Contact List of Japanese Quarantine Stations

Contact List of Japanese Quarantine Stations

Contact List of Japanese Quarantine Stations Prefecture Name of Point of Entry(PoE) Type of PoE LOCODE Name of Competent Authority Address Phone No. Fax No. E-mail (Delete "".) Otaru Harbor Government Bldg. 1 OTARU - HOKKAIDO port JPOTR Otaru Quarantine Station 5-2 Minato-machi, Otaru, Hokkaido +81-134-23-4162 +81-134-25-6069 otaru-keneki"@" 047-0007 SHIN CHITOSE APT, Otaru Quarantine Station, New Chitose Airport Bldg. 2 airport JPSPK +81-123-45-7007 +81-123-45-2357 chitoseairport-keneki"@" SAPPORO - HOKKAIDO Chitose Airport Quarantine branch office Bibi, Chitose, Hokkaido 066-0012 Wakkanai Harbor Government Bldg. Otaru Quarantine Station, WAKKANAI-HOKKAIDO JPWKJ +81-162-23-4403 +81-162-23-4408 3 port wakkanai detached office 2-2-1 Kaiun-cho, Wakkanai, Hokkaido otaru-wakkanai"@" 097-0023 Rumoi Harbor Government Bldg. (Otaru Quarantine RUMOI- HOKKAIDO・ Otaru Quarantine Station, JPRMI・JPISI Station) +81-134-25-6069 4 ISHIKARIWAN - HOKKAIDO port Rumoi・Ishikari detached office 3-37 Omachi, Rumoi, Hokkaido otaru-keneki"@" 077-0048 +81-134-23-4162 (Otaru Quarantine Monbetsu-shi Harbor Government Bldg. Station, Otaru Quarantine Station, 5 MONBETSU - HOKKAIDO port JPMBE 2-28-2 Shinkou-cho, Monbetsu, Asahikawa Airport +81-166-83-5794 otaru-asahikawaairport"@" Monbetsu detached office Hokkaido 094-0012 detached office) +81-166-83-5180 (Otaru Quarantine Station, Otaru Quarantine Station, 5-8 Minatomachi, Abashiri, Hokkaido 6 ABASHIRI - HOKKAIDO port JPABA Asahikawa Airport +81-166-83-5794 otaru-asahikawaairport"@" Abashiri detached office 093-0032 detached office) +81-166-83-5180 Hanasaki Harbor Government Bldg. Otaru Quarantine Station, HANASAKI - HOKKAIDO JPHNK +81-153-25-3681 +81-153-25-3682 7 port Hanasaki detached office 434 Hanasakikou, Nemuro, Hokkaido otaru-hanasaki"@" HOKKAIDO 087-0032 Kushiro Harbor Government Bldg. Otaru Quarantine Station, KUSHIRO - HOKKAIDO JPKUH +81-154-23-3340 +81-154-22-0892 8 port kushiro detached office 5-9 Minamihama-cho, Kushiro, otaru-kushiro"@" Hokkaido 085-0022 (Otaru Quarantine Tomakomai Harbor Government Bldg. Station, Chitose Otaru Quarantine Station, 9 TOMAKOMAI - HOKKAIDO port JPTMK 1-6-15 Minato-machi, Tomakomai, Airport Quarantine +81-123-45-2357 chitoseairport-keneki"@" Tomakomai detached office Hokkaido 053-0004 branch office) +81-123-45-7007 (Otaru Quarantine Muroran Harbor Government Bldg. Station, Chitose Otaru Quarantine Station, 10 MURORAN - HOKKAIDO port JPMUR 1-13 Irie-cho, Muroran, Hokkaido Airport Quarantine +81-123-45-2357 chitoseairport-keneki"@" Muroran detached office 051-0023 branch office) +81-123-45-7007 Hakodate Harbor Government Bldg. Otaru Quarantine Station, HAKODATE - HOKKAIDO JPHKP +81-138-41-8762 +81-138-41-8766 11 port Hakodate detached office 24-4 Kaigan-cho, Hakodate, Hokkaido otaru-hakodate"@" 040-0061 (Otaru Quarantine Otaru Quarantine Station, HAKODATE APT - 511 Takamatsu-cho, Hakodate, Station, Hakodate JPHKD Hakodate Airport Quarantine detached +81-138-41-8766 12 HOKKAIDO airport detached