20188 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS July 21, 1969 tional defense; to the committee on Armed 182. Also, petition of the National Confer- relative to Federal revenue shari.ng, and so services. ence of Lieutenant Governors, Atlanta, Ga., forth; to the Committee on Ways and Means. EXTENSIONS OF RE,MARKS FOOTPRINTS ON THE MOON outlet that, all too often heretofore, only can no more feel or know the gales of war has seemed to offer. earth than it can the invisible solar And so there has been that. wind, it seems to me that the greatest of HON. HOWARD W. ROBISON Was Apollo ll's trip necessary in order all possible dividends the Apollo 11 in­ OF NEW YORK to help resolve the mysteries of the cos­ vestment could pay would be in terms of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mos? Well, such a question provokes all an enhanced sense of world brotherhood. kinds of answers. As Life also noted, For despite the flag and all the over­ Monday, July 21, 1969 man's curiosity and adventurous spirit tones of national glory and prestige, this Mr. ROBISON. Mr. Speaker, if it is has always seemed insatiable, adding: was an adventure in which all mankind proving difficult for most of us to "come Americans in particular have needed a participated. The reactions from nearly down to earth" today, there is good rea­ quest, across the mountains or the continent, everywhere abroad today prove that-­ son-for we have just witnessed one of into the sky and sea, to the poles or inside giving emphasis once more to the human the most fantastic technical and scien­ the atom. need to recognize the fact that we are, tific accomplishments of mankind's So it was probably inevitable that we after all is said and done, truly "riders long history. would, some day, toss our hat over the on the earth together." Fantastic, amazing, unbelievable­ "space wall," as the last President Ken­ Among the variety of messages left in yes, all such adjectives and more of nedy said so we could "then explore the that tiny silicon disk on the lunar sur­ wonder, admiration, and common pride wonders on the other side." face by our astronauts was this one from in man's indomitable spirit apply on From the material standpoint, it is President Tito, of Yugoslavia: this "day of participation" which, questionable what we will find of value May this majestic fulfillment of the an­ though formally declared only for Amer­ cient dream of the human race ... bring on the moon, or farther out in mysteri­ closer the realization of humanity's age-long icans, is undoubtedly being experienced ous space. Perhaps, at best, we will find by all the people of this globe whose vision to live in peace, brotherhood and joint some keys to help us unlock some of the endeavor. rulers have permitted them to know of remaining secrets of our universe-how Neil Armstrong's "small step" to the sur­ it was formed, if not why-and even And perhaps that--or something like face of the moon. though we may find no new sources of it--is Apollo ll's real message. As we now wait for the safe return taxation, one supposes that just push­ If it is-and as we begin to decide to earth of the first men on the moon, ing back the boundaries of knowledge is where next to go in space-let us also each of us is attempting after his own something that bears no price tag. remember that America's ability to help fashion to assess and understand the So, again, there is that. move this world of ours toward peace meaning of this tremendous adventure. To which, Mr. Speaker, there already and brotherhood depends on more than Should we have attempted it? Was it have been a whole host of valuable tech­ power and prestige. If, as President Ken­ worth it? Where, in space, should we go nical "spin-offs" with domestic applica­ nedy said, we cannot afford to be second from here? tions from the space eff ort--and surely best in space," neither can we afford to It does little good now, really, to ask if will be more of the same yet to come; be second best in the effort to move that we should have attempted it--for we a more practical justification for what world from "an era of confrontation to did, the money has been spent and, thus we have done if neither knowledge nor an era of negotiation." Nor second best far, well spent if success be the yard­ the sheer exhilaration of high adventure in the endeavor to improve the quality of stick. is enough. our own civilization, on the basis of which Was it worth it? Well, who can really Of course, there are those who say that rather than on feats in outer space we say? our own problems here on earth-and will be judged. Nor second best in our Our Puritan heritage demands "good here at home-are such, and of such ur­ ideals-and our