(aspects of trauma • a case report) Isolated Popliteus Muscle Rupture With Neurovascular Compression Requiring Surgical Decompression Matthew Bollier, MD, Todd Ream, MD, and Gregory Hodgman, MD he tibial nerve, poplite- We report the unique case of an CASE REPORT al artery, and popliteal isolated popliteus muscle rupture A 34-year-old police officer pre- vein are superficial to the that led to compression of the tibial sented to the emergency depart- Tpopliteus muscle as they nerve in the popliteal fossa requir- ment with a 2-day history of excru- exit the popliteal fossa deep to ing surgical decompression. ciating posterior left knee pain. the fibrous soleus arch (Figure 1). The popliteus muscle forms the He described a twisting injury to There are 9 case reports of tibial floor of the popliteal fossa cours- his flexed left knee while helping a nerve compression in the popli- ing obliquely across the posterior motorist change a tire 2 weeks prior. teal fossa with etiologies includ- tibia with a tendinous insertion on There was an immediate onset of ing popliteus muscle rupture, mass the lateral femoral condyle anterior posterior knee pain, but it resolved lesion, or anomalous course of the and inferior to the lateral collateral over several hours. During the 2 gastrocnemius.1-9 When masses, ligament insertion.10-13 The poplit- days prior to emergency depart- fibrous bands, or swelling com- eus muscle functions as the primary ment evaluation, he reported wors- press the nerve and vein against the internal rotator of the tibia, unlock- ening posterior leg pain, weakness, rigid soleus arch, clinical symptoms ing the knee during early flexion.14-15 and an inability to bear weight. develop. There are 4 case reports It also is a static and dynamic stabi- Right knee and tibia/fibula radio- of a popliteus muscle injury caus- lizer of the lateral side of the knee. graphs showed no fracture or bony ing tibial nerve palsy, but surgical Although most popliteus injuries decompression of this problem has are part of a complex posterolateral not been described previously.1-4 corner knee injury, isolated tendon avulsions and muscle belly rup- Dr. Bollier is Assistant Professor, tures have been described.1-10,16-20 Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, In this case, an isolated poplit- University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. He eus muscle rupture from a knee was Orthopaedic Surgery Resident, external rotation injury caused Michigan State University, Kalamazoo Center for Medical Studies, Kalamazoo, an inflammatory mass effect in Michigan, at the time the article was the popliteal fossa, compressing written. the tibial nerve against the soleus Dr. Ream is Orthopaedic Surgeon, arch leading to a progressive tibial Kalamazoo Orthopaedic Clinic, and nerve palsy and multiple deep vein Clinical Assistant Professor, Michigan State University, Kalamazoo, Michigan. thrombosis (DVT). This interest- Dr. Hodgman is Radiologist, Advanced ing case report demonstrates the Radiology Services P.C., Kalamazoo, anatomy of the posterior aspect of Michigan. the knee, highlights the importance of a thorough physical exam and Address correspondence to: Matthew Bollier, MD, Department of Orthopaedic advanced imaging techniques, and Surgery, University of Iowa Hospitals and reviews the current literature on Figure 1. Popliteal fossa anatomy. The Clinics, 2701 Prairie Meadow Dr, Iowa neurovascular compression after a tibial nerve, popliteal artery, and popli- City, IA 52242 (tel, 319-467-8254; e-mail, popliteus muscle rupture. teal vein are visualized directly super- [email protected]). The authors have obtained the ficial to the popliteus muscle as they course distally under the soleus arch. Am J Orthop. 2010;39(12):588-591. patient’s written informed consent Abbreviations: a, artery; m, muscle; Copyright Quadrant HealthCom Inc. for print and electronic publication n, nerve; v, vein. Figure 1 provided by 2010. All rights reserved. of the case report. Matthew Morrey. 588 The American Journal of Orthopedics® M. Bollier et al Figure 2. Patient presented to the emer- gency room with a large effusion of the left knee. abnormalities. Laboratory analysis Figure 3. T1-weighted sagittal magnetic resonance imaging of left knee after intrave- revealed an erythrocyte sedimenta- nous gadolinium reveals popliteus muscle enlargement with no enhancement, and edema posterior to the muscle. tion rate of 55 mm/h, C-reactive protein of 13.5 nmol/L, and a white blood cell count of 10.9×109/L. After the emergency department evaluation, the orthopedic sur- gery service was consulted. Initial questioning revealed a burning posterior knee pain that radiated distally along the posterior left leg, plantar foot dysesthesias, and a knee effusion. The patient had an elevated temperature (38.5°C). He appeared anxious and couldn’t find a comfortable position. He had a large knee effusion and painless passive knee range of motion from Figure 4. T1-weighted coronal magnetic resonance imaging of left knee after intrave- 0° to 45° (Figure 2). Posterolateral nous gadolinium shows popliteus muscle