CROSSROADS PROGRAM HELPS STREET KIDS A new outreach program aimed at assist- friendship, or help in getting off the street. ing Edmonton "street kids - especially those "Estimates indicate there arc more than involved in juvenile prostitution - has been 100 females under the age of 18 engaged initiated by the Edmonton City Centre Church in prostitution and living 'on the streets' in Corporation (ECCCC). Edmonton." says Martin Garbcr-Conra-d, Under the Crossroads Outreach Program, Executive Director of the ECCCC. "Some a full time street worker helped by two arc as young as 14, and there arc also temporary staff members is now available to several dozen young boys." help youth on inner city streets five nights a Most of these youth arc runaways, or week. The goal of the one year pilot project more accurately, throwaways who have street-involve- d coun- homes ravaged alcohol, violence, is to help youth, with left by DeWayne Brown contacts a community agency to arrange housing (or selling, housing, social services, support, see CROSSROADS page 15 one of the youth the outreach team met on the streets the night before. FREE October Boyle McCauley News 1989 Vol. 3, 7 League opposes 107 Avenue development Re-zoni- ng bid defeated On September 12, Edmonton City the neighbourhood redevelopment Council by a narrow 6 to 5 vote plan, and represented a major com- turned down an application to change mercial intrusion into a low density the zoning of three lots, east of 97 residential area. Street, from residential to commer- In his presentation to the City cial use. The McCauley Community Council public hearing, the appli- League spoke against the proposed cant's lawyer argued the land along rczoning, because it was contrary to 107 Avenue was not useful for houses because it is so close to the IGA store. He said the applicant leased MAIL TO: Housing is demolished on 107 Avenue but commercial development of the site will not go ahead. another store nearby and wished to relocate. area. He said approving this applica- was ample land already zoned for In his presentation to Council, tion would set a dangerous precedent commercial uses nearby. Besides Community League executive mem- which other developers could use to available sites along 97 Street, the ber John Kolkman noted the rcdis-tricti- ng justify rcdistrictings of other houses entire area between 97 and 101 Streets of land along 107 Avenue along residential avenues and streets is zoned for commercial purposes. would compound, not resolve, prob- elsewhere in the neighbourhood. The The League's presentation was bol-se- e RE-ZONI- lems of residential viablity in this League presentation also noted there NG page 13 YOUR VOTE COUNTS COMPLETE The word "democracy" means tell the government what you think ELECTION "people power" and this says that of them is by voting. Your vote docs you, the people, have the power to count! COVERAGE make the candidates you choose re- Ifyou have any questions regard- sponsible for your government af- ing the upcoming municipal election IHSIDE fairs. If you do not vote you have to please contact the Elections Office at 4 be satisfied with the choice that is 428-3- 1 1 1 or the Boyle Street Com- Ward 4 made. Remember, the best way to munity Services Co-o- p. Community Calendar till 4:00 pm. Registrations taken at the Library. that summer tan throughout the win- at the Club, 9425 - 109A Ave ter. For more information please call nue. Call Director Neil Hayes at Commonwealth Stadium: At the 428-555- 5. 429-280- 7 for more information. Commonwealth Stadium Recreation Centre wc have just begun our fall Mustard Seed Church has an open Operation Friendship: McCauley programs. Wc offer a wide number Coffee House on Friday evening at Seniors' Drop-i-n Dance October 18th. of programs such as aerobics, weight 8:30 pm and Sunday services at 1:30 The Rambling Seniors will entertain. training, fitness appraisal, and rac-quctb- all pm. Everyone welcome, at 96 Street Central Health Centre: (1) Flu vac- Dance is for seniors only. clinics. You still have time and 106A Avenue. cine available middle of October for to sign up. Wc arc offering member- all seniors and any others with chronic Farmers' Market: Every Saturday ships from October 1 till December St Stephen's Community Outreach chest or heart problems. (2) All chil- from 8 am till noon, on the west side 31 for only $32.00. This allows ac- Program: Seniors' Drop-i- n Mon- dren attending kindergarten should of Clarke Stadium. Runs until Octo-bcr2- 1. cess to both the weightroom and