guiding philosophy-on reason" for nearly everything we do-es­ gency, that we might better have con­ which matters, too, and our devotion pecially when public moneys are in­ centrated thereon instead. This is a dif­ thereto, we shall also be judged. volved. Was this "giant leap for man­ ficult argument to counter, even though Therefore, even as this is a day for kind" necessary from the standpoint of Life once again remarked on the "acute self-congratulation, so is it, too, a day national prestige? Probably not, but yet human misery" prevailing in Spain when for re-dedication-for the full American surely our Nation's prestige is higher this Columbus used the Queen's money for dream has yet to be realized. day in nearly every corner of the earth his historic voyage, saying further: than it has been. And that is good; good It is possibly one of the greatest tragedies in terms of international good will, no of our time that the eradication of ghettos ROUTE TO MOON LIES THROUGH matter how fleeting that change of mood and the cleansing of the air and the water TENNESSEE toward us on the part of other people or the cure for cancer do not offer quite the may be. Especially good for us, too, for same stimulation (as space exploration). HON. JOE L. EVINS our own confidence in ourselves has been And that is something we might well OF TENNESSEE badly shaken for many months, now. As ponder, today, in the hope-that I, for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Life magazine sought, editorially, to put one, would consider a promising one­ all this in perspective some weeks back: that out of this lift in national spirit we Monday, July 21, 1969 It is jarring to consider what might be all now have experienced, and out of our Mr. EVINS of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, our national mood today if Russia were on revived sense of community, could come as the scheduled launching of the Apollo the moon and our international contribu­ both a new confidence and a new sense 11 moon mission nears, it is appropriate tion were the war in Vietnam. of resolution toward our more mundane, to point out that the testing for the So there is that. earthbound problems. huge Saturn rocket motors was carried But was the trip necessary to beat the If, Mr. Speaker, this should prove to be out at Arnold Engineering Develop­ Russians to the moon? Again, probably possible, the cost of Apollo 11 would ment Center at Tullahoma, Tenn., in the not, though the fact remains that we have been well worthwhile. Fourth Congressional District which I did. And there is a sort of lift to our Thus there is possibly that. am honored to represent in the Con­ national spirit from that fact. Besides But as I review my own thoughts gress. which there is a more important consid­ while watching Neil Armstrong and In this connection I place in the eration in all this-in the possibility that "Buzz" Aldrin-wonder of wonders-­ RECORD herewith my recent newsletter international competition of this sort­ making those historic footprints on the Capitol Comments, because of the in­ as in economic, athletic, or cultural con­ moon's surface, footprints that will stay terest of my colleagues and the Amer­ tests-provide the challenge that is in­ there for centuries in the Sea of Tran­ ican people in this important scientific herent in feelings of nationalism with an quility alongside an American flag that project. July 21, 1969 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 20189 The newsletter follows: suffered for the lack of opportunity in It is also very clear that, if we do not HISTORIC APOLLO MOON MISSION UNDERLINES the past. get relief by way of quota agreements, VITAL ROLE OF RESEARCH ACTIVITIES IN An article in the building and con­ the only way we can get relief is by FOURTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT struction Trades Bulletin, volume XXII, amending the trade bill to stop eff ec­ (By JOEL. EVINS) No. 6, dated June 1969, which follows, tively currently escalating destructive The scheduled historic Apollo 11 moon mis­ describes the success of this effort: imports from low-standard, foreign, sion underlines the vital importance of re­ The drive of the Building and Construc­ competitive sources. search activities in the Fourth Congressional tion Trades Department, AFL-CIO, to open The article referred to follows: District. Research in space exploration and the way to apprenticeship training for mi­ QUOTAS LoOM: TEXTILE IMPORTS CHALLENGE other important areas is underway at the nority workers continues to show good re­ NIXON Arnold Engineering Development Center and sults, and more and more, is attracting fa­ (By Joseph R.
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