ROANOKE COLLEGE V OLUME 131 The Bryological Times O CTOBER 2010 Table of Contents Editor Note p. 2 Special Article: Mossin Annie, part 2 p. 2, 9-12 Bryological Society of China p. 3 Moss 2011 p. 4 3rd Birthday of IABlog p. 4 News from Norway p. 4 SMUTS Memorial Botanical Fellowship p. 5 Bryology in Normandy p. 6 Eco-tourism, Cape Horn Field Station p. 7 Bryology: We need an app for that! P. 8 Tips, Tools, and Techniques: slide mounts p. 13 New Book, Country Contact Help, My-plant.org p. 14 Legiongshan Nature Reserve p. 15 News from Australia p. 16 News from Bolivia p. 16, 22-23 Bryological Theses 23 p. 17-20 IAB Synthesys p. 21 Computers and Bryophytes p. 24 Subscribing to Bryonet p. 24 ROANOKE COLLEGE V OLUME 131 The Bryological Times O CTOBER 2010 Editor Note By DorothyBelle Poli In today’s world, things This issue contains the to some tried and true tech- are always changing rap- second half of “Mossin’ niques to study them. idly. In order to keep up Annie’s” Moss Garden However, IAB has some with all of these changes, article (see Vol 130 for SPECIAL POINTS OF exciting news about bryo- INTEREST: staying connected to each part I). It also has another phytes embracing the tech- other is crucial. In this exciting and informative nological world! IAB will Check out the latest from issue of The Bryological “tips” piece from David have a smart phone app that Mossin’ Annie Times, we have tried to Wagner. Both of these will help keep members keep you connected to articles help us learn about linked in! Check out all of Don’t forget to learn a some old, new, and excit- new realms for bryophyte these special features in this few new tips, tools, and techniques ing worlds. use and marketability issue! while remaining connected There’s an App for Bryo- phytes! Special Article: Enter the Magical World of Moss Gardens (Part II) By Annie Martin News from around the world Emerging Perspec- advocate a proactive mantra. I am a firm be- tives on Moss Garden- gardener's approach and liever that walking (or ing recommend supplement- sitting) on mosses is It would simplify ing natural rainfall with a critical in establishing matters for aspiring moss watering regime of either the rhizoid connection, gardeners if we all harvested rainwater or especially in the first few agreed about one right traditional urban water weeks. So, I digest bry- method, but that is not sources. While I do sup- ological research; faith- necessarily the case. We port water conservation fully use my invaluable do all agree that mosses methods and believe the reference source, Mosses are stress-tolerant and use of rainwater harvest- of Eastern North Amer- offer new solutions in ing is the best choice, I ica by Crum and Ander- landscaping. A variety of can testify that over ten son; absorb advice; ob- recommended strategies years of frequent water- serve growth patterns; are emerging in this ing with my garden hose network with moss gar- arena. Some recommen- from the neighborhood deners, and then strike dations are in direct con- water system (despite the out on my own in new flict with each other. For inherent chemical addi- directions to discover instance, there is the phi- tives) has only kept my what works. losophy of moss garden- moss garden lush and Aesthetic Appeal ing that Mother Nature green. This success di- and Environmental will take care of all moss rectly contradicts the Reasons for Choosing needs. Proponents of this warning by some that Mosses perspective rely on rain- city water will kill Initially, my motiva- fall for nurturing mosses mosses. I advocate walk- tion for a moss garden and this philosophy ing on mosses, particu- was intrinsic. The intan- makes sense since that is larly in the establishment gible qualities of these how bryophytes survive phase. “Water and Walk miniature plants captured in nature. However, I on your mosses” is my my heart years ago.(p9) P AGE 3 V OLUME 131 2010 National Symposium of the Bryological Society of China Successfully Held at Guizhou Normal University by Zhang Zhaohui and Pan Shan The National Symposium of sium, includes ten key lecturers were Landscape Bryophytes and Gardening the Bryological Society of China was invited, namely, Prof. Zhu Ruiliang Bryological Arts, Karst bryology and successfully held from 23 to 27 August from East China Normal University, Bryokarst, Bryology Education for 2010 at Guizhou Normal University in Prof. Zhang Zhaohui from Guizhou Graduate Students and Bryology Sci- Guiyang city, Guizhou Province, Normal University, Prof. Zhao Zuntian ence Popularizing in China, etc. After P.R.China. It was organized by the Bry- from Shandong Normal University, the closing programs, most participants ological Society of China and Guizhou Prof. Zhang Yuanming from Xinjiang visited Leigongshan Nature Reserve, Normal