Corpus Christi Parish Upper Gwynedd, Pennsylvania THIRTIETH SUNDAY in ORDINARY TIME October 23, 2011 CORPUS COMMITTEES & ORGANIZATIONS CHRISTI PARISH Pastoral Council: Mary Halinski 215-368-2559 Finance Com: Rev. Msgr. Thomas Flanigan 215-855-1311 Adult Faith Formation: Angela McClellan 215-855-1311 ext. 122 PASTOR Aid for Friends: Judy Jergensen 215-699-9196 Reverend Monsignor Thomas P. Flanigan, Ed.D. Altar Linens: Lori Neri 215-362-2899 Altar Servers: Fr. Wackerman 215-855-1311 ext. 137 PAROCHIAL VICAR Bereavement Support Gr: Martha Simelaro Custer Reverend John F. Wackerman 215-361-3651 Bingo: Laurie Ponticello 610-584-5694 PERMANENT DEACONS Boy Scouts: Joe Rakszawski 610-584-0333 Deacon Francis E. Langsdorf Casserole Project: Kay Smerke 215-855-1783 Deacon William W. Evans Catholic Charities: John Smerke 215-855-1783 Charismatic Pr. Grp: Kathleen McCarthy 215-740-0349 PARISH STAFF Club 50 of Corpus Christi: Ron Joyce 215-855-4503 Edd Murphy Business Manager Cub Scouts: Mike McCabe 215-368-1422 Sr. Eleanor McNichol, SSJ Parish Minister CYO Program: Jim Herron 215-696-9000 Eucharistic Adoration: Paula Manchester 215-275-4943 Wanda Costello School Principal Evangelization Committee: Michael & Margaret Burger Trish Keen Director, Religious 215-393-8077 Education for Children Extraordinary Ministers: Angela McClellan Director, Adult Faith Schedules Masses - 215-855-1311 ext. 133 Formation To Visit Home Bound - Deacon Langsdorf Bobby Moren Youth and Young Adult 215-855-1311 ext. 125 Minister Gift Certificate Program: Mary Ellen McCabe 215-362-0104 Girl Scouts: Tracy Okeke 215-362-5562 PARISH CENTER OFFICE 215-855-1311 Greeters: Henry Hartman 215-362-1463 PARISH CENTER FAX 215-855-3631 The Guardians - Fathers’ Support Group: SCHOOL 215-368-0582 Deacon Frank Langsdorf 215-855-1311 ext. 125 SCHOOL FAX 215-361-5927 Health & Wellness Ministry: Rae Ann Mayer 215-368-4995 CONVENT 215-368-0737 Home & School Assn.: Kathleen Currie 215-256-3105 REL. ED. OFFICE 215-362-2292 H.O.P.E.: Toby Glaccum 215-855-6752 MINISTRY OFFICE 215-368-5750 Hospitality Ministry: Jean Van 215-855-5834 MAILING ADDRESS Knights of Columbus: Matt Lendzinski 215-917-7774 900 SUMNEYTOWN PIKE ~ LANSDALE, PA 19446 Lectors: Deacon Langsdorf 215-855-1311 ext. 125 Legion of Mary: Carolyn Chiodo 215-368-8658 CHECK OUT OUR WEB SITES: Life Teen: Maria Richardson 610-584-0928 Church: www.corpuschristilansdale.org M.A.S.S. Drivers: Richard Ray 267-446-8533 School: www.ccslansdale.org The Mom Café - Mothers’ Support Group: Angela McClellan 215-855-1311 ext. 122 CARING & SHARING Music Ministry: Toni Pultorak 610-584-1583 215-855-1311 ext 133 Parish Library: Angela McClellan 215-855-1311 ext. 122 Prayer Garden: Don Janssen 215-361-8558 MASS SCHEDULE Prayer Line: Anna Marie O’Reilly 215-368-4672 Pre-Cana Program: Jack & Mary Ann McGowan DAILY MASSES: 6:30 and 8AM 610-584-5569 SATURDAY MASSES: Pre-Jordan Program: Deacon Langsdorf 215-855-1311 8:00 AM.......4:30 and 6 PM RCIA Program: Sister Eleanor McNichol 215-368-5750 (Vigil Mass for Sunday) REC Parents Gr: Trish Keen 215-362-2292 SUNDAY MASSES: 6:30, 8:00, 9:30, Respect Life: Ellie Hentschell 215-362-0160 11:00 AM, 12:30 and 6 PM Louise Mercurio 610-584-4008 HOLY DAY MASSES: 7:30 PM (Vigil) Sanctuary Cleaners: Jeanne Linden-Fox 215-513-0347 6:30, 8:00, 12:05 and 7:30 PM Ushers: Deacon Langsdorf 215-855-1311 ext. 125 CONFESSIONS: Youth and Young Adult Ministries: Bobby Moren Saturday, after 8AM Mass, 3:15 to 4 PM, 215-855-1311 ext. 118 and also upon request at the Parish House. PASTOR’S MESSAGE THE ROMAN MISSAL THIRD EDITION “Giving every word credit in our Creed” Credo means “I believe.” The original creeds or symbols of faith come down to us from the celebration of Baptism. In the early Christian communities, like today, the basic tenets of our faith in the Blessed Trinity had to be accepted before one was baptized. The creed we profess on Sundays and Solemnities is derived from composite creeds professed in the Councils of Nicaea (325 AD) and Constantinople (381 AD). In 589 the Council of Toledo mandated the use of the creed on Sundays in its ecclesiastical province. Eventually this custom reached Rome and became part of the Roman Liturgy by the eleventh century. Each word of the creed warrants great reflection. Great defenders of the Faith fought over the meaning of each word. Some of the words warrant a bow or genuflection, such as, “and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary and became man.” In the revised translation of the Roman Missal, we will begin using words that have great theological significance for all Christians. Although they are not used in