C h i c a g o a n d Northwestern R a i l w a y C o m p a n y O f f i c e o f P r e s i d e n t C h i c a g o February 13, 1936. Dear Mr. Szymczais;: The Economic Club of Chicago, of which I have the honor to be President, has had the pleasure of entertaining a number of the nation’s outstanding men. The Club now would like to enjoy tne privilege of a visit from the Honorable 1»1. S. Eccles. On several occasions the Club has acquainted iir. Eccles with its desire to hear from him at a time convenient to him. I am wondering if you would be good enough to remind Mr. Eccles that our invitation still stands, and that we would particularly appreciate7 an opportunity to hear from him at our March or April / / dinner. < ■ ■— « — • Governor Schaller is a member of the Economic Club, as are most of the leading business men in the City, The organization, however, is especially noted for the young men in its membership. Distinguished gentlemen liK@ Dr. Butler, Newton Baker and Walter Lippmann nave said to me that nowhere in their experience have they ever faced a more inspiring audience than that provided by the Economic Club. The attached leaflet will tell you in detail some of the obiects of the organization and will acquaint you with its officers and directorate. I believe Mr. Eccles will remember Governor Schaller and Mr. Kelly of Chicago talking to him about the Club. Our meetings are held m 'the evening. Incidentally, I should like to have the privilege of tendering a luncheon to Mr. Eccles on the day he addresses the jiconoiaic Club. We would invite forty or fifty of Chicagors business leaders to join us, and with these gentlemen Mr. Eccles could talk informally and in confidence* lioping to hear from you soon, and with personal regards, I am, Sine erely vours, non. iu. b. DzymczaK, Member, Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D. C* Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis February 19, 1936 Mr. Fred W. Sargent, President, Chicago and North Western Railway Company, Chicago, Illinois. Dear Mr. Sargent: Mr. Szymczak passed along to me your letter of February 13th renewing your invitation to speak before the Economic Club of Chicago. I should particularly like to take advantage of your courtesy, but I find it abso­ lutely impossible to make any further speaking engage­ ments during the next few months inasmuch as the numerous changes which are being effected under the _ B anting Act of 1935 require so mrcft of iny 'tiSe iand close attention that I am not free to leave Washington during this period. I would especially like to meet with you and a group of Chicago*s business and banking leaders to whom I might speak informally and in confidence. I am hoping that an opportunity will come about later on to be with you. Again let me say that I very much appreciate your courtesy. Sincerely yours, (Signed) M. S. Sccles M. S. Eccles, Chairman. ET:b Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1935-1936 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis *£5he Economic 0 b b of (Chicago The object of the Club is to aid in the creation and expression of an enlight' ened public opinion on the OBJECT important economic and social questions of the day. The Club was organised in 1927 for Chicago's outstanding young men. The membership consists largely of men whose average age is in MEMBERSHIP the thirties. A number of older leaders in business and the professions also have been members from the start. Four regular dinner'meetings are held each fiscal year—between the months of October and June. On these MEETINGS occasions speakers discuss questions of economic, social or business importance. The fiscal year begins October 1. Annual dues for membership are $15, pay' able in advance. There is no DUES initiation fee. Dues include dinner tickets to the four meetings. Executive Secretary JOSEPH H. DION One North La Salle Street Telephone Randolph 0791 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis The Economic Club of Chicago is now in its ninth year. Among those who have addressed the Club are: Leonard P. Ayres Newton D. Baker Nicholas Murray Butler Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd L. A. Downs James W. Gerard George H. Houston Arthur M. Hyde E. W. Kemmerer Frank R. Kent Frank Knox James M. Landis Walter Lippmann John McKinlay Sir Josiah Stamp Silas H. Strawn Speakers during the current season will be drawn from an equally distinguished group. The Saturday Forum will again be a feature of the Club’s winter activities. SATURDAY These meetings, open to members FORUM only, afford an opportunity to each one present to express his views on the subject under discussion. