USAFE WEATHER FORECAST One Year Ago Today NORTH & WEST: Cloudy with scat- tered showers, Max. 75, Min. 55; SOUltt B-29s blast Yokohama, leave & EAST: Same, Max. 75, Min. 54; BkR- 60,000 houses blazing. French shell LIN: Showers, Max. 81, Min. 64, BREMEN: Same as N & W, Max. 74, Damascus. Britain approves war Min. 52; VIENNA: Showers, Max. 80, trials for Axis criminals. Min. 64. FURTHER OUTLOOK: Con- Unofficial Newspaper of U.S. Armed tinued warm with afternoon showers. Volume 2, Number 149 20 pfg„ 20 gr„ 2 fr., 1 d Thursday, May 30, 1946 Bong's Widour Accepts U. S. Grants Medal for Flying Ace Mrs. Mar jorie Ann Bong, widow Loan, Credit of the American flying ace of Ship Strike Impends; World War II, Maj. Richard Ira Bong, holds the British Dis- To France tinguished Flying Cross post- humously awarded to Bong for WASHINGTON, May29(AP) "outstanding and meritorious ser- —-The United States announced vice in aviation." Mrs. Bdng now Coal Mines Stay Idle today that it had extended a is living in Los Angeles. $1,370,000,000 credit to France. '* WASHINGTON, May 29 (AP)—While hope continued for Leon Blum, the French finan- an early settlement of the nation's soft-coal strike, the Govern- cial envoy, signed ; the com- ment turned attention today to a threatened shipping strike which prehensive economic and finan- could halt shipments of relief supplies overseas. cial agreement with Fred M. Lewis Schwellenbach, Secretary of Labor, called represent- Vinson, Secretary of the Treasury, and James F. Byrnes, Secretary of atives of shipping lines fund, maritime unions together in an State, in a ceremony at the State effort to avert a strike scheduled^ ' Department. to start June 15, tying up ship- The signing of the agreement ping from Atlantic and Pacific ports. Allies Accuse climaxed 11 weeks of negotiations. Six unions have joined the Na- President Truman and French President Felix Gouin announced tional Maritime Union, CIO, in Yugoslavia of the conclusion of the financial con- demanding a 30 per cent wage in- versations in a joint statement crease, an eight-hour day and other released simultaneously in Wash- benefits. The seven shipping unions Unfriendly Acts ington and Paris. claim a membership of 200,000 on Loan in 2 Parts 3,100 ships. LONDON, May 29 (AP)—Great Britain and the United States have The American credit, to help Curran Rejects Offer • protested formally to Yugoslavia France begin a four-year reconstruc- Joseph Curran, chief of the NMU, against what was discribed as "ob- tion program, is divided into two on Monday rejected an offer ad- struction" to the Allied military portions. vanced by 39 ship owners operating government in Trieste and Venezia One is a direct loan of $650,000,000 from Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico Giulia and the Tito government's from the Export-Import Bank. ports. general attitude toward western The second is a credit of ¥720,000,- Curran said he expected the nations, a foreign office spokes- 000 which would permit the French owners to make fresh proposals, j man said today, to settle their lend-lease account and adding, "If they do not it will be a Texts of the notes, which were purchase United States Army and difficult situation, and I mean it." Navy surplus supplies now in sent.May 20 and 'which have not France and French overseas ter- In the coal dispute, one official been answered, were not made ritories. expressed the opinion that the strike public. of 400,000 miners would end today. In addition, the United States The foreign office spokesman said promised to grant France an Meanwhile, an Associated Press the British government concluded additional credit to purchase approx- poll today showed that President "that Yugoslavia is trying to isolate imately 750,000 tons of American- Truman's strike draft plan faced herself from the West" and that the owned .merchant shipping. almost certain defeat in the Senate British had made this a main point The governments of the two if the coal dispute is settled. in their protest. countries hailed the results of the Among the 62 senators willing to Demonstrations Protested negotiations as "a substantial step state their positions, 44 said they The British note includes protests towards achievement of inter- were opposed to the section of the about Yugoslav demonstrations-in national economic cooperation which emergency bill which would em- Venezia Giulia during the visit of is the prerequisite of a peaceful, power the President to conscript a four-power border investigating prosperous world." those who strike in Government- commission. It was understood that Blum left immediately by train seized industries. The House has the British charged the Yugoslav for New York en route to Paris to already passed the bill. Eighteen government with inciting "lack of participate in the last five days of other senators said they would cooperation" and "obstruction" to