day and Thursday from 1 1 am till 5 have their preschool immunization gymnasium. The weightroom has pm. Friendship Hall open Wednes- booster. For further information phone universal weights, free weights, and day from 4 pm till 9 pm and Saturday Drop-i- n 425-635- 1. Boyle Street Community League: hydrafi t. The gymnasium can be used from noon till 3 pm. Teen Bingos every Saturday and Sunday for basketball and badminton. We Wednesday for 7 till 1 1 pm for TV, Boyle McCauley Health Centre: at 1 pm. have raquctball and squash courts ping pong, and games, and Saturday This month's health promotion topic available at only $7.00 per hour. Come from 8 till 1 1 pm for video dances is AIDS and the Injection Drug User. Santa Maria Goretti Community down and try wallyball. We have a and movies. Call Chris at 422-324- 0. Pamphlets arc available at the Boyle Centre: Serves a 7 course meal suntan bed available so you can keep by Antoinette Grenier McCauley Health Centre. "Pranzo" (brunch in English) accom- panied by music. Price is $10 per Edmonton Convention Centre: ( 1 ) person and children under 5 years old VOTING??? Children's Fair October 20 - 22. (2) arc free. Phone 426-502- 6. Alberta Music Conference October Can I vote? Then you will be able to vote. 26 - 28. For any information phone Centennial Library: (1) Children's You can vote on October 16 if: How many votes do I have? 421-97- 97 films Sundays. (2) Saturdays and Time you are at least 18 years of age for Twos, Tuesday and Thursday you are a Canadian citizen In this election there are several different Italian Canadian Seniors: Italian mornings. This is a program of sto- you have lived in Alberta for the last six offices that you may vote for. Canadian Seniors have boccc courts ries, games, and fun for two year months Mayor 1 vote open to public in the area. For any in- olds. (3) Preschool Storytimc for chil- you live in Edmonton on election day Aldermen Up to 2 votes School Trustee 1 vote (for formation phone Arnaldo Zenon at dren aged 3 to 5 years. Thursday either a Public How do I vote? School Trustee or a Separate School Trus- 475-454- 1. mornings. (4) Hallowe'en Dress Parry. tee) Tuesday, October 3 1 at 2 pm for pre- When: On October 16th, 1989 between 10:00 If you vote for more than the limited McCauley Boys and Girls Club: schoolers. Dress up in your Hal- am and 8:00 pm. amount your ballot will not be counted. Club is now open. Regular hours in lowe'en costume and join us for an Whfre: In your neighbourhood voting sta- will listed in should I effect 3:30 - 5:30 pm, and 6:00 -- 8:30 afternoon of magic, films and fun. tion. Voting stations be the Why vote? Journal. You can phone the Election Office pm Monday to Friday. Saturdays noon Get your pass at the Registration Desk at 428-- 3 1 1 1 to find out where you vote. Voting is the best way of telling the How: On October 16 (Election Day) go to government what you think of them. If you your voting station and ask the election like what they are doing, you will vote to re- ITALIAN CENTRE SHOP staff. Tell them who you are. You will have elect them. If you don't like what they are 10878 95 STREET to sign a declaration stating you are eligible doing you will vote for someone else who to vote. You will then be given a ballot and stands for things that concern you. shown where to vote. 42,4-46- 20 424-486- 9 This is a civic election and city govern- What if I'm not on the voter's list? ment is responsible for the .things which most affect your everyday lives. These in- distributor of UNICO foods I If you are not on the voter's list, but you clude such things as: i , COMPLETE LINE OF PIZZA SUPPLIES are eligible to vote, then go down to the the police and fire departments Olive Oil Salad Oil Macaroni Cheese Salami Tomatoes voting station and tell them that you would the bus and LRT systems Miscellaneous like to vote. You will then be asked: city roads, sidewalks, and parks your address to make sure you are at the some health care IMPORTERS, PACKERS & DISTRIBUTORS OF ITALIAN right station some social services IMPORTED FOODS to sign a declaration stating you are eli- city planning gible to vote housing and utilities TERESA SPINELLI 424-462- 0 to sign the register schools and education Myros Pharmacy Our Impression Will Keep You Smiling 10646 - 101 Street Schmitz Denture Centre 1 phone 426-383- 9 10538 - 97 Street qyS'fhours: 8:a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Telephone: 422-84- 83 Medication plus much more! Brenda M.
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