September 29, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8011 conclusion. I ask my colleagues to join me in nating today’s version of the Wright Amend- energy laboratory’’ in section 903(3) of the supporting this legislation. I ask you to vote for ment, whereby Congress imposes distance Energy Policy Act of 2005 (42 U.S.C. 16182(3)); S. 3661. limitations on an airport, only to replace it with and Mr. HENSARLING. Mr. Speaker, as many (6) the term ‘‘Secretary’’ means the Sec- a new version of the Wright Amendment retary of Energy. know, last year, I authored the Right to Fly Act whereby Congress imposes gate limitations on SEC. 3. ADVANCED BIOFUEL TECHNOLOGIES. which would completely and immediately re- an airport, does not constitute repeal—today, (a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall carry peal the Wright Amendment. The legislation in 8 years or ever. Additionally, the unusual out a program of research, development, ignited quite a debate in the metroplex. anti-trust exemption language is troubling. demonstration, and commercial application Within a year the cities of Dallas and Fort For far too long the Wright Amendment has for production of motor and other fuels from Worth as well as D/FW Airport, American Air- been a burden on both consumers and the na- biomass. lines and Southwest Airlines reached an his- tional economy. In the spirit of compromise, I (b) OBJECTIVES.—The Secretary shall de- toric consensus among them. I saluted Mayors again would support a simple federal law that sign the program under this section to— Miller and Moncrief for their tenacity and lead- would enact immediate through-ticketing, fully (1) develop technologies that would make ership in forging that consensus. Although dis- ethanol produced from cellulosic feedstocks repeal of Wright in 8 years while respecting cost competitive with ethanol produced from appointed, I certainly was not surprised to the rights of American Airlines, Southwest Air- corn by 2012; learn that their plan did not mirror my own. lines, D/FW and the cities of Fort Worth and (2) conduct research and development on Still, I stood ready to compromise and support Dallas to otherwise enter into lawful contracts how to apply advanced genetic engineering a congressional plan that provided immediate to mutually bind themselves as they choose. and bioengineering techniques to increase ‘‘through-ticketing’’ and full repeal of Wright 8 Try as I may, I cannot in good faith support the efficiency and lower the cost of indus- years later. Then I read the fine print. the current bill, which I fear simply replaces trial-scale production of liquid fuels from Although I respect my Congressional col- one version of the Wright Amendment with an- cellulosic feedstocks; and leagues with differing opinions, in my view, the (3) conduct research and development on other. the production of hydrocarbons other than Wright Amendment is not really repealed Should this legislation become law, I hope it ethanol from biomass. under this plan. It is simply repackaged. As a proves to be of significant benefit to the air (c) INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION fervent supporter of free markets, I simply be- traveling public. If it does, I will take some sat- GRANTS.—The Secretary shall designate not lieve that the U.S. Congress should not inter- isfaction knowing I helped play a small role as less than 10 percent of the funds appro- fere in the market competition between air- its catalyst. priated under subsection (d) for each fiscal ports. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. year to carry out the program for grants to Still, I have always maintained a willingness BASS). The question is on the motion competitively selected institutions of higher to support Wright Amendment repeal plans offered by the gentleman from Florida education around the country focused on aside from my own as long as they met a two- meeting the objectives stated in subsection (Mr. MICA) that the House suspend the (b). fold test: (1) the plan clearly benefits con- rules and pass the Senate bill, S. 3661. (d) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— sumers and (2) the plan removes Congress The question was taken. From amounts authorized to be appropriated from the business of airport protectionism, The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the under section 931(c) of the Energy Policy Act which costs us greatly. According to the De- opinion of the Chair, two-thirds of of 2005 (42 U.S.C. 16231(c)), there are author- partment of Transportation, we pay about 1⁄3 those present have voted in the affirm- ized to be appropriated to the Secretary to more for long distance airfares. ative. carry out this section— With respect to consumers, I am concerned Mr. SENSENBRENNER. Mr. Speak- (1) $150,000,000 for fiscal year 2007; and that the agreement essentially constitutes an 8 er, on that I demand the yeas and nays. (2) such sums as may be necessary for each of the fiscal years 2008 and 2009. year extension of the current Wright Amend- The yeas and nays were ordered. SEC. 4. ADVANCED HYDROGEN STORAGE TECH- ment as opposed to a gradual phase-out. One The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- NOLOGIES. study indicated that consumers annually pay ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the (a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall carry almost $700 million extra in airfares due to the Chair’s prior announcement, further out a program of research, development, Wright Amendment. An 8-year extension proceedings on this question will be demonstration, and commercial application would cost consumers an additional $5 bil- postponed. for technologies to enable practical onboard lion—which, even by Washington standards, is f storage of hydrogen for use as a fuel for a big number and a huge burden to American light-duty motor vehicles. ALTERNATIVE ENERGY RESEARCH (b) OBJECTIVE.