University, with Prof. Zhang Institute of Ecology and Geography, which provide the participants with Zhaohui as the main organizer. More Chinese Academic of Science, Prof. opportunities for collaboration and net- than 80 participants from 17 provinces Zhao Jiancheng from Hebei Normal working among Chinese Universities (Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, Shan- University, Prof. Xiong Yuanxin from and other scientific institutions to pro- dong, Heilongjiang, Xinjiang, etc.) and Guizhou University, PhD. Zhangli from mote research and developing technolo- 38 universities/research institutes Shenzhen Fairy Lake Botanical Garden, gies in bryology, and play an important (Chinese Academy of Sciences, East PhD. Chen Aixia from Shandong Uni- role in protecting bryophytes diversity China Normal University, Shanghai versity. The lectures covered Field Bry- of Guizhou. Normal University, Shandong Univer- ology and Systematics, Physiological sity, etc.) attended the Symposium. The and Molecular Biology of Bryophytes, topic of the meeting was “Bryophytes, Population and Community of Bryo- During the National Symposium Biodiversity, Ecol- ogy and Society”. The National Symposium of the Bryological Society of China consists of four components, namely, the opening programs, session discussions, closing programs and field excursion. The ple- nary session was held in the morning of Aug 24 in the lecture hall of the institute. The vice president of the Bryological Society of China, Prof. Zhang Zhaohui organized the open- ing program, the opening address given by the presi- dent of the Bry- ological Society of China, Prof. Zhu Ruiliang after the brief welcome speech delivered by the vice President of Guizhou Normal phytes, Small Animal-Bryophyte inter- of the Bryological Society of China, University, Prof. Xie Xiaoyao, who many of the participants croweded the cordially provided us with a lively pic- actions and Evolution Ecology, Urban Bryology and Environmental Monitor- lobby for group discussions, which torial overview of the university, and present a timely opportunity to stimu- followed by encouraging words from ing, Industrial Bryological Ecology and Mine Bryological Ecology, Biodiversity late and universalize the scientific stud- the deputy director of Guizhou Technol- ies on modern branches of bryological ogy Department, Prof. Chen Xun. and conservation of bryophytes in Chi- nese National Reserve, Bryochemistry sciences, and also promote the biodiver- There were 31 lecturers in the Sympo- and Medicine Bryophyte Resources, sity research and conservation of bryo- phytes in China. P AGE 4 V OLUME 131 Moss 2011: September 11th to 16th SAVE THE DATE!! Details for this meeting have not SYS, and is Faculty of Biology at been finalized, and therefore, you the University of Freiburg The next MOSS meeting will take should continue to check The Bry- Hauptstr. 1, D-79104 Freiburg, You place September 11-16, 2011 , ological Times for more informa- can contact him by phone at +49 close to one of the highest moun- tion or you can contact Stefan 761 203-6974 . Check out his web- tains in Black Forest, the Rensing. page at: http://plantco.de/ “Herzogenhorn.” Stephan is a Lecturer of Bioinfor- [email protected] matics and Systems Biology FRI- freiburg.de Happy 3rd Birthday to the IABlog! The IAB blog site is very much alive, content online, in comparison to the http://internationalassociationofbryolog as it starts its third year. Please visit necessarily restricted access to update ists.blogspot.com/search/label/Bryophy this link to see visitor stats and map for content the static IAB website at te%20photo%20of%20the%20week the last twelve months. www.bryology.org. The IAB blog is http://internationalassociationofbryolog the place for news, commentaries on Want to register? Send an email to the ists.blogspot.com/2010/08/iab-blog- recent papers, spark discussions, share blog editor Efrain De Luna at second-year.html your pictures of bryologists in action, [email protected] etc. The IAB blog has become a very dy- There is a special series of posts to namic complement to the old IAB web share bryophyte photos: "Bryophyte site. Due to the blog open collaboration photo of the week". Which photo do structure, it is easier for anyone to post you like most? Post your comments! News From Norway: Flatberg honour symposium An honour symposium for Kjell Ivar Flatberg will be Details about the program, location and accommoda- arranged in Trondheim, Norway for November 19th tion will be sent to you shortly after October 8th. 2010. We look forward to seeing you in Trondheim! The subject of the “Flatberg honour symposium” will be Sphagnum s.l. We are pleased to invite you to give an Best regards, oral presentation,
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