Your Hometown Week in Review . JUNE 3, 2019 SHERIDAN | NOBLESVILLE | CICERO | ARCADIA | ATLANTA | WESTFIELD | CARMEL | FISHERS Hamilton County Your Hometown Week In Review www.ReadTheReporter.com Reporter Facebook.com/HamiltonCountyReporter County tax dollars could be spent on Indianapolis roads WISH-TV | wishtv.com Indianapolis Mayor Joe Hog- sett last Wednesday night an- Fadness, Hogsett not exactly on same ‘regionalism’ page nounced a new proposal to help fix roads in Indianapolis. By LARRY LANNAN the City address last month, he Indianapolis Mayor Joe Hog- no exactly together in their vision. Hogsett's LarryInFishers.com emphasized regionalism in the In- sett recently unveiled his vision of Under Hogsett’s plan, Hamil- proposal would dianapolis Metropolitan Area as what regionalism would look like ton County would fund 33 percent When Fishers Mayor Scott take a portion of a way to solve problems, partic- at his State of the City address, of the regional fund but receive Fadness delivered his State of the 1 percent ex- ularly an issue like infrastructure. and it appears the two mayors are just 18 percent of the proceeds. penditure rate for nine counties – Marion, Boone, Hamilton, Mad- ison, Hendricks, Hamilton County government officials respond to proposal Hogsett Hancock, Mor- “My top priority is al and I hope the CI- gan, Johnson and Shelby – and put solving Noblesville’s CEO plan receives the money into what the mayor is pressing traffic and serious consideration. calling a "Regional Infrastructure mobility issues by in- As regional leaders, Fund." vesting in our city’s we have been look- The money would go toward current infrastructure ing at and discuss- fixing Marion County's roads that needs. As always, ing how other metro are not federally funded. we welcome the areas have already Income tax is distributed to chance to work with dealt with this issue. I each person's county of residence, our neighbors in ad- Jensen Heirbrandt Cook Brainard Fadness want a future-focused which Hogsett says leaves Marion dressing our region’s system in which we County left with the bill for fixing needs, including infrastructure. As we look at Mayor Hogsett’s pro- all participate in the decision-making versus an Indianapolis-only the roads that are used by more posal and continue this conversation, we welcome any ideas from solution.” than 161,000 daily commuters our partners that will benefit Noblesville and its taxpayers.” – Westfield Mayor Andy Cook from outside counties. – Noblesville Common Councilman and Republican candidate “I need to study this proposal. I agree that we need to work co- The money would go toward for Mayor Chris Jensen bond payments that, Hogsett operatively, but this is a very complicated proposal that needs to be said, would be distributed to the “My response is simple: I am against it.” studied to ensure that it is not a Band-Aid but is in the best interests most-heavily traveled roads. – Hamilton County Commissioner Mark Heirbrandt of residents of both Indianapolis and Carmel.” Indianapolis leaders associat- “I support the idea of regionalism because we know that when – Carmel Mayor Jim Brainard ed with the proposal said the next one Central Indiana city wins, we all win. The Central Indiana “I’m perplexed by Mayor Hogsett’s proposal that is not consis- concrete steps that would need to Conference of Elected Officials (CICEO), of which Mayor Hogsett tent with the work the Central Indiana Conference of Elected Offi- be taken are unclear. They said dis- participates, developed a concept to use a source of new funding cials has been doing collectively over the last year. While I agree cussions still need to be had involv- for projects of regional significance. This plan was introduced to that regionalism is important, I believe we need to find a solution ing the General Assembly making the legislature in the last session and was assigned to a summer that will transcend political seasons and ensure the long-term sus- some type of regional governing study committee. As a result, we plan to present a well-defined tainability of our region.” body to better dictate the rules and plan in the next session. I was unaware of Mayor Hogsett’s propos- – Fishers Mayor Scott Fadness restrictions involving this decision. HSE School Board President Mike Bottorff resigns Prevail honors Mayor By LARRY LANNAN as a member of this Board, but, after LarryInFishers.com months of thought and reflection, I Ditslear as May’s Hero find I cannot continue that service and Mike Bottorff submitted his res- also keep important commitments to ignation from his seat on the Ham- my family. I have to set priorities and, ilton Southeastern School Board, in that regard, my obligations to fami- effective the date the letter was sub- ly must come