Langston University Digital Commons @ Langston University LU Gazette, 1940-1949 LU Gazette (Student Newspaper) 12-1949 The niU versity Press December 1949 Langston University Follow this and additional works at: http://dclu.langston.edu/ archives_gazette_newspaper_19401949 Recommended Citation Langston University, "The nivU ersity Press December 1949" (1949). LU Gazette, 1940-1949. Book 1. http://dclu.langston.edu/archives_gazette_newspaper_19401949/1 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the LU Gazette (Student Newspaper) at Digital Commons @ Langston University. It has been accepted for inclusion in LU Gazette, 1940-1949 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Langston University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The University VOLUME I LANGSTON, OKLAHOMA, DECEMBER, 1949 NUMBER 3 Alumni and Seniors Langston University Crown S. U. B. Sunday School The larly nmrninj; revelers at The Langston L'niversity Sunday I.an” ston's Hcinu-cominj: Breakt'ast BEFORE School has had the largest regular ilaiice ni.ule iiurry to tlie music of 1 attendance in its history during the the l.anijstnn (^)lle^iate orchestra. last four years, according to Superin­ A feature of tliis yiar's dance was tendent Flytche. the s(iarklin^ floor show under thr CDEISTMS For the first time in the history of direction ol the \'ui)i/'ir ()nc Mus- Langston, we also have a beginners’ tir of ('.ere tnonu'S. Nathaniel l\ohin- Sunday School lesson, and we urge son. The shou- presented such out­ parents to send their children. standing: talents as Red, VVifk ike fleickfu il oj-Toi^s. I \\’e wish to commend Superin­ I’rincess <;i laps; tlie exotic liancinj; p i . tendent Hytche for his work in the and sinj;ing of' the ( irec n Si'ters; V— >\>‘isr»v\a? , av\d ^f..Vicko!as t'oo. field of religion. Besides being Su­ the lunioi Ravens; die 1'. W. v\ l-.ctv .,t !1 ilwouL'jlv (l-.j perintendent of the Sunday Schcxjl. 'I'rio; and that "l.ong-Slenimed he is President of Beta Kappa Chap­ American Ikauty N’uinher z" Mar­ e v\'as di'c.^secl. a ll I n .|u r .Vrf creafutv vv’aj pfirr'nq, ter of .-\lpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. tha Carroll, singing in her most in­ j-rc m k is h e a rt -to kis "iiot-, President of Senior (]lass. and a full­ imitable manner. i\of ever. ; time employed student. Students returning to the campus kis clotkes VC were well entertained in the earK '^"TT ' I . ( I >''.'2 ?rccKiivaj; liuna all fav'ni'skizcl vx’iik morning hoius of the Homecoming Keller's Plea day. nij fks ckin\r.t;u care, askes soot; Following the dance they were ■kfis e u c s - - k c \A -tkecj fiv ln k lc d For Braille Aid served a most appealing anil tasty >\ AOpe -f-kaf I'reakfast in the ('ollege Dining f)ctober 4. 1949 / kis ciimples. kovv mcv't'w R(K)m. tJook-v v\.’ouL4 l^e i \cr£ . Dear Students; They agreed that this was not a 1 Since circumstances be\ond iny ? CAeeks vve>'£ ii;ui uay to start <■ ich a victorious control make it impossible for me to ila\. \ \ 'ic'r. ru t c>\il Laww ikI K e >-0 s I? s appear in public at present. I am .nvc-se rii'.civ a glad of this chance to write to you. l] I" I I • Al ? v\osc l;k I would very much like to have you Distinguished Ladies i jronv tKc oea near me in my camf>aign for the O n "Homecoming" Day VO fi'e vvkaf ikt »vatrt’>'. I destitute multitudes of Europe who "fc fp o k i’ v\of a are blind also. Immediately after the movie, in - i l-.a f -to .v.\. day. XovemluT ii, the annual class' I had a very sad visit among those ou{- to klg w o v k , skits got umier way to determine o-.Jer-ir..-! cijsj. di'd apr'(?o>’ war victims of Western F^urope. With my feelings still raw. I cannot which lovely ladv would he "Miss <-• ivaivicviure fl(ric|l\, 7\r.a lil'ed ail + 1\£ ptockiAOS; Homecoming." .\11 of the skits be happy with plentiful food, I . I , i . ' \sere good, hut the lunior class skit a>\n Giol\r x\r\'j . ■fkci\ u itk a ic r k , warmth and fun in .America. Con­ took the c.ike. Lovely .Miss |ean stantly. I am hau'.ited by the thought \ V ifl. n kttle ;A^^^cl la u iA O kis -fiv\a£v' of the many blind children who are (\)mhs. a home economics major, ' I I . 