East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm Appendix 10.2 Fish and Shellfish Ecology Technical Appendix Environmental Statement Volume 3 Applicant: East Anglia ONE North Limited Document Reference: SPR Reference: EA1N-DWF-ENV-REP-IBR-000347_002 Rev 01 Pursuant to APFP Regulation: 5(2)(a) Author: Royal HaskoningDHV Date: October 2019 Revision: Version 1 East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm Environmental Statement Revision Summary Rev Date Prepared by Checked by Approved by 01 08/10/2019 Paolo Pizzolla Ian Mackay Helen Walker Description of Revisions Rev Page Section Description 01 n/a n/a Final for Submission Appendix 10.2 Fish and Shellfish Ecology Technical Appendix Page i East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm Environmental Statement Table of Contents 10.2 Fish and Shellfish Ecology Technical Appendix 1 10.2.1 Introduction 1 10.2.2 Overview of Fish and Shellfish Species 1 10.2.3 Commercial Demersal Species 30 10.2.4 Commercial Pelagic Species 42 10.2.5 Elasmobranchs – Skates and Rays 57 10.2.6 Diadromous Fish Species 62 10.2.7 Non Commercial Fish Species 64 10.2.8 Shellfish Species 67 10.2.9 References 70 Appendix 10.2 Fish and Shellfish Ecology Technical Appendix Page ii East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm Environmental Statement Appendix 10.2 figures are listed in the table below. Figure number Title 10.2.1 The former East Anglia Zone 10.2.2 Grab sample locations 10.2.3 Sediment distribution 10.2.4 Sandeel habitat suitability Appendix 10.2 Fish and Shellfish Ecology Technical Appendix Page iii East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm Environmental Statement Glossary of Acronyms Cefas Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science CUPE Catch per unit effort EIA Environmental Impact Assessment HAWG Herring Assessment Working Group IBTS International Beam Trawl Survey ICES International Council for the Exploration of the Sea IFCA Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities IHLS International Herring Larvae Survey IUCN The International Union for Conservation of Nature MMO Marine Management Organisation OSPAR Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic PSA Particle Size Analysis TAC Total Allowable Catch Appendix 10.2 Fish and Shellfish Ecology Technical Appendix Page iv East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm Environmental Statement Glossary of Terminology East Anglia ONE North The proposed project consisting of up to 67 wind turbines, up to four offshore project electrical platforms, up to one offshore operation and maintenance platform, inter-array cables, platform link cables, up to one operational meteorological mast, up to two offshore export cables, fibre optic cables, landfall infrastructure, onshore cables and ducts, onshore substation, and National Grid infrastructure. East Anglia ONE North The offshore area within which wind turbines and offshore platforms will be windfarm site located. Offshore cable corridor This is the area which will contain the offshore export cables between offshore electrical platforms and landfall. Offshore development The East Anglia ONE North windfarm site and offshore cable corridor (up to area Mean High Water Springs). Appendix 10.2 Fish and Shellfish Ecology Technical Appendix Page v East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm Environmental Statement 10.2 Fish and Shellfish Ecology Technical Appendix 10.2.1 Introduction 1. The following document describes the fish and shellfish ecology of species that have been considered in the Environment Impact Assessment (EIA). The impact assessment presented in Chapter 10 Fish and Shellfish Ecology also includes a summary of the baseline presented in this document. 10.2.2 Overview of Fish and Shellfish Species 2. The East Anglia ONE North project is encompassed within International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Southern North Sea Division (IVc) statistical rectangles1. The East Anglia ONE North windfarm site and part of the offshore cable corridor are within rectangle 33F2 and the near shore sections of the offshore cable corridor lie within 33F1, as shown in Figure 10.1. Fish and Shellfish Surveys in East Anglia ONE, East Anglia THREE, the former East Anglia FOUR and the former East Anglia Zone 3. The results of fish characterisation and epibenthic surveys carried out in East Anglia ONE (February 2010 and November 2011), East Anglia THREE and the former East Anglia FOUR (February and May 2013), have been used to inform the baseline characterisation for the proposed East Anglia ONE North project. In addition, the results of epibenthic surveys carried out in the former East Anglia Zone in 2010, have also been taken account of in this report. These are highly relevant to the project due the overlap and / or close proximity between the offshore development area, and the areas where these surveys were undertaken (Figure 10.2.1). 