William Breman Jewish Heritage Museum Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History Weinberg Center for Holocaust Education THE CUBA FAMILY ARCHIVES FOR SOUTHERN JEWISH HISTORY AT THE BREMAN MUSEUM MSS 250, CECIL ALEXANDER PAPERS BOX 1, FILE 6 AMERICAN LEGION (The), 1949 - 1954 THIS PROJECT WAS MADE POSSIBLE BY THE GENEROUS SUPPORT OF THE ALEXANDER FAMILY ANY REPRODUCTION OF THIS MATERIAL WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE CUBA FAMILY ARCHIVES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED The William Breman Jewish Heritage Museum ● 1440 Spring Street NW, Atlanta, GA 30309 ● (678) 222-3700 ● thebreman.org ~· '\.'~r ~ ' .£:.. ..;a..- t"' ... ~ J ~lrt ~mtrica:n 1{tginn ,-ultnn Qtnunl!J Jnst ~.ll. 134 • ).thmta. C!5t.o-rgia HERBERT Z. HOPKINS Conunander 217 Trust Co. of Georgia Bldg. August 14, 1954 WILLIAM M. DANIEL Seniot· Vice-Commander RAYMOND B. NELSON Junior Vice-Commander CHARLES A. RosE Finance Officer ROBERT M. CRUMLEY Adj11tant Dear Legionnaire: 77 Twenty-Eighth Street, N. W. JAMES B. RAMAGE The "Best Post" in the entire organization welcomes you Service Officer into a. New Year of Fellowship. We want you to continue being JAMES W . DoRSEY a faithful member and to enjoy the camaraderie that we consid­ Judge Advocate er unique in Post 134. HENRY A. ALEXANDER Historian Although every member has been asked to serve in some JoHN R . EsAIAS capacity through the various committees, the real work of the Chaplain Post will continue to be done through the Executive Committee. JOHN H. BROWN Sergeant-at-At·ms We ask~ therefore, that you support it wholeheartedly and show your approval by continued loyal a.ttendanceo MRS. w. B. ROBERTS Post Secretary 77 Twenty-Eighth Street, N. W. The following are your Post Officers, Executive Committee, ELgin 4929 Past Commanders and Committee Members. r:~:·,·ii;i·,; ; ;i; ; i;·,~;i;!; i;~·;;;; ·;ji ;ii·;; ;;; ·;; j ;;·,;;i·;;;i;: ·; ;;; ~·.- iii i ·:;;!, ·;;;ii'; ; i;~·:;;;i~·;;i:~ ·;:;;;·;;;i ~·;; j j j·;;;;i-iititi· ; iiii'i iii't;ii 'tiiiii ii'ii i·;;; ;; ; ·;;;;-;;;;i;i·ii jii.iii if'ii ti ·, ·i;;i ;·;;;;;;-;ii iii'iiiiftiiiii·;;;~ ·~ji~ i -;i;; ,,,,.i ; ~;;;;itt·i;m·;;i;i·t;i ; ; ·,~·;~;:i · i l ~ OFFICERS : ASSISTANTS ~i ·.·';..:: .'=-~=;_=-- .'.'.'.~~ ~ ~-'-~ ~!.'.'.~! !!!.~~.· ·!-~~! ~ ·j·'-~!! :.:~ ~ !.'.'.!~ ~.~.:~~! !.'.! ~ ~ !!.~~!! .~~.~~! .'.~ ~ ~ ! .'!.~ : ~.'.'.~~ !.' .~: ~.'.'. :~!.'.'-~!!~ .'. :!.~.~ ~ : ~ !'.~ !!! .'!.~ ~ ! .~. ~~!!.'. ~ !~ .'.~! : ! !. '.!~ :.·.~~!!! ·'·'. !~! ~~ !!.'!. ~ ~:!.'.~ ~ !!!. ~ !!·;'~,.... .~! !!!.:! !! !\\ ~! !:.'.~!! !.'.' '! '!.'.'! !.'.'! ...... !II!!'.~ : :! .....! j !'.'-!! '!.'-'!' :.'! !!.'.! ~!!.'. ~ : '!!~! !!.:: '·~:~~___ •..'~.::· COMMANDER· ··························· ····················· ... ·········· Herbert Z. Hopkins - SENIOR VICE-COMMANDER-···· ·· ·-······ ·· ·William M. Daniel I~ JUNIOR VICE-COMMANDER················-·Raymond B. Nelson . ~l l ~ FINANCE OFFICER ·········· .. ·-·····-····-············· ·····-· .Charles A. Rose - ··~ · · ·· ·· · · ····-·· ···James E. Warren. Jr. ~j ! ~ ADJUTANT ·················-· ·············-·················-······-··········· Robert M. Crumley ·····t·········· ··· (J. Ben Barron - and ~i ., I (Jack Sturgess Jones It SERVICE OFFICER ································-···-···········James B. Ramage +·······-···············Dr. John HO' Rogers JUDGE ADVOCATE ······-·····························-·············James W.. Dorsey ···+····{Alex w. Smith~ Jr. and j (Robt. L. Marchman, III HISTORIAN-·········-········ ··································· ············· ··H. A. Alexander.