Rev. BioI. Trop. 36 (2B): 447-451, 1988. Review of theNew World species of Pharaxonotha Reitter (Coleoptera: Languriidae) James Pakaluk Department of Entomology. University of Kansas. Lawrence, Kansas 66045. USA. (Rec. 22-I1I-1988. Acep. 22-VI-1988) Abstract: The New World species of Pharaxonotha Reitter arereviewed . Four species are recognized:Pharaxo­ notha ¡loridana (Casey) is known on1y from Florida, breeding in the eones of Zamia pumüa; P. kirschii Reitter is a widespread, stored products pest, often associated with cotton bolls, stored grain, and edible tubers; two new species from Costa Rica, P. clarkorum and P. confusa, feed on the pollen of Zamia IJkinneri and Z. fairchildeana respectively. A key to the species found in the New World is presented. Beetles and cycads are both ancient groups selected specimens, and the ranges and ratios originating in the Paleozoico It is not surprising are based upon ten individuals, if available, therefore, that the life-cycles of sorne beetles for each species. Since I did not make an are closely linked to their cycad hosts and exhaustive search for material, precise locality that sorne of these associations have persisted data for previously described species are for a long time (Norstog 1987). Sorne of these omitted. Each specimen used in this study associations, such as boganiid beetles and their has my identification label attached to its pino cycad hosts in South Africa and western The specimens are deposited in the fol1owing Australia, must date to the Jurassic (EndrOdy­ col1ections: my personal col1ection (JPCC); Younga and Crowson 1987) while others may Snow Entomological Museum, University of be of recent origino It is beyond the scope of Kansas, Lawrence, USA (SEMC); Museo de this paper tQ determine the historical associa­ Insectos, Universidad de Costa Rica, San tions between Pharaxonctha and cycads. This José (VCRI); National Museum of Natural work was prepared, at the request of John History, Washington, OC, USA (VSNM). M. Kingsolver (Systematic Entomology Laboratory, United States Department of Pharaxonotha Reitter Agriculture), to make the names of undescribed species available for ecologists studying the Pharaxonotha Reitter, 1875: 44. Type species, pollination of Zamia in Costa Rica. by monotypy, P. kirschii Reitter. Total body length was measured from the anterior edge of the head to the apex of the Planismus Casey, 1890: 500. Type species, by elytra. F or previously described species, these monotypy, P. floridanus Casey. figures were decreased, increased, or both to correspond to published information. The Sen Gupta and Crowson (1971) reviewed pronotum was measured along its ntidline the taxonomic history of Pharaxonotha, from the anterior to posterior edges and at original1y described as a crytophagid but its widest point. Elytral length was measured frequently placed in Erotylidae or Languriidae from its base adjacent to the scutel1um to its by subsequent authors. Crowson (1955) apical edge. Measurements were made from established the languriid subfarni1y Pharaxono- 447 448 REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA TROPICAL thinae which was subsequently reduced to 1.5 ; cuticle between punctures on frons tribal status (San Gupta and Crowson 1967, and pronotum granulate, dull; associated 1971). T!ü§ name, hovifever, does not have with Zamia.. .... ............2 priority, so Xenoscelini, as Usted in a recent eatalog of the Languriidae of North America 2. Pronotal lengthjwidth 0. 69-0. 74; head (Lawrence and Vaurie 1983), is the correct width/dorsal interocular distance 1.57- tribal name. 1.66; head widthfventral interocular Members of this genus have the charaeters distance 2.09-2. 38; known distributíon of Languriidae: XenosceUnae (Loberinae auet.): Florida . .. ' .....floridana (Casey) Xenoseelini (pharaxonothini auct.): Pharaxono­ tha (Sen Gupta and Crowson 1971). Including Pronotal lengthfwidth 0. 74-0. 80; head the new species deseribed below, there are widthf dorsal interocular distance 1. 70- about seven speeies deseribed worldwide, 1.96; head widthjventral interocular wíth apparently undescribed species from distanee 2.50-3.06; known rustribution South Africa (Sen Gupta and Crowson 1971). Costa Rica . .. 3 3. Length 2. 1 -2.4 mm.; elytral lmgti-¡j pronotal length 2.70-2.78; head widthj dorsal interocular distance 1.70-1.8 3; head widthjventral interocular distance 2.5 0-2.61 ; apex of ventral edge of 1 2 � median lobe symmetrical (Fig. 8) ; scutel­ lary stria with 7-9 punctures; punctures O�Af) on e1ytral ruse in intervals between \ . striae extreme1y fine, barely visible at 25 x magnification, their diameters less {} .1 3 n ,V than 1/4 díameter of strial punctlires; '\7 f known host plant Zamia skinnerí ............... clarkorum sp. nov. .V Length 2. 8-3. 6 mm.; elytral lengthl ,D. U . oH pronotal length 2. 