UC Hastings Scholarship Repository Hastings Alumni Publications 4-1-1997 Hastings Community (Spring 1997) Hastings College of the Law Alumni Association Follow this and additional works at: http://repository.uchastings.edu/alumni_mag Recommended Citation Hastings College of the Law Alumni Association, "Hastings Community (Spring 1997)" (1997). Hastings Alumni Publications. 97. http://repository.uchastings.edu/alumni_mag/97 This is brought to you for free and open access by UC Hastings Scholarship Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Hastings Alumni Publications by an authorized administrator of UC Hastings Scholarship Repository. II \ ST I \(;S . a LETTER TO ALU M N I ALUMNI RECEPTION THE FIFTH ANNUAL 1066 Dean Kane begins a series of letters to the PICTURE GALLERY FOUNDATION ATTORNEYS alumni about Hastings' new areas of Honolulu, January 1997· GENERAL FORUM RECEPTION concentration.This issue focu ses on State Bar Reception, October 1996. Photos of the celebration the tax concentration area. Washington, D.c., January 1997. following the Forum. " THE BURDENS AND BE N EFI TS CAMPUS NOTES FACULTY NOTES OF RACE I N AMERICA " - Hastings' Scholarly Publications Offer Catch up on the many activities Presented by the 1996 Mathew 0. Tobriner Document Delivery Service. of our faculty. Memorial Lecturer, - Hastings Students Present Papers - Harry and LiUian Hastings Research Harvard University Law Professor At National Law and Chair and Sc holarships Established. Charles J. Ogletree, Jr. Communication Conference. - Fi ve Promoted to Full Professor. - Second-Year Students Cruise - Hastings Mourns The Loss of Away The Btues. Prof Julian H. Levi, 1909-1996. - Patio Expands Hastings Campus. - Hastings Mourns the Loss of II - Cabaret 1997. Prof Rudolf B. Sc hlesinger, 1909-1996 and Ruth H. Sc hlesinger, 1920-1996. A L UM S IN TH E CORPOR A TE W ORLD Fi~ ' e alums, Merle Catherine Chambers ('77); Christine Helwick ('73); Nicholas G. m Moore (,67); Guy RounsaviUe, Jr. ('68); TH E FI F TH ANNUAL C LASS N OTES and Richard Thalheimer ('74) offer ATTORN E Y S GE N ERAL F OR UM Catch up on your classmates' activities. Six former A ttorneys General discuss their views of the corporate world. u.s. Have we heard from you latdy? controversies involving the appointment process of the federal judiciary, the war on drugs, public perception of the profession, RICO, and the role of independent counsel. DO You HAVE A JOB FOR A ON THE COVER : HASTINGS STUDENT OR PartlClpancs In che !rich annual Accorneys General GRADUATE"? Forum' (b,lck TO It , lefc [0 n~hc) ?\'icholas Kac~enbach, Prof. Archur R. ~ 1 dler, Edu In ~Ieese l/J. \X"dliam Barr, RlcharJ Thornburgh, (fron! rolt. leic ro rlf(hc) \X'lllwm You NEVER WRITE , ',nbc ,lnJ Gnffln Bell. (Phoro: liulan \o~elJ You NEVER CALL Send us your news using these convenient forms. .. 11,\ S'I' I :i (; s, .. SPRING 1997 n past issue of the Hastings opportunities to gain advice and informa­ Comml-tni ty, I have written about tion about the tax and business field as I the fact that one of the things potential career choices. Upon gradua­ that the faculty has done to tion, several of the tudents already have en ure that our curriculum is devel oped been employed by law firms and account­ to address the needs of the future is to ing firms, and other are intendin g to offer four conce ntrations in which stu­ attend a graduate tax program. dent may elect to enroll in their upper­ In talking with students about the tax clas yea rs. The four areas offered are tax, concentration, they have expressed enthu­ civi l litiga tion, international law, and pub­ siasm over their experience. In the words lic interest law. This academic year was of one student, "there is an openness the fi rst one in which the concentrations among the student and facu lty, with the have been implemented. Each is some­ res ult that the concentration fosters a real what different in the program and oppor­ sense of community." The student added tunities it offer, as well as in its subject that the students involved in the concen­ matter focus. Thu , I thought that I would tration are intent on lea rning a substan­ foc us my letter in this and subsequent tial body of tax law and that the concen­ iss ues on each of the concen trations in tration adds motivation to what otherwi e turn so that yo u might better appreciate experts that simply are beyo nd comparison. might be a Ie stimulating third year of what i involved and why we are excited This yea r nearly 20 student enrolled in law school. Another student pointed out the concentration. This year's group about this new development. Let me begin that the facu