PURPOSE DRIVEN STUDY ON STUDY OF WATER QUALITY FLUCTUATION IN RIVER VISHWAMITRI D 9 w L March 2014 D Ü W!w!Ç 9b D Lb 99wLb D w9{9!w/I Lb {ÇLÇÜ Ç9 b !wa !5! í !Ç9w w9{h Ü w/9{ í !Ç9w {Ü tt[ò Y![t!{!w 59t!wÇa 9b Ç Iò5wh [h D ò twh W9/Ç t5{ CLb ![ w9th wÇ {ÇÜ 5ò h C í !Ç9w v Ü ![LÇò C[Ü /ÇÜ !ÇLh b Lb wLë9w ëL{Ií !a LÇwL INSTITUTION AND INVESTIGATORS 1. NAME OF RESEARCH GUJARAT ENGINEERING RESEARCH STATION AND INSTITUTE ADDRESS & PHONE R a c e C o u r s e , Vadodara-390 007 0265 – 2313413, 14, 15 2. PROJECT DIRECTOR Shri P C Vyas AND PRINCIPAL Chief Engineer and Director INVESTIGATOR GERI, Race Course, Vadodara-390 007 3. CO-PROJECT Shri. R.H.Fefar DIRECTOR Joint Director (I) GERI, Race Course, Vadodara-390 007 Fax No. (0265) 2324067 Website:www.gerionline.org e-mail : [email protected] 4. CO-INVESTIGATOR 1 . S m t. P.S.Chari Research Officer Material Testing Division GERI, Vadodara. Email:[email protected] 2. Smt. T.N.Vaidya, Assistant Research Officer Chemistry Unit, GERI, Vadodara 5. LABORATORY 1. Ku. Bhavisha D. Akbari PERSONNEL Assistant Engineer Chemistry Unit, GERI, Vadodara 2. Shri. A.N.Luhana Senior Scientific Assistant Chemistry Unit, GERI, Vadodara 6. PROJECT TITLE S t u d y o f Water quality fluctuation in River Vishwamitri 7. PERIOD OF THE 3 Years PROJECT Abbreviations APS Auxiliary Pumping Station ASP Activated Sludge Process BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand CETP Common Effluent Treatment Plant CGWB Central Ground Water Board COD Chemical Oxygen Demand CPCB Central Pollution Control Board CWC Central Water Commission DO Dissolved Oxygen FC Fecal Coliform GOI Government of India GERI Gujarat Engineering Research Institute GIDC Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation GPCB Gujarat Pollution Control Board GSWSSB Gujarat State Water Supply and Sewerage Board HIS Hydrology Information System HP-II Hydrology Project Phase-II IMA Indian Medical Association IMD Indian Meteorological Department IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature JNNURM Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission KM Kilometer LPCD Liter per Capita per Day MCM Million Cubic Meter MGD Million Gallons per day MLD Million Liters per day MoEF Ministry of Environment and Forest PDS Purpose Driven Study SS Suspended Solids SSI Small Scale Industries STP Sewerage Treatment Plant SWM Solid Waste Management TPD Tonnes per Day VMC Vadodara Municipal Corporation WTP Water Treatment Plant tw9C!/9 The Vishwamitri river is a seasonal river which flows east to west between the Mahi and Narmada rivers in Gujarat. The Vishwamitri flows west through the city of Vadodara and joins with the Dhadhar and Khanpur River and empties into the Gulf of Khambat. This river system includes the Sayaji Sarovar on the Vishwamitri River near Ajwa, and the Dev Dam on the Dhadhar Branch. As it flows through Vadodara, the Vishwamitri River is subjected to the drainage of the city's sewage and effluents from nearby industries. The river is a home for crocodiles. The water quality degradation has seriously affected the survival and habitat of crocodiles in various ways. In order to address this problem several efforts have been initiated by the Government of Gujarat. For rational planning of water quality restoration program for Vishwamitri River, complete knowledge of nature and magnitude of water quality problems of the river is pre-requisite. In order to acquire this knowledge an intensive water quality surveillance of the river is essential. Hence it was thought appropriate to take up a water quality study under Hydrology Project as a Purpose Driven Study (PDS). The Study was carried out by GERI during the period of 2009-2011. GERI expresses sincere thanks to (1) Dr.R.C.Trivedi and (2)Director, NIH, Roorkee, Head of the Environmental Hydrology Division, NIH Roorkee and Dr. M.K.Sharma, Scientist and Water Quality Lab In charge, NIH, Roorkee for extending their support and giving us the necessary technical guidance in preparation of this report. INDEX Sr.No. Description Page No. Institution and Investigators Abbreviations Preface Executive Summary 1. Chapter - 1 Introduction 1.1 Background 1.2 Vishwamitri river Study 1.3 Dhadhar River Basin 1.4 Tributaries 1.5 Climate 1.6 Rainfall 1.7 Demography of Vadodara City 1.8 Water Use 1.9 Ground Water 1.10 Key Stresses due to Human Interventions 1.11 Sources of Pollution 1.12 Ecological Issues 1.13 Initiatives for Vishwamitri River Restoration 2. Chapter - 2 Methodology 2.1 Monitoring Programme 2.2 Sampling Location 2.3 Selection of Sampling locations 2.4 Preparation for sampling 2.5 Sampling Procedure 2.6 Preservation and transport of sample to the lab 3. Chapter - 3 Results and Discussions 3.1 Observations and Findings 3.2 General Characteristics of Surface water 3.3 General Characteristics of Ground water 4. Chapter – 4 Conclusions and Recommendations 4.1 Water Quality of river Vishwamitri 4.2 Water Quality Segments 4.3 Important Water