Acta Cardiol Sin 2018;34:87-91 Case Report doi: 10.6515/ACS.201801_34(1).20170731B Balloon Aortic Valvuloplasty in a Premature Neonate with Critical Aortic Valve Stenosis Weighing 1493 g Yin-Yu Lin1 and Ming-Ren Chen1,2,3 The use of balloon aortic valvuloplasty for congenital aortic valve stenosis was well established in literatures. However, balloon aortic valvuloplasty performed in low body weight neonates had been infrequently reported. Here we report a 5-day-old premature neonate diagnosed critical aortic valve stenosis. Balloon aortic valvuloplasty was performed as first-line therapy while the patient weighed only 1493 g. Balloon aortic valvuloplasty went successfully with transvalvular pressure gradient decreased from 80 mmHg to 44 mmHg. Aortic regurgitation after balloon aortic valvuloplasty was mild. The patient’s clinical condition stabilized after balloon aortic valvuloplasty and was able to gain weight to 2665 g. Our report demonstrates that balloon aortic valvuloplasty is possible, safe and efficient as first-line approach for critical aortic valve stenosis in neonates with low body weight. Key Words: Congenital heart disease · Infant · Percutaneous intervention INTRODUCTION CASE REPORT Over the years, balloon aortic valvuloplasty (BAV) A male infant born at 33 + 3 weeks’ gestation was remains the first-line treatment for congenital aortic noted to have respiratory distress and heart murmur af- valve stenosis (AS) in many centers.1-3 The management ter birth. His birth weight was 1600 g and was delivered of critical AS is especially difficult in premature neonates byagravid2,para2motherviaCaesareansection.The due to their low body weight and more complicated mother had preeclampsia and had her blood pressure clinical conditions. BAV as the first therapeutic interven- controlled at around 150/110 mmHg. Prenatal care re- tion in critical AS in low body weight neonate is rarely sults were otherwise normal. C-section was carried out reported in Taiwan. We report a premature neonate because of hypertension. Systolic blood pressure of the weighing 1493 gm undergoing BAV as the first therapeu- mother rose to 180 mmHg accompanied with blurred vi- tic intervention for critical AS, which to our knowledge, sion. Only one dose of dexamethasone was given prior isthelowestbodyweightreportedtohaveBAVinTai- to the delivery. Apgar score at one and five minutes wan. were 8 and 10 respectively. The patient had respiratory distress and a grade 2 systolic heart murmur at birth. Hepatomegaly was noted on physical examination. The Received: January 29, 2017 Accepted: July 31, 2017 patient’s heart rate was 120 beats per minute and blood 1 Division of Cardiology, Department of Pediatrics, Mackay Children’s pressure was 63/36 mmHg. Echocardiography revealed Hospital, Taipei; 2Department of Medicine, Mackay Medical College, New Taipei City; 3Mackay Junior College of Medicine, Nursing and severe AS with a pressure gradient measured 48 mmHg, Management, Taipei, Taiwan. relatively small left ventricle (LV) with thick interventri- Corresponding author: Dr. Ming-Ren Chen, Division of Cardiology, cular septum (IVS) and posterior wall, poor LV ejection Department of Pediatrics, Mackay Children’s Hospital, No. 92, Sec. 2, Zhongshan N. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 10449, Taiwan. Tel: fraction (EF) (35.5%), and paradoxical septal movement. 886-2-2543-3535 ext. 2507; E-mail: [email protected] Aortic valve annulus was 0.38 cm and valve opening was 87 Acta Cardiol Sin 2018;34:87-91 Yin-Yu Lin et al. 0.078-0.1 cm on long axis view (Figure 1), apical five Since it was difficult to pass the Berman catheter th- chamber view and subcostal long axis view. Mild mitral rough aortic valve, we changed the catheter to a 4 regurgitation(MR)wasnotedonapicalfourchamber French radio focus Optitorque Judkins Right 4.0 cm (JR4; view. IVS was intact. The patient also had patent ductus Terumo). With the assistance of coronary Runthrough arteriosus (PDA) 0.38-0.444 cm and a secundum type NS guidewire (floppy tip, 0.014 inch, 180 cm; Terumo), atrial septal defect 0.383 cm. Bidirectional flow through we passed JR4 catheter to LV. LV pressure was 136/9 PDA, moderate tricuspid regurgitation, dilated right ven- mmHg. Ascending aorta (AsAo) pressure was 56/31 mmHg tricle and main pulmonary artery and pulmonary arterial (mean 41 mmHg). Pull-back pressure gradient between pressure was estimated 50 mmHg. Prostaglandin E1 LV and AsAo was 80 mmHg. LV angiography in true PA (PGE1) was given to keep PDA open. Dopamine infusion and lateral view revealed narrow aortic valve opening was used for poor LV contractility. (Figure 2). Aortic valve annulus was measured around 4 The patient was admitted to neonatal intensive care mm by LV angiography and echocardiography. We first unit with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) used Sapphirell coronary dilatation catheter (3.5 mm/10 support. After a discussion in share decision making mm; OrbusNeich, The Netherlands) for BAV by distend- (SDM) meeting with nurses, pharmacist, neonatologist, ing