conversational English, words like “consubstantial” and “incarnate” are utterly important because they speak to us of the very nature of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The new translation of the Niceno- Constantinopolitan Creed helps us to see that the very mystery of God Himself is not one we can easily put into words, while each word we use invites to a deeper reflection. [This is the third of eight “installments” given by the Archdiocese to prepare parishes for the introduction of the new translation of the Roman Missal which we will begin to use on the First Sunday of Advent, November 27th.] 40 Days for Life Campaign This fall, from September 28 - November 6, our community will be one of many cities joining together for the 40 Days for Life campaign. 40 Days for Life is a focused pro-life effort consisting of prayer, fasting, and peaceful vigil. Corpus Christi Parish's scheduled day is Friday, November 4 outside the Planned Parenthood in Warminster. Sign up sheet and directions are on a board in the Narthex. The Respect Life Committee appreciates your support in building a culture of life! MASS OF REMEMBRANCE During the month of November we remember our departed loved ones. You are invited to join us in a Mass of Remembrance to be celebrated here in our Church, for our deceased relatives and friends. This Mass will be celebrated here at Corpus Christi Church on Wedesday, November 2nd at 7:30PM. This Liturgy is an opportunity to gather as a parish family and remember our deceased loved ones. It can also renew our trust in God who continues to be with us in all the moments of our lives. Please make plans now to join with your Parish community in this special Eucharistic Celebration. NOVENA TO OUR LADY FOR HEALING Our nine week Novena of Prayer to the Immaculate Heart of Mary every Wednesday evening at 6:30PM, will conclude with Mass on October 26th at 7:30PM in the church chapel. All day Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament begins at 8:30AM followed by Benediction and the Novena of Prayer to our Lady at 6:30PM. Please come and pray with us. Our Lady is waiting for you!. For information please call 215-855-1311. Don’t forget your rosary beads! The Corpus Christi Pre-Cana Team has been working with engaged couples for over thirteen years! We are once again looking for married couples to join this rewarding ministry. Our next session will be held on November 12th and 13th. Please call 215-822-1470 or email Stacy Ray at [email protected] if you would like to come and see what we are all about. MASS INTENTIONS THIRTIETH SUNDAY for the WEEK in ORDINARY TIME Saturday, October 22nd WEEKLY FINANCIAL UPDATE 4:30 PM Ray Williamson October 15/16 $ 27,176 6:00 Peter Oscilowski Envelopes mailed 2,844 Sunday, October 23rd Envelopes returned 977 6:30 AM Regina Kovalich 8:00 Joseph Hines Mortgage Reduction Collection 9:30 Charles DiSiro October to date 4,664 11:00 Magdalena and Daniel O’Hara 12:30 PM Robert Duffy First Reading: Exodus 22:20-26 6:00 John J. Murphy, Jr. Psalm: Ps 18:2-3, 3-4, 47, 51 Monday, October 24th Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 1:5c-10 Gospel, Matthew 22:34-40 Matthew recounts the incident in 6:30 AM Sue Ann Budash which a lawyer, seeking to entrap Jesus, asks, “Teacher, which 8:00 Roberta Burt commandment of the law is the greatest?” With simplicity and Tuesday, October 25th authority, Jesus responds that the first commandment is to love 6:30 AM Bruce Rosenszweig God with one's entire being; the second is to love one's 8:00 Robert Rinedoller neighbor as oneself. Wednesday, October 26th 6:30 AM Poor Souls in Purgatory 8:00 Intentions of Amanda Cowley Thursday, October 27th 6:30 AM Trier Family 8:00 Susan T. Tellinghusen Friday, October 28th 6:30 AM Special Intentions of the Quigley Children 8:00 Janice Childs Snyder Family Connection Saturday, October 29th Children learn about love from real, concrete examples witnessed in family life. We can help children to love God and 8:00 AM Lorraine Serianni love their neighbors by showing everyday acts of love, 4:30 PM Sharon Haluska generosity, and kindness-our own expressions of our love for 6:00 Felicia Kulaski God. These acts, small and large, are the expression of what Sunday, October 30th Jesus identified as the two greatest commandments: love God 6:30 AM Consuelo Herras and love neighbor. 8:00 John Murphy, Jr. 9:30 Michael Falco Make a poster together as a family. Write the words Love God in the center of the poster and write the words Love Neighbor 11:00 Catherine Rodgers near each of the four sides of the poster.
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