the French political campaign. support the proposal. Allied authorities in the disputed Bill Seems Doomed area under military government. V. S. LOAN WILL RESTORE There seemed little doubt that the The British also complained about FRENCH ECONOMY, GOUIN SAYS Army Newsmen in Paci fic number opposing the bill would in- difficulties in their embassy and PARIS, May 29 (AP)—President crease provided the coal dispute is consular communications from Yugo- Felix Gouin predicted today the settled quickly and the labor scene slavia and about the Yugoslav American-French loan agreement Hit Censorship, Ask to Quit brightens, even temorarily, The refusal to allow British business- would set French economy back on opposition included 19 Democrats, 24 men to inspect their property in its feet. MANILA, May 29 (AP)—The entire staff of the Daily Pacifican, Republicans and one Progressive. Yugoslavia. , The Socialist president, for whom U. S. Army newspaper in the Pacific area, requested transfer, to other Fourteen Democrats and 11 Republi- The British spokesman also an- fellow-Socialist Leon Blum's Wash- duties today, charging they were required by superiors to "twist, omit, cans declined to commit themselves. nounced that the Foreign Office ington triumph came virtually on bury ^nd deceptively present news" so that the Pacifican was no longer Senators favoring the proposal in- hag dispatched a note to Albania election eve, said France's economic a "free and honest" newspaper. cluded 15 Democrats and three expressing dissatisfaction with Al- effort had risen to the level of the Directives to the War Department relating to Army newspapers con- Republicans. banian explanations for shots fired crucial period of 1929. sistently have been violated by the Any new dispute in the coal con- at British cruisers passing near the With the American credits behind ' Western Pacific command, the troversy is likely to alter the Albanian coast recently. it, he said, the country's recovery ET Holiday Today Pacifican staff charged. situation, but opposition to conscript- The spokesman said that Albania's drive now could reach its objectives, A statement signed by Ithe staff ing men for work appears to be so explanation that it was not realized by concentrating on obtaining coal, On Memorial Day said there and been increasing pres- strong that this section of the bill the cruisers were' British was no raw materials and machinery. The Stars and Stripes Bureau sure to suppress all criticism of Gov seems doomed in its present form. explanation at all. FRANKFURT, May 29—Tomorrow, ernment officials or agencies and Greek officials said that the Memorial Day, will be observed as that stories which tended to satirize Albanians had fired because they ROCHESTER STRIKE ENDS thought the ships were Greek. Glass' Widow Reported an official holiday in the European offiasr-enlisted man relationships WITH VICTORY FOR UNIONS Theater., had been suppressed.,. Considered for His Seat Gen. Joseph T. McNarney, 'ET ROCHESTER, N. Y., May 29 (INS) Say Column Is Censored —The paralyzing general strike of River Floods, Tidal Wave , WASHINGTON, May'29 (INS)— commander, has instructed all sub- Editors also charged that the The widow of Sen. Carter Glass ordinate commands to maintain CIO and AFL workers in Rochester Mailbag column had been censored ended today under terms which per- Threaten Iran Oil Refinery (D.-Va.) was mentioned today as a only those forces necessary for when letters were critical Of Army "temporary" successor to the seat minimum operation. He also re- mits a city employe the right to TEHERAN, May 29 (AP)—Gather- policy. They asserted that letters join any organization he pleases ing floods from the Euphrates and of her husband, who will be buried quested that War Department which requested writers' names be tomorrow in the soil of his beloved offices give a holiday to civilian which is loyal to the United States Tigris, combined with a predicted held in confidence had been removed and does hot claim the right to 27-foot tidal wave in the Persian state. personnel, where possible, without from the Pacifican office by officers. Mrs. Mary Glass, former school loss of pay. strike against the public. The strike, Gulf on June 2, are threatening teacher, was said to be under con- McNarney is scheduled to speak News stories pertaining to Philip- which was called yesterday and the giant Anglo-Iranian oil refinery sideration for an interim appoint- at ceremonies at Henri Chappelle pine affairs were stricken by orders virtually paralyzed New York State's at Abadan. ment which would last until the and Margratan Cemeteries of from "the top," even when Gen. third largest city, was a complete Sections of Khoramshahr, port November election decides the suc- American war dead, in Belgium Douglas MacArthur, Supreme Allied victory for the unions.
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