the balloon to 3.5 mm, 6 atm for 6 times, each time pediatric cardiologist, cardiovascular surgeon, anesthe- lasting 4-8 seconds. However, we were not able to see a siologist, social worker, and the patient’s parents, BAV waist while the balloon was inflated even if we dis- wasarrangedonthe5th day of life. The patient weighed tended the balloon to 3.8 mm, 10-12 atm. LV pressure 1493 gm on the day when cardiac catheterization was (128/13 mmHg) was still high, suggesting an unsuccessful performed. Percutaneous access to the right femoral ar- BAV result. Therefore we re-evaluated the aortic valve tery was gained by direct puncture using a 21G percu- annulus size by repeating LV angiography. Aortic valve taneous entry thin wall needle (5 cm; Cook, Blooming- annulus was measured 5.35 mm on true PA view and ton, IN, USA) and a 4 French radio focus introducer sheath 5.19 mm on true lateral view. Tyshak II 5 mm/20 mm (7 cm; Terumo, Tokyo, Japan). By using 4 French Berman percutaneous transluminal valvuloplasty catheter (NuMED angiographic balloon catheter (2-lumen, 50 cm; Arrow, Inc., Hopkinton, NY, USA) was chosen to perform BAV Chelmsford, MA, USA), we first reached main pulmonary again. The balloon was fully distended by 6 atm for 4 artery (MPA) and right ventricle (RV) through PDA. MPA times, each time lasting 4-6 seconds. Pressure gradient pressure was 54/29 mmHg (mean 40 mmHg), indicating between LV and AsAo reduced to 44 mmHg (LV pressure pulmonary hypertension. RV pressure was 56/7 mmHg. 98/5 mmHg, AsAo pressure 62/26/41 mmHg) after suc- There was no pressure gradient between RV and MPA. cessful BAV. We did not repeat LV angiography because we tried to reduce radiation doses. We also wanted to reduce contrast doses because renal insufficiency is a common problem in premature neonates. Since LV pres- sure and pull-back transvalvular pressure had decreased AB C D Figure 1. Echocardiogram showed thick aortic valve with a small A B valve opening on long axis view (A) and color Doppler (B). After balloon Figure 2. Left ventriculogram (contrast injection speed 6 ml/s, con- aortic valvuloplasty, improvement of aortic valve opening (C) and color trast amount 3 ml) in posteroanterior view (A) and true lateral view (B) Doppler through aortic valve (D) was seen. showed narrow aortic valve annulus and small LV. Acta Cardiol Sin 2018;34:87-91 88 Balloon Aortic Valvuloplasty in LBW preemie significantly, we believed repeating LV angiography was smaller aortic diameter at the sinotubular junction, not necessary. We did not give anticoagulants to the pa- smaller subaortic area, lower baseline LV shortening tient. The intervention was performed under general an- fraction, and the presence of endocardial fibroelastosis. esthesia with the patient intubated and supported by a Some also include the morphology of aortic valve and ventilator. We did not perform RV pacing. thepresenceofAR.1-3,5,7 Our case was a 5-day-old pre- Echocardiography after BAV showed improvement mature neonate with low body weight who required of AS (pressure gradient 32 mmHg), mild aortic regurgi- CPAP use, inotropic agent and PGE1 support. Small aor- tation (AR) and trivial MR. Aortic valve annulus was tic valve annulus, small LV size and poor LVEF all compli- measured 0.43 cm and valve opening was 0.342 cm af- cated the situation and made any intervention challeng- ter the procedure (Figure 1). We kept PGE1 and dopa- ing. Concerning the weight and age of the patient, we mine infusion before LV systolic function improved. decided to perform BAV as the firs-line therapy to re- Pulses of right dorsalis pedis and femoral artery were lease left heart pressure and to postpone surgical inter- well palpable after the intervention. vention, if one is necessary later in life, till the patient gains weight. Fortunately, BAV was successful and only mild AR was noted after the procedure. The patient’s DISCUSSION hemodynamic condition stabilized afterwards and was able to gain weight to 2665 gm in one month. Balloon aortic valvuloplasty has been long adopted In 2001, McCrindle et al. published a single institu- as the first-line treatment for congenital aortic valve ste- tional prospective study comparing the outcomes of nosis in many centers worldwide.1-3 In the past, we had BAV and surgical valvuloplasty (SAV) as treatment for had experience of performing BAV on a 3-day-old new- critical AS in neonates.5 The two treatments resulted in born weighing 1556 g with multiple anomalies in 2005.4 similar mortality and re-intervention rate. The re-inter- Many years later, we encountered a premature neonate vention rate after BAV, with most follow-up time exceeds with even lower body weight who had critical AS. In such 10 years, was reported from 35% to 60%.1-3,5-7 However, cases, neither BAV nor surgical intervention is easy due as surgical interventions advanced over time, there is a to the patient’s low body weight and complicated clini- trend showing that the outcome of SAV is superior to cal conditions.
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