Quality issues of Vishwamitri river 4.4 Water Quality of Ground Water 4.5 Recommendations and Remedial Measures 5. References Executive Summary The Vishwamitri basin is a part of Dhadhar basin, which extends over an area of 3423 sq km. located in Eastern Part of Gujarat. It raises in the Pavagadh hills. The total length of the river from the head to its outfall into the Dhadhar is about 80 km. The principal tributaries of the river are the Surya and Jambua. The river Vishwamitri and its tributaries are all rain-fed. The rainfall being fairly low and restricted to only 3 monsoon months. Vadodara being the largest urban centre in the basin and is the main polluter of the river. The total domestic sewage generation from Vadodara city is about 215 MLD out of which the treatment is being given to only 180 MLD of the sewage. The treated and untreated wastewater is let out into the river. Vadodara Municipal Corporation has established the sewage treatment capacity of about 215 MLD out of which 180 MLD is being used as a sewage collection facility. Contribution of industrial sources is estimated at about 20-25 MLD, out of which two industrial areas are treating their wastewater through CETPs (capacity 7.75 MLD). The other industries are treating their wastewater through their own treatment plants. However, there is large number of small scale industries located in residential areas generating significant amount of wastewater and not having any treatment plant. The wastewater from such industries is let out into the VMC sewerage system, which is being treated at STPs. Some large industries are having their own effluent channel. The treated effluent from these industries is directly transported to the Gulf of Khambhat. Vadodara Municipal Corporation plans to implement the Vishwamitri River Front Development in the line of Sabarmati River and intends to establish a body to implement such plan. They have taken several initiatives to reduce sewage and municipal solid wastes flow into the river. The River Vishwamitri has a unique ecological importance in Gujarat as it inhabits a unique crocodile species called mugger (Crocodylus palustris). The mugger crocodile (Crocodylus palustris) has been listed by IUCN as one of the threatened species under “Red” list. Inspite of heavy pollution load and large human disturbances the presence of the crocodile in large number indicate the unique ecological significance of this river. Looking to the ecological significance of the river and to assess the impacts of all the initiatives to restore the river, the present study was implemented under Hydrology Project and a Purpose Driven Study (PDS). Samples were collected from 11 locations all along the river right from Paldi Village to Surwara, for seven locations ground water Bore from Paldi to Virpur. Bi-monthly samples were collected and analysed in GERI’s Vadodara Laboratory. The river Vishwamitri u/s of Vadodara city at Akota to Khalipur has been identified as heavily polluted stretches. The major water quality issues are high organic, nutrient and dissolved solid load. The detailed survey of these stretches have been carried out and they have indicated that immense urban and industrial growth combined with growing demand of drinking and irrigation water have taken their toll as observed by the deteriorating water quality recorded particularly from Akota to Khalipur. Due to several urban, industrial, agricultural activities carried out in the vicinity have contaminated the groundwater. The artificial landfills of various wastes, subsurface injection of chemicals, hazardous wastes, are also affecting groundwater pollution. Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Background Water resources management is on top priority on government’s agenda in India. For rational planning and implementation of water resources management, water related information is pre-requisite. Hydrology Project-I (HP-I) was taken up to develop Hydrological Information System (HIS) by creating facilities and standardized procedures for data collection, data compilation, processing and data storage for data use in 9 peninsular states of the country including Gujarat. HP-I was implemented during the period 1995 to 2003. Under Gujarat State Narmada, Water Resources, Water supply & Kalpsar Department 4 groundwater and 3 surface water labs were established. A network of water quality monitoring was established comprising of 2042 groundwater sampling sites and 154 surface water sampling sites. Activities accomplished during HP-I were the establishment and improvement of Data Collection Network; Data entry, validation and storage system; Computerized data banks. As an extension to the HP-I, HP-II was conceived to include more agencies in the Project to establish facilities for hydrology information system (HIS) and further strengthen the HP activities by adding 23 new locations are added in HP-I.
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