lty member in volved in the includes not only graduates from several with our taxation concentration. concentration are good friends as well as As yo u might expect, we have an out­ California unive rsitie but also graduates good teachers, and their congeniality and standing tax faculty who represent the from Cornell, Duke, MIT, Wharton, and camaraderie create an open and good rela­ leaders in the field and who provide the Ya le. Their undergraduate degrees va ry tionship between them and the students momentum and core for this conce ntra­ from business and economics degrees to both in and out of the class room. ones in art history, engineering, East tion. Professor Lathrope, Lind, and As even this brief de cription reveals, Asian studies, and political sc ience. Schwarz are coauthors of one of the lead­ the tax concentration is off to a great The tax concentration students must ing casebooks in both partnership and start. It is exciting to watch it happen and complete 20 units of courses from a long corporate tax; Professor Lathrope also has is just one more reason why we all can list of possible taxation and bu iness relat­ a leading treatise on the alternative mini­ take pride in being part of Hastings. ed courses. The program includes semi­ mum tax; Professor Lind also coauthors a nars in both Busines Planning and Estate leading casebook in income tax and a trea­ Planning. The capstone of the concentra­ tise on estate and gift taxation; and tion is a year-long seminar that in volves Professor Schwarz is the coauthor of the several sessions on tax policy. In the semi­ first and only casebook on nonprofit taxa­ nar, each student also writes and presents tion. Professor Hutton was the former a paper, under the supervision of one of director of the LL.M. taxation program at Mary Kay Kane the fac ulty members, on some aspect of NYU and doe ex tensive speaking Dean taxati on. In conjunction with the seminar, throughout the countr y. Dean Martinez several social events are held throughout ha done substantial writing in taxation, the yea r. These events all ow the tax facul­ primarily in the area of tax procedure. So, ty membe rs and tudents to get to know yo u ca n see that our students are getting a one another better and provide informal rare opportunity to study taxation with . I · . II \:-;'1' I " (;:-; ... Mathew O. Tobriner Memorial Lecture "THE BURDENS AND BENEFITS OF RACE IN AMERICA" Charles). Ogletree, )r., Professor oj Law, Harmrd Uni'l'ersity amount of progres . He pointed Ollt land­ October 21, 1996 mark, including Brown v. Board of Education, Batson v. Kentucky, the 1964 C ivil Rights Act, and the 1965 Voting he Burdens and Benefits of Race Rights Act. He listed specifi gains in the in America" presented by numbers of African-American leaders in Harvard Professor had es J. business and government. Ogletree, Jr., began with some His participation in the 1995 "Mi llion bleak obse rva ti ons on race relations, Man March" in Washington, D.C., gave including one from Frederick Douglass, him an additional ource for hope. "It was abolitioni t and former slave, who said, a time when African-American men "The rea onabl e doubt, which is usually stood shoulder-to- houlder and engaged in interposed to save the life and liberty of a constructive dialogue and positive engage­ white man charged with crime, seldom FoLlowing the lecture, Gerald D. Marcus (righ t) holds ment. [It was] the most hi toric gather­ the dock presented to him by RosabeLle R. Tobriner, ing ever of men of colo r. ... Men talked has an y force or effect when a colored honoring him for many yea rs of service as the C hair of man is accu ed of a crime." Several addi­ the Mathew 0. Tobriner Memorial Commirree. Prof about per onal responsibility in their com­ ti onal observations illustrated that "the Ogletree is on the left. munities " .. We left there convinced that burden [of race in America] is not limited we could remove the burden and pursue to descendants of slaves, but has impacted that he disagreed with Harvard Professor the benefits of racial prog ress in America." Latinos, Nati ve-America ns, A ian­ William Wilson, who believes that the end Reminding the audience that it was American, and many other ." Yet the of the industrial revolution has meant Ju stice Tobriner who was the only di - lecture concluded with visions of hope that fewer entry jobs are avail able, making se n ter in the 1978 Bakke case, Prof. fo r the f uture of race relations in the unemployment a class issue rather than a Ogletree concluded, "Justice Tobriner rec­ U nited tate. race issue. Prof.
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