June, 1994 cycling utah Springs. For information (208) 342-3910. IBRA Mountain Bike Tours Road Racing points series event. 25-29 - Moab Fat Tire Festival. For information 10— Bogus Basin Hillclimb at Boise. Forinforma­ 259-5333. tion (208) 343-3782. NOVEMB W. Colorado Road Tours Road Race Series 11 -Highway 92 Tour. West Slope Wheelmen. For 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 - BRAU Criterium Series. For information (303) 241-7584. information 264-5555. Casper • Events Mountain Bike Races 7 - Annual District 40 Club meeting. For informa­ 3-5 - Deer Valley Mountain Bike race. Tours, tion 392-4019. downhill and cross country race. 9-11 - Brian Header Mountain Bike Race. For information 1(800) 27BRIAN or 1(800) 272-7426. TRACK BIKE - Mercian 58 cm, awesome con­ dition, sewups, classic equipment. $475. Call Idaho Mountain Bike Races 466-5349. High Uintahs 3-4 — Lava Rama. Lava Hot Springs, ID. REPRINTS of photographs that appear in Classic Cannondale Cup Fat Tire Series. For information cycling utah are available for purchase. Cost Evanston (208)342-3910. is $8. Reprints are intended for personal use Stage Race from and not for commercial purposes. Photos and Mountain Bike Tours text are protected by copyright laws and permis­ Kamas to 9-11 - Fish Lake In The Fall Mountain Bike Festi­ sion is required for commercial use. Evanston val. For information 896-9300. 24-25 - Fall Colors Fat Tire Festival. Forinforma­ June 18-19 tion 1(800) 27BRIAN or 1(800) 272-7426. Classified waWmmmSBBB^asmSat i • jarmfffi mT»*M mAtMJHBBB^BB Advertising Rates Road Race Series 4, 11, 18, 25 - BRAU Criterium Series. For Classified rates are: $ 10 for up to information 264-5555. 30 words. $20 for over 30 words. Grand Payment in advance is required. Utah Road Races Junction Deadlines: The 15th day of the month prior Summer ~~] 10-13 - World Senior Games. For information to the month of publication. Example: 673-7810. March 15 for the April issue. Games 15 - City Creek Bike Sprint. For information 583- Mail text of ad with payment to: 6281. Cross country, cycling utah HC.DH Road Tours P.O. Box 57156 1 — Leaf Raker Tour. BRAU sponsored Morgan Salt Lake City, UT 84157 June 17-18 tour. Forinformation 467-1435. Please print or type copy to insure legibility. Include name, address and phone number so we can verify Idaho Mountain Bike Races your ad. 1-2 - 10th Annual Banzai. Cross country, circuit cycling utah reserves the right to refuse ads due to copy in poor taste or of a libelous nature. Durango and downhill events at Idaho City and Bogus Basin Notify cycling utah within 7 days of publication of any Resort. For information (208) 342-3910. Final event typographical errors. Credit will be given to correct of the IBRA Mountain Bike series. errors. Sorry, no cash refunds will be given. Important Phone Numbers USCF District 40 Representative~392-4019 Bicycle Racing Assoc, of Utah 264-5555 Bonneville Bicycle Touring Club-534-4451 Utah Mountain Bike Association-531-7703 Utah Fat Tire Series~942-3498 Idaho Race lnformation-(208) 342-3910 Road Races mation (307) 577-0114 or (800) 481 -3245. 7- District40 Criterium Championships. Forinfor­ mation 392-4019. Road Tours 14 - Trapper's Loop Road Race. For information 13-ULCER. Utah Lake Century Epic Ride. BBTC. 392-4019. For information 534-4451. 20 - Road and Mountain Bike Hillclimb at Wells, 20 - Luna Trek. Night ride for the family. Salt Lake NV. For information (702) 3267. County Parks & Recreation. For information 277- 20-21 - Bear Lake Road Monster. Forinformation 2243. 752-7242. 20 - Mid-Valley Industrial Area Ride. Salt Lake 28 - Phantom Draper Club Road Race. For infor­ County Parks & Recreation. For information 277- mation 576-8844. 2243. Idaho Road Races 14-Freeze-out Hillclimb. Emmet, ID. Forinforma­ W. Colorado Road Tours tion (208) 343-3782. 20 ~ Mesa Lakes RB/MTB Pot Luck. West Slope M2 Pro Road Bikes 27 - Horseshoe Bend Hillclimb at Boise. For Wheelmen. For information (303)241-7584. information (208) 343-3782. 28 - District Road Race at Buhl. For information Mountain Bike Tours (208) 543-6332. IBRA Road Racing points series 4-7 - Utah Mountain Bike Camps 1994. Family event. Camp for parents and kids. Receive instruction in off-road riding techniques from Cindy Whitehead. Mountain Bike Races Camp is based out of Mt. Pleasant. For information 13-14 - Dinotrax. Flaming Gorge. Cannondale (800) 634-4690 or (619) 924-2955. f Cup Fat Tire Series. For information 373-6441. TBA - Skyline Drive Mountain Bike Tour. For SPKIAUZED. 