The Faat Chiefa club ot Mamoiiai ICra. Gaorga Krauaa and Temple. Pythian Siatera, win meet Robert, left today for their home Monday evening at the home of in Canton. Ohio, after spending the M anchester H d M ra Oarrte Satnlow, 48 Summit itoUdeya with Mk Krauaa’a parenta, ■’i atreet AU who have tieketa fo r the Mr. and Mra. Robart Kittol, oC Bla- D ate B ook TO ATIEND LECTURE Admitted yesterday; Mrs. Cath­ $5- to be drawn are requeated to aeU atreat. erine Waiebowskl of S9 Union make retoma at the regular meet­ street, Utm. Ronlle WMiI ot 128 ' Aielsriee 25e. Tha PoUah W o m a ’a AUlance, No. Next Week ing ot the Temple Tueaday evening Jan. 18. — Special meeting At Meetkw Last Night Gibbons South Mata street la Odd Feltowa ball, 518, ariu conduct a danea tonight In Country club. Aaaembly Membera Vote to Dlaeharged yeeterday: M n. Anna PulaaU hall on North atraet. Good ARMT AMD NAVT OLUB JaiL 14. — Public Stagec-sf 88 toradato street, lOas muate by a local orehaatra will be Accept Invitation. VOL.LVL.NO.M Mancbeater Oarden club membera DeMolay ofneera at Maacxile T ai». Martha Kaeulkl of 174 Omter Totiigrht and Every Saturday Nigrht MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 1987 (TWELVE PAGES) P R i C B T m t B I are reminded that the meeting provided .and a large crowd Is anti­ pla. TOWN cipated. Gtbboos Aaaembly, Catholic Ln- street Mrs. Catherlae Oinom of 44 which would ordinarily be held Mon­ Jan. 18.—Legion dance at Rain­ dtea of Oslumbus, held its regular Florence atreet Mrs. Alice Hoatet- day evening at Center church, haa bow Inn, Bolton. monthly buaineaa meettog last night Uer of 1018 Mala atreet Charim ^ Generous Prizes and Door Prize • orang*. p. or a . win been poetponed until the 18th to Mrs. John Houston and Mr. and T V s Meath la the K. of C. clubrooms. An in- Saunders of Bolton. William Ven- S ^ P . M . Me eerd party Wwtoea* that membera may accept the iavta- Mrs. Samuel Houston, of 17 School Jan. 17.—Legion Forum meeting vltotion to attend the lecture in aart of 884 Summit atraet Diver’s Aid Enlisted A fter Plane Crash In Bay at t:lS in Odd PiUowa tion of the Connecticut Horticul­ street, and Mra. Max Andrew of at Whiten Memorial hall. f SL James's hall, tomorrow after­ Admitted today: David Doufaa DEMOCRATS’ PLAN and Mdga will be tural aociety to attend the lecture RockviUe, left this morning for Jan. 18.—Lecture by Mrs. Lewie noon at 3 o'clock, sponsored by the of 24 Pearl street Dancingr After Games. Admission 25c. 4 aab priaea and re* on Monday evening at the Avery Miami Beach, Fla., where, they will Rose, "The WorU Today", at T, M. Children of Mary, was read and _ Mn. Chariea Warren Ceasua: Sixty-aix patimts. MAP SPEEDY CAMPAt auditorium in Hartford by Brryman qiend aeveral weeka. C. A ., 8 p. m. many expressed their intention of ■ted chairman of the card lUdgea of New York. Jan. 24. — Annual meeting of attending. H m speaker will be it waa planned to Mra. UUiaa Segar o f. Oxford Ehnanuel Lutheran church. FOR COMPROMISE IS Hiss A lba Ztoxamala, who Hm Mae meetiag on that street and aon, Malcolm, are spend­ Mr. and Mra. George E. Keith ot Jan. 27.—Manchester High Ctoaa cenUy returned after an extended ____ i l mattera of impor* ing a few days In Danbury with Day exercisea at school auditorium. tour of Europe. It wUl be remem­ I ha acted upon and a meet* 18 iMwia atreet " are planning to Mrs. Segar's parents. leave on Tueaday for the Pacific Jan. 29. — Manchester High mid­ bered she waa one of the speakste TO HALT NAZI TRO' 1 for 7 o'dock. year grsduaUon at school audi­ at tha CSUldren of Mary breakfast coaat. Tbey.will make the trip by Mias Dorothy McBduff of 158 SPURNED BY HOUSE torium. and was listened to with the closest Aaatasbiy. No. IS, train, traveling via the Chicago and Hilliard street la oonflned to her Northweatem route. They will Jan. 80.—Brttiah-Americaan club toterest She wiU also ha prepared bow, win hold ita reg- home with a severe attack of grip. family party at Masonic Temple. to answer questions. apend the remainder of the winter tloadiw evening at Also President's Birthday Ball at The following committee was ap­ Liw er State ‘ k a t s B t j i m jM cn ic Temple. The in California, making their bead- . Swedish Benevolent Society 8o- State Armory,' pointed)^ have charge of the Jan­ ENTERING ‘WAR ZON! I techide the election of quartera in Sacramento with the gar will meet at Orahge’ ball at 8 MOTORS STRIKE Next Month uary sobfal: Mra. Herbert Long- family of their aon, Ehrerett o'clock tonight, at which time offi- Fsb. 1-2. — "Petticoat Fever", 8- aker and Mrs. W. P. Law. oo-ch ^ Chanber Approvei Set ef cera will be Installed. act play by the Community Players mm; Mtos Mary Shea, Mi«a Ber­ PASTOR SHAMES Whiton Memorial auditorium. nice FOgarty, Mrs. John Allison, PARLEY STALU Hider CoitiBies to The PoliMi'American club will Feb. 2.