July, 1964 Hospital RECORD Barnes Hospital Barnes Hospital Plaza, St. Louis, Mo. 63110 Vol. 18, No. 7 DANFORTH AWARD GIRLS VISIT MEDICAL CENTER Meet The Trustees HOLT ACTIVE IN CHURCH, CIVICS Circuit Judge Ivan Lee Holt, Jr., was appointed to the Barnes Hospital Board of Trustees in 1951 when the board was still a seven-member body. Forty-nine outstanding home economics seniors from state BARNES WELCOMES universities and land-grant col- Nurses' Picnic leges visited the Medical Center 17 NEW DOCTORS July 23rd as part of the an- nual Danforth Award Tour. Eleven new attending staff At Forest Park appointments and six new house The girls usually represent staff and fellowship staff ap- The annual picnic for Regis- /ery state in the union, Can- pointments have been announced tered Nurses at Barnes will be Ida and Puerto Rico. The states by Barnes Hospital Director held August 20 from 4 p.m. to Judge Ivan Lee Holt of Maryland, Massachusetts, Harry E. Panhorst. 7 p.m. in Forest Park Picnic New Jersey, New York and Area No. 17, Director of Nurs- Judge Holt was appointed by New attending staff appoint- his father, presiding Methodist Wyoming were not represented ments include: Dr. Edward ing Service Miss Jean Martz this year, however. has announced. Bishop of Missouri Ivan Lee Okun, assistant ophthalmologist; Holt, under the terms of the On August Hth, a similar Dr. Morton D. Pariera, assistant The picnic will be to all Reg- will of Robert A. Barnes, found- group of young men—senior surgeon; Dr. Marvin R. Mish- istered Nurses in the Depart- er of Barnes Hospital. Presiding agriculture students—will visit kin, assistant surgeon (Ortho- ments of Nursing Service and Methodist Bishop Eugene M. the Medical Center. pedics); Dr. W. Edward Nursing Education, Student Frank now performs this func- The Danforth Award was in- Lansche, assistant surgeon Nurses, Hospital Administrators tion. stituted in 1936 by William H. (Orthopedics); Dr. Robert E. and Chaplains. Kuhlman, assistant surgeon Born in Marshall, Mo., Holt Danforth, former chairman of obtained his law degree from the board and founder of the (Orthopedics); Dr. Ronald C. The picnic area selected is Ralston Purina Company. He Hertel, assistant surgeon; Dr. located just east of the Stein- the University of Chicago. He was also former president and William C. Costen, assistant berg Skating Rink parking lot. was appointed an Assistant Cir- founder of the Danforth Foun- surgeon (Orthopedics); Dr. cuit Attorney in 1942 and en- Richard S. Sisson, assistant tered the Navy that same year. dation. He had a great interest He held the rank of Commander in young people and devoted surgeon; Dr. William Shieber, upon his discharge in 1946. much of his life to encouraging assistant surgeon; Dr. Walter Tax Warning young people to aim high in liTe. B. Goldfarb, assistant surgeon, Your tax liability may ex- Holt served as an assistant and Dr. Howard L. Nudelman, ceed your withheld taxes when professor of law at the Wash- The awards are made each assistant surgeon. ing University School of Law year to the top students in home you file your Federal Income from 1947-1948 and was en- economics and agriculture and New house staff and fellow- Tax Return next year. gaged in the practice of law ship staff appointments include: consist of a four-week program, This is a consequence of the until his appointment to the aimed at giving the students an Dr. Francis M. Fennegan, fel- low, neurological surgery; Dr. fact that the withholding rate Circuit Court bench under the insight into the business world was dropped to 14 per cent in- nonpartisan court plan in 1949. and the problems and conditions James Powers, assistant resi- they will encounter. dent, general surgery; Dr. Fred stead of the originally planned Active in civic affairs, Holt M. Wood, assistant resident, 15 per cent. is a member of the Board of The young women are shown Trustees of the Methodist Or- orthopedic surgery; Dr. Ignacio It would be wise for Barnes the role of home economics in Chaves, assistant resident, gen- phans Home Association and a business and industry and the employes to perhaps claim few- member of the Executive Com- eral surgery; Dr. Marvin Kueh- er exemptions for withholding young men are given an insight ner, assistant resident, general mittee of the National Confer- into the role of agriculture in surgery, and Dr. William L. purposes to avoid payment of a ence of Christians and Jews. He 2usiness and industry. Stoops, assistant resident, neu- cash sum at the end of the has also served on the Judicial year. I Director Harry E. Panhorst rology. Council of the Methodist Church, ^nd Associate Director Joseph Going off staff last month Reducing your number of ex- known as the "Methodists' Su- Greco welcomed the group and were Dr. Kurt Hahn, assistant emptions on payroll withholding preme Court." Chaplain