first.” mitted: Thursday, May 30. Bottorff Bottorff was elected as the at- has served as president of the board large board member from Fall Creek this year. Township in 2016. His seat is up for “I provided notice to the Hamil- election in the fall of 2020. ton County Clerk that I have resigned The Hamilton Southeastern as a member of the Board of School School Board will now begin the Trustees effective May 30, 2019,” process of choosing Bottorff’s re- Bottorff wrote in a letter to fellow placement. Under Indiana law, when school board members. “It has been a school board vacancy occurs, the a privilege to serve my community board itself chooses the replacement. Photo provided Traffic changes to begin June 17 at 96th, Keystone in Carmel The REPORTER On or about June 17, the Parkway traffic will also nies that they would not be A major shift in traffic traffic light at 96th and Key- be able to proceed through able to remove utility lines patterns at 96th Street and stone will be removed and the project without stop- by the end of May, as pre- Keystone Parkway should traffic on Keystone Parkway ping, giving motorists better viously expected. Instead, help with congestion and will be shifted onto newly access to westbound 96th they will need to work un- Photo provided access to businesses on 96th constructed on-off ramps. Street and I-465. Traffic til the end of July. Work on Each month the staff at Prevail, Inc. nominates Street, east of the intersec- This will allow northbound turning south on Keystone the bridge over 96th Street, and votes on a community member, group tion. Meanwhile, due to un- traffic coming on Keystone Parkway from eastbound however, cannot wait that or organization who has gone above and expected utility delays, the Parkway, north of Interstate 96th Street will have a dedi- long without a significant beyond to help Prevail further its mission and previous plan to close east- 465, to proceed through the cated turn lane. Southbound delay that could extend the support more victims of crime and abuse. The west through traffic on 96th construction project without Keystone traffic will not be overall life of the project organization recently honored Noblesville Street has been extended stopping. One lane will be able to turn left onto 96th into the summer of 2020. Mayor John Ditslear as May’s Hero of the from 60 to 150 days – a step dedicated to right-turn traf- Street. Detours will be either By making these traffic Month. (Above) Noblesville Mayor John taken by the construction fic onto 96th Street while 106th Street or 86th Street. changes now, the project Ditslear (left) stands with Prevail’s Assistant team in order to ensure proj- the other lane will be for These changes are being can remain on pace to be Director Michelle Corrao. ect’s substantial completion through traffic into Carmel. made in response to noti- substantially completed by by the end of 2019. Southbound Keystone fication by utility compa- the end of 2019. Westfield parents upset after severe weather hits graduation ceremony By JENNY DREASLER when school officials made the decision “There is no perfect solution or scenario. If there was, rest assured, WISH-TV | wishtv.com to cancel Thursday's ceremony after some we would be doing it. We are always open to considering other options for parents left with their kids. Parents in the Westfield Washington our commencement ceremony and will continue to pursue what Parents hope for school officials to put Schools district are upset after they say se- we believe to be in the best interest of serving our graduates’ needs.” in place protocol that will prevent this hap- vere weather put the high school's outdoor – Westfield High School Principal Stacy McGuire pening again. graduation ceremony in danger. "We need to increase everyone's aware- The parents say they believe district of- A severe thunderstorm warning was is- thousands of lives put in danger last night, ness level on how dangerous lightning is. ficials didn't do enough to protect parents sued for Hamilton County at 6:19 p.m. Par- point-blank, no question about it." And if you hear thunder, you need to take and students. ents were frustrated as they awaited for the Parent Allen Bainbridge said, "As I'm it very seriously and move on and change Rain poured on parents and students officials to call off the ceremony that was looking above the students, I can see what up and go to safety. Go to some place and Thursday night at Westfield High School's supposed to start at 7 p.m. looks like a wall cloud or something start- suspend [sic] whatever you're doing," said graduation ceremony. Parent Brian Roeller said, "I think they ing to form right above them and I thought Jay Dyer, the grandparent of a graduate.
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