office) otaru-hakodate"@" office Hokkaido 042-0952 +81-138-41-8762 16-98 Higashi2sen,Higashikagura-cho, ASAHIKAWA APT - Otaru Quarantine Station, JPAKJ +81-166-83-5180 +81-166-83-5794 13 HOKKAIDO airport Asahikawa Airport detached office Kamikawa-gun, Hokkaido otaru-asahikawaairport"@" 071-1562 Shiogama Harbor Government Bldg. 14 SENDAISHIOGAMA - MIYAGI port JPSGM Sendai Quarantine Station 3-4-1 Teizandori, Shiogama, Miyagi +81-22-367-8101 +81-22-362-3300 sendai-keneki"@" 985-0011 SENDAI New Passenger Terminal Bldg. Sendai Quarantine Station, SENDAI APT - MIYAGI JPSDJ +81-22-383-1854 +81-22-383-1856 15 airport Sendai Airport Quarantine branch office Minamihara, Shimomasuda, Natori, sendaiairport-keneki"@" Miyagi 989-2401 1/8 Contact List of Japanese Quarantine Stations Prefecture Name of Point of Entry(PoE) Type of PoE LOCODE Name of Competent Authority Address Phone No. Fax No. E-mail (Please use except for "".) Aomori Harbor Government Bldg. Sendai Quarantine Station, AOMORI - AOMORI JPAOM +81-17-722-7687 +81-17-722-7690 16 port Aomori detached office 1-1 Aoyagi, Aomori, Aomori sendai-aomori"@" 030-0811 (Sendai Quarantine Station, Aomori detached Sendai Quarantine Station, 1-5 Otani,Otani, Aomori, Aomori 17 AOMORI AOMORI APT - AOMORI airport JPAOJ +81-17-729-0911 +81-17-729-0915 office) Aomori Airport detached office 030-0155 sendai-aomori"@" Hachinohe Harbor Government Bldg. (Sendai Quarantine Station, Aomori detached Sendai Quarantine Station, HACHINOHE - AOMORI JPHHE +81-178-33-1376 +81-178-33-1399 18 port Hachinohe detached office 2-16 Chikkogai, Hachinohe, Aomori office) 031-0831 sendai-aomori"@" Miyako Harbor Government Bldg. (Sendai Quarantine Sendai Quarantine Station, MIYAKO - IWATE JPMYK Station) +81-22-362-3300 19 port Miyako detached office 3-114-2 Fujiwara, Miyako, Iwate sendai-keneki"@" 027-0021 +81-22-367-8101 IWATE Kamaishi Harbor Government Bldg. (Sendai Quarantine Sendai Quarantine Station, KAMAISHI - IWATE JPKIS Station) +81-22-362-3300 20 port Kamaishi detached office 1-2 Uogashi, Kamaishi, Iwate sendai-keneki"@" 026-0012 +81-22-367-8101 (Sendai Quarantine OFUNATO - IWATE・ Sendai Quarantine Station , 17-3 Akasawa,Ofunato-cho, Ofunato, JPOFT・JPKSN Station) +81-22-362-3300 21 IWATE・MIYAGI KESENNUMA - MIYAGI port Ofunato・Kesennuma detached office sendai-keneki"@" Iwate 022-0002 +81-22-367-8101 Ishinomaki Harbor Government Bldg. Sendai Quarantine Station , (Sendai Quarantine Station) 22 MIYAGI ISHINOMAKI - MIYAGI port JPISM 15-2 Nakajima, Ishinomaki, Miyagi +81-225-22-9413 +81-225-22-9420 Ishinomaki detached office sendai-keneki"@" 986-0845 Akita Harbor Government Bldg. Sendai Quarantine Station, FUNAKAWA-AKITA JPFNK +81-18-846-8280 +81-18-846-8283 23 port Akitahunakawa detached office 1-7-35 Tsuchizakiminatonishi, Akita, sendai-akitafunakawa"@" Akita 011-0945 AKITA (Sendai Quarantine Station, Akitafunakawa Sendai Quarantine Station, 48-3 Sanroku,Yumatsubakikawa,Akita, 24 AKITA APT - AKITA airport JPAKP +81-18-886-8311 +81-18-886-8312 detached office) Akita Airport detached office Akita 010-1211 sendai-akitafunakawa"@" (Sendai Quarantine