fnfSfl COLLEG E GRAND J UNCTION, COLO. 1941 Marjorie Penberthy clu•ters main hall She is a member of the Chamber Mu· Boy friend, Lloyd Jones. plots how to with her annual spring cleaning. sic g roup and appears on the radio. get Marge behind the eight ball. TYPICAL STUD~NTS Marjorie Penberthy who with five other st uden· ~ was se lected Student Body president and Mesa s mos- typical man stu­ k reoresent t'le typical students of Mesa college fo• the News cent, J ohnny McNomora. ·hinh +hat a ll g irls are swell. He Mag be ieves rhat life is filled wi•h excitement and interesting ind'ca'es no preference for either blondes. brunet-es, or red­ proolems. heaos, but prefers shor• girls-especially when ~e s oancing. Marge a rY"usic ma·or, p.ays the v:ola in' the college sym· ~e thirks women shou1d have a moderate amount or in­ pnony orchestra and plans to cor•· nue her music courses after td igence and should be good conversationa lists - a 1tl--ough comole-·ng her wor~ at Mesa. She prac;ices her viola daily tl·is ooes not mear tha• they mus- be too wi-ty. J onnny, famous more fo· Mr. Sarooni's benef• than for mire sre says. for his witticisrrs anci brigh- reMarks wil -ake care o! the She l'kes a span; her favori·es are baske·oa• football and comecy en a da•e. pool. Sl,e pays pool with Lloyd Jones, wl--o calls ner Pool­ 0 I· ml.s· oe the 16sh in me that makes me ike green Clothes rooM Saoie ' end says ;hat alrhoug'l he ·s an expert olayer, says Jonnny in exp:a:n·.,g his passion for green. He l'<es to be Marge occasional y shows him !·ow to get 60 poin·s in a hurry. nea·fy dressed at al times, bv· he does occasion<:lly pu· on o1d Locker 196 which is a cooperative af!air between Marge clothe5 and soend an afternoo!"l lounging around. He likes and Ru'h Starks, is repu·ed iO be ·he messiest one in school. crown shoes and wears size I I s. Marge doesn t know how ir mareges to get so oirty, but says Johnny came to Mesa from Salida and will graouate this that she has ro dean it out ot least twice a quarter. There are yea'. He plans to attend a senior college next year and will so many books in it tha;. belong to other people, 'hat Marge is major in medicine-probaoly specializi ng in chiropody. seriously consioering starting a lend:ng l'bra•y. Basketball, as a competitive spor+, provided recreation for Activities outside of school ra ke up much of Marge's time. Johnny. As a leading guard on the Maverick squad, he played She presides at Zeta Chi meetings and has yet to see the quar­ in mos~ of the games this year. When watching ~he game from ter that she doesn 1 make Phi Theta Kaopa. the sidelines, Johnny spent most of his time thi n~ing how hard She is a loyal booster of Mesa a nd is a lways willing to do i~e bench was and hoping ihat he would soon get a chance to her oart in making col1ege activi ties successful. play. Studious J ohn McNamara often seeks McNamara ana Harmon o iscuss com· " Doc" appeases his in~edectual c uri­ re!axar;on from 1-- 's ore·meo major. me'lcement oance w;rh Les Mann. osity with his science courses. Horolo Samuels M~r, Scalzo Charles Sch eqel Ethe Shree< Almu Shriver Rooer• S<ees Gil et·e, Wyo. GrJnd Junction Minturn Grand Junction GrJnd Juncion Nvcla Moqore' Sk'nner Verna Snipes Morie~a Spor<man Col oran Fruitvale Grand Junction BLOSSOMS The News Mag ·s no; an organ for a Chamber of Commerce bur when the picture shown here of rhe apricot blossoms in bloom was ~urneo in, tf-.e editors decided ir was an artisric picture with plen~y of news value. lr was taken by Dr. Richard W a ldapfel of Grano Junction. Incidentally the picture was taken in March when b l izzard~ were rag· ng in many sections of the east, typhoons were en· gulfing Flor·aa and flooos were ravaging California. "It is a privilege to live in western Coloraoo.' Visitors to Grand Valley in rhe soring claim rhe view of the orcharos in bloom with snow·capped Grand Mesa in the Grand Valley blossoms fortn. background is one of the mosr beauti~ul scenes +o be found. M~r·ho Stell Aqnes S·evens Virq·n:a S·evenson Frederick Toqqe Dorothy Tharp Frank Too•hoker Gra~o Juncion Grand Junction Gra'>d Juncfor Grand Junction Palisade Portervil.e. Calif. Mar·na Torgny Myra MMie Treece Adel"ne Von Gundy James 11anlandinqham Eod'e Viomar R'chmono Voils Mcn·rose Gr~,o Juocion Grand Junc:ion Parrn Texas Faoni~ lonq Beach, Calif. Morgnr• the Woldopfel Bob