NE~R_ STATE HISTORICAL SdCIETY 1500 R STREET XXX LINCOLN, NEBR.' 68508 THE WAYNE· HERALD Local entitiesrespond Kerrey,tests State with budget hike by Chuck Hackenmiller worthy students in need of financial added that had provided the average homeowner a assistance to attend the college of their "Regardless of what they do, If they shill property tax reduction amounting to as bUdfi~t Governor Bob Kerrey's proposed choice. revenue sources, it's imporlant we be abie much as $.75 enflti~s will affect several ot Wayne's public "The state scholarship program had been to keep our local option I such as sales tax II oCapital construction projects recom· differently . approved by the state legislature, but it has neededj." he said mended include $1.35 million for first yeal" But the ditterences will not be 9~e:rl.y never been funded," Elliott said "We would like 10 retain the right to the financing of a performing arts building and substantial. For the most part, the Wayn:e Elliott's philosphy is that since sfate tax vole qt the people if we wanted to shill our $4.9 million for the animal science complex public school. college and the city offlciats dollars are used in finan~ing the state lax burden" at the Un'lversity of Nebraska in Linco'n~ an view the budget as challenging and sat,i.:itac scholarship program, no other institution Kloster said he has more (oncern about aclivities center at Chadron State College, tory - olher than publiC'colleges should be entilied Reagan's national budget proposal which 52.35 million; and a lab science building at Kerrey has recomm~d over a 1 percent to it would cut or reduce federal revenue shartng University 01 Nebraska In Omaha, $2.6 increase over the past fiscal year's, sta~e Another area in the proposed budget. ad dollars. • million budget totat --- which would bring the up, dresses the area of allowing a 5 percent pay Revenue sharing, he saId, is the best University of Nebraska' in Lincoln also coming 1985·86 state budget total to $883:6 raise for state employees ~ half from the overall program the tederal government received a four percen1 increase in state million, or $60 million mOr'e than the allocations which will be distributed to the has for rural communities . ttiNds for operation of the college prev'lous tiscal year agencies ' "It returns tederaltax dollars to local en Outgoing Senator Merle Von Minden, who tities without many strings attached to II - To save money in the general fund, it was appeared at Friday morning's Farm Crisis "It will be around $125.000 we'd have to and it allows you to decide how to use it ' recommended to eliminate the $1.3 million meeting In Wakefield, said the $883.6 mHllon (ome up with Internally to fund the salary which the state pays school districts lor OVER 150 farmers and Businessmen of Wakefield and surrounding area state budget proposal will also have attach· increases to the faculty,'" Elliott said MOST FEDERAL programs, he said. drivers education, and take away the pro attended tile Farm Crisis meeting Friday morning at the Wakefield Legion ed 10 it a 3 percent reserve. That would br Ra'ising the necessary dollars will be a come with a- 5" or 6" book that states how cedure of applying color photographs on ing the budget proposal 10 over $910 million, Ihe federal dollars are to be distnbuled. he drivers licenses Hall. accord'lng to Von Minden. ~~a~~7~:~ ho~ ~~/id~~·~~~~r:sC~~eof;Z;; ~hu~~ said -And to increase the general fund, hike Within the scope a.J the budget Increases, not" tilling the vacancy and instead increase Other highlights -of the state budget the pay for abstracts 01 driving records and the greater share of the proposed budget the present teaching staff's salary," he said recommended by Kerrey include also adjusting upward the fees paid by a hike will be distributed lowhat is considered Francis Haun, superintendent of the -Repeat of a ~IB million generai Nebraska county lor their residents cared by Kerrey as priority programs ~ educa' Wayn~'Carroll Schoof District. said Friday homestead exemption program. a program for in state hospitals Committe.e urges tion, economic development and wilter pro allernoon he was not completely familiar ;ecls. ' with Ker-rey's bUdget proposaL ' These three priorities comprise over ~I ~!'arm,.crls pe~~:n:t~.