Volume 76, Issue 10 Smithfield, RI February 6, 2009 Bryant students experience history By Brigit Clancy was to be there and witness it.” “This was definitely a once-in-a-lifetime experi- Variety Editor Parikh commented, “I honestly cannot put the ac- ence because to me, this is a major turning point in th tual ceremony from Biden’s oath to Obama’s speech the history of the United States both racially and po- On January 20 , an assemblage of 17 Bryant stu- into words. When then President-Elect Obama litically,” said Parikh. “People all over the world dents and their professor, Richard Holtzman, wit- emerged from the Capitol, I got chills. It was a would never have guessed that a minority, in racial nessed history when they attended the inauguration quick flashback of what I have heard, seen, and terms, would have been elected as president forty of the forty-fourth president of the United States, learned from other people about the civil rights years after the Civil Rights Movement. I also say Barack Obama. movement. Being around 1.5 million people just politically because there have been political regimes Before Inauguration Day at the nation’s capital made the experience even more special. This was that have occurred in the past; this past one lasted they took in some sites around Washington, D.C. the first time where I was surrounded by that many about 30 years and was conservative in how they The group was part of The Washington Center, a people for one event at the same time.” governed. President Obama seems the total oppo- program that provides semester seminars and in- Senior Maria Musarskaya said that her favorite site and he wants to change how things are done.” ternships for college students. On Janu- Both Musarskaya and Parikh decided ary 10, upon arrival at our country’s to choose this unique and unforgettable political nucleus, they began their adven- course to learn more about the govern- ture with seminars in the morning and ment and political system of the United site visits in the afternoon. The group States. Parikh commented, “I chose to heard from Ambassadors, media experts, take the course because I wanted to ex- scholars and politicians. pand my knowledge on the behind the Junior Pratik Parikh said, “During the scenes of politics in Washington D.C.” morning we listened to lectures by Pro- Musarskaya, who is from Moscow, fessor Steve Ball and Professor Michael Russia, said, “I chose to participate in the Genovese. There were also guest speak- Presidential Inauguration course because ers such as media correspondents, in- I wanted to learn more about the govern- cluding Dana Bash, Bob Beckel, Cal ment system of the United States. Thomas, Sam Donaldson from CNN and Throughout the course I heard from ex- Bob Shieffer from CSPAN. We then perts about the democracy in the United heard from a secret service agent, the for- States, I learned about the relationship mer Press Secretary for President Bush between the Constitution, to the presi- (Dana Perino), and the ambassador of dent, to Congress, and I was able to ques- Pakistan.” tion people of power about their The group visited the National Liber- ideologies and reasons for them wanting tarian Headquarters, the Embassy of to serve in their positions.” Egypt, and the Embassy of Israel. Also, “There is only so much learning that the Newseum, the National Archives, the can occur in the classroom,” said Profes- Air and Space Museum, as well as Capi- sor Holtzman. “It is outside the class- tol Hill, where they met Bryant Univer- room, applying what we have studied, sity President Ron Machtley, a past where the ultimate learning experiences three-term Congressman, who provided occur. I am grateful to be a professor at a personal tour of the area. Professor Holtzman and students visit the White House during their trip Bryant, where there is a true commitment Parikh said, “We learned about the to Washington D.C. for the Inauguration of President Barack Obama. (Pratik to experiential learning and a real appreci- campaigns in 2008, what Obama was Parikh) ation for the role that self-discovery plays going to be faced with, and the media’s in the educational process.” Professor impact.” moment of the entire trip to D.C. was watching Holtzman expressed his appreciation for all those For the final two days in D.C., some of the stu- Obama take the presidential oath. “That moment who were involved in putting the entire trip to- dents attended the Inaugural Balls sponsored by was so full of positive energy coming from everyone gether. “I am very thankful for the support that this state officials and other interest groups. around me. It was a truly historical moment that university provided for the Washington, D.C.