Mediterranean Marine Science Vol. 10, 2009 Additional records of the alien gastropod, Ergalatax junionae Houart, 2008 (Gastropoda: Muricidae), from the eastern Mediterranean KARHAN S.U. Division of Hydrobiology, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Istanbul University, TR- 34134 Vezneciler, Istanbul YOKES M.B. Haliç University, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Siracevizler Cad. No 29, i li, 34381, Istanbul https://doi.org/10.12681/mms.128 Copyright © 2009 To cite this article: KARHAN, S.U., & YOKES, M.B. (2009). Additional records of the alien gastropod, Ergalatax junionae Houart, 2008 (Gastropoda: Muricidae), from the eastern Mediterranean. Mediterranean Marine Science, 10(1), 137-142. doi:https://doi.org/10.12681/mms.128 http://epublishing.ekt.gr | e-Publisher: EKT | Downloaded at 30/09/2021 04:20:48 | Short Communication Mediterranean Marine Science Volume 10/1, 2009, 137-142 Additional records of the alien gastropod, Ergalatax junionae Houart, 2008 (Gas- tropoda: Muricidae), from the eastern Mediterranean S. Ü. KARHAN1 and M. B.YOKE 2 1 Division of Hydrobiology, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Istanbul University, TR- 34134 Vezneciler, Istanbul, Turkey 2 Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Haliç University, Ahmet Vefik Pasa Cd. No:1, Findikzade, 34093 Istanbul, Turkey e-mail: [email protected] Abstract The alien muricid gastropod Ergalatax junionae Houart, 2008 has been known to inhabit the shal- low waters of the eastern Mediterranean. The chronology of its recorded observations, beginning in east- ern Turkey and proceeding to the south and west, suggests that it was first introduced to eastern Turkey via shipping, and was then spread in the Levantine Sea. The recent record from Greece indicates that its range of distribution is still expanding. Here we report local population densities and additional records of E. junionae from the eastern Mediterranean basin, including its first occurrence from the Turkish coast of the Aegean Sea. Keywords: Mollusca; Gastropoda; Muricidae; Ergalatax junionae; Alien species; Eastern Mediter- ranean. Introduction ondary homonym of E. martensi (Schep- man, 1892) by HOUART (2008). Ergalatax junionae Houart, 2008 (Fig. Ergalatax junionae was first observed 1) is one of the seven alien muricid gastopods on the southeastern coast of Turkey in 1992 hitherto recorded in the Mediterranean and reported as Ergalatax martensi (Dall, Sea (ZENETOS et al., 2006, 2008a). This 1923) by ENGL (1995). The chronology of species has long been identified as Ergalatax its introduction in the eastern Mediter- obscura Houart, 1996, which is now con- ranean is summarized in ZENETOS et al. sidered a junior synonym of Ergalatax (2008b). Additional records include the Ly- martensi (Schepman, 1892). It was recent- cian coast (YOKE et al., 2002); Syria ly given as replacement name for Morula (BITAR, 2005) and northern Cyprus martensi Dall, 1923, which is a junior sec- (DELONGUEVILLE & SCAILLET, 2008). Medit. Mar. Sci., 10/1, 2009, 137-142 137 http://epublishing.ekt.gr | e-Publisher: EKT | Downloaded at 30/09/2021 04:20:48 | The present paper aims to report ad- junionae from the Turkish coast of the ditional records of E. junionae from the Aegean Sea. This is the northernmost oc- eastern Mediterranean basin, including its currence of the species in the Mediter- first occurrence from the Turkish coast of ranean. the Aegean Sea. In addition, population After its introduction, E. junionae be- density data of the species at some loca- came one of the most abundant molluscs tions where it forms aggregations are pre- in shallow hard-substrate habitats along the sented. Mediterranean coast of Turkey. Long-term underwater observations have revealed that Materials and Methods this species is likely to have a continuous distribution along the Turkish coast over Specimens of E. junionae were collected which it forms local aggregations. Popu- at 13 different sites located on the south- lation densities were found to be 9 indi- ern coasts of Turkey, from the Bozburun viduals per m2 (ind.m-2) in Kas (Antalya, Peninsula (SE Aegean Sea) to Yayladagi 15.08.2004), 17 ind.m-2 in Arsuz (Gulf of (northeastern Levant, close to the Turkish- Iskenderun, 19.10.2006), 21 ind.m-2 in Kalkan Syrian border) between June 2002 and Oc- Cove (Antalya, 27.10.2006), and 10 ind.m-2 tober 2008 (Fig. 2). Collection of the spec- in Kabak Cove (Fethiye, 04.10.2008). imens was carried out by SCUBA and skin BUZZURO & GREPPI (1996) found diving with the exception of the specimens many live specimens of E. junionae under from Beldibi (Gulf of Antalya), which were stones and on rocky bottoms at very shal- collected directly from the beach. Details low