Sakata Harbor Government Bldg. Station , Sendai Quarantine Station, 25 YAMAGATA SAKATA - YAMAGATA port JPSKT 2-5-43 Funabacho, Sakata, Yamagata Akitahunakawa +81-18-846-8283 sendai-akitafunakawa"@" Sakata detached office 998-0036 detached office) +81-18-846-8280 (Sendai Quarantine Onahama Harbor Government Bldg. Station , Sendai Quarantine Station, 26 ONAHAMA - FUKUSHIMA port JPONA 38 Tatsumicho, Onahama, Fukushima Airport +81-247-57-1236 sendai-fukushimaairport"@" Onahama detached office Iwaki,Fukushima 971-8101 detached office) FUKUSHIMA +81-247-57-1233 Fukushima Airport Bldg. FUKUSHIMA APT - Sendai Quarantine Station, 21 habakida, Kitasugama,Ishikawa-gun, 27 airport JPFKS +81-247-57-1233 +81-247-57-1236 sendai-fukushimaairport"@" FUKUSHIMA Fukushima Airport detached office Tamakawamura, Fukushima 963-6304 (Narita Airport Terminal 2) 1-1 28 CHIBA NARITA APT - CHIBA airport JPNRT Narita Airport Quarantine Station Furugome(In Narita International +81-476-34-2310 +81-476-34-2314 narita-keneki"@" Airport) Narita, Chiba 282-0004 Tokyo Harbor Government Bldg. 29 TOKYO - TOKYO port JPTYO Tokyo Quarantine Station +81-3-3599-1515 +81-3-5530-2152 tokyo-keneki"@" 2-7-11 Aomi, Koto, Tokyo 135-0064 Government Bldg. Tokyo International Tokyo Quarantine Station, Airport 30 TOKYO HANEDA APT - TOKYO airport JPHND +81-3-6847-9312 +81-3-6847-9315 tokyoairport-keneki"@" Tokyo Airport Quarantine branch office 2-6-5 Haneda Kuko, Ota-ku, Tokyo 144-0041 Ogasawara General Office Tokyo Quarantine Station , (Tokyo Quarantine Station) 31 (OGASAWARA - TOKYO) port JPOGA Chichijima, Ogasawara, Tokyo, 100- +81-4998-2-2102 +81-4998-2-8357 Ogasawara detached office tokyo-keneki"@" 2101 2/8 Contact List of Japanese Quarantine Stations Prefecture Name of Point of Entry(PoE) Type of PoE LOCODE Name of Competent Authority Address Phone No. Fax No. E-mail (Please use except for "".) Chiba Harbor Government Bldg. Tokyo Quarantine Station, 32 CHIBA - CHIBA port JPCHB 1-12-2 Chuoko, Chuo-ku, Chiba, +81-43-241-6096 +81-43-241-7281 chiba-keneki"@" Chiba Quarantine branch office 260-0024 CHIBA (Tokyo Quarantine Kisarazu Harbor Government Bldg. Station, Chiba Tokyo Quarantine Station , 33 KISARAZU - CHIBA port JPKZU 8-2 Shinminato, Kisarazu, Chiba Quaratine branch +81-43-241-7281 chiba-keneki"@" Kisarazu detached office 292-0836 office) +81-43-241-6096 Kashima Harbor Government Bldg. Tokyo Quarantine Station , KASHIMA - IBARAKI JPKSM +81-299-92-2603 +81-299-92-7864 34 port Kashima detached office 9 Higashihukashiba, Kamisu, Ibaraki, tokyo-kashima"@" 314-0103 Hitachi Harbor Logistics Center Bldg. (Tokyo Quarantine Tokyo Quarantine Station , Station , Kashima HITACHI - IBARAKI JPHTC +81-299-92-7864 35 port Hitachi detached office 14-1 Minatocho, Hitachi, Ibaraki, detached office) tokyo-kashima"@" IBARAKI 319-1223 +81-299-92-2603 (Tokyo Quarantine Station , Tokyo Quarantine Station , 1601-55 Yozawa, Omitama, Ibaraki 36 IBARAKI APT - IBARAKI airport JPIBK Kashima detached +81-299-92-7864 tokyo-kashima"@" Ibaraki Airport detached office 311-3416

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