4. A description of the surveys undertaken is given in Table A10.1, including survey dates, methodology and sampling effort. The location of the sampling stations is illustrated in Figure 10.1.2, with sediment distribution shown in Figure 10.2.3. Table A10.1 Summary of surveys undertaken in East Anglia ONE, East Anglia THREE, the former East Anglia FOUR and the former East Anglia Zone Survey and Gear Survey area Sampling Effort Survey date Type Otter trawl survey 18 x 20 minute tows (13 within (commercial otter East Anglia East Anglia ONE and 5 in November 2010 and trawl with a 120mm ONE site adjacent areas at control February 2011 mesh cod-end) locations) 1 The boundaries of each ICES rectangle aligns to 0.5° latitude by 1.0° longitude, giving whole rectangle dimensions of approximately 30 by 30 nautical miles (nm), at UK latitudes. Appendix 10.2 Fish and Shellfish Ecology Technical Appendix Page 1 East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm Environmental Statement Survey and Gear Survey area Sampling Effort Survey date Type Beam trawl survey 18 x 20 minute tows (13 within East Anglia ONE and 5 in (2m scientific beam adjacent areas at control trawl with 5mm locations) mesh cod-end) Pelagic trawl 9 x 20 minute tows (south of the East Anglia ONE site) (standard pelagic trawl with18mm cod-end) Otter trawl survey 9 x 20 minute tows (5 within East Anglia FOUR and 4 in (commercial otter adjacent areas at control trawl with a 100mm locations) mesh cod-end) 9 x 20 minute tows (6 within East Anglia THREE and 3 in East Anglia adjacent areas at control THREE and locations) former East February and May 2013 Beam trawl survey Anglia FOUR 8 x 20 minute tows (5 within East Anglia FOUR and 3 in (4m commercial windfarm sites adjacent areas at control beam trawl with locations). 80mm mesh cod- end) 8 x 20 minutes tows (4 within East Anglia THREE and 4 in adjacent areas at control locations) Epibenthic survey East Anglia 3 x 10 minute tows within the THREE, east East Anglia FOUR site (2m scientific beam Anglia ONE trawl) 3 x approx. 10 minute tows and former within the East Anglia THREE East Anglia site FOUR sites August/September 2010 and East 6 x 10 minute tows along East Anglia THREE Anglia THREE offshore cable May 2013 offshore cable corridor corridor, East 1.5 knots and 10 minutes tow Anglia ONE along East Anglia ONE offshore offshore cable cable corridor. corridor. Former East 78 x 10 minute tows across the August- September 2010 Anglia Zone former East Anglia Zone Appendix 10.2 Fish and Shellfish Ecology Technical Appendix Page 2 ¯ WELLS-NEXT-THE-SEA HUNSTANTON SHERINGHAM CROMER HOLT FAKENHAM NORTH WALSHAM AYLSHAM DEREHAM East SWAFFHAM Anglia NORWICH THREE GREAT YARMOUTH WATTON WYMONDHAM ATTLEBOROUGH LOWESTOFT BRANDON BUNGAY BECCLES THETFORD HARLESTON East Anglia DISS ONE North HALESWORTH SOUTHWOLD BURY ST EDMUNDS FRAMLINGHAM SAXMUNDHAM LEISTON STOWMARKET East Anglia Legend WICKHAM ALDEBURGH MARKET ONE East Anglia ONE North Windfarm Site WOODBRIDGE East Anglia East Anglia ONE North IPSWICH TWO SUODBffUsRhY ore CablHeA DCLEoIGrHridor Offshore Windfarm Offshore Windfarm Export FELIXSTOWE HALSTEAD Cable Corridor HARWICH Former East Anglia Zone BRAINTREE COLCHESTER EA1N-DEV-DRG-IBR-000897 1:650,000 Km Drg No 0 5 10 20 East Anglia ONE North Prepared: FC Scale @ A3 Rev 1 Datum: Source: © The Crown Estate, 2019. Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right, 2019. © British Crown and OceanWise, 2019. All rights reserved. WGS 1984 1 15/07/2019 FC First Issue. Checked: KC Licence No. EMS-EK001-548150. Not to be used for navigation. The Former East Anglia Zone Date 15/07/19 Projection: This map has been produced to the latest known information at the time of issue, and has been produced for your information only. Please consult with the SPR Offshore GIS team to ensure the content is still current before using the information contained on this map. Zone 31N To the fullest extent permitted by law, we accept no responsibility or liability (whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise in respect of any Rev Date By Comment Approved: PP errors or omissions in the information contained in the map and shall not be liable for any loss, damage or expense caused by such errors or omissions. Figure 10.2.1 D:\Box Sync\PB4842 EA 1N and 2\PB4842 EA 1N and 2 Team\E. TECHNICAL DATA\E03 GIS\EA1N\Figures\ES\Chapter_10_FishEcology\Appendix_10_2\Fig_10_2_1_EA1N_FormerEastAngliaZone_RH_20190715.mxd ¯ LOWESTOFT BUNGAY BECCLES Legend East Anglia ONE North Windfarm SiHteALESWORTH East Anglia ONE North Offshore Cable Corridor SOUTHWOLD Former East Anglia Zone Grab Sample Location UK Sea Map SS.SCS.CCS: Circalittoral coarse sediment SS.SCS.ICS: Infralittoral coarse sediment SS.SCS.OCS: Offshore circalittoral coarse sediment SS.SMu.CSaMu: Circalittoral sandy muSAdXMUNDHAM LEISTON SS.SMu.ISaMu: Infralittoral sandy mud SS.SMu.OMu: Offshore circalittoral mud SS.SMx.CMx: Circalittoral WICKHAM MARKET mixed sediment ALDEBURGH SS.SMx.OMx: Offshore circalittoral mixed sediment SS.SSa.CFiSa or SS.SSa.CMuSa: Circalittoral fine sand or circalittoral muddy sand SS.SSa.IFiSa or SS.SSa.IMuSa: Infralittoral fine sand or infralittoral muddy sand SS.SSa.OSa: Offshore circalittoral sand EA1N-DEV-DRG-IBR-000898 1:225,000 Km Drg No 0 2.5 5 10 East Anglia ONE North Prepared: FC Scale @ A3 Rev 1 Datum: Source: © JNCC, 2018.
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