Gobble up this entertainment-packed uR-1, you turkeys! 22 WHAT'S UP: November He's gotta have .it! 1990 u R-1 sex adviser Dr. Andrew Barclay de- buts... p. 6 @ The Provoc unloads... p. 6 @ BowWOW, it's Dog Boy... p. 7 Volume I Number 9~ © Classifieds•.• p. 7 MSU's alternative @ Out & about... p.8 and truly independent @ Good stuff... p.xx voice Death to the Pixies? Phooey! Critic says brief show worth the hassle and the Zulus. _ ThePixies started playing, but with by Angie Carozza We walked around for a while to all the pushing, I couldn't tell you uR-1 M.Jsic cOrrespondent see who else was at St. Andrews, what their first song was. and to kill time before the show I pulled out after having sacri­ We were going to see the Pixies, started.·The Zulus went on around ficed one of the lenses from my and it didn't matter what we had to go 10:45 p.m .. They played a great set, glasses to the crowd. I moved to the through to get there. , which included such awesome tunes other side of the stage, where the Not the half an hour It took just to as "I Can't Walt to Tf;Jlf You the view was most excellent. get the five Inches of snow off the News; "Can't Stop Having Fun; arid Joe, the lead guitarist, stood In windows of my car last Thursday. their best song of the set., "Gotta an almost heroic stance and looked Not the 45 minutes It took to get Have Faith.• · at the crowd through the whole show. on the freeway. The Zulus did their job well. The It looked a8 If he were being cued by Not the average speed of about crowd was psyched. The time had various members of the aUdience. · . .·.·.· .·.·.·... ;.·.·.·.·.·. 40 m.p.h. we crawled at on the trip to come to jostle for position at the front Black Francis, the lead singer, ==~~=~=~·· St. Andrews Hall. of the stage. I pushed my way toward looked like he was sick of touring, Not the two-hour trip that took us the front. It was too tight to go all the and he just wanted to get the show four hours. way up yet. over with. However, we finally arrived. But The crowd was getting restless Kim, the bass player, stood with because we were early..,..... not early and I was standing there waiting fpr her hair hanging over tier face except enough - we had to wait outside for an opportunity to get up there. I saw for when she was singing. She half an hour. When they let us in, we the opening and I went for it. Sud­ looked like she was having a good were just glad to get out of the cold. denly, I was part of the elite, being time. Every once in a while, she When my brain thawed, I went to thrown back and forth at the will of would just start laughing, mostly at see who the opening band was. To the crowd. Joe or Black Francis. my surprise, It was the Zulus. I had The Pixies made their entrance The show was going really well. always thought that the greatest and as the crowd recognized each Joe was·ripping out these great solos show in the world would be the Pixies member, they yelled their names. that are a distinction of the Pixies. When they played "Vamos, • 1just stood there with my mouth gaping open. Joe's fingers were lightning bolts streaking up and down the neck of his guitar. Kim opened up "Gigantic" on bass. The crowd went nuts. This was one ot the best songs they played, along with "Monkey Gone to Heaven.· . ·_.· ·}Nhaf o_ . ~rgqinl . ·. By now, they had started having Next we~·.·:Wfi will; ' ' problems with feedback from the house P.A. Black Francis was getting more and more fed up. The tension was building and it hit its peak when they started "Debaser.· Black Francis walked up to the mike to sing, when all of a sudden he yelled out "Fuck this!· and threw his guitar down and stormed off.the stage. Kim tried to get him to come back and finish the show, but to no Black •These Boots Were . Made for Walkin' • Francis and Kim Murphy avail. :·... · ·::~~!:Wt@~!~O}'l :.. :: :.:::::·: play last week at St. Andy's. uR-1 photo/CHRISTOPHER LOCKETTE . : : : : : : : : :-: -:-:-:-: :-.·.·.·.·-::::.;.:.:-:-·.:.;-:-. .·. ·.·.· See PIXIES, p. 2 ::~:)::::::::::::: \ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ <~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:: } :::::::: : : ::: :: .. .;. .:. :. : . .. >::: :: 2_• Re orter-lntelli encer 22 November, 1989 From PIXIES, p. 1 · Slowly the angry crowd dispersed. I waited at the bottom of . the steps that led up to the Pixies' dressing room In hopes of · getting up to talk to them. I asked if I could go up to the dressing rooms, and was told: "OK, come on.• · The first thing I asked was What happened?" . Black Francis left the room_as If he didn't even want to talk about it. Finally, Kim gave me an answer. 