( 12 ) United States Patent

( 12 ) United States Patent

US010246727B2 (12 ) United States Patent ( 10 ) Patent No. : US 10 , 246 ,727 B2 Zanghellini (45 ) Date of Patent: Apr . 2 , 2019 (54 ) FERMENTATION ROUTE FOR THE H05 137568 A 6 / 1993 PRODUCTION OF LEVULINIC ACID , H 05320023 A 12 / 1993 H 06280041 A 10 / 1994 LEVULINATE ESTERS AND H 09190820 A 7 / 1997 VALEROLACTONE AND DERIVATIVES 2009528842 A 8 / 2009 THEREOF WO WO 1995 /022524 AL 8 / 1995 WO WO 1998 / 043684 Al 10 / 1998 WO WO 2004 / 084633 A 10 / 2004 (71 ) Applicant : Arzeda Corp . , Seattle , WA (US ) WO WO 2004 /085048 A2 10 / 2004 WO WO 2004 /085349 A2 10 / 2004 ( 72 ) Inventor : Alexandre Luc Zanghellini, Seattle , wo WO 2004 /085390 A1 10 / 2004 WA (US ) WO WO 2005 / 028529 A2 3 / 2005 WO WO 2005 /063726 AL 7 / 2005 ( 73) Assignee : ARZEDA CORP. , Seattle , WA ( US) WO WO 2005 /097723 A2 10 / 2005 WO WO 2006 /015023 A2 2 / 2006 WO WO 2006 /015024 A1 2 / 2006 ( * ) Notice : Subject to any disclaimer , the term of this WO WO 2006 / 117113 A2 11 /2006 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 WO WO 2007 / 106524 A2 9 / 2007 U . 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( pyruvate decarboxylase, . aldoi addition . { 8 !dolase ) . NAOH . reduction . EDELS. (dehydrogenase ) . 2. NADH COS oxidation . HOVN ) aseuabookuso{ . 23 derydration . (dehydratase . 4 -valerolacione . FMNH2 NAOH : 9d3lS ee... ZHNW prosta reduction lacionization e ( enoate reductase ) STER ? (lactonase ) v NAO NADH NAOH (dehydrogenaseexcluation ) atent Apr. 2 , 2019 Sheet 4 of 9 US 10 ,246 ,727 B2 FIG . 4 C6 sugars ( glucose ) C5 sugars - - - Lipid metabolism glycolysis 2NAD + 2NADH ??arbaxytation 002 (pyruvate decarboxylase ) aldol addition ( aldolase ) ( NAD oxidation NADH (dehydrogenase ) NADH OM reduction NADH (dehydrogenase ) OH STEPS dehydration (dehydratase ) 4 -valerolactone FMNH2 ?? NADH reduction FMNH2 STEP 7 lactonization NAD + (enoate reductase } (lactonase NADH NAD + OH reduction(dehydrogenase ) atent Apr. 2 , 2019 Sheet 5 of 9 US 10 ,246 ,727 B2 FIG . 5 * . decarboxylation . idol addition . oxidative dersydration valecolactone . :. .. atent Apr. 2 , 2019 Sheet 6 of 9 US 10 ,246 ,727 B2 FIG . 6 C6 sugars (glucose ) C5 sugars im Lipid metabolism glycolysis 2NAD + 2NADH . pyruvate decarboxylase. CO2 . : : : : : : : . other . .. .. .. .. OH . aldolase . COA synthase . hydrolysis . NADA . SCOA NADH lactonization . NAOH . dehydrogenase dehydrogenase . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . .. .. .. .. * dehydrogenase NAD + . NAD + NAD + . OH OH COA synthase OH : hydrolysis . NAD + SCOA thioesterase NAD + OH lactonization dehydrogenase dehydrogenase OH . .. NADH dehydratase NADH . CoA synthase . OH . SCOA thioesterase reductase dehydratase dehydratase CoA synthase g - valerolactone FMNH2 SCOA FMNH2 NADH : thloesterase NADH reductase reductase FMNH2 . FMNH2 . NAD lactonization NAD + . COA synthase . NADA NAD + . thioesterase . dehydrogenase . SCOA OH . U. S . Patent atent Apr. 2 , 2019 Sheet 7 of 9 US 10 ,246 ,727 B2 ANA COAsynthase thioesterase SCOA . : . transferase O-R .. .. HOR withR-El,MetAryl. FIG.7 atent Apr. 2 , 2019

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