hypertrophy with no enhancement. calf swelling and tenderness were present, and the patient reported revealed a white blood cell count on therapeutic enoxaparin (1 mg/ posterior leg discomfort with pas- of 10.0×109/L, normal glucose and kg) to treat DVT and was admitted sive ankle dorsiflexion and resisted lactate dehydrogenase levels, and to the hospital for observation and ankle plantarflexion. There was no organism present with bacte- pain control. decreased sensation to light touch rial cultures. A lower-extremi- Eighteen hours after admission, and pinprick on the lateral plantar ty ultrasound showed deep vein the patient required an increased foot. The gastrocnemius and soleus thrombosis in the anterior tibial, amount of intravenous pain med- muscles showed grade 5/5 strength deep peroneal, and posterior tibial ications and reported worsening by manual muscle testing, but flex- veins. Magnetic resonance imag- posterior leg pain. Examination or hallucis longus muscle strength ing (MRI) with intravenous gado- revealed decreased sensation to was grade 3/5. The remainder of linium of the left knee and left light touch and pinprick involving the neurovascular examination calf demonstrated popliteus muscle the entire plantar foot. Manual was normal. Knee stability testing swelling with no enhancement and muscle testing showed grade 0/5 showed symmetric findings com- surrounding edema (Figures 3–5). flexor hallucis longus strength and pared to the contralateral knee with The MRI findings were consistent grade 2/5 gastrocnemious and sole- the Lachman test, posterior drawer with a popliteus muscle rupture us strength. The patient’s posterior test, varus/valgus stress test, and and subsequent necrosis. An asso- calf compartment was soft but dif- Dial test. There was no erythema, ciated inflammatory mass effect fusely tender to palpation. He had fluctuance, or wounds. Calf com- and popliteus muscle swelling com- increased discomfort with passive partments were soft. pressed the nerve and vein against ankle dorsiflexion. A knee aspiration was performed the fibrous soleus arch leading to The patient was felt to have a and 30 mL of clear yellow fluid an acute tibial neuropathy and mul- progressive tibial neuropathy and was obtained. Laboratory analysis tiple DVT. The patient was started urgent surgical decompression was December 2010 589 Isolated Popliteus Muscle Rupture With Neurovascular Compression planned. He was placed in a prone position for a posterior approach to the knee. A lazy S-shaped inci- sion was made, curving from distal medial to proximal lateral. After dissecting down to the fascia, the sural nerve and small saphenous vein were identified and traced proximally. The fascia was split in line with the incision, and the dissection proceeded between the medial and lateral heads of the gastrocnemius muscle. The tibial nerve was identified and found to be pale, atrophic, and flattened at Figure 5. T1-weighted axial magnetic resonance imaging of left knee after intravenous the soleus arch (Figure 6). The gadolinium reveals popliteus muscle enlargement with no enhancement, and edema posterior to the muscle. soleus arch was divided longitu- dinally to decompress the nerve and vein. Necrotic-appearing pop- liteus muscle was débrided (Figure 7). The skin was closed, and the patient’s leg was placed in a soft dressing. The patient was made non–weight bearing for 2 weeks and knee range of motion was limited to 45° of flexion. The neu- ropathic pain resolved immediately after surgery. Postoperative vascular surgery consultation was obtained, and the Figure 6. The patient is in the prone Figure 7. Popliteal fossa. The soleus patient was started on a 3-month position for posterior approach to the arch is divided longitudinally and the course of coumadin to treat DVT. left knee. The tibial nerve is pale, atro- necrotic popliteus muscle is débrided. phic, and compressed at the soleus At 2 weeks, weight bearing and knee arch. range of motion were progressed. full active knee range of motion At 2 months, the patient had full mon, limited to various case with no knee effusion, ligamentous knee range of motion and ambulat- reports.1-10,16-20 Most popliteus laxity, or mechanical symptoms. ed independently. He still reported muscle injuries are part of a multi- Conservative treatment involves decreased plantar foot sensation. ligament knee injury involving the injections, quadriceps strengthen- He had grade 4/5 gastrocnemius posterolateral corner.21 Less than ing, stretching, and rest. muscle strength and grade 1/5 flexor 10% of popliteus muscle injuries Popliteus tendon avulsion is hallucis longus muscle strength. He are isolated.16,22 Several patterns of more common than muscle belly was able to return to active duty as isolated popliteus injury have been injuries and typically involves a a police officer. described: a tendon avulsion or sudden external rotation force to a At 9 months, medial plantar sen- rupture, muscle belly rupture, or partially flexed knee.16 These avul- sation had returned, but the patient popliteus tendinitis.
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