··+······························ ········.. ···· Alex M. Hitz CHAPLAIN ···················-····· ························-······· Col. John R. Esaias SERGEANT-AT-ABMS ·································· ·············-···John H. Brown······r·················-········· ·Charles B. Fisher CubaFamily Archives Mss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum. rt:·;;;;;:·;;;;·.-.-; ;;·.-.-;;·;.-;;·.-;;;;;;·;.-;;·.-.... ,,.,;,, ......... ,jj·;;;·.·.-.-; ;;·;;;;·.-.-;;;·,·;;;;·.·;;;;;·.-.-;;;;·.-;;;···iiii. .... ,,....... ,,.,.,,,,.,,;,, ..... ,, ...; ;;·.-...... ;;;·,,,,,.,.;;; ·.-.. ;;;·.. ;;;;·;;;;;;·;;;·,,;,;-..;;;; ;·;;;;;·;;;;;·;;;;·.-.-;;;;·,, .. ,,,.,;;;·.-.-;;;;·;;;;;,·.-;;;;-;;;;;·,;;;;;·;;;;;;·;;;;;;;·;;;;;·.-,,,;;;;·;;;;;-,;;;;;·;;;;;·,·;;;;;t: ~~ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE I! \~ J. F .. Hassell ············ ·· ················ Term Expires ...... ................. ....... ....................... ....... 1955 j~ Al G. Stanford ········· ······· ···········Term Expires ........... ... .. .......... .......... ····························1955 l~ Robert P. Crawford······················ Term Expires ·············· ········································ ·-· ···················1955 II i~ T. Clint Huguley ······· ··· ········ Term Expires ·-···· ····························· ········ ············· ··1956 !~ Justus c. Martin························ Term Expires ................................ ········· ·········-····· ·········· 1956 II ~~ Calhoun McDougall, Jr.··· Term Expires ..... ········· ·· ··············· · ········1956 :~ J. Ross Hanahan ..... ........... ··· ···Term Expires ······················ ········ ····· ···· ····················· · 1957 ~~ Preston R. Miller ·········· ············ Term Expires ············· ·········· ······ · ········· ······· ······· ············ 1957 II ~! II. .......................· ····· ····· --- ~~~: -~ ---- ~ - ~- .. ~.::.. ~~ --~- ---~- --·· ·_·_···--~ ~ ~-·:.:·:.~ -~ -=-- -- ~~ -~ -~-~ -~-- - ·.:·· : :::·: ·. .-~ ---~----.-· ~- ~:: :::·· _ · : ..·:.:: : ::·:.:::.::: ·. :: :: ··:.····:·.···: · .::.~ .~ -~- ~-- -······· · ·· · ············· ··E : PAST CO]JiMANDERS -- EX OFFICIO !I :; Elbert P. Tuttle ·········-··-·-························-············· .. 1933-34 Milton Dargan, Jr. ·······-········ ·······················-·-····--1944-45 =: !W Fonville McWhorter ··················· .... ··1934-35 George L. Harrison (dec'd)·-········1945-46 ~: \~ Alex G. Cone ley ·· ······· ················· ... ··1935-36 Horace Powell · ···· ··· ···· ····· ···· ········ ·········· ····1946-47 ~~ IJ Homer Thompson ·············· ········ ·········· ······· ····· -1936-37 Charles A. Rawson .. ........... ......... ,................ .....1947-48 - Trammell Scott (dec' d) ......... ········ 1937-38 John P. Stewart·-··············· ······················· ·· 1948-49 ~\ jj Jackson P. Dick_, Sr. · ··· ········ ···· ···· 1938-39 John s. Candler_, II ... ................ ····· 1949-50 Roy Collier, Sr. ····· ···· ·················· ···· ·· 1939-40 Parks Huntt ········································ ················ ···· ... ·· ·1950-51 Ji Julius o. Sallee ............................ ·· ····· 1940-41 Allen Post .................................................. ........ .. ·· ·· 1951-52 il !~ Alex M. Hitz ······ ..... ····················· ··· ······ ······ ·····1941-42 J. B. Osborn, Jr. ·· ····················· ················ 1952-53 11 ,_ William Erb ········· ······················· ·········· ··· ··1942-43 Frank 0 Walsh Jr 1953-54 r II Frank Kempton···· ················· ................. ............. -1943-44 , • ' • ··········································· ~: ii.u lll l '' ':ll l ltf•ll' ll l 1111111tlll lll1111l llllfllll llll!lltlllll!l t llllilfllllll'l'l ' llllllltlllltlllllllilllll/l l l /111 1tl ! llllllll'tllllljl/111111 t l11tl)llllllll!ltttlllll ' l lllll/ ' l'l ll lllllllltlltll!1111llllllllflll lll!l'lll1fii/IIIIII!IIH/II1/IIIIItliiii! IIIIIII I'/ ' III II JJiifi [! :: --1· Wiiiiamc~:=. A:2i."Ciams· ~ ········~ ··~· ·· -~~~. ······c.:::~:~: ·Fi;;ank .. i'~ · ·· t>avifi ~:::: ·· ······· ······ ······· ···· ·· ·' ·· · A~ ~ · -p~:o~s· ~· ·Yrliy ~· ~ ···. Jr~:~i~l,······ ·· · ·········· ~r. ·· ·- ···· ~l !§ Allen D. Albert, Jr. Hamilton Douglas, Jr. Lt. Col. J. W. Jefferies • ~~ Col. A. D. Amoroso Francis Dwyer Bryant Jones [j !~ Rufus M. Barnett William Erb Herbert Kaiser r I! ~;. Bi. B~~~~~' B~~~kford ~:~~~ i: ~~;::~ ~~:r~ · M~:~~~ III i, !~ H. H. Cabaniss Philip Me Graves William F. Manry, III f! 1~ Emory Cocke Carl J • Harris Phil B. Narmore - !~ Herbert A. Coker Maj. Gen. J. H. Hester L. James 0 'Callaghan II Joseph L. Collins Willirun A. Horne, Jr. L. H. Parham II - Col. W. A. Cunningham Parks Huntt it ············ ................................... ..... ...........................- ............ .. ................................................................... ......... ................................... .........................l· CRAIBMAN ···································································· ............... ..................................................... ···· Frank B. Padgett ~~j ~ ~=~: . C~=~T:~ II ii!~ CO-CHAIRMAN.CubaFamily........ ........ ..... .. ...... ...................................................................................... .Archives.................... ···· ···············Harry L. Rossell II :1 :; '= 1~ I=', l 3I I t !IU I lllilill ill P IIII I 1111111 1 till! 'I ltllll!ltllllll l !)Il l If If II Hll!l l l!il ll!lll l il l II tltlll lllill II I Il l tIll r 111111' 1111 t II Ill! I! ti l I • t tl llilll I tit I I II IIIIi II IIIII \IIIII U I I 11lillllll Ill H 1111!1!111 lllllltlllll 1111 I I II Jlll illli lt ll II It II II 1II Ill II 1111 II IIIII! II II 111 II III If ! ·..... ........ ..............Mss...... .... .250,............ Cecil......., .. ..Alexander.................................. Papers,........... The.......... Cuba............. ......Family................... Archives..............
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