New Combinations in Chinese Cotoneaster (Rosaceae) Lu Lingti Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Biology, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 20 Nanxincun, Xiangshan, Beijing 100093, People's Republic of China Anthony R. Brach Missouri Botanical Garden, 0 Harvard University Herbaria, 22 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138-2094, U.S.A. [email protected] ABSTRACT. During preparation of the account of Hutchinson), is best treated as a fourth variety; thus Cotoneaster Medikus for the Flora of China, volume a new combination is required. 9, it was found that some taxa required the follow- ing new combinations, namely Cotoneaster glauco- Cotoneaster glaucophyllus Franchet var. sero- phyllus Franchet var. serotinus (Hutchinson) L. T. tinus (Hutchinson) L. T. Lu & A. R. Brach, Lu & A. R. Brach, C. bullatus Bois var. ¯oribundus comb. nov. Basionym: Cotoneaster serotinus (Stapf) L. T. Lu & A. R. Brach, and C. gracilis Hutchinson, Bot. Mag. 146: t. 8854. 1920. Co- Rehder & E. H. Wilson var. dif®cilis (G. Klotz) L. toneaster glaucophyllus Franchet f. serotinus T. Lu. (Hutchinson) Stapf, Bot. Mag. 153: t. 9171. Key words: China, Cotoneaster, Maloideae, Ro- 1929. TYPE: plant cultivated in the garden of saceae. Mr. G. H. Wollaston, Flaxley Cottage, Flax Bourton, United Kingdom, 1919 (fr), grown from seeds collected in China. Yunnan: G. In the broad sense, the genus Cotoneaster Me- Forrest 6754 (holotype, K). dikus consists of about 90 species and is widely distributed in temperate regions of northern Africa, This fourth variety occurs from 1900 to 3000 m continental Asia, Europe, and North America in mountainous regions of western Yunnan Prov- (mainly in Mexico). It is most abundant in south- ince. It is characterized by having leaf blades 4±6 western China, with about 58 species recorded from cm, abaxially pubescent when young, gradually gla- that country which have been variously placed into brescent, and in¯orescences 50- to 60-¯owered, about seven (to more than 20) series. Their taxon- white tomentose initially, later glabrescent. The omy is complicated by hybridization and apomixis. four varieties of Cotoneaster glaucophyllus are dis- Further studies could help elucidate relationships tinguished as follows: between and within species. While preparing an account of Cotoneaster for the Flora of China, vol- KEY TO VARIETIES OF COTONEASTER GLAUCOPHYLLUS ume 9 (Lu & Brach, in press), the present authors 1a. Leaf blade 3.5±6 cm. noted that the following new combinations are nec- 2a. In¯orescences to 40-¯owered, with soft yel- essary. low hairs ............. var. glaucophyllus 2b. In¯orescences 50- to 60-¯owered, white to- Cotoneaster glaucophyllus Franchet (1890: 222) mentose initially, later glabrescent .... is a semi-evergreen shrub endemic to southwestern ...................... var. serotinus China (Guangxi, Guizhou, Sichuan, and Yunnan 1b. Leaf blade 1.5±3 cm. Provinces), with elliptic to ovate, glaucous leaves, 3a. Leaf blade abaxially densely yellow tomen- tose when young, later glabrescent; in¯ores- compact, compound, to more than 50-¯owered cor- cences to 40-¯owered, larger, densely white ymbs, spreading, white petals, and reddish yellow, tomentose when young .........var. vestitus ovoid to obovoid fruit. 3b. Leaf blade abaxially slightly pubescent or In addition to its typical variety, two other named subglabrous; in¯orescences 6- to 12-¯ow- ered, smaller, with soft hairs ..var. meiophyllus varieties occur in China: Cotoneaster glaucophyllus var. vestitus W. W. Smith (1917: 21) and variety Cotoneaster bullatus Bois (in Vilmorin & Bois, meiophyllus W. W. Smith (loc. cit.). A form of this 1904: 119) is a deciduous shrub endemic to south- species, f. serotinus (Hutchinson) Stapf, which was western China (Hubei, Sichuan, Xizang, and Yun- originally described at speci®c rank (C. serotinus nan Provinces), with conspicuously rugose, bullate NOVON 12: 495±496. 2002. 496 Novon leaves, lax, 5- to 31-¯owered corymbs, erect, pink treated at varietal rank under C. gracilis; thus a petals, and red to dark purple, globose or obovoid new combination is required. fruit. In addition to its typical variety, another named variety occurs in China: C. bullatus var. ma- Cotoneaster gracilis Rehder & E. H. Wilson var. crophyllus Rehder & E. H. Wilson (in Sargent, dif®cilis (G. Klotz) L. T. Lu, comb. nov. Bas- 1912: 164). A form of this species, f. ¯oribundus ionym: Cotoneaster dif®cilis G. Klotz, Wiss. Z. (Stapf) Rehder & E. H. Wilson (originally described Friedrich-Schiller-Univ. Jena, Math.