A Place at the Table: 40-day Season of Lent One Church. Mar. 11 & 15, 2020 What can you learn by sitting at a table? Lent is a 40-day season that begins on Two Locations. SEASON OF LENT CONNECTION Ash Wednesday and ends on Easter morning. (The Sundays are not counted CARD in the 40-day season because each Sunday is considered a mini-Easter where we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.) Name: During Lent we invite you into a time of reflection and self-examination. _________________________ Consider these questions: How is devotion to God shown in my values? How Good Shepherd Moorhead Good Shepherd Downtown Fargo is sin separating me from God and how I live my values? During this time, we _________________________ will look at how Jesus lived his values through the meals he shared with people. 8:30 am Sunday 6:15 pm Wednesday 10:30 am Sunday _________________________ And we ask: How are you inviting Jesus to the tables you sit around every day? Traditional Service Contemporary Service Contemporary Service REFLECTION | based on Luke 9:10-17 Moorhead Moorhead Moorhead Address: ...And taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven, and blessed and broke them, and gave Welcome/Announcements Welcome/Announcements Welcome/Announcements _________________________ them to the disciples to set before the crowd. And all ate and were filled. What was left over was gathered up, All Who Hunger, #461 Opening Prayer Opening Prayer twelve baskets of broken pieces... –Luke 9:16–17 Confession, p. 94 Confession & Forgiveness Confession & Forgiveness _________________________ = What does it look like to have enough? Have there been times in your life where your definition of Kyrie, Setting 4, p.147/Opening Prayer Offering Children’s Message _________________________ abundance has changed? What brought upon the change? Children’s Message = When hearing (and rehearing) this story, it can be tempting to think about the multiplication that takes Preaching Text Offering First Reading Change in contact info place right before their eyes and attribute it to a miracle that took place at a different time than the Message: Pastor Taylor Holy Communion Psalm 104:24–35 (p.483) present. But what if the miracle isn’t in the bread and fish, but in the people opening up their baskets Prayer First Reading Email: Gospel Acclamation, Setting 4, p.151 and sharing what is theirs with each other? How does that reshape the way we view God’s action and Holy Communion Preaching Text _________________________ understand His movements today? Preaching Text Luke 9:10–17 (p.842) Final Blessing Message: Pastor Taylor YES! Send me The Shepherd LENTEN CHALLENGE Message: Pastor Taylor Go In Peace! Prayer Lent is a time to focus on the cross and remember the sacrifices Jesus made for us. In turn, we are asked to newsletter electronically. Gather Us In, #532 Final Blessing remember Jesus and share his love. This is an opportunity to take on an extra responsibility or share an act Go In Peace! of kindness. Here are a couple of Lenten practices you could try this week: Apostles’ Creed/Prayers Phone: (_____)_____________ Offering = Fast or eat a simpler meal than normal and give what you saved to ELCA World Hunger (our March Contemporary Worship: Music and Readings For the Fruit of All Creation, #679 Cell: (_____)_____________ Noisy Offering). Your Love Awakens Me First Reading: = Lord, Let My Heart Be Good Soil, Buy lunch or dinner for a co-worker/classmate/friend/neighbor. Come Thou Fount (Sun.) Psalm 104:24–35 (p.483) YES! Send me text message = Fast from Facebook and social media for a whole day–spending that time with people you love. #512 Revelation Song Preaching Text: updates (up to 3/month) Holy Communion BLESSING Build My Life Luke 9:10–17 (p.842) Following the example of Jesus who always saves a place for us at the table, may we save a place for others You Satisfy the Hungry Heart, #484 Carrier (required): Build Your Kingdom Here Verizon AT&T at our tables. We go out to the tables of our lives in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit! Amen. Let Us Break Bread Together, #471 Sprint TMobile Final Prayer and Benediction Other _______________ gsSERMON NOTES: O Living Bread from Heaven, #542 Holden Evening Prayer Go In Peace! (worship through song) Text/email me about these 11:30 am* & 6:15 pm Wednesdays in the Chapel services: *Lenten Lunch to follow (free will offering) Wednesdays—Moorhead Sundays—Moorhead Sundays—Fargo gsONLINE GIVING Prayerfully consider becoming Sunday Radio Broadcast gsSTAFF Text GSFM to 77977 a regular, online giver. WDAY 970 AM | 11:00 am FULL-TIME STAFF: New to Good Shepherd Rev. Mary Suomala Folkerds, Lead Pastor Welcome: We’re glad you’re here! Stop by the Welcome Desk Rev. Taylor Wilson, Pastor of Mission