A Publication of the North Pacific Union Conference August 21, 1995 of Seventh-day Adventists GLEANER Volume 90, Number 15 VIEWPOINTS Northwest Christian Education A Positive Review By Don R. Keele Don R. Keele is director of the North Pacific Union Conference office of education and writes from Portland, Ore. ofkDon R. Keele t is a privilege to bring you an update on a peripheral activity but is at the very heart of kindergarten-through-12th-grade (K-12) church evangelism, growth, and nurture, it con- Adventist education in the North Pacific tributes to the well-being of the church, the home, Union. Even though, at times, Adventist and the nation. We must work as a team with our education in the 90s can be tremendously pastors, school boards,parents, and members at challenging, the spirit of the nearly 900 large on a shared vision for each school. (676I certificated and 196full- and part-time) educa- Aug. 21,1995 Vol. 90, No. 15 Published by the North Pacific Union tional personnel involved in teaching ministry in Making a Difference Conference of Seventh-day Adventists the North Pacific Union is very upbeat and posi- tive. Maybe you are saying, "Oh, that all sounds (ISSN 0746-5874) good, but what can I do to make a difference?" Address all letters, advertising During the 1994-95 school year, we operated and address changes to: 146 schools with a combined enrollment of 8,560. Maybe more than you think. Here are a few practi- GLEANER At a time when most of the unions in the North cal suggestions: North Pacific Union Conference American Division have been experiencing enroll- • Pray for our schools daily. Lift up your teach- P.O. Box 16677 ment losses, the North Pacific Union has had an ers and other school personnel by name before Portland, OR 97216-0677 increase in enrollment for the past three years in K- the Lord. Phone: (503) 255-7300 8 schools and for the past five years in our sec- • Give enthusiastically of your time, talent, and CompuServe: 74617,371 ondary schools. resources to the school. Address-change requests • Give your teachers and school personnel must be submitted by mail. We believe that our unique K-12 plan of financ- ing Adventist education in the North Pacific recognition and gratitude for jobs well done. STAFF Union, which helps equalize educational costs, and • Be a source of caring, concern, counsel, empa- thy, warmth, and love; and model a Christian Edwin A. Schwisow a strong marketing program in many of our confer- Editor ences and schools have been two of the main fac- lifestyle for our kids daily. Todd Gessele tors driving our enrollment increases. We are also • Be a "one-person marketing team" for your Editorial Assistant finding an increased interest in our schools shown school by encouraging the school leadership Shari Smith by former public school students and their parents. to: Advertising/Copy Coordinator • Establish a mission statement and review it More Adventists Needed often. CORRESPONDENTS • Make home visitations. While we are pleased with the enrollment • Become involved in community service out- Nita Hinman increases and excited about the educational and reach programs. Alaska evangelistic possibilities, we are challenged to seek • Work with the pastor in making sure stu- Russell L. Johnson Idaho ways of attracting more Adventist youth in our dents have frequent opportunities for up- Larry Unterseher union, since only about 50 percent of them plan to front Sabbath school and church presenta- Montana attend Adventist schools this year. tions. Jay E. Prall, Helen R. Smith A survey of church members and special con- • Request the pastor to have art educational Oregon stituencies on their feelings about Adventist edu- sermon or ask the principal, teacher, or stu- Max Torkelsen II cation (known as "Project Affirmation"), revealed dents to preach at least twice annually. Upper Columbia that the vast majority of Adventist parents cannot • Keep the school plant in a good state of Dave Weigley conceive of a future without Adventist schools. It repair. Washington is estimated that church members will spend $8 • Keep school grounds mowed and attractive. Joanne Reinke billion on Adventist education in the 1990s alone. • Have an attractive school sign. Walla Walla College As a return on that investment, they expect the • Publish articles in the GLEANER and the Submissions—As of Jan. 1, 1995, all announcements, features, news stories schools to: local newspaper. and family notices for publication in the • Provide quality academic training. GLEANER may be submitted directly to the editor at the address listed above. • Serve as a major avenue for spiritual develop- Reason for Optimism This is a departure from former policy ment and for transmitting Adventist culture which called for all GLEANER material We are optimistic about the future of Adventist to be submitted in-care-of