depths in Tas ucu. Although they have of the collection are given in Table 1. In ad- reported alien species from Adrasan (south- dition, at some locations where the species western Antalya) to Tas ucu (Mersin), they established dense populations, specimens recorded E. junionae (as Ergalatax sp.) on- were counted using a 1 m2 quadrate. Col- ly in Tas ucu, at a time when the known lected specimens were preserved dry or range of its distribution in the Mediter- in 70% ethanol and are stored in the Is- ranean had been restricted to Iskenderun tanbul University Science Faculty Hydro- and Mersin. Since its first sighting in 1992, biology Museum, Turkey. a rapid expansion has been observed to- wards the western coasts of Turkey, and in Results and Discussion 2002, very dense populations were record- ed on southwestern coasts of Antalya, in- A total of 136 specimens collected from cluding Adrasan (YOKE et al., 2002). In 13 different sites were examined (Table 1). the same year, individuals of this gastropod All examined specimens agree quite well were collected from Lebanon (ZIBROWIUS with the description and figures given by & BITAR, 2003). Records from Israel came HOUART (2008, p. 102, 106; figures 2, 4, 12 years later, suggesting that the south- 15-16, 31-40). The largest specimen exam- ward expansion has taken a longer time. ined was 29.8 mm in length from evlik ZENETOS et al. (2008b) suspected that Harbor, Hatay. The specimen collected shipping was the most probable mode of from Orhaniye Cove (Bozburun Peninsu- introduction into the Mediterranean for la, SE Aegean Sea) in June 2002 (Fig. 1A; this species. If it was introduced to the east- Table 1) represents the first record of E. ern coast of Turkey first, the observed dis- 138 Medit. Mar. Sci., 10/1, 2009, 137-142 http://epublishing.ekt.gr | e-Publisher: EKT | Downloaded at 30/09/2021 04:20:48 | Fig. 1: Ergalatax junionae Houart, 2008. (A) specimen from Orhaniye Cove, actual length 23.7 mm; (B) juvenile specimen from Üçadalar, actual length 11.4 mm; (C) protoconch of the same specimen as B. Fig. 2: Map showing the collection sites of Ergalatax junionae. Medit. Mar. Sci., 10/1, 2009, 137-142 139 http://epublishing.ekt.gr | e-Publisher: EKT | Downloaded at 30/09/2021 04:20:48 | Table 1 Collection data of the specimens of Ergalatax junionae (lv: live specimen, dd: dead specimen). Site no Date of Description Number of (Map Ref.) Coordinates collection Depth (m) of biotope Specimens 36Æ45’46’’N 1 June 2002 3 Rocky 1 lv 28Æ07’27’’E 36Æ27’33’’N 2 October 2008 2 Rocky 17 lv 29Æ07’26’’E 36Æ13’29’’N 3 October 2006 3 Rocky 42 lv 29Æ24’52’’E 36Æ11’22’’N 4 November 2008 11 Stony 5 lv 29Æ35’01’’E 36Æ27’N 5 August 2002 1 Rocky 2 dd 30Æ33’E 36Æ42’08’’N 6 April 2006 On beach - 4 dd 30Æ34’28’’E 36Æ11’15’’N Sandy 7 September 2007 3 6 lv 33Æ46’41’’E rubble 36Æ14’29’’N Sandy 7 lv, 1 dd (occupied 8 September 2007 4 33Æ48’24’’E rubble by a hermit crab) 36Æ28’09’’N 1 dd (occupied by 9 July 2008 3 - 35Æ58’02’’E a hermit crab) 36Æ07’31’’N 10 October 2008 1 Rocky 30 lv 35Æ54’49’’E 36Æ07’06’’N 11 October 2008 2 Rocky 13 lv 35Æ55’19’’E 36Æ00’34’’N 2 dd (occupied 12 July 2008 2 - 35Æ58’48’’E by hermit crabs) 35Æ57’06’’N 13 October 2008 2 Rocky 5 lv 35Æ55’18’’E tribution pattern is in accordance with the that the populations of Israel, Lebanon and surface current system of the eastern Mediter- Syria had not been noticed before the species ranean Sea. There is always a possibility was recorded in Turkey. However, in Novem- 140 Medit. Mar. Sci., 10/1, 2009, 137-142 http://epublishing.ekt.gr | e-Publisher: EKT | Downloaded at 30/09/2021 04:20:48 | ber 2005, an E. junionae population with a lessepsiane attestate lungo le coste considerable density was observed and 10 Turche. Bolletino Malacologico, 31(1- specimens were collected from Shikmona 4): 43-50. Beach (Haifa, Israel) (M.B. YOKE , un- HOUART, R., 2008. Rehabilitation of Er- published data), suggesting that if it had ar- galatax martensi (Schepman, 1892) (Gas- rived 12 years before, such a population tropoda: Muricidae), senior synonym would probably have been noticed much of Ergalatax obscura Houart, 1996, and earlier. Thus, we agree that shipping is the description of Ergalatax junionae, new most probable mode of introduction for E. name for Morula martensi Dall, 1923. junionae. The Nautilus, 122: 99-106. YOKE , M.B., DERV O LU, R. & Acknowledgements KARACIK, B., 2002. Marine biologi- cal richness assessment on the Lycian We would like to thank Evrim Kalkan, Coast. In: opur H. (Ed.) Proceedings Ziya aylarbas i, Volkan Demir and Cem of the SBT 2002 – 6th National Under- Dalyan for their kind help in collecting the water Science and Technology Meet- specimens.
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