
Mack Avenue fireworks will be better than ever this year By Jim Stlckford Detroit Red Wmgs Darren McCarty also help Noune and Andrews count sumptlon of alcohohc Staff Writer and Chns Draper Sign autographs for down to the fireworks For those who are afraid that tlus beverages on city or 90 mInutes. There W1l1be a $10 fee '"There Willalso be clowns and face- school property. Holiday deadlines year's fireworks display won't be up to that will go toward next year's fire- pamters on hand to entertain the the standards set by previous shows, 'We'll have events Due to the hohday next week, deadlmes works .. kids," said Matouk "For the first time going on from 6 p m event co-chair John Matouk said not for the Grosse Pointe News have been A band wmch W1l1start playmg at 6 ever, Lochmoor Willdonate Its dance until 10 pm," said to worry, they'll be even better. p.m., Matouk sald Between songs, floor The floor Wlllbe placed m front moved up. Sports and news copy, mcluding "Tlus year, we'll have all sorts of Matouk ''ThiS has letters to the editor and obituarieS, must be local radIo personalities Joe Noune of the bandstand, so the pubhc can turned mto a real fami- events that weren't held m preVIOUSand Mark "Doc" Andrews wIll act as efiJoydancmg" submitted before 3 p m FrIday. Items for the years," said Matouk. "There WIll be ly event, and we hope feature page, including entertamment, must MCs and perform skits Both men Matouk said he hopes the public that everyone comes concession stands all over Parcells appear on Dick Purtan's mormng efiJoys the event, but he added that be received by 3 p m Thursday. The paper out and enJoys the will be delivered on Wednesday, July 3. They W1llopen at 5 p.m At 6.45 p m radIo show Draper and McCarty Will Woods ordmances forbid the con- show" Your Community Newspaper -~ Grosse News Vol. 57, No. 26 44 pages Grosse Pointe, Michigan Since 1940 Home Delivery 56( • Newsstand 75( June 27, 1996 Park residents irate over recent flooding Johnny Bassett's Blues Insurgents perform theIr By Jim Stlckford pumps must be turned on energized jazz-blues blend at Staff Writer sequentially 7 p.m. on the Village Plaza, It was standmg room only at "If you turn on the pumps too at the corner of Kercheval Monday's Grosse Pointe Park qUickly,then you can create a and St. Clair, as part of the CounCilmeetmg, as angry resi- vortex or a whIrlpool, wmch Music on the Plaza series. dents demanded answers and can suck alr mto pumps, again Bring the family, lawn chairs solutions to the basement rendermg them meffectlVe," and picnic baskets to the free floodmg that occurred on the said Rothe event. evemng of June 18 Many homes south of First to speak was the City'S Jefferson in the cIty's flood Play-time consulting engIneer, Alan zone suffered damage as Cheyenne Otto, age 2, Rothe ofAyres, LeWIS,Noms & unprocessed sewage backed up Sunday, June 30 of Grosse Pointe Woods. May He told the audience that mto basements, as a result of and Katie Pacek. age 2. based on both National the rwns. of St. Clair Shores, have Weather Service statistICS and Rothe's statements did little The annual fireworks dis- fun together enjoying information recorded automat- to satisfy the audience Several play at Parcells Middle the summer weather in Ically by city equipment, that members spoke up, saying that School field, Vernier and Johnston Park In Harper while it was rainmg ofTand on the city faIled to turn on all Mack, begins at dusk. Rain Woods. all day Thesday, the heavy the Fox Creek pumps m a time. date is Sunday, July 7. P!wtD by Thea 1. Walker rains dId not start falling untIl ly fashIOn. They said that Fox about 4'30 p.m Creek pumps weren't turned The rain, swd Rothe, fell for on until 6 pm, at whICh time about 45 minutes He sald the many reSidents were poundIng Monda:y, July 1 city's pump statIOn wetwell, on the doors of the pump sta. whIch holds water and sewage tion demandmg action. After Area residents: We don't care ••• before It IS pumped to DetrOIt these pumps were turned on, The Grosse Pointe school for processmg, was pretty water levels m basements board conducts the first much empty at 4 30 p m started recedmg meeting of the new fiscal just help us improve the lake At 4 45, Rothe SaId, sewage Many reSIdents asked why year at 7 p.m. in the Wick.ing from the storm and samtary another Fox Creek dIscharge Library at Grosse Pointe By Amy Andreou Miller medIa, and local democratic of their pohtlcal party affiha- sewers started enterIng the pump was not manually Staff Wrrter politicians at St Clan tIOn- ISrmprovmg Lake St. wetwell, and automatIc pumps turned on until 6 p.rn , a full 35 South High