- However, the final day in D.C. was undoubtedly we all will be telling our children about in years to Obama Inaugural trip. In particular, this trip could the most unforgettable for the Bryant delegation. come.” Musarskaya said what was happening was not have happened without President Ron Macht- Apart from a crowd of millions, they watched as inspiring. “The inaugural experience was just ley, Dean of Arts & Sciences David Lux, Political Sci- Barack Obama became the next president of the breath taking,” she reminisced. “Being part of this ence Professor John Dietrich, and Director of United States. historical event made me appreciate what I have Undergraduate Advising Lori Johnson. Richard Holtzman, Assistant Professor of Politi- even more. Knowing how far we have come as a Holtzman concluded, “My favorite part of cal Science, said, “Sharing the experience of the in- nation since slavery times made me proud and the trip was spending time with the incredible auguration with millions of others was, for me, the hopeful for more great things to come. Watching group of students that I had the pleasure of travel- most moving part of the event. There was an incred- the Inauguration of Obama in person was very in- ling with. While certain details of the trip will cer- ible energy in the air. I was struck by how quiet it spiring—this experience unified millions of people tainly fade from my memory, I will never forget was at times, as if people were just soaking the feel- and once again gave us a common goal to work for those 17 special individuals and the bonds that were ing in. Everyone there knew that they were part of as a nation.” established between us.” something special and appreciated how important it SASS seeks no limits By Kaleigh Durkin In an effort to learn more about SASS and what it have been missing from last semester’s lineup (for has to offer, I met with two of its members, Cristine example, they are hosting a poet and a troupe of Public Relations Manager Cox (Class of 2011) and Michael Adams (Class of dancers this Spring, two events not held last semes- The Students Arts and Speakers Series is a brand 2010). We discussed just how it was that the com- ter). The SASS committee also took the suggestions new addition to Bryant University as of the Fall mittee decided on which speakers to bring to cam- from their peers on campus to create a better idea of 2008 semester. The mission of SASS is as follows: pus. They were quick to acknowledge that there The Student Arts and Speaker Series Committee is a has been quite a difference in the way the commit- See “SASS” on page 2 new initiative born from the Student Involvement tee decided events last semester, and the way that Fee. This committee is responsible for organizing they have recently and planning a student-cen- crafted a tered and focused arts and cul- schedule of tural performance series. With ‘They plan on expand- events to a sizeable budget, members of come this se- this committee have the oppor- ing and growing the mester. The tunity to bring well-known commi"ee in the years two said that and big-name speakers, per- there is no formers, and artists to campus to come.’ real limit to in hopes that students and the sort of other members of the campus community will at- genre or event or tend these events and then engage in dialogue speaker the commit- about various topics of interest. The programs and tee will host, but in events SASS will be hosting this year and in the fu- an effort to increase ture encompass the breadth of expressive disci- attendance and plines that compose “the arts.” Be it through visual, awareness on cam- performing, language, culinary or physical arts, pus, they based this SASS seeks to advance a cultural co-curriculum that semester’s guests and has been long sought after on our campus. events on what might page 2 february 6, 2009 SASS Continued from page 1 what Bryant students would be inter- bringing liberal speakers and events such a wonderful and unique group Thompson (2010), and its Advisor, ested in seeing. to an otherwise business-run Bryant on Bryant’s campus. Meagan Sage (Assistant Director, Cen- In terms of where they see the or- campus. The events and the speakers that ter for Student Involvement). ganization going over the next few There is no question that the num- we are able to enjoy are a direct result For more information on SASS and years, Cristine and Michael mentioned ber of diverse acts that the committee of the hard work of the members: a list of all of the events and speakers the restructure of the organization has brought to campus, and is plan- Michael Adams (2010), Cristine Cox to hit campus this spring, visit them that is to come, in hopes of bringing in ning to host this spring, are the (2011), Brian Waddell (2011), Kelly online at www.sassevents.org and new faces with fresh ideas.
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