—The Secretary shall design families. AND DEVELOPMENT ACT the program under this section to develop On the other hand, I believe immediate practical hydrogen storage technologies that ‘‘through-ticketing’’ can positively impact com- Mrs. BIGGERT. Mr. Speaker, I move would enable a hydrogen-fueled light-duty petition and airfares. American Airlines and to suspend the rules and pass the bill motor vehicle to travel 300 miles before re- Southwest Airlines commissioned a study—the (H.R. 6203) to provide for Federal en- fueling. findings of which I announced at a recent ergy research, development, dem- SEC. 5. ADVANCED SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC TECH- Congressional Hearing on the Wright Amend- onstration, and commercial applica- NOLOGIES. ment—that concluded that through-ticketing tion activities, and for other purposes. (a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall carry can produce $259 million in fare savings an- The Clerk read as follows: out a program of research, development, H.R. 6203 demonstration, and commercial application nually. I find it encouraging that consumers for advanced solar photovoltaic tech- could recoup some of their losses from this Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- nologies. part of the local agreement. resentatives of the United States of America in (b) OBJECTIVES.—The Secretary shall de- My main concern is that the agreement Congress assembled, sign the program under this section to de- does not get Congress out of the business of SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. velop technologies that would— interfering with airport competition. That is the This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Alternative (1) make electricity generated by solar essence of the Wright Amendment, not the Energy Research and Development Act’’. photovoltaic power cost-competitive by 2015; specific interference of perimeter restrictions. SEC. 2. DEFINITIONS. and For example, in the local agreement, the City For the purposes of this Act— (2) enable the widespread use of solar pho- (1) the term ‘‘biomass’’ has the meaning tovoltaic power. of Dallas agrees to reduce the number of given that term in section 932(a)(1) of the En- (c) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— gates at Love Field from 32 to 20. Though I ergy Policy Act of 2005 (42 U.S.C. 16232(a)(1)); There are authorized to be appropriated to might not like it, I respect their right to contrac- (2) the term ‘‘cellulosic feedstock’’ has the the Secretary to carry out this section— tually bind themselves and decide whether meaning given the term ‘‘lignocellulosic (1) $148,000,000 for fiscal year 2007; and Love Field is limited to 20 gates, 10 gates or feedstock’’ in section 932(a)(2) of the Energy (2) such sums as may be necessary for each even shut down. It is their airport. Policy Act of 2005 (42 U.S.C. 16232(a)(2)); of the fiscal years 2008 through 2011. But I believe it is wrong for the parties to (3) the term ‘‘Department’’ means the De- SEC. 6. ADVANCED WIND ENERGY TECH- ask Congress to establish into Federal law partment of Energy; NOLOGIES. (4) the term ‘‘institution of higher edu- their private contractual obligations. Those are (a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall carry cation’’ has the meaning given that term in out a program of research, development, enforceable in court. By including these pri- section 101(a) of the Higher Education Act of demonstration, and commercial application vately made agreements in a new federal law, 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1001(a)); for advanced wind energy technologies. Congress would be replacing one complex set (5) the term ‘‘National Laboratory’’ has (b) OBJECTIVES.—The Secretary shall de- of anti-competitive rules with another. Termi- the meaning given the term ‘‘nonmilitary sign the program under this section to— VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:09 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00107 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H29SE6.REC H29SE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE H8012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 29, 2006 (1) improve the efficiency and lower the (2) high efficiency onboard and offboard (iv) climate conditions; and cost of wind turbines; charging components; (v) topography, (2) minimize adverse environmental im- (3) high power drive train systems for pas- to optimize understanding and function of pacts; and senger and commercial vehicles and for sup- plug-in hybrid electric vehicles.
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