~':.i~~r~:~eproposelno_r.aise'-ttl"".,,·-,0'~e~~~E~fb~'d~e~ ~:~o:~:::t~~i~h:~~cn~ is "help revenue from 'the proposed Increase has not,; -'I ,states that the state: legislators approve a been officiatly stated - aft!"ough there have S I 1.4 million appropriation for increasing by Chuck Hackenmiller "We talked to the Governor on WedneSday been hints to increasing the existing stafe public school teacher salaries according to a and he .hasn't done a thing. The Governor sales tax, income fax or possibly estabtish a career ladder, based on service and educa Marvin Borg, as businessman and presi just passed a budget, one fhat would create new'tax tion dent 9,f the Wakefield Community Club, cer­ more jobs and keep more jobs going. That's "All in all, it looks as if the state colleges "Speaking for myself, I would rather see tainly i~n't deaf to what Is happening to the a good idea, B'ut where is all tlrle money go were treated very wetl lin the proposed any money allocated to the school district rural agricultural economy. ing to be coming from?" Wrag'e asked. t'iscal stafe budgett" said Wayne State Col- come directly to the school board ot educa "We need you. We need each other. There He safd he would conHnue applying the lege PreSident Ed Elliott. "It appears that tion rather than having the state blanket the is a cr:isis out there in rural America," Borg pressure to the stafe officials and Wayne State College can Hve with it." stipends for indiVIdual teachers," Haun said to over 150 farmers and businessmen legislators. said, who attended Friday morning's farm crlsi's 5 fATE .COLLEGES woUld receive ~8.1 What Haun would like to see in the propoS forum to listen to Tim Wrage, an Emerson "I'm going to be where the governor is, million for' its gener.al fund operating ed budget is an allocation from the state to fe"rtilizer dealer, speak at the Wl3kefleld only I'm going 10 be fhere '10 millutes budget. less than $1.3 million less: than Its provide some sort of reUef to tower the pro American Legion. earlier," he said. orig,inal proposal sent to the Governor perty taxes, "There has gol to be some lax "Wel-ve all got to go to bat and work our Even the' farmer is taking a loss just by earlier this.year. However, ,the $28.1 million relief. We do not have the large industries way.out of this,", e:org.said., ~ eating breakfast cereal, "From lastOttober state college proposed budget .figure is in Iwhich other ci ties have I to equalize proper "Farming today is like a golf ball heading fa November, did the price of the breakfast creased $1.9 million more than Hie previous ty tax," he said. for the green. It will end up in the hole cereal go down? Corn diet," Wr'age said. year, Haun said 261 of 287 other schools with sooher or later," he sai.d. The ag budget is $12.2 billion and the /{OiNever, Elliott. sa!d there are two pro grades *<·12 have a higher assessed valua The Farm Crisi's Committee is seeking federal employee retirement fund is $22.2 posals in Kerrey's' fiscat t985·1986 state lion per student than Wayne· Carroll School support from area commonltles to. spread billion. Wr-age said he isn't against federal budget recommendation which COliid affect District. the word about the committee'sobjectives it· employee retirement. 'Tm'iust saying'that the college's In.ternal funding and' atso the Of aU the school distncts in Nebraska, wants to see on the 1985 .farm bill. And the the government should pick on that- one 1 in draWing of, students who are 'elig,ible for Wayne-Carroll ranks III in regard to pro deadline,for the committee's Input is the end stead at the ag budget," he said. 4cholarships, . perly tax levy, he said of January, 1985, which Is one reason why •J In Ihe recommended budget is a proposal ltllWould be nice 10 have property tax rei ief the group is staging an all·out campaign to WHAT THE crisis committee is d$ktng to create a new fund total $9.9 million. which tavoring municipalities, said Wayne City be heard in Washington when the farm pill is for, he added, is a higher commodity price would be dlv'ided' equally be'tween Administrator Phil Kloster prepared. "to get close in line with pari~y"; bring Nebraska's publiC and private colleges, an Those objectives, for the, present time, down interest rates; and "get good quality economic developr:nent lor lob training and . deal with providing lower interest rates, products overseas." a soi I and wate'r conser'vati,on fund, HE COU LO F tNO no initial problems with particularly on operating' loans; providing Some trouble is being experienced in the Dollars lor this new fund wo.uld be derived Kerrey's budget proposal. but added that it) fo~elgl') customers a bett'er qu,ality of ·pro, legislat.ure.
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