—Annual banquet of Luth- Joiat Rales W ind Leaf et SUPREME COURT HIS PARISHIONERS Miss Catherine Foley and m i.. bold Its monthly meeting tomorrow ' League of Emanuel Lutberui Gladys Smith. That Regnbur T reip i afternoon at 1 o'clock and all mem­ church. Offers Them Free Taxi Service bers are urged to be present on A e RepaUkansia Control OVER m um Feb. 5.— Armual Masonic Ball at BACKS UP NEW To Charch So That Thoy Can time. It is hoped to transact bual- Cheney hall. m Morocco; Fm eeJ /The Best!" nesa ■■ quickly ■■ posalble In order Feb. 7.—Aimual Police Benefit at POUCE COURT Offer No Excuse. Thatia what eveayeae aaya abont that membera may attend the State theater. ■tote O^rftol, .Hartford, Jan. 11. baaketball games at the EkMt Side But G. M. C Says It’s Read; D E A L^SH V E R HL Guy Hoffman, 43, negro, of — (A P )— ^The Honae approved a aet Ameabury, Maas., Jan. 11.— Enghad Are ear food, ear beer, and oar Mcadly Rec at 2:80 o'clock. '* ^ .'V>< Otostonbuiy, arrested late last e f Joint nilea today wU>«^ would " I-' ^ (A P )—The Rev. Leon A . Dean “PLAlNSIIAir EXHHUT night for committing a nuisance on to Bai^pini . Coflectrrdfr v ru convinced today be had A ll membera of the Orloles foot- leave RepubHcaae la eontrbi of oom- iogShipi aid Laid Fi the sidewalk at the terminus, wns D edans Tax Fought b j New akamed hia pariahlcaera into baU 4eam are requeated to attend e found guUty of intoxieatlon and w u mlttoaa after It had turned down coming to church. very important meeting Monday and UiWHi Disavows Aim AT SOUTH END LIBRARY fined 810 and coats by Judge Rajr- a Demoeratic compromtoe 'proppaal. ' l l ^ From bis pulpit In the Main to Take C an af 2 BIG PRIZES TONIGHT! night at the Bon And building at mond A. Johnson in Police Court ) Street ConipragaUonal church The resolution containing the Yorker k Vafid; Deciiien 7:30 promptly. thto momlM. Ha waa arrested by he announced last week a tree The South Manchester Library to Joint iu Im i facing certain defeat In Ageaej. CluBs SpscheUi sad Meat Balls Policeman Walter R. Cassells about to Be Esdnshre taxi urvica to and from church dlapto3ring thto week an unusually tha Senate, waa adoptoa 102 to 't\. And Always the Best Grinders! the time Chmey Brothere' employ­ Welcome News!! k Third Wen hy Govern­ tor any unable to walk. There Kr ASSOCIATED Interesting" exhibit of “The Plains­ ee! were leaving the eectmd shift* Prevloualy, the House bad voted could no longer be u y exeuu Great Britain and fVaae* man,” a film of early pioneer days. We Feature the Best a t Beers: SUNDAY SCHOOL HEAD at the mills. ' 189 to 95 agalnat the Democratic (By ASSOCIATED PRESS.) tor noa-attendanee, he told hia The exhibit shows some of the plan whl<ft In eSeot would have ment Diring Thk Tenn. ed apace on land and sen $ BALLANTINB AND RUPPERT A fine of 816 and exMta for vlola^ TJ. S. Department of Labor cod' ocngregatlaa. ble In Morocco today, elaborate work necessary before the Ing the rules of the road was tm- fir m Democrato virtual control of Yesterday only a doon per^ ENTERTAINS TEACHERS actual photographing of thto picture The response to our New Year MX Important committees and Icavo eentratas added attention on Gen­ issue directly to Graerml p o ^ on Robert Hawley, 27. of 89 eral Motors strike. a o u took advutaga of the of­ could take place. Boulanger avenue, West Hartford, Speical h u been so great—4tnd the RqpabUeana In .control of the Washington, J u . 11.—(A P )—The fer. But the church w u well Frueo, burly dicta! kRA\ORY TAVERN There was research and study of who waa deemed by the court to etiMfa. [*.,• evacuating admlttlatratioa today won its third I'a Faadm S*«)nd Congrtgatlonal Charch the 1850 period for costume, furni­ r^nests for its continuance so Tile Joint mica reeolutkm was down" strikers empharised to decla­ have bem responsible for an auto­ ™ flm r W M caned oa fo r raaeue worir In a ulaaa enbh victory tUa term in the gupranM hafUshrar Adolf Itreat Vincent Binello, Propu Superintendent Gives Roast ture, firearms, even a barber shop.
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