'We were getting a Low -feedback ·'zzzzzt' sound for the last five or six songs, then Charles (Black Francis) got shocked by his microphone. That was when he walked off stage. We played most of the show though, so it didn't end that ~rly. • But the show seemed'incomplete, like it just stopped. I went down to the Shelter and gathered people up and we left tor the ride home. On the way home, I had time to think about the show. The songs they pl::r.yed were most excellent. I got to meet the band. It really was worth everything that hap ned. The Pixies are thebest~ln~e:rld. parsat.on ::>:11::--:r>t .. _Jii-Bilt ----------- rn~ rn ~ ~ ~ >:.. -:::: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i~ { ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rn: :-: .. ..... ;:[ - L_· ·: .:; '.: '..:::::-. .. Burton & Jacqueline Joe rips one out for thti Pixies. uR-1 photo/CHRISTOPHER Parsons LOCKETI'E OWNERS -_::·:1~B'llff:~?f~i~!f;~~·11111••·················· · ··············j -~:::-:::.:·:: COOLIDGE COURT 2200Coolidge Rd., Suite 11 ·HMRAMESS?-- East Lansing,Mich~gan 48823 Let us h~lp you out- Come to Ph. 337-4035 GARY'S CAMPUS FAX (517) 337-7128 HAIR SALON r-ctiristn1a5special-,·---· · $9.00 Uni-sex hair styling I . 1 "A Cut Above Yet Priced Below" I 10°/o o~ I Also features Incense and 3Sl-6Sll S49 E. Grand River Any Service· I bOdy olllS. (next to Confection COMcetion) 1 M-F 8am-7pm Sat 9am-2pm L-V!ith !~~.gyp2n_ ~ ..J .. .. - - ·- . - otj'Oi ... -,' .. Mondays · SHARK WAVE (7 piece brass) Fri. -Sat.,Nov.24&25 ...............Spinaker cafeteria Wed. Nov. 28. ............. .. ... .Mike Haring " at the Sun. -Mon.,Oec.1&2 ............Deadbeats live from Chicago, featuring · For Reservations international ~enter double baSs. Call The · ·Good, reasonably priced food with that HOT TUB 'little extra care!" HOT LINE .Right _On Campus 332-6318 (located corner of Serving You Mon-Thurs: 7:30 a.m. - 7 p.m. - Grove and Linden Friday: 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m. near Dooleys) Also Open Football Saturdays ,-----------, r--·----------~-----------, ! $3.00 OFF! ! 20% OFF ! · I Your Next Hot Tub Rental I I I The Landshark l (With Coupon) : · 1 .. ·. any purchase 1 is at 101 E. Grand River I Exp. Nov.30, J989 I I I (comer of Atf>ot and Grand I (Limit-I, discount per visit) I River) East' Lansing L- - - - ~------.J : between 4-7 p.m. - : Also Wed.' Special I I Two People,.,..$tsthr. I . (Uducllng .... Colfll a.wry. I Home of the SHARKBOWU Re ular Price $20 L-------~!!.~IJ!!d~!!.~~~L------.1 . the University Reporter-Intelligencer Page Three The Second Front Pa e Dave Teare (bass, back-up vocals) well into the night. Veg_as Fist mak-es strong E.L.· debut The band was formed In April of When planning the next party likes of the Rolling Stories, R.E.M., throughout the night In lead singer and this year originally with pianist Tadd with live music one should consider Warran Zavon, and a plethora of· , guitarist Rob Rawson's antics and Wheaton. After several shows in the hiring the 'hit'men of Vagas Fist to others. The band's handful of original witty interplay with the audience. Ann Arbor area, the band abandoned tear down the house. tunes are equally as em~. 1aining. Last Saturday the SAE house was their keyboard parts, and In a mutual Fist, a hot new band in the area, Besides the music, their wit also treated to Vegas Fist's energetic decision, Nagel replaced Wheaton. kicks out a large repetoire including conneds well with the audience. show. The appreciative crowd danced Nagel and Rawson, both students a diverse collection of songs by the That characteristic materialized and sang along with Rawson (lead of Eastern Michigan University; and .._-------------::===========~focals,guitar), Ryan Nagai (lead Mason and Teare. §ludegts of MSU Eat Cheap\ uitar),JeffMason(drums>.and SeeAST,p. 7 All U Can Eat Coneys $1.99 Tuesdays·noon-9 ************ 24 lEast Saginaw•East Lansing All U Can Eat Tacos lower level 241 Building $1.99 Wednesdays noon-9 hair/nail care for women/ --- men, children Mexican Plate Special $2.00 2 Tamales, Beans & Salad ebeard/mustache trims All Week Until 9 p.m. •foil highlighting -spin.I perms Delivery 332-2381 •facial waxing -complete nail care manicurcs/pc:dicurcs ~pturcd nails/nail tips <tO~o4' -silk nail wraps/repairs •French manicures •French braiding 351-9330 8-8 Mon-Fri 8-4 Sat uR-1photo/DAN FRIEDMAN 4$ copy special (8112 x11) ~Dec.22 traw and Junkyard: Two of a kind Syd Straw, Surprisa (VU'gin Recads "Hard Times•wr1tten by Stephen and Georgia for Ms.
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