George A. Bowles ophthalmologist, and Dr. Pablo will not affect the number of Holt is married, has three conducted the morning medita- Ortiz-Vega, assistant resident, exemptions you may claim on children, and resides at 56 tion. psychiatry. your Income Tax Return. Kingsbury Place, St. Louis. Rooms With A View New Anesthesiology Div. To Permit Wider Research A commanding view of large sections of the city will greet patients in the New Queeny Tower Ambulatory Care center upon completion next summer. Dr. Robert Dodd in his new office, looking over graphs on research in the mechanism of surgical relaxation. Renovation and construction out as a cooperative venture be- of the Division of Anesthesiol- tween Washington University ogy was completed last month, School of Medicine and Barne providing new space and facili- Hospital. ties located on the third floor of Barnes. The Anesthesiology Library and the office of Dr. Robert B. Looking westward, the lagoon and trees of Forest Park add a cooling note to The new construction is part Dodd, Anesthesiologist in Chief, the hot summer haze in the distance. of the continuing program of were equipped through Wash- updating patient areas and re- ington School of Medicine funds. search facilities in the Medical The laboratory of Dr. Albert Center. Prior to construction, Roos, research professor of an- no laboratory facilities existed esthesiology, was equipped in the department. Renovation and construction was carried (Continued on Page 4) Especially beautiful at night is the Kingshighway-Daniel Boone Expressway cloverleaf. On Kingshighway Boulevard work. On the 7th floor, interior and Barnes Hospital Plaza the partitioning has been completed Queeny Tower continues to inch and lathing will begin in a few its way toward the sky as a weeks. Windows in the building new landmark for the city. will also be put in this month. The ambulatory care center The view offered to patients will be ready for occupancy by in the tall structure is superb August of 1965. and is matched in only a very At present, the swimming few places in the city. From pool atop the Tower building is the top floor the patient will be in the process of being poured able to see as far east as the and the brickwork is following Mississippi River and the Gate- Summer Fellow Charles Lockhart takes advantage of the new analytical lab closely behind the structural way Arch. to further his studies. Chaplain's Corner Thurman Takes New Trash Compactor By George A. Bowles Safety Post ^There are times in the course Sanitary, Efficient ^i our American way of life when we feel something of a change in the air, brought about by some event or events which cause us to remember who we are and the meaning of the blessings that surround us. Such a charge is felt every four years when we are aware of the privilege to select a lead- er of our great nation. We are now in the midst of such a pro- cess, and the air is charged. We take so many rights and responsibilities for granted. In this area of leadership selection we should not. This has nothing to do with the direction in which one might differ from another, Edward J. Thurman or who should or should not be Edward J. Thurman joined selected. It is here that our the Barnes staff last month as sacred freedom rests, and we Safety and Security Coordi- are challenged to use it in nator. keeping with our best judgment. Thurman succeeds Charles In a time such as this, while DeRousse, who died suddenly. Operating the trash compactor are Buster Hinton (left) and George Newton. we are selecting individuals for He served as safety engineer national leadership, we are for 12 years with United States The problem of efficient and made aware of how dull it Fidelity and Guarantee Com- sanitary trash disposal, while Nine Observe would be if all people had to pany before coming to Barnes. admittedly lacking in esthetic think within the framework of Prior to that he was safety en- values, is nevertheless an im- Anniversaries the same pattern. A democracy gineer with the National Surety- portant one to the Medical Cen- provides that we do not, so we Corporation for five years. ter and one which has a direct Nine Barnes Hospitals ob- connection with the health and served job anniversaries during could just dismiss any thoughts A four year veteran of the to the contrary, and be thank- welfare of our patients. July with Audrey Soule, Ad- Air Force, where he was, an in- mitting secretary, leading the formation and education special- In an effort to correct an out- group in length of service. FLet us hope that the charge ist, Thurman studied at Wash- moded system of trash disposal, "in the air is strong enough to She marked 20 years of serv- ington University Night School the hospital last month placed ice at Barnes during July.
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