20 — Canyon to Canyon Pedal Cup. Forinforma­ information 637-5092. Stiff, strong and light, and it's less expensive and more practical than both tion 583-6281. titanium and carbon fiber. The M2 Pro is built with a new butting and taper­ 28- Rustler Run at Alta. Cannondale Cup Fat Tire ing technology that allows for a fine-tuned, perfected road feel. Shimano 8- Series. For information 742-3420. Road Race Series speed Ultegra STI, Mavic Open 4CDs, Wheelsmith stainless spokes. Prologue Idaho Mountain Bike Races 1,8,15,22,29- Salt Lake International Criterium 6 - 2nd Annual Sun Summit Challenge. Cross Series, 6 p.m. Forinformation 583-3449. saddle . Need we say more? country at Sun Valley, ID. For information (208) 6, 13, 20, 27 - BRAU Criterium Series. For M2 Pro road bikes and framesets in stock! 726-0707. Tenth event of the IBRA Mountain Bike information 264-5555. series. 13 - 10th Annual White Knob Challenge. Cross Road Races country at Mackay, ID. For information (208) 342- 10 - Snowbird Hillclimb. For information 521- 3910. Eleventh event of the IBRA Mountain Bike 6040. cBingtiam Cyclery" 11 - Snowbasin Hillclimb. For information 392- 3911. Regional Races 24 - LoToJa Road Race. The longest single-day SLC MIDVALE LAYTON SUNSET OGDEN (road and mountain) road race in the United States. For information 13 - Teton Pass Hill Climb. Jackson, WY. For 753-3294. Foothill Village 707 E. Fort Union HON. Main 2317 N. Main 3259 Wash. Blvd. information Bill Doyle (307) 733-6047. Idaho Road Races 583-1940 561-2453 546-3159 825-8632 399-4981 20 - Death Run Mountain Bike Classic. For infor- 3-5 - Lava Rama circuit and road races. Lava Hot cycling utah June, 1994 Double your mileage, double your food Do it all in one day at the famous Davis Double Century ride By Jon R. Smith begun to stir. keep up the pace. Within 10 miles, we When it's needed, without a cue, Ruth It's 4:00 am, my wind-up travel Had they thought as I had of the have done our job well. We have picked would stand giving that extra for the rise. alarm has just run down, and I'm laying coming event? Questioning their own san­ up a group of riders that is both fast and As she sat, if it was needed, Les would there with a feeling of apprehension. Do I ity as the clock counted down? The gen­ nervous about losing this line. Time to sit rise. And for the assault, when they both really want to do this? erator was started, an alarm for those back and cruise. stood, hang on, 'cause we are truckin'. I'm stunned by my thought process. sleeping in their tents, that is was time to At 33 miles, we are at the first of 11 This continued until the 95-mile mark and All the training, all the planning over the rise and coffee would soon be ready. rest stops. This ride is well supported, and rest stop number 5, where once again, I past year, the money spent on special As I began to dress, I pondered the after 25 years the stops are exactly as met up with my partners in crime. diets, let alone the registration fees and check list in memory, to pick up on any­ needed. Some of the line stops, some con­ As we again mounted our steeds, I motor home rental to travel hundreds of thing I might have missed. Light, camera, tinue. We stop, keeping to the game plan. bade farewell and thanks to Ruth and Les miles in relative comfort with a group of taillight, PowerBar and licorice, just in Quick refills, some fruit and we're on the and continued on my way. The climb people I've trained with for months, just case. This ride is well supported and last road again. The process is quickly repeat­ ahead is called Top of D.C.. Not an awe- for this moment. Now I'm having second year, I carried too many reserves for 200 ed and soon we're again on the fly. inspiring name, but it is the highest point thoughts an hour before starting time! miles. We get wiser with experience. The sun has begun it's rise to greet of the ride. It climbs from 1105 ft. to "Don't worry, you'll do it," I With a cup of coffee in hand, I begin the day, and take the chill out of the 2175 ft. in 10.9 miles. This dosen't sound thought. to check my trusty steed. The tires are morning air. Of this I'm glad, I opted for like much, but the terrain is deceiving and "Who are you?" I asked myself. inflated, last minute tugs and pulls. no leg warmers, as I knew the day would it appears that you are going downhill "The part of you that got you into Handle bars, brake levers, all seems well. become hot and I didn't want to carry and pedaling to get there.
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