By JESSICAJf-'SSICA VRAZILEKVRAZ1LEK Uri Katzenstein at TelAviv Museum Backyardisone ofthis year'sbigexhibitionsat the Tel Aviv Museum of Art. The exhibitionof works by Israel'smysteriousmulti-medium artistUri Katzenstein has been well received by visitorsand critics alike.Backyardshows Katzenstein'sthought-provokingand highly movingbody of work, as he transformsthe exhibitionspaces into uniquevisuallandscapesbetween the futureand the past. Katzenstein was chosen to exhibit at the Tel Aviv Museum of Art as the winner of the 2014 Dan Sandel SculptureAward. and the Museum chose to enlargetheexhibitionto bettershow Katzenstein's complexwork $$1ST$the$1ST ־־ Katzenstein is one of those groundbreakingartistswho undermine the$2ND$the$2ND$standard experienceoflookingat artworks and blurtheboundaries between differentartisticmedia." says Suzanne Landau. museum ־' directorand head curator His work givesviewers innovativeand excitingexperimentalart, livingaround them and transformingthem into partof the work." While frontyardis allabout order and cleanness. backyardis placewhere thoughts.experiments,and failurescome together. "Katzenstein's creation is humorous and touching,with beautiful scenes. His works, which bringtogetherthe worlds of fantasy, technology,new aestheticsand social interpretation.undermine our basic modes of living,and our way of understandingthe world around us," says exhibitioncurator Varda Steinlauf. Katzenstein(born1951 in Tel Aviv)is internationallyknown forhis innovativeways with sculpture.performance,music, machines and film. Katzenstein has exhibited in known museums around the world, Dictionary among them the StateRussian Museum in St.Petersburg,theVenice Biennale,and the Biennale in Buenos Aires,where he was awarded firstnrize In his exhibitionat the Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Katzenstein'sworks are shown in three main galleryspaces. Each of the spaces has its תערוכות אגזיבישמ Exhibitions own tone, while harmoniouslyworkingtogether.In the exhibition, rVnpriri רי'יביך Received differentaspectsof Katzenstein'swork are shown of מבקרים קריטיקסthroughrange Critics media video, sculpture,sound, roboticsand language,allof which מעורר פחםוקינגProvoking ..........״.״״״. show the dark and dangerous world of the human הופך metaphorical body and hybridcreations. מיוחדים Unique p'311 "Most of my works are based on hybridcreatures. which live d'dh לנד קיפ Landscapes between differentmedia. am interestedin lookingintohow music פיסול Sculpture can become somethingmore visual,"says Katzenstein.This can be Yp^o פר""Award nH^" 0 seen in his performances $1ST$Katzenstein's$1ST$ Complex 0.i7"??1?'!7 TiioSm ־־ Backyard"shows the range of Katzenstein's art-makingprocess. פורצי דרך גךאן-נדבלייןינגGroundbreaking Katzenstein's$2ND$Katzenstein's$2ND$prize-winningsculptures,paintedbronze, stand in the Dnmn אנלרמין Undermine galleryspaces, creatingworld of androgynoushybridcharactersfrom rvnn אק 90יריאנ Experience ־־ ,his imagination.The exhibitiontravelsbetween sculptureand video מטש שים Blur i^ri and films likeFamilyofBrothers )9991(and Hope Machines גבולות ^או-נדריז Boundaries -6)0(2()7002givethe viewer an idea of Katzenstein's נהל ילק Direcior interestsas he invitesmusic and to, in his אוצרת objects words, "dance with one another." Curatorjio'^i'p murm אינוגיטיבinnovative The exhibition and catalogueis in three ניסיונית ף« Experimental languages:Hebrew, Englishand creation Failures n;>9 nni'jwjo Katzenstein calls "Backyard font," interpretation/y/'py^ipj'x rinwis which graphicallyshows Englishin an jjs>1n ^רפור^נס Performance alternativeway. The artist.who himself מנעד רינג' Range speaksHebrew, Englishand German, and riovj לנגו^ג'Language has good understandingof French, sees תהליך Process °9:inB this exhibition as his manifesto for his Characters ngpn irii'mj '0j''/"" איןמגייני׳^יןimagination צפוי .?לי'?]טגל Predictable in any way, his limitlessimaginationgives his work futuristicstatus that must be experiencedto be trulyunderstood.
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