Development by the front door for a free Rev. Dan Forsberg, Pastor of Congregational Care You are welcome at Christ’s table, without exception, for the sacrament of Holy Communion. No gift. Deacon Julie Wilson, Children & Family Ministries Director need to be a member of Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd to receive God’s grace. We baptize How did you hear about us? Diana Kempenich, Youth Director Linda Bartholome, Congregation Engagement Director children of God of any age. To receive this sacrament, contact the Church Office. _______________________ Jon Dahl, Worship Arts Director Coffee and donuts are served Sundays from 9:30–10:30 am (Moorhead) and 10:00–11:00 am (postcard, mailer, person Karen Skarpness, Parish Secretary/Receptionist (Fargo). Community meals (5:00–6:00 pm) and coffee hospitality (7:00–8:00 pm) are offered who invited you, Facebook, PART-TIME/CONTRACT STAFF: Wednesday evenings (Moorhead). etc.) gsCHECK-IN FOR CHARITY Stephanie Maier, Office Assistant This March, we’re working with Reach by Causely Gerald Ohe, Finance Manager Prayground (in-church play area located in front of the sanctuary sound booth) and Busy Bags Interested in membership and Soles4Souls to give shoes to those in need. For Kathy Kassenborg, Financial Secretary (on the stands at the back of the Sanctuary) are available for children to use with their parents. The more information, check out soles4souls.org. David Wirth and David Weidner, Custodians Member Casey Bartz, Traditional Worship Accompanist Nursery (Moorhead) is available for children 3 and younger off the north hallway and a Nursing Every 10 check-ins on social media Steve Sjoberg, Technical Director Mother’s Room (Moorhead) is located across the hall from the Nursery. (@gsMoorhead and @gsDowntownFargo) Matt Endreson, Choir Director Visit or Place this card in the provide a pair of shoes to someone in need. Lauren Hodny, Nursery Attendant KnowTheGoodShepherd.org offering when it is received. connect with us on social media. We are We’re glad you’re here! 218.233.4980 | KnowTheGoodShepherd.org | [email protected] | @gsMoorhead | @gsDowntownFargo #ForFargoMoorhead. I AM INTERESTED IN… KnowTheGoodShepherd.org gsPRAYERS gsPARISH NURSE gsKIDS, YOUTH, AND FAMILIES Pray for those who have lost loved ones Wave or nod, DO NOT shake YES! I would like to volunteer WED. – Mar. 11: Vacation Bible School this June to help with Lenten Lunches 10:00 am Lenten Small Group Family and friends of…June Bailey, long-time Let’s help keep our TWO options in 2020 | Registration now open! (Wednesdays, now–Apr. 1.) 11:30 am Lenten Worship Service member; Adam Herbranson, cousin of Mark congregation healthy by This summer, students can 12:15 pm Lenten Lunch Herbranson & nephew of KariJo Hanson; Larry limiting hand contact. Use the choose to attend either Mon.– YES! I want to volunteer to 4:00 pm Lenten Small Group Halmrast, nephew of Don (Louise) Wickoren; Gayle hand sanitizer as you enter help with Church Ministry. Thurs. session: June 8–11 (We will train you for 5:00 pm Supper (sub sandwiches) Johnson, mother of James Johnson; Gloria Schenck, the Sanctuary, and share a or June 15–18, 9:00 am– whatever you volunteer for– 6:15 pm Church School grandmother of Brad (Sara) Schenck & Chad (Janet) wave or nod as a greeting. Noon. Ages 3 (must be potty families welcome.) 6:15 pm Worship/Communion Schenck; David Rynen, brother-in-law of Mark (Kristy) If you are sick, join us online for worship via trained) through completed I can help in Fargo! Call 6:15 pm Lenten Worship Service me to discuss options. Hamre; Leona Hedeen, sister of Ardith Solheim Facebook Live! Grade 4. Cost is $20/student (Chapel) Sunday Usher Wednesday Usher 7:00 pm Coffee Hospitality Pray for those who are deployed (includes T-shirt and CD). Middle/High School Youth, we would love to have your help Sunday Greeter Military members…Kevin Cronen; Michael Pickar MEALS THAT MATTER Wednesday Greeter THURS. – Mar. 12: Village Inn (VI) Receipts for Churches United as a volunteer! Register at KnowTheGood 7:00 am Men’s Bible Study Wednesday evenings To be added to one of the prayer lists above, Churches United will receive $200+ from Shepherd.org. in the Church Office 2:30 pm Lenten Small Group contact [email protected] or 218.233.4980. Good Shepherd this month! Ask VI to stamp (5:45-7:15 pm) 6:00 pm gsAdult Bell Choir Rehearsal Camp Emmaus Bible Camp Sunday Radio Team 7:30 pm gsWorship Band Rehearsal your itemized receipt with their “Meals That Register today! | Pre-K through High School gsBAPTISM CLASS Matter” logo and turn in to the We encourage YES! I will help with Youth FRI. – Mar. 13: Church Office. Good Shepherd Group and/or Confirmation. 5:00 pm Branson–Radtke Rehearsal Sun., Apr.
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