BEVERLYPRESS.COM INSIDE • Fires near Hollywood Cross Partly cloudy, pg. 4 with highs in • WeHo talks future the 60s of Pride pg. 6 Volume 30 No. 50 Serving the Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Hancock Park and Wilshire Communities December 10, 2020 BH pushes ahead with Giving takes on increased importance n Pandemic intensifies health department plan need during holiday n County faces setback in court over dining ban season By cameron kiszla lawsuit filed by the California By edwin folven Restaurant Association – such as a Los Angeles Superior Court lack of data proving that outdoor din- With cars lined up for blocks Judge James Chalfant overruled ing significantly contributes to the waiting for food and other com- Los Angeles County’s prohibition spread of COVID-19 – echoed some forts, the need for increased dona- on outdoor dining on Dec. 8, but the of the statements made by members tions is severe this holiday season, state stay-at-home order still pro- of the Beverly Hills City Council dur- according to many nonprofits. hibits restaurants from reopening ing their Dec. 1 discussion opposing The Los Angeles Regional for dine-in service until Dec. 28. Food Bank, a supply source for Chalfant’s reasoning in deciding a See Business page 26 nonprofits throughout the county, reports that the amount of food being distributed has increased 145% over pre-pandemic levels. Since March, LARF has distrib- uted 140 million pounds of food – photo courtesy of the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank the equivalent of 116 million The Los Angeles Regional Food Bank has experienced a dramatic meals – including 1.6 million increase in the need for food. There are many ways to help, including emergency food boxes provided hosting a virtual food drive. to families and individuals at drive-thrus and mobile food with $10 million in funding from said. “Before the outbreak, about pantry programs offered by part- Los Angeles County. But more 300,000 people received food ner organizations, spokesman support is needed. through direct distribution and our David May said. For now, food “The holidays will look differ- partner agency network. That donations have nearly kept pace, ent for everyone this year, but number is estimated to be above increasing 140% since the pan- especially for those in our com- 900,000 today.” demic began, according to LARF munity who have seen a reduction May added there are many photo by Cameron Kiszla statistics. The food bank is meet- in [work] hours or who are not ways people can help with food Outdoor dining in Los Angeles County is prohibited due to the state’s stay- ing demand by purchasing truck- currently employed,” LARF at-home order, but the county’s restrictions were overturned in court. loads of food at wholesale prices President and CEO Michael Flood See Donations page 27 City Council green lights Attie Building project Hanukkah in a pandemic n Hollywood and Wilcox n Rabbis ask: Are you to preserve historic maximizing your light? structure, create new mixed-use building By laura coleman When the sun sets tonight, By cameron kiszla marking the start of Hanukkah and the 275th day since COVID- The intersection of Hollywood 19 was declared a “global pan- Boulevard and Wilcox Avenue will demic” by the World Health soon be enhanced after the mixed- Organization, Jews across the use Hollywood and Wilcox project globe will celebrate as never was unanimously approved by the before. Los Angeles City Council on Dec. 8. “To make sure we can cele- The project from developer brate with each other next year, LeFrak aims to rehabilitate the 89- we have to do everything we can year-old Attie Building, home to the do to make each other safe,” “You Are the Star” mural featured Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills in the film “La La Land,” and con- photo by Cameron Kiszla Rabbi Jonathan Aaron said. struct a 15-story building behind The “You Are the Star” mural will be preserved as part of the Hollywood The Jewish festival commem- photo by Marc Saleh the Attie Building, along Wilcox and Wilcox project. orating the Maccabees’ success- The city of Beverly Hills contin- Avenue. ful rededication of the temple in ues to place an oversized meno- David Twerdun, managing direc- Jerusalem is symbolized by light- of some kind and the second floor mindful of the changing dynamics rah – and Christmas tree – in tor of LeFrak, said they were “defi- ing a menorah to represent the will be office space,” Twerdun said. of retail with online shopping, but Beverly Gardens Park during the nitely thrilled” to get the city’s Twerdun added that LeFrak there are several different good miracle of oil used to light the holidays. approval and plan to continue using hopes to bring a “higher-quality options for