23, 1913, 1S EVENING T.TlPtt-Eltt-PmKAPEUPHIA- 8ATTJBPAY, OCTOBER COURT WILL NOT ENFORCE TANGO NOW A POLITICAL FEATURE SUFFRAGE SIEGE FLASHES ON THE FOOTLIGHTS CLEVELAND FARM CONTRACT MEETING THE BOARD OF AlDERnWl QhEY NWJL MAKE. GDNS SOUND FROM Vice Chancellor Hackes' Boclulon 0 Cf 'MSCOHSift Florence Reed's Versatility v III 3UPEWOR., iCp. DAHCING Criticises Witness In Case. MISs Florence need, who Is In !, TRENTON, uct U. Vice Chancellor starred r- -. rsssffBl Jieip MPWT CITY HALL PLAZA "The Yellow Ticket." which begins Its m Jf Backes, In tho Court of Chancery today; third week at the Garrlck next Monday, handed clown ft decision refusing lo en made her first hit by playing In an In- force an alleged contract itivolving what ebriate sceno In "Seven Days." Cam- Is known ns tho Cleveland farm In Hope "Then what happened," said Mls Reed, Orators Bring Week's well township, this county. "every manager having a play with an In- The farm wns at one time the prop ebriate part came to me with an offer. paign to Successful Finish erty of tho widow of President Cieve I suppose I played tho part convincingly, land, who Is now the wife of Prof. but I certainly did not want to become Thomas J. Preston, of Princeton Sh Identified with roles of tipsy ladles. Do by Concentrating Efforts in held a mortgage of $2600 on the farm you blame me? So I declined all offers The suit wns hrought by Marie Berff and decided to take roles as different as Y t Bnldwln, New York, possible.'' fW chmm A Heart of City. ngnlnst Arthur of D. Carroll. Mrs. Benr, Miss Reed played mmk7L trustee for Joseph then the siren, Ilona, were owners of In Typhoon," nnd her husband the "Tho with Walker White- woman suffrage the Cleveland Fair nnd Dairy Company, side, and scored a success Then, again. The slego guns of tho al- after-nu- n nnd when they Bold It they had to uniy Hucn gnaraciers wcro onered the movement will bo turned loose this low the purcliiser $1360, which was ad- actress, and sho began to despair of an from all four sides of City Hall, vanced by Carroll on a mortgaga opportunity to play anything else. Flying Squadron Carroll was a member of the firm of When Michael Morton suggested to A. when members of the legislative dis- Flss, Foerr & Carroll, horse dealers, of II. Woods that he engage Miss Hrd for who havo been visiting New York, nnd at the tlmo of the ad- tho rolo of the persecuted Jewish maiden tricts of Philadelphia each day during tho vancement of money by him there In "Tho Yellow Ticket," tho manager tho week will speak from automobiles to tho wafl an Investigation threatened, deal- demurred. ing with the rclntlon of this concern with "Miss Reed can't play anything with Saturday afternoon crowds which surgo - Tammany Hnll Berg was declared to neart stun- in it," ne insisted. But, not- about the Municipal building. Today have Incriminating letters In his posses- withstanding his objection, she was se- "clean lected to create Marya, markes the final campaigning of a sion, and he swore on the stand that and mndo tho In the Carroll promised thnt If he turned over greatest hit of her career. up week" effort to enlist aid mort- "Managers women." these letters hn could cancel the ore guilty of tho grossest struggle for "votes for gage. Tho denied all of this Injustice when they Insist upon engaging Tho best arguments in favor of ex- defendant types right franchise to women In testimony although Carroll had died in for parts," said Miss Hoed. "If Mr. tending the of The letters wero turned Morton, the nuthor, had not stuck to his Pennsylvania will be advanced at the the meantime. well-kno- over, It. was alleged, nnd It was to make determination to havo mo in 'his play, meetings by speakers In tho world. tho trustee fulfil tho promise that the managers would doubtless havo continued suffrage social service suit was biought. to Identify mo with etago ndventuresses Four nutomoblles flying auffrngo ban- to to one tho en-irn- The Vlro Chancellor calls attention for tho remainder of my life. It Is nn ners will whirl each of the Berg was striving for ft absurd Idea that an actor or actress must to Cltv Hall courtyard and tho fart that I bo-gl- n. which ho no living oppo- play only part. Is they stop the speaking will slnko for had one kind of It only In moment nent He feared no contradiction be- America that this idea obtnlns. In Ger- Details of police havo been pro- during cause Carroll's tongue had been silenced many, for example, nn actor Is not quali- vided to do special service tho mvstcry let- In any by death. "Tho about the fied