89-3.15; head widthf dorsal interocular distanee 1.90--1.96; Figs. 1-10. Pharaxonotha spp. (1 and 2) head, ventral. (1) P. kirschíi; (2) P. clarkorum. (3-6) male genítalia, head widthjventral interocular distance tegmen, ventraL (3) P. kirschii; (4) p, !loridan.a; (5) 2.70-3 .06; apex of ventral edge of P. clarkorum; (6) p, confusa, (7-10) mOlle genítalíll. median lobe asymmetrical (Fig. 9); apex of median lobe, ventral. (7) P. [loridana; (8) 3cutellary gtría with 9--11 puncture:;; P. c/arkorum.; (9) P. confi·¡sa; (10) P. kírschií. Fig. 1 modified from Sen GUp'-ll and Crowson (l.969). punctures on dytral dísc in intervals between striae coarse. distinctly visibk at 25 x magnificaUon, their diameters Key te the New World species of Pharaxonotha more than 1/2 diameter of striuJ punctu­ res; known host plant Zamia fairchilde· 1. Length 4.0-4.5 mm.; eyes small, not ana ...............confusa sp. nov. prominent ventrally (Fig. 1), ratio of clarkorum, sp. nov. head width/dorsal interocular distance Pharaxonotha (Figs. 2,5 ,8) to head widthjventral interocular distance 1. 1; cuticle between punctures on from Types. Holotype: COSTA RICA, Heredia, and pronotum smooth, shiny: not asso- Prov., Puerto Viejo de Sarapiquí, Finca La ciated with Zamia ......kírschii Reitter Selva, 19 November 1982, in cone of Zanúa skínnerí, David B. Clark eoll. 1 (USNM) .. Length 2. l- 3.8 mm.; eyes large, pro­ Paratypes: same data as holotype (4 .fpee, minent ventrally (Hg. 2), ratio of head 2 SEMC, 3 VCRI, 8 VSNM); sarne data as widthjdorsal interocular distance to head holotype exeept 17 October 1985 (4- lPCC widthjventral interocular distance 1. 4- 2 SEMC, 3 VCRI, 8 VSNM). PAKALUK: Review of New World Pharaxonotha 449 Etymology. This species is named for to those on frons, punctures on margins denser. Deborah and David Clark, co-directors of Elytra 2.84-3.15x longer than pronotum, La Selva Biological Station. scutellary striole with 9-11 punctures, intervals coarsely punctate, punctures distinct1y visible Description. Length 2.10-2.40 mm. Body at 25x magnification. Metastemum punctate, elongate, about 2.60-2.76x longer than wide, punctures visible at 25x magnification. widest at posterior third. Head, pronotum, Metastemum punctate, punctures sparser than elytra reddish brown ; metastemum, ventrites on prostemum. Aedeagus (Fisg. 6,9) with apex reddish brown. Head 1.70-1.83x wider than of median lobe asymmetrical. dorsal interocular distance, 2.50-2.61x wider than ventral interocular distance. Labrum Habitat. Taken in Costa Rica from male impunctate. Clypeus punctate. Frons reticulate, cones of Zamia fairchildeana. punctate, punctures coarser, denser than on c1ypeus. Pronotum 0.74-0.80x longer than Pharaxonothafloridana (Casey) wide, granulate, punctate, punctures on disc (Figs. 4, 7) similar in size and density to those of frons, punctures on margins fmer. Elytra 2.70-2.78x Planismus floridanus Casey, 1890: 500. Type longer than pronotum, scutellary striole with locality: Biscayne Bay, Florida. 7-9 punctures, intervals finely punctate, punctures barely visible at 25x magnification. Pharaxonotha zamiae Blake, 1928: 111. Type Metastemum granulate, punctate, punctures locality: Homestead, Florida. fmer, denser than on prostemum. Aedeagus (Figs, 5, 8) with apex of median lobe Description. Length 2.60-3.80 mm. Body symmetrical. elongate, about 2.53-2.58x longer than wide, widest at middle. Head, pronotum elytra light Habitat. Taken in Costa Rica from male reddish brown: metastemum, ventrites darker. eones of Zamia skinneri Head 1.57-1.66 wider than dorsal interocular distance, 2.09-2.38x wider than ventral Pharaxonotha confUsa, sp. nov. interocular distance. Labrum impunctate. (Figs. 6, 9) Clypeus punctate. Frons punctate, punctures coarser, slightly sparser than on c1ypeus. Types. Holotype: COSTA RICA. Puntarenas Pronotum 0.69-0.74x longer than wide, Prov., San Vito de Coto Brus, Las Cruces, punctate, punctures on disc sparser than those Wilson Botanical Garden, 25 March 1985, on frons, punctures on margins finer, denser. from male cones of Zamia fairchildeana, G. Elytra 2.86-3.05x longer than pronotum, E. Schatz coll. (USNM). Paratypes: same data scutellary striole with 9-11 punctures, intervals as holotype (1 JPCC, 3 UCRI, 3 USNM). fmely punctate, punctures visible at 25 x magnification. Metastemum punctate, medial Etymology. The name confUsa is from punctures denser than on prostemum, lateral the Latin meaning confused, referring to the punctures coarser, denser. Aedeagus (Figs, 4, 7) apparently irregular elytral punctation. with apex of median lobe asymmetrical. Description. Length 2.80-3.60 mm. Body Material Examined. Eighteen specimens elongate, about 2.76-2.89x longer than wide, from Florida. widest at middle. Head, pronotum light reddish brown to reddish brown, elytra lighter: Habitat. Blake (1928) reported this species metastemum, ventrites reddish brown. Head from Zamia floridana.That name for this cycad, 1.90-1.96x wider than dorsal interocular however, is a junior synonym of Z. angustifo­ distance, 2.70-3.06x wider than ventral lía, known onIy from Cuba, so it appears that interocular distance, labrum punctate. Clypeus the true host is the native Z. pumila (Ralph punctate, punctures coarser, denser than on E. Brooks, pers. comm.). labrum. Frons similar to c1ypeus.
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