochtim Union, two by the But­ their letter declared. ing this theme: "Ability, and not munity relations programs. chers' ·Association and eight ap­ 200 Attend Parents age, is what counts." Typical of Last month, CQJinecticut joined pointed by the president of the this effort-modeled after the pio­ the growing number of s tate s J ewish Community Federation to Day .at Camp Jori Mother of 4 Earns neering work of the New York which liave inaugurated a cooper­ represen t . the community ,at large. J ewish Federation's Employment ative plan developed frQJl1 the Two hundred parents and rela­ Master's Degree Service-is the program recently ground up to serve the civic-pro­ tives were guests Sunday at Camp raunched by the Jewish Vocational tective needs of its local cities. $75,000 Fund Voted Jori's first Parents Day. Three NEW YORK - A 48-year-old Service of Essex County (Newark). A new organization, established similar days will be· held during Brooklyn mother of four received The maJor phase of this pro­ by the communities themselves, in Loyalty Probe Body the summer. her Master of Arts degree at City ject is to point out to employers consultation - with the natural Results of the elections to the College and announced her inten­ that old workers, when placed on agencies, is called the Connecticut WASHINGTON - A House ad ­ Camp Council were announced as tion of returning to school this proper Jobs, can produce as well J e w t s h Community Relations ministration sub-committee h as follows: Joyce Weinstein, presi­ fall to work on her doctorate. as younger persons, and in some Council. It will operate as follows: voted to give $75,000 in operating dent; Allan Bezan. vice-president; It was a triple graduation in the cases better. Moreover, that older I. Every J ewish community in f~nds to a committee to make a Roy Cohen, secretary, and Sandra Levy family this wee~, Mrs. Doris workers are absent less frequently Connecticut will be0 invited to par­ loyalty probe of tax-exempt phil­ Sindle, treasurer . Levy took her degree at City Col­ and have fewer accidents than ticipate, and will be represen ted anthropic foundations .
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