Young Morio Wo loco Ermo Woover Lorsn Wot>ver Aniln Wil~on Gr11"d Junclool' Grand Junctoon Grft d Junella Glenwood Snrings Grond Junction Grond Junction Getty J on W ~on Goo o w,t,on Mori en Wo~ ester llozel Wolgomoll Hozle!l Wubben Boll Young Gro d Junctoon C rtoz Telluride Strot'ol' Grond Juncioon Cedored~o COMM~RC~ L~AD~R Business cour~es, added to the Mese curriculum this year, When the M club sent a rep· have ellrllcled many students who pion to enter business after resentative to school at the early groduation. These courses, typewriting shorthond, bookkeeping hour of 7:30 a. m. to be the first business English, ond occounling, givo commercial mojors a thor club out tOO per cent for the ough background and experience in oil business problems. News Mag, that messenger was S•udents specielizing in commercial wod are not limited to closely followed by Mr. 0. R. the business subjects, but may toke other courses which will prove Lindesmith, science instruclor and invaluable to them in ;heir future positions. Mesons in the com­ the first individual to buy a News mercial deportment also minor in speech, French science, dro­ Mng. L'ndy is also sponsor of matics, music, history, and other courses. Kappe Sigma Nu. Grand Mesa i a short drive from the campus and The enchanting Rockies in western Colorado ore the vacationists' paradise provide boa uti ful settings for outdoor sports. for ex ellt>n t boating, hi king. fishing. hunting, and skiing. CAR~~RS IN T~~ MAKING Bringing stud ent life into western slope homes, Mesa College There'll b e no burned biscuits and outraged husbands tn the On The Air intimately portrays a cross section of campus life. homes of girls who major in home arts courses. Resembling a primary school room, Future Teachers loborator) Thru an instructor's eyes, Miss Marie Killeheffer, F.nglish depart­ enables students to work under realistic conditions. ment head, views studenh insatiable thirst for knowledge. W ell equipped scierce labs encourage Mesans to spend leisure Library's quiet , restful atmosphere is conducive lo study and hours probing into scientific theories. promotes ex+ra-<.urricu!ar romantic activities. r I Under the baton of Conductor Lawrence Sardoni, Meso college High-Stepping, Colorful Billy Louise Carson decorutes the band symphony orchc 'ra presents two brillinnt concerts o yeor. Mr. with snappy twirling muncuvers at football gumes. She adds Sardoni is rupidly gaining a wide reputation thruout the West sporkle to the Maverick band. which is considered to be one of for his keen knowledge and interpretation of mu,ic. the most ouhtonding junior college bonds in the region. Trimly uniformed, the Moroon and White band plays for mony :ies ond assemblies. Members proctice three hours a week and (.;ol ·giate e 1ents including football, basketball games, pep ral- rt.ceive three quarter hours credit a year. -• 1_1; PROMOTER CARNIVAL Chot He l~~nd, w~,;l ~ nown Grand S'iers, neo r-skierl> prospective June! ion s: icr, worh overtime to ckiors ond just ordrnory ionny dunk­ interest college students and ers porticipated in the first Meso row1spcople in the sHing possi­ college s~i carnival l,eld on Grond bilities of Grond Meso. As guest Mesa during the winter quorler. speaker on the " Meso College on Ire Air program which feoturod Over 100 carloads of students and facul~ members were on the s~iing , Mr. HeiiMd enlightened o Iorge number of people on the Mesa during the day. deve1opment of ~iing in western Eighty-six inches of snow on the Colorado. cour~e the duy of rhe carnival cur­ An odive member of the Grand tailed some of the day's events. Meso ski polrol which is interested Some of the Meson who ore in developing skiing on GrMd adept on sl is are Jad Atkinson, Mesa. Mr. Hellond rs one of the Oob Bowman, Jim Silcox Duane group of Gr!'lnd Junction men who Dykstra, Le~rry Deshe~yes ond Alva put up the ski tow. Boettler. Women students who Holder of scverol owords in hove become proficient are Miss locol skiing events, lv1r. Hollond Louise Roloff, coach, Jean Gor spends most of his time when such, Lorraine Peterson, Barbaro awoy from work on skiis. Dufford and Virgini:s Stevenson. l'tJgC' \Jiriii\IIIC'd b\ J. (. Pt:-.;~t' Cu., G~.t nd Junctron NEWS MAG GO~S TO PARTI~S News Mag has attenoeo almosr every tyoe of school party lhis year.
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