it that would cater to temple menorah for eight nights the 9,000-square-foot Attie tenant” to that stretch of Hollywood both tourists and local residents,” – seven more than the one night Building for commercial uses, as it Boulevard. he said. the oil should have lasted. around online opportunities. was used in the past. “We’d like something that will The new, 160-foot-tall building’s Amidst physical distancing Aaron said that each night at 6:15 “We’ll be improving the store- cater to the community, as well as exterior has changed since the pro- and other restrictions intended to p.m., Temple Emanuel will hold front, fixing the interior, fixing the tourists. It’s possible that it could be ject was first proposed – “We tried save lives, this year families and a Hanukkah lighting on Zoom. structural components of the prop- food and beverage or some other to be mindful of that and respectful friends will join together to cele- He emphasized that this year’s erty because it’s old and in disre- clothing retailer or something like brate this festival of light in cre- pair. The ground floor will be retail that. Obviously, we’ll have to be See Attie page 26 ative ways, many centering See Hanukkah page 27 2 December 10, 2020 Park Labrea News/Beverly Press CALENDAR Cities follow statewide noon. Disney ‘Breathe.’ Arturo Sandoval was committed In response to recent political, racial Legendary Cuban trumpeter Arturo to making the and global unrest, “Breathe.,” a live- Sandoval brings the ultimate Latin Disneyland din- stay-at-home mandates streamed multimedia form of art jazz party into ing experience The state of California has acti- sales. Additionally, overnight stays activism and interactive theater, will be homes with a just as entertain- vated a stay-at-home order for the for recreational visits at camp- shown on Friday, Dec. 11, at 5 p.m., concert filmed ing as the rides. Saturday, Dec. 12, at 3:30 p.m. and live at the Broad Southern California region, which grounds will not be permitted. Marcy Carriker Sunday, Dec. 13 at 2 p.m. Philicia Stage available includes Los Angeles County. Grocery stores can operate at Smothers will explore the “Kingdom Saunders wrote and stars in the one- on demand from of Good Eating” at the park, which The order took effect at 11:59 35% of capacity. Retail can allow woman live theater show, portraying 20 Thursday, Dec. p.m. on Dec. 6 and will remain in indoor operation at 20% capacity was among the first in the world to characters. “Breathe.” is based on her 10, through have a themed restaurant. The effect for at least three weeks. The with entrance metering and no eat- life-changing personal journey toward Monday, Dec. region will be eligible to exit from ing or drinking in the stores. Culinary Historians of Southern activism after a 13. The concert was filmed in California presentation will examine the order on Monday, Dec. 28, if Additionally, special hours chance trip to a October. Sandoval and his band per- ICU capacity projections for the should be instituted for seniors and Disney’s unexpected role of restaura- civil rights mon- form 60 minutes of original composi- teur, as well as what he ate at home. following month are above or others with chronic conditions or ument in tions and inspired covers that will get The event is free but reservations equal to 15% availability; the order compromised immune systems. Alabama and people on their feet and swaying to close 24 hours in advance. may remain in effect if COVID-19 Shopping centers can allow indoor mentorship by the beat. The cost is $10. thebroad- eventbrite.com/e/the-culinary-histo- cases continue to surge, impacting operation at 20% capacity with Sweet Alice stage.org. ry-of-disneyland-and-walt-disney- hospitalization rates. entrance metering and no eating or Harris, one of with-marcy-smothers-tickets- Community members are drinking in the stores and all com- Watts’ most 44274558396. required to stay at home as much as mon areas closed. Additionally, beloved community organizers. The Echo Theater possible and minimize mixing to special hours should be instituted piece is directed by Roger Q. Mason. reduce unnecessary exposure, for seniors and others with chronic The Dec. 3 program includes a post- Company stories ‘It’s a Wonderful while still being able to do impor- conditions or compromised performance discussion. Tickets are The Echo Theater Company gener- tant things such as go to the doctor, immune systems. pay-what-you-can; $5-$50 suggested. ates laughs and breaks hearts with its Life’ benefit buy groceries, pickup takeout food, Hotels and lodging are allowed breatheshow.eventbrite.com. monthly online series of curated per- Ed Asner joins a star-studded cast exercise and worship outdoors.
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