to appear of tho theatres sub- speech making ters," the opinion snld, "smnttcred very Broskt sidized by tho Government, or. In fact, In Suffrage workers armed with literature strongly of oppression. This nnd the Octavia "Papa's Darling," any first-cla- ss company, will circulate until ho has nnd application blanks utter Inrk of candor In the. conduct of demonstrated his versatility In an nblllty among the crowds during the addresses. the trial brought Into the case such nn to play Shakespearean parts of widely Persons will bo asked to sign a paper type. women atmosphere of eubtlety thnt I could not varying ' Flgnlfylng their approval of giving 1 ' DERW.E.S iegar-- the witness other thnn with sus- WYdndevUle "In that connection I am reminded of 'JrT'''"''''1'"! the ballot. picion." the actor who was cast for tho part of $? The following are th speakers sched- Sylvester Shaffer, called "the man of an Indian with a wooden leg. He made uled to make addresses: a thousand parts," nnd one of the most a great hit In the part and KUtW' Georgo Wobensmlth, went about SVU ; North side Mra. WILDING, TENNIS VICTOR remarkable vaudeville performers in the declaring sorrowfully that ho was ruined . Wi1 OH THE p--j the Rev. Irving Chenowcth, Mirs Ladson world, will head the bill at Keith's next professionally, for that ho would never 1f4 Loulso Hall, Miss Sarah waa to come to llB3 i,i'v '" SJhe crry DEBf could be Hall, Miss WINS LAURELS IN BAtt neek. ScnalTer Induced again bo given an engagement until somo 1 m "''k' ARQEWTIHE. Fisher. .America because of tho war, and this la author wrote another piny In which there O. V REDUCED IM THEABOVE Fisher, Is n '' South side Miss Ferdinand Iifra"Vcry his first trip. Ho said to Tecelvo was the character of an Indian with a Ii ' : Promoted to Lieutenancy for per- mmkUL m fSv hammer. Grayer. Miss Lillian Howard, Miss Wal- neelt. Fchaffer Is the most versatile wooden leg." ft ' I Cogglns. former In vaudeville and prcsenta ten ErlMI 'i.X ker, Albert II. on Field. widely Ho will appear as wm a v. o Knst side Miss Ruth Verlcnden, Mr. LONDON, Oct. 21. A dispatch rc,?:eW different acts. smiled Mrs. a. prestidigitator, a lightning oil painter, on his follow Councllmen and at Cogglns, MUs Ladson Hall, hero this morning sayn A. Wlld Song and Concert In gallery. that F a. Japanese Juggler, a clrcua horseman, a the fair faces the Miss Howard. king, tennis champion, ha3 been promoted master violinist, an antmal trainer, nu Tho Friday afternoon concert of the The gallery rippled with applause and West bide Miss Ladson Hall, Harry to a Hcutennncy for gnllantry on tho bat- acrobat, a sharpshooter, a strong man the Councllmen stared at one another. Llebmnn Miss Helen Amy, Mr. Graser, tlefield It is believed ho was with a de- Philadelphia" Orchestra yesterday was I and a convulsive comedian. 'A vote was taken and the result Is that Mlsa Verlendcn. tachment of cavalry which, repul- something In tho nature of a pleasant Superior soon will have on Its payroll a after Besides SchafTor tha bill wilt Include CLATHD WITH RESULTS OF sing a German attack, started a game of "Will M. Cressy and Blanche Dayne, In Mr matlnoe entertainment, as any program tango dancing master. water polo In the Olse. one-a- ct Twenty couples CAMl'AIGN. Cressy's latest play, "Tho Man Including two numbers of Mozart, thf will be Instructed each As the enemy was near by, the horses Remrmborcd"; foi-m- er night. Each couple will be asked to pass Lending suffragists expressed them- Who Clalro Ttochester, Schubert oxecrpts from "Rosamundo" and were left harnessed The approach of a prima donna with Liw Fields' "All their knowledge of tho new steps on to selves todav as highly gratified with the putrol of Uhlans was signaled, and the Company, with a series of modern Russian songs must needs be. others, until all Superior is tangoing. Aboard" souk work accomplished during the week. Biitlsh, having no time to dress. Jumped selections; Jim Cultcn, with a budget of Tho tempestuous fourth symphony of Hupcilor Is not the liveliest placo In last on their horses naked and charged the winter. Is nt the head of in tho city was new songs, stories and parodjrs; Misa Tschalkowsky stood among theso as a It the Great Every Lezlstnttve Dlstilct enemy, who fled. Hobble Got done, In It poses, rof7esentnls Lakes and during tho summer months a visited by workers, nnd at both noonday celebrated statues; Ed. Weber and Do baibarlc giant. It was the only part port for the ore ships of the Great Lukes.
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