School. Newly While some people called elected trustees Jack Ryan Shores Memorial Park on Clair qualIty. were activated. These pumps mmutes after the first Fox U.S. Secretary of the Interior Jefferson at Masomc "We don't care if a person started pumpmg the sewage to Creek pump was turned on and Steve Matthews will Bruce Babbitt's trip to take the oath of office and Previous to his late morn- IS a republican or democrat. Detroit for processing automatically. Many accused Miclugan last week a parti- ing speech, he toured a foggy We will appeal to whomever By 5 p.m , the wetwell level the City of being neghgent in the board will set its calen- san junket to sling mud at dar. Lake St. Clair on a boat with IS genwnely interested in had reached 8.5 feet, well that regard. Repubhcans, a few area resI- area reSidents and digm- Joming us In reducIng the below the flood level, said KraJniak said that the pump dents set the situation tanes departmg from the zebra mussel population in Rothe. At 5:10 pm., the attendant, who arrIved at the straight. Nautical Mile's Colony Lake St. Clwr," Nearon said, wetwelllevel had risen to 13.5 statIOn at about 5:30 pm., had "I've never seen a zebra BeachMarma "as well as helping address feet. At 5.23 pm., the wetwell many Jobs to do, mcludmg The Grosse Pomte Woods mussel who's a card-carrymg True, he took the opportu. the other problems affectmg level reached 14.5 feet It was check the pumps, monitor the City Council meets at 7:30 Republican or Democrat," nity to emphasize ms behef the lake - seaweed, sewage, then that a pump that dIs- water level and handle the p.m. in the municipal court said St. Clair Shores city that Repubhcans m and especIally the dumping charges unprocessed sewage pubhc that went to the station at city hall, 20025 Mack councilman Bill Nearon, a Washington are tryIng to diS- of harmful chemicals." directly mto Fox Creek turned and demanded action. Plaza. member of the St. ClaIr mantle the Clean Water Act Nearon was referring to on automatically. The attendant, said Shores Republican club. But local reSIdents from ICI, a Canadian chemical Because of the phYSICS KraJmak, when deCiding Babbit spoke Wednesday 8t Clair Shores and the fertilizmg company, poised to involved in pumpmg, said whether or not to turn on an before more than 100 area Grosse Pomtes emphaSized dump 750 million gallons of Rothe, It takes about four or addItIOnal pump, had to bal- Thursday, July 4 reSidents, trl-county news that theIr focus - regardless toXIC waste, including five mmutes to pnme the ance many factors The rain arsemc, mto the St. Clair pump. So once the pump IS had stopped and the wetwell River as soon as pendIng lit- actIvated, It won't start actual- level was falling as combined Independence Day. The Igation determmes whether ly pumpmg sewage for those ram water and sewage was offices of the Grosse Pointe It can obtam a dumping per- four or five mmutes bemg discharged mto Fox News will be closed. mit Records show that at 5 27 Creek, which borders the back He made Babbitt promISe p.m. the wetwell level reached yards of many Detroit resi- to make Canada uphold 30 feet. It was at about this dents. The attendant also had theIr treaty with the United time that Fox Creek dIscharge to worry about causmg damage States on thIS issue pump that turned on automat- to the pumps by turning them St Clair Shores council- Ically started pumpmg sewage on too soon Opinion 6A man BIll Callahan, a democ- into Fox Creek, said Rothe. When the attendant saw Schoo~ IIA rat, agreed with his republi. Rothe saId that the Fox that the wetwell level wasn't Autos I4A can colleague Nearon, on the Creek pumps can't be actIvated gomg down fast enough, he Importance of jomt efTort by until the wetwell level reaches turned another discharge Obituaries I7A both repubhcan and democ- 14.5 feet If the pumps are pump on at 6 p.m Tms pump Seniors I9A rat, local- and national-level turned on earlIer they Wllisuck also takes about five mmutes Business 20A polItICIans to Improve the m alr wmch renders the pump to prime, and it started pump- water quality Entertainment 6B useless. He added that once the mg at about 605 p.m., Bald 'We don't have the money first Fox Creek pump ISturned Sports 1C locally to clean up our lakes on, the remalmng Fox Creek See FLOODING, page 9A ClasSlfied ads 4C and nvers ourselves." Callahan saId he believes the federal government should help mumCIpalltles bUild a retentIOn baSIn at the POINTER OF INTEREST spillway m Harrison TownshIp SImilar to a basm bUilt at the Milk River bor- Marion Shanle der m Grosse Pomte Shores.
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