-Natur- as a form of C. moupinensis Franchet), is best treat- wiss. Reihe 21(5±6): 1017. 1972. TYPE: Chi- ed as a third variety of C. bullatus; thus a new na. Sichuan: ``valley of Hsao chin ho [Xiaojin combination is required. River] near Mon kong ting, 7±10.000 ft.,'' June 1908, E. H. Wilson 2169 (holotype, A; isotype, Cotoneaster bullatus Bois var. ¯oribundus BM). (Stapf) L. T. Lu & A. R. Brach, comb. nov. This variety occurs from 1800 to 3000 m in Basionym: Cotoneaster moupinensis Franchet f. mountain regions of southeastern Gansu and west- ¯oribundus Stapf, Bot. Mag. 135: t. 8284. ern Sichuan Provinces. Cotoneaster gracilis var. dif- 1909. Cotoneaster bullatus f. ¯oribundus ®cilis is characterized by having leaf blades ovate- (Stapf) Rehder & E. H. Wilson, in Sargent, Pl. elliptic to broadly elliptic, 7±14 3 5.5±8 mm, Wilson. 1: 165. 1912. TYPE: plant cultivated abaxially tomentose initially, and in¯orescences 1- at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, United to 3(to 6)-¯owered. It is distinguished from the typ- Kingdom, from seed collected in China. Sich- ical variety as follows: uan: ``near Tachienlu'' [Kangding], M. Vilmorin 2123 (holotype, K). KEY TO VARIETIES OF COTONEASTER GRACILIS This second variety occurs in mountain forests 1a. Leaf blade ovate to oblong-ovate, 20±35 3 10± from 900 to 2100 m in western Sichuan Province. 20 mm, densely tomentose abaxially; in¯ores- It is characterized by having petioles 1.5(±2.5) mm, cences 3- to 7-¯owered .......... var. gracilis 1b. Leaf blade ovate-elliptic to broadly elliptic, 7± leaf blades ovate or obovate, less than 5 cm, and 14 3 5.5±8 mm, initially tomentose abaxially; in¯orescences 4±6 cm in diameter, 15- to 31-¯ow- in¯orescences 1- to 3(to 6)-¯owered .. var. dif®cilis ered. The three varieties of Cotoneaster bullatus are Acknowledgments. We thank Nicholas J. Tur- distinguished as follows: land (MO) for nomenclatural advice and editorial help. We are grateful to two anonymous reviewers for their comments. KEY TO VARIETIES OF COTONEASTER BULLATUS 1a. Petiole 3±6 mm; in¯orescences 5- to 13-¯owered Literature Cited .......................... var. bullatus 1b. Petiole 1.5±2.5 mm; in¯orescences 11- to 31- Franchet, A. 1889±1890. Plantae delavayanae. Plantes de ¯owered. Chine recueillis au Yun-nan par l'Abbe Delavay et deÂ- 2a. Leaf blade 5±15 3 2.5±8 cm, petiole ca. 2 crites par A. Franchet. Paul Klincksieck, Paris. mm; in¯orescences 5±8 cm diam., 11- or Lu, Lingdi [Ling-ti] & Brach, A. R. In press. Cotoneaster more ¯owered ..........var. macrophyllus Medikus. In: Zhengyi Wu & P. H. Raven (editors), Flora 2b. Leaf blade usually less than 5 cm, petiole of China, Vol. 9. Science Press, Beijing, and Missouri usually less than 2 mm; in¯orescences 4±6 Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis. cm diam., 15- or more ¯owered ...... Sargent, C. (editor). 1911±1917. Plantae Wilsonianae. An ..................... var. ¯oribundus Enumeration of the Woody Plants Collected in Western China for the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University Cotoneaster gracilis Rehder & E. H. Wilson (in During the Years 1907, 1908, and 1910 by E. H. Wil- Sargent, 1912: 167) is a deciduous shrub endemic son. Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts. to central China (Gansu, Hubei, Shaanxi, and Sich- Smith, W. W. 1917. Diagnoses specierum novarum in her- bario Horti Regii Botanici Edinburgensis cognitarum uan Provinces), with ovate to broadly elliptic (species asiaticae). Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh leaves, lax, 1- to 7-¯owered corymbs, erect, red 10: 1±78. petals and red, obovoid, puberulous fruit. In addi- Vilmorin, M. de & D. G. J. M. Bois. 1904. Fruticetum tion to its typical variety, another species, Cotone- Vilmorinianum. Catalogus primarius. Catalogue des ar- bustes existant en 1904 dans la collection de M. Mau- aster dif®cilis G. Klotz, is very similar to it, but rice LeveÁque de Vilmorin avec la description d'espeÁces differs mainly by its smaller leaf blades and few- nouvelles et d'introduction reÂcente. Librairie Agricole, ¯owered in¯orescences. This latter species is best Paris..
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