1 • ! I • living in ignorance and hopeless who hails from W'twoka. Oklaho­ fc>0 livuv’( e 'Ilf a-.-.a v-vui-ck'. a f lae o r ai? acs£ . ma, representing the Juniors, was p o v e r t y . a Try to imagine how sudden and given the honor of ".\l:ss I lome- Ktvew' Li\ a vv.o»\c'vt'' /Vnc^ qiv’inCj a noci, terrible it was when the late World coming" during the annual Homc- It oc Sh^ViL'lvl War robbed blind children of their coining celebration whicii w.is Sat­ ujp ■("ke ckimKeu ke rose, schools, libraries and homes. Here urday, November 12. She really e -fo Kl? , you are. stud.-nts, with bright eyes looked fine nceiving the huge bou- fpvcT.io and every means of a fine eciucation. (juet of flowers from Ivory Moore. ^ o u . n ! ■fc? l-.'j o a v c a vv while in France. CJreece. Italy. Fin­ cajitain of the Lions ii)4"-48. I ,D a u c e r : land. Austria and Western (lermany The results of the Hand Oueen 1 ' I \ ' I a\vai.j all-fie\A there are sightless children without contest found the I'reshman class >\o\\ r r a u c e r QACt V i x e n . braille apparatus— the only device uay out front '.'iih the highest !,il<? dc'.s i\ o f a t!\i?f!c . that compensates them for blindness! .unount of monev. Th-. ireshmen c v u e f .' Braille is a system of raised dots by raised S2.12.90. .Miss Mary Lee An- C u p id I hi Ixecird exclaivn which the blind learn to read and tlerson. a m.iior in element.irv edu- V. rite with their fingers, and of c.ition. from .Muskogee. ( )klahoma. 3 l\e drove out oj~ s iq U f. , L'cvwo’ ak\a i lir z e v \ course, children without sight must will succeed .Miss Ina Lindsay for have their braille text-books. just as the crown and reigii .is the F>aiul ^ c ’ Mp io f!\e kou^e -lo r you seeing boys and girls have your Oueen of 1(149-50. tl.e couv-jsv? tlvcij flew . text-books in ink print. Only cL-n'Ct tv a. g^otycUtia'^'t'■ u through books they read themselves They Are "Pret+y Big" can they have the delight of imag­ ination and grow up to happy, use­ .M. .M. Chambers, a staff member ful lives. of the .-\ni.rican Council on Edu­ That s why I beg you froni my cation. in his article, "The \\\)rld's heart to do what you can ror the Large L'niversities," st.ites that only I children of Kurope vv ho are without one-iiith i>f the persons inh.ibiting sight, but are as eager to learn as the earth are engaged in the pur­ you are. W’ill you not put extra sun­ suit of university studi;’s. shine into your life by contributing The percent is highest in the to the American Foundation for Ov­ I ’liiled States where college and un­ erseas Blind's (;ift to the sightless iversity students constitute 1.6 per­ V 5.C - -! children of L^urojx'— braille slates, cent of th'- population. braille text-book and slate paper, The L'liiversity of Paris, with braille writers and other types of 4^,998 studenti as of December 31. braille educational and recreation... 1947. '5 the largest institution of materials. Think what an inspira­ higher education— unless that dis­ tion it will be for these children in tinction he given to the L'niversity the dark to receive from you the of California, uhich had at one light of knowledge and self help. time, more than 50,000 students, I shall keep up my courage, dear though only 25.272 were enrolled students, by thinking of your hands on its principal campus at Berkeley. held out to give the struggling blind The only other close rival is New vouth of Europe the apparatus they York L'niversity, with an eniollment need, opportunities to overcome of 45,125. their difficulties and some joys of childhood that you have known. A dentist was disturbed one night by a friend. Affectionately your friend, Friend “ Doc, my wife got tooth Helen Keller ache, cor.ie c^uick!" Doc; ‘I pulled your wife's teeth The road to success is filled with once. They don’t grow new ones.” women pushing their husbands Fri.'nd; “ I know my wife can’t get rew teeth but I can get a new Miss Carrie Belle Brooks, Football Queen, and MIi$ Jean Combs, Miss Homecoming, during along. —Lord Thomas De War wife.” half-time ceremonies at the Homecoming game. Pn f •- DECEMBER, 1949 THE UNIVERSITY PRESS 1 ' 1 l!;!'irv.
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