local confer- and values. ence correspondents. Materials sent to the • Protect young students from teachings and education, its administrators, teachers, and stu- GLEANER in-care-of conference corre- dents, but we realize that we are facing some seri- spondents will continue to be routed to influences they consider undesirable. the GLEANER. • Educate and develop a new generation of ous challenges. We welcome ongoing dialogue Please Note—Every reasonable effort is church leadership. about how to improve all aspects of the education- made to screen all editorial material to avoid error in this publication. The • Win young people for the Lord. al program while living within our financial con- GLEANER does not accept responsibility The educational ministry team of the North straints. We welcome your counsel and involve- for categorical or typographical errors nor for advertisers' claims. Pacific Union is committed to providing quality ment and cherish your prayers as we work togeth- GLEANER, (ISSN 0746-5874) is published Adventist education in each school within our ter- er to provide the best education possible for our semimonthly except monthly in July and ritory. We believe that education is not a luxury or children,9 December and printed at Color Press, 312 S. College Ave., College Place, Wash. 99324-1222. Second class postage paid in College Place, WA 99324. Subscription rate: $10.00 per year. Irmo U.S.A. CP48805 ABOUT THE COVER POSTMASTERS: "Ashley—Daddy's Little Helper" was taken by Duane Tank of Nampa Idaho. The photo was taken near the Send address changes to little town of Murphy on Highway 78 south of Boise, Idaho. The Owyhee Mountains are in the background. He GLEANER P.O. Box 397 used a Nikon 8008, 80-200 Zoom ED F2.8 lens and Fuji Velvia film. College Place, WA 99324 2 • GLEANER • August 21, 1995 VIEWPOINTS that driver, you'd warn him to slow down. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Bible has little to say in praise of men; the Spirit of Prophecy even less. In fact, we are Letters Policy: Letters to the GLEANER editor tion. Letters which direct personal criticism at warned to beware of flatterers (Proverbs 29:5). are welcome. Letters must be signed and individuals will not be printed; conversely, let- Christ has promised to rebuke those He loves should not exceed 150 words in length. Letter ters which promote a person by name or (Revelation 3:19). Here is one Laodicean who is writers are urged to limit their letters to com- description for gratuitous praise will be thankful for this promise. mentary on editorial matter appearing in the declined for publication. Highest priority will Maranatha! journal, and should specifically refer to the be given to letters which add information and Clyde Bagby issue date and article in question. Priority will commentary, pro and con, to material appear- Fredericksburg, Texas be given to letters received by the editor with- ing in this journal. Address letters to Editor, in 45 days of the cover date of issue in ques- Box 16677, Portland, OR 97216-0677. Have You Read? Not Sick in Sitka incorrectly attached Shelia Cheatham's name to I am fairly new in your conference, having a quote which a young girl in the day-care moved here a little over a year ago. I have The members of the Sitka, Alaska, Church chapel enthusiastically volunteered about how noticed in the issues of the GLEANER that I expressed some alarm at the idea they may have her "family eats cold cereal together each morn- have received an ongoing discussion in the "let- been near the point of closing their doors, as ing. And the best part," the girl remarked, "is I ters" section on the relative merits of the vari- stated in a June 5th article in the GLEANER. Far get to keep some with me all day in a zip lock ous Bible translations. I probably missed the from being a dying church, this is an active con- bag!" Shelia Cheatham, whose name appeared main article that sparked this discussion, but gregation whose main concern for some time on the same page of my notes, is one of the may I add to it? has been to decide whether to remodel the pre- ladies who helped the day-care chapel leaders sent church building into larger quarters or to Have you personally thoroughly studied the with their program without any visible assis- subject of Bible versions? Have you, with an build a new, larger church. tance of Cheerios! The membership of most Southeast Alaska open mind, studied "Our Authorized Bible Todd Gessele Vindicated," by Benjamin G. Wilkinson, Ph. D.? churches fluctuates frequently with the arrivals Portland, Ore. and departures of the many families on tempo- And "Answers to Objections to Our Authorized rary assignments such as those in the Coast Bible," by the same author? Or have you read Guard, the Forest Service, or medical positions.
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