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OFFICERS President FRED W. SARGENT First Vice-President Second Vice-President THOMAS H. BEACOM, Jr. GUY A. RICHARDSON ___ Secretary Treasurer WHIPPLE JACOBS CHARLES D. PEACOCK, HI EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Hie Officers and H. E. CHRISTTANSEN WILLIAM J. KELLY WADE FETZER, Jr. JOHN J. MITCHELL ROBERT S. PIRIE BOARD OF DIRECTORS LUCIUS TETER, Honorary Chairman Chairman of the Board, Baird & Warner, Inc. SEWELL L. AVERY. President WILLIAM J. KELLY. President, United States Gypsum Co. Arthur J. O'Leary & Son Co. THOMAS H. BEACOM, Jr., Trust CHAUNCEY McCORMICK. Vice- Officer, First National Bank President. Miami Corporation. of Chicago. DONALD R. MCLENNAN, Jr.. JOSEPH L. BLOCK, Vice-Presi- Marsh & McLennan, Inc. dent. Inland Steel Company. JOHN J. MITCHELL, Vice-Presi­ J. E. BOHLE, Aimer Coe & dent and Treasurer, Universal Company Oil Products Company. COLONEL GEORGE T. BUCK­ ROBERT L. OSGOOD, Brown INGHAM, Defrees, Bucking­ Bros. Harriman & Co. ham, Jones &' Hoffman. CHARLES D. PEACOCK, III, FRANCIS X. BUSCH, Taylor, C. D. Peacock, Inc. Miller, Busch & Hoyden. ROBERT S. PIRIE, Carson, BERTRAM J. CAHN, Chairman Pirie, Scott & Co. of the Board, B. Kuppenheimer CHESTER L. PRICE, City Na­ & Co.. Inc. tional Bank & Trust Co. H. E. CHRISTIANSEN, Hearst GUY A. RICHARDSON, Presi­ Corporation. dent, Chicago Surface Lines. B. R. COOPER, General Com­ GEORGE W. ROSSETTER, mercial Manager, Illinois Bell George Rossetter & Co. Telephone Co. PAUL S. RUSSELL, Vice-Presi­ D. A. CRAWFORD, President, dent, Harris Trust & Savings The Pullman Company. Bank. HENRY M. DAWES, President, FRED W. SARGENT, President, Pure Oil Company. Chicago & North Western Rail­ EDISON DICK. Vice-President. way Company. A. B. Dick Company. PAUL SCHULZE, Jr.. President. Paul Schulze Biscuit Company. L. A. DOWNS, President, Illi­ GEORGE E. SCOTT, President. nois Central System. American Steel Foundries. EDWARD J. DOYLE, Common­ WALTER DILL SCOTT, Presi­ wealth Edison Company, dent, Northwestern University. GEORGE B. EVERITT, Chair­ EDWARD G. SEUBERT, Presi­ man of the Board, Merchandise dent. Standard Oil Co. (In. Bank & Trust Company. diana). WADE FETZER, Jr., Assistant ARCH W. SHAW, President. to the President, W. A. Alex­ Shaw & Company. Inc. ander & Company. AL ERT A. SPRAGUE. Jr., Sprague, Warner & Company. CLARK W. FINNERUD, M.D. EMIL A. STAKE. Vice-President, WILLIAM GALLAUER, General First National Bank of Chicago. Manager. L. J. Sheridan & Co. SILAS H. STRAWN. Winston. RALPH E. HEILMAN, Dean, Strawn & Shaw. School of Commerce, North­ GEORGE P. TORRENCE, Presi­ western University. dent, Link-Belt Company. HARVEY T. HILL, Executive C. J. WHIPPLE, President, Vice-President, Chicago Stock Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett & Exchange. Company. ROBERT M. HUTCHINS. Presi- EDWARD FOSS WILSON. Presi­ _dent, University of Chicago. dent, Wilson & Company. WHIPPLE JACOBS, Vice-Pres­ PHILIP K. WRIGLEY, Presi­ ident, Belden Manufacturing dent, William Wrigley, Jr. Company Company. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis C h ic a g o a n d No r t h W e s t e r n R a i l w a y C o m p a n y O f f i c e o f P r e s i d e n t C h i c a g o February 21, 1936, Dear Mr. Socles: You have so many warn friends here and our business men are so anxious to hear a word from you that I am writing to ask if you will not make an exception and come to Chicago for one day so that some of us may meet 'with, you and break bread at a noon luncheon together, and then talk to Th6 Economic Club at night, even though you only speak informally and for a 'few minutes. This would take but one full day of your time, and we could make your sojourn here very pleasant and, I believe, helpful not only to you but to the business men of Chicago who are anxious to cooperate with you, We can fix the date of our meeting any day in March that would be most convenient for you. The Economic Club of Chieagp consists of eight hundred and fifty of the leading Executives of the City, a large majority of them being young, active and progressive men, and your appearance at this time with these Executives I am sure you would find to be most profitable and pleasant. I can imagine no. meeting that would be of greater value to the business world just now than to have you come to